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2010-01-12 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2610639

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
ransick - 2010-01-12 5:16 PM

Good for you.  If anyone is laughing at you, chances are they aren't doing it.  The way I look at it is, I may never be in the top half of any race I do, but 99% of the people out there don't do races.  So, I'm between 99.0% and 99.5% of the people out there.  Not too shabby.

Of course I haven't done one yet, but I will this year.

Brilliant! that is what I am holding on to!  

2010-01-13 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2610582

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Panther - 2010-01-12 6:49 PM Adjustment:

 I'm surrounded by sabotagers in real life that laugh at this endeavour and I really value your opinion here.  I'm alone over here, which makes this 10x harder than I thought it would be.

Don't let the muggles get you down!!!

And one of my favorite quotes (sorry for the length, but I think it is worth it):

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

Let them laugh and but you just keep going, and finish your TRI this summer.
2010-01-13 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2556071

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)

I train with my Ipod Touch running and one ear bud in when in outdoor cycling. I would die without my Nu Dolphin waterproof MP3 Player that i use to train with in the pool.

O and i wear a tri suit under my wetsuit works good.

Sorry i been absent for a while...been crazy busy but i have been training hard.

From Todays Blog:

Love your trainer.!

Today i went to spin class at the Y. I got there early so i could do extra (just call me shinny apple student)

I needed to get more than the 45min class had. So i got on the bike at 5.10am and the class started at 5.45am and was over at 6.30am. Not too bad.
Althogh for 10 mins there i started to feel really queezy and hoped i was not going to throw up in front of the whole class.

Now it is still bery improtant to get on your real bike on the trainer i think. This keeps me used to the postion i will actually be in on long rides. So have some love for your trainer at home as well as spin class in these cold cold dark months.

2010-01-13 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2610645

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
I always say if your training right people are going to think your crazy. If you don t get an occasional 'your crazy' your ot training hard enough .

2010-01-13 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2556071

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
I love training with my Ipod while running, biking if im not on a group ride I will sometimes listen in one ear.

I do love my Nike +!
2010-01-14 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2556071

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)

I like my nike + too! told me i ran 970 miles last year

2010-01-14 5:14 PM
in reply to: #2612810

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
That is pretty cool combination! 
2010-01-15 3:51 AM
in reply to: #2556071

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)

Did my last run in Brazil for a while.  I leave tonight at midnight.  Managed to get four runs in which is two more than I expected so I'm pretty happy with that.  Now I need to keep it up in the cold weather at home.

Starting my 1/2 marathon training when I get back.  Last year I ran 3x per week.  2 medium runs and a long one.  This year I'm thinking about taking the same approach David is, going 4x per week.  I think I'll spread the 2 medium runs in to 3 shorter runs with one being a tempo run or "speed" work.  I'm not very fast so "speed" is relative.

2010-01-15 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2556071

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Hey all,

Just had to say, I saw the coolest thing yesterday.  I'm a gadget/tech nut, so this was super cool for me.

I went into the city and decided to stop into a small bike shop.  It turns out that they were just setting up to do a road course IN THE STORE to raise money for cancer.  Ultra cool....they had a fluid trainer set-up that was hooked up to a computer and a big screen TV.  You get on your bike and ride the course that you see on the screen.  When you go up or down hills the fluid trainer auto-adjusts to the terrain!

How cool is that?!?  (and where do I get one?)
2010-01-15 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2556071

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Wow...that took all of 3 minutes.  (I love Google...)

It's called a Virtual Reality Trainer

These things look absolutely fantastic.  Anyone here have one? 
2010-01-15 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2615816

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Panther - 2010-01-15 11:42 AM Wow...that took all of 3 minutes.  (I love Google...)

It's called a Virtual Reality Trainer

These things look absolutely fantastic.  Anyone here have one? 

Nice!  I would love to upgrade to at least a Computrainer.  The winters here are so long...spend half the year on a trainer.

2010-01-15 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2556071

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
I also just noticed that is giving BT members another 10% off.  That brings the thing down to about $880.  That's not bad!
2010-01-15 11:17 PM
in reply to: #2616381

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Panther - 2010-01-15 1:17 PM I also just noticed that is giving BT members another 10% off 15% off.  That brings the thing down to about $880 $835 + free shipping.  That's not bad!

2010-01-15 11:33 PM
in reply to: #2616230

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
PinkPrincess - 2010-01-15 11:54 AM
Panther - 2010-01-15 11:42 AM Wow...that took all of 3 minutes.  (I love Google...)

It's called a Virtual Reality Trainer

These things look absolutely fantastic.  Anyone here have one? 

Nice!  I would love to upgrade to at least a Computrainer.  The winters here are so long...spend half the year on a trainer.

The gym I used to go to has these, pretty cool, you race the computer and the trainer simulates actual road and cycling conditions.
2010-01-16 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2616955

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
nevergivin - 2010-01-16 12:17 AM
Panther - 2010-01-15 1:17 PM I also just noticed that is giving BT members another 10% off 15% off.  That brings the thing down to about $880 $835 + free shipping.  That's not bad!



I could be wrong, but check out the bottom of the Home Page>
My screen says 10%

15% is definitely far better though......50% would make my day!  Laughing

Edited: over here it says 15%  LOL!

Edited....again:  OK here's the skinny.....I finally got this all figured out.  10% for regular members and 15% for paying members.  We were both right Tongue out  sry......  Now if I add the exchange rate and customs and duty along with shipping to Canada, I could probably just buy a car and be done with it.

