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2009-10-20 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2467686

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Happychick - 2009-10-19 7:29 PM
JessXU00 - 2009-10-18 2:00 AM

I have a question for the do you all deal with keeping your munchies at bay?  This is a major weakness of mine.  I often get a headache when I'm hungry, and then I overeat to compensate, trying to get rid of the headache.  It gets really bad at bedtime because I can't sleep when I get to that point.  Any tricks you've found successful you can share? 

Water!  It's my answer for everything!   Seriously though, when I find myself searching for something I make myself guzzle some water then if (after waiting a bit) I still want something then I'll have it.  I don't normally get headaches though unless I haven't drank much water that day!

And when your sick of water, add some Crystal Light to it , just 10 calories, tons of flavors to choose from.   Even some have a tab of protien to help curb your appetiite.

2009-10-20 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

One word....sick

No, seriously, I am sick.  Bad sore throat, laryngitis coughing etc.  On top of my illness, Jason has flown back up to Chicago for the week due to his grandfather's passing.  He drove up there to see him last Friday and drove back home over Sat evening and Sun.  When he got home Sunday, about 5 hours later, got a call that his Grandfather had passed away.  At least he made it up there to see him.  Weighed in at the hospital though when I went to get my new iron infusion and had not lost/nor gained any weight.  Oh well.  At least I didn't gain right? 

I can already see that this week is going to be a bust for working out.  Regardless of the fact that I am under the weather, Jason will not get back until Sunday.  I cannot leave the kids at home by themselves in the morning to work out and then by the time I pick them up at 5:30 and I get them fed, homework done etc, it's dark out.  And I can't leave them then either.  Can I catch a break?????

2009-10-20 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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New user

Kent, U.K.
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Apologies for late sign in - vacation and work have preoccupied me.

Goal was to get bodyfat % down to sub 20... currently at 30 (was 31.5 just before this thread started so slow progress in the right direction is being made).

Well done so far everyone, catching up on the thread has been inspirational.
2009-10-20 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2426990


Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Thanks everyone for all the great advice for dealing with emotional eating, it really helps!
2009-10-20 3:54 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Yeah.  There are some good ideas here on the emotional eating.  I will benefit from some of these, as well. 

When I got down to my goal weight a year and a half ago, I was using water with Crystal light packets in it to stave off the munchies, and I was chewing a lot of gum.  Since then, I have given up aspartame altogether (the sweetener in Crystal Light), and I have developed an intolerance for sorbitol (the sweetener in most gum).  I have gained about 20 pounds since then, and need to figure out how to lose it and keep it off for good.  I definitely tend to overeat when I am bored, stressed, lonely, or tired.  When I am in that mode, my rational brain does not function as well as the forces that drive me to over-eat, so I like the idea of making a list of distractions to actually look at when I feel myself heading down that road. 

Thanks for the great ideas!
2009-10-20 4:00 PM
in reply to: #2466181

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Batlou - 2009-10-18 11:37 PM Have to share...I finished my first Half Marathon today.  In fact my first ever running only race!  Probably would have been a good idea to run a shorter race first but I figured why not go big.  Goal time was 2:20 and finished in about 2:18, garmin time, no official results yet.  I also hit my original goal weight set back in March of 2008 on Saturday of 175.  Not sure it will hold up as I pigged out today but I don't really care, I was hungry.  Race went great and I negative split by about 6 minutes and passed a bunch of people during the last 6 miles which was a pretty awesome feeling.

Congrats on your first half-marathon!!!!  I think that's my favorite running distance to race.  I hope you are hooked!  That's fantastic that you finished so strong.  And congrats on your goal weight!  I'm sure that even when people maintain their goal weight (not that I have managed that yet!), in reality, they fluctuate around there by a few pounds.  I bet the rewards of having reached it will motivate you to maintain your healthy efforts that got you there in the first place.

2009-10-20 6:33 PM
in reply to: #2468770

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
crdvorscak - 2009-10-20 5:54 AM

One word....sick

No, seriously, I am sick.  Bad sore throat, laryngitis coughing etc.  On top of my illness, Jason has flown back up to Chicago for the week due to his grandfather's passing.  He drove up there to see him last Friday and drove back home over Sat evening and Sun.  When he got home Sunday, about 5 hours later, got a call that his Grandfather had passed away.  At least he made it up there to see him.  Weighed in at the hospital though when I went to get my new iron infusion and had not lost/nor gained any weight.  Oh well.  At least I didn't gain right? 

I can already see that this week is going to be a bust for working out.  Regardless of the fact that I am under the weather, Jason will not get back until Sunday.  I cannot leave the kids at home by themselves in the morning to work out and then by the time I pick them up at 5:30 and I get them fed, homework done etc, it's dark out.  And I can't leave them then either.  Can I catch a break?????

Dang Christy, you really do need to catch a break!!!  You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you get well soon!!

2009-10-20 6:39 PM
in reply to: #2469633

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
carteroak - 2009-10-20 10:54 AM Yeah.  There are some good ideas here on the emotional eating.  I will benefit from some of these, as well. 

When I got down to my goal weight a year and a half ago, I was using water with Crystal light packets in it to stave off the munchies, and I was chewing a lot of gum.  Since then, I have given up aspartame altogether (the sweetener in Crystal Light), and I have developed an intolerance for sorbitol (the sweetener in most gum).  I have gained about 20 pounds since then, and need to figure out how to lose it and keep it off for good.  I definitely tend to overeat when I am bored, stressed, lonely, or tired.  When I am in that mode, my rational brain does not function as well as the forces that drive me to over-eat, so I like the idea of making a list of distractions to actually look at when I feel myself heading down that road. 

Thanks for the great ideas!

I used to always use Crystal light also until the no sugar thing so now when I want something other than water I will make some green tea with lots of ice ~ I have learned to really like it even without the sugar!!!
2009-10-21 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Hmmmm, everyone is so quiet today!  Tomorrow is weigh day and I must admit I'm a bit anxious to see what it says ~ I feel like I've done really well this week.  I will try to get into visit your logs and say hi to everyone but unfortunately today is crazy busy so no promises!
2009-10-22 6:08 AM
in reply to: #2472289

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Its been a cruddy two weeks.  I'm stressing out about my current job and a new job I'll be starting in about two months.  I'm not sleeping well, I'm not working out and I'm eating crappy too.  Excuses excuses excuses.  Hopefully I can get my butt in gear this week.

Good luck everyone!
2009-10-22 6:33 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Slowly, slowly i will creep up on my target. Be very quiet and maybe it won't move.

2009-10-22 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

I'm down exactly one pound from last week which pleases me since I felt that I slacked on workouts and had lots of 'bored' eating (still eating good foods, but food none the less that never should have entered my mouth because I wasn't actually hungry). I'm down over 7 pounds since I took on this weightloss challenge to myself, which started a little over a week before this challenge. I'm moving in the right direction and am more determined than ever!
2009-10-22 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Good two weeks for me!  I attribute it to food tracking 5 days each week, and "estimate" tracking the other two days.  


I hope everyone has a great day! 
2009-10-22 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

down .4 i'll take it, great work to the rest of you
2009-10-22 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Started at  195
1st week   191
2nd week  190.5
3rd week   189

6 pounds lost!!!!!!!!!
Goal 170

Edited by nevergivin 2009-10-22 9:34 AM
2009-10-22 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Pulaski TN
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself


Last Week:267

This Week:265


2009-10-22 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2461367

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
michlong - 2009-10-15 2:00 PM
michlong - 2009-10-08 9:02 AM michlong: 224.4/221.2/200

so 3.2 pounds this week, i'll take that. (since i have had a couple of beers and a few nachos)

i have really cut out the carbs and milk, milk is my weekness i was drinking a couple of pints a day.

oh dear, its not been a good week, kids party at the weekend, beer and BBQ, next to no training and it shows........


well another week


3.2lbs this week so getting back on track


Edited by michlong 2009-10-22 10:05 AM
2009-10-22 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Key: Start/Current/Goal
Batlou: 179/175/165

Down another 1 lb this week!  I am also back to my original goal weight that I hit on Saturday.  Gained a cople after my race this weekend, which still perplex's me but back on track now.

Doctor's appointment tomorrow to review my progress and see where I am heading including discussing training for a Full Marathon and a Half Ironman next year.

Edited by Batlou 2009-10-22 10:21 AM
2009-10-22 10:53 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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scottsdale, az
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

I want to break that 120 barrier SOO bad!
2009-10-22 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Down another 1.6 this week for me.  This brings my total loss for the challenge thus far up to 7 pounds! Laughing
2009-10-22 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Newark, Delaware
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

165/160/150.  After a horrible week last week, I rebounded.  I was really good about tracking calories and called upon my very strongest willpower vibes and managed to bounce back.  The real question will be what happens next week.  I have a feeling I'm going to have to switch up what I eat or change my calories a bit in order to keep my body guessing.  Don't want it to get too comfortable.  I'm so close to being under's good motivation to keep moving full steam ahead!

And, thank you to everyone who offered suggestions for ways to curb the munchies.  I'm going to try some Muscle Milk to see if I like it.  And, I think probably 90% of the time when I "think" I'm hungry, I'm actually dehydrated, so water is a better fix than food.

Congratulations to everyone for surviving last week, and good luck for the upcoming one!

2009-10-22 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Step in the wrong direction.  I'm not sure what I did badly, other than last week was a recovery week in my training program.  I probably didn't cut back on the calories enough.  Add that to "that time of the month" and that probably explains it.  Hopefully, this week will be better.
2009-10-22 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Start:  360
Fist week:  358
Last week:  357
This week:  356

This is hard to do during football season.  I don't have too much trouble during the week, I drink a lot of water at work and log my food (I've even stopped drinking soda at work except during lunch), but weekends are killing me.  Tailgating is not conducive to loosing weight; I'll have to start showing up closer to game time to avoid the eating/drinking.
2009-10-22 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Start         230
last week  228
today        225.8
Goal          210

Real happy this week!!!!!

2009-10-22 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2473605

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
d2lock - 2009-10-22 11:45 AM Start:  360
Fist week:  358
Last week:  357
This week:  356

This is hard to do during football season.  I don't have too much trouble during the week, I drink a lot of water at work and log my food (I've even stopped drinking soda at work except during lunch), but weekends are killing me.  Tailgating is not conducive to loosing weight; I'll have to start showing up closer to game time to avoid the eating/drinking.

I struggle each fall with tailgating also.  The group I tailgate with provides all the fresh micro brew in several flavors you can drink and also very good food for 15 bucks.  It's almost impossible to pass up a good stout or full bodied beer and drink my Michelob Ultra or Bud Select.  Ughh.  Makes me want to cry.  Last week they did crawfish with potato's along with the typical brats and burgers.  WTH!!! 
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