Edited...yet again...:  After reading the fine print...gotta love that.....there is 0% discount on sale items.   Poop!

Edited by Panther 2010-01-16 11:35 AM
2010-01-16 6:08 PM
in reply to: #2556071

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Made it home after about 24 hours traveling.  I feel like a Zombie. 

2010-01-16 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2617680

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
ransick - 2010-01-16 4:08 PM Made it home after about 24 hours traveling.  I feel like a Zombie. 

welcome back!   Have a nap
2010-01-17 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2617680

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
ransick - 2010-01-16 4:08 PM Made it home after about 24 hours traveling.  I feel like a Zombie. 

Fun stuff, I think my longest is 86 hours flying with a few brief stops and crew changes.

Anyone else getting allot of snow or rain like me?
2010-01-17 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2618378

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
you are getting snow??? wow

snowed last night here, just enough to cover the ground.  It is suppose to snow more today, it is definitely cloudy out there, hard to say if it will be snow or rain though... maybe slush
2010-01-17 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2556071

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Dumb logging question.  So today I swam for about 25 minutes but not in a row.  My total time including rest was 34 minutes.  Do you log total time or actuall swimming time excluding resting between sets?

2010-01-17 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2618535

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
ransick - 2010-01-17 1:11 PM Dumb logging question.  So today I swam for about 25 minutes but not in a row.  My total time including rest was 34 minutes.  Do you log total time or actuall swimming time excluding resting between sets?

Total, sometimes if I swim time trials or long distances I will log them as seperate workouts so I can track my lap speed, typically 500 yrd and up.

2010-01-17 9:42 PM
in reply to: #2556071

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Question about number of exercise days.  For the same amount of time or distance is it better to split it in to 4 days vs. 3?  At this point I try to swim 1500 yards 3x per week.  In general, would I be better off with 3 days at 1000 yards and one qt 1500 yards?  I also try to run 3x per week and plan to switch that to 4x with about the same total distance. 

So I guess the question boils down to more shorter workouts resulting in lots of multi workout days or less longer workouts.
2010-01-18 5:53 PM
in reply to: #2556071

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
well, I'm very excited today!  Last week I followed every day of my plan exactly, which is a first for me.  Usually I either miss or have to move at least one thing.  It was a hard week, and this coming week is another 10% over last week, plus now that the rain has started (as of last night, and forcasted to last for 2 weeks or so) I'll probably be doing my bike and run in the garage.  Which I don't really like that much.  Especially the biking part, mostly because it's much longer than the runs.

As to number of workouts per week, not that I know much about this stuff, but it's been my understanding that because running is so physically hard on the body it's better to run with more frequency, less distance as opposed to less frequency, more distance (assuming same miles/week).  For example, this week I'm running 18+ miles.  Instead of two 9 mile runs, I'm doing 4.5, 3.7, 4.5, 6.0.  My longest run is less than 33% of my weekly total (another thing I read somewhere is that the longest run should not exceed 33% of the weekly total).

On the other hand, since swimming and biking are physically much easier on the body, it's not as big a deal to do more on any single day so I'm only planning on 2 bikes (and two swims once my pool opens up again next week) per week.

anyway, that was my personal rational to why I have 4 runs, and 2 bike/swims.

Edited by norcal_SAHD 2010-01-18 5:55 PM
2010-01-18 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2619042

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
ransick - 2010-01-17 7:42 PM Question about number of exercise days.  For the same amount of time or distance is it better to split it in to 4 days vs. 3?  At this point I try to swim 1500 yards 3x per week.  In general, would I be better off with 3 days at 1000 yards and one qt 1500 yards?  I also try to run 3x per week and plan to switch that to 4x with about the same total distance. 

So I guess the question boils down to more shorter workouts resulting in lots of multi workout days or less longer workouts.

Swimming I would stick with three days with longer distances of 1500, and 4 days running.
2010-01-18 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2556071

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)

Running technique *

I will be the first to admit that running is by far my worst event, the event that has caused me the most injuries, the sport that I have studied the most and learned the most from!
What I learned the hard way about running is that if running is not your favorite thing, two things will help you the most are consistency and increasing gradually(stretching, distance,speed,hills) to avoid injury. I swear by the ten percent rule, every time I have broken it I have paid for it by injuries,(never increase distance by 10% in one week).

Its very discouraging for me that running is the least expensive of triathlon events, yet its the most difficult, however some find it very natural so I wont make this a injury prevention article, I will just offer what has helped me so far the most.

I have never done much speed work, after reading discussions on BT its recommended that you build a good base of fitness before you do any speed work, between 25-30 miles a week before you should consider it.
With my form I try to keep a relaxed arm swing, lean at my hips and not my shoulders, relax my shoulders, keep my head up and keep my core engaged. 

The training program I will use is from runners world, I like to use the program that allows you to customize your own program. The two rules to training are  to know how your body adapts best to running, and to train it that way. 
Typically when I run I will rotate shoes, run on different surfaces, train different muscles each time I run.
Monday-Nike shoes , run on track and keep a high cadence for four miles.
Wednesday-Adidas shoes,paved road with uphill and downhills for three miles.
Saturday-Nike shoes, trail run for 12 miles.

I try to keep running simple by always building up milage slowly, getting planty of rest between runs, warm up and cool down, and always stop at any sign of injury.

I know we have some runners in our group, hopefully they can add some to this!

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