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2010-03-07 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Hey Everyone!  Sorry for the radio silence!  It's been a rough week here.  A beautiful weekend weather-wise but today we buried the sweetest little girl... and so now it's Sunday night and we're returning to our routine - getting ready for the week ahead of us - while my cousins are returning home to a hollow house.  So brutal.  

Needless to say I didn't work out at all this past week.  I think I'm on week 7 or 8 of my plan and I find it annoying I can never squeeze in all of the planned workouts.  On an average week I tend to miss 2 or 3.  I start the week off strong but tend to fizzle by Thursday and/or Friday.  It's the combination of having to wake at 4:30-4:45am to get the bike/run in and then staying up late to get the swim in (9-10pm).  Anyone else facing this type of challenge? 

I wonder... if you have to skip a workout - is there a good one in particular to skip?  I tend to miss the speed ones re: swim and run.  I'll always opt for the longer slower workouts. 

Shawn - I bought a Cateye.  I can look up the model.  I like it - shows cadence, speed, distance, time, and a bunch of other stuff.  Small.  I think I paid slightly over $100 Cdn.  Will advise on model details in the next day or so.

This week is a busy bike week for me.  Not looking forward to those long trainer rides!!  I need more stuffing in my shorts Wink  Take care!

2010-03-07 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Hi hope you guys are all having. A good weekend, Sorry for being so quite, life and work have been keeping me away from my laptop. Training is going ok managing to do most workouts although I need more pool sessions as I am not progressing as fast as I hoped. Have managed a few classes with a coach for swimming so trying to work on keeping legs up higher in water and kicking with the full leg.

For my cadence sensor on the bike I use the Garmin Forerunner Speed/Cadence sensor which pairs with my Forerunner 50, which has been superseded by the Forerunner 60. This can also wirelessly log all my data on my laptop and then put them on my training log on this site. It also pairs with a HR strap. Never had any problems with them apart from having to change batteries every five or six months. Forerunner 60 watch, Cadence sensor, Heart Rate strap and USB stick are around $150 on amazon
2010-03-08 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2712919

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
kimmax - 2010-03-07 4:46 PM Hey Everyone!  Sorry for the radio silence!  It's been a rough week here.  A beautiful weekend weather-wise but today we buried the sweetest little girl... and so now it's Sunday night and we're returning to our routine - getting ready for the week ahead of us - while my cousins are returning home to a hollow house.  So brutal.  

Needless to say I didn't work out at all this past week.  I think I'm on week 7 or 8 of my plan and I find it annoying I can never squeeze in all of the planned workouts.  On an average week I tend to miss 2 or 3.  I start the week off strong but tend to fizzle by Thursday and/or Friday.  It's the combination of having to wake at 4:30-4:45am to get the bike/run in and then staying up late to get the swim in (9-10pm).  Anyone else facing this type of challenge? 

I wonder... if you have to skip a workout - is there a good one in particular to skip?  I tend to miss the speed ones re: swim and run.  I'll always opt for the longer slower workouts. 

Shawn - I bought a Cateye.  I can look up the model.  I like it - shows cadence, speed, distance, time, and a bunch of other stuff.  Small.  I think I paid slightly over $100 Cdn.  Will advise on model details in the next day or so.

This week is a busy bike week for me.  Not looking forward to those long trainer rides!!  I need more stuffing in my shorts Wink  Take care!

I also find getting to the gym a very difficult.  The best thing for me is that I work from 3pm-11pm.  I try to get up early in the morning and get my workout for the day completed.  Everything is going well this long as I dont have to testify in court.  That always throws a wrench into the plan.  But, when I do fit my workouts in I feel 100% better for that day.  I also find that working out also helps with the high levels of stress at work (occupational hazzard).

A few days ago my wife called me and was so excited.  My wife told me that she and my eight year old went to dinner.  My son ordered a sub and instead of chips he ordered apple slices whoo whooo.   I guess that my son is actually watching and learning what I'am eating.  I like to think that I'am being a good example for my son....instead of the old me.

I also want to tell you that I'am so sorry for your familys loss.  I will be praying for you and your family through this difficult time. 
2010-03-09 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
2010-03-09 4:37 PM
in reply to: #2717242

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Central Point
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Scottt - 2010-03-09 2:24 PM

Here is an article addressing the question about fueling before workouts

Thanks Scott, this is kind of what I've been doing I just haven't been waiting that long.
2010-03-10 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2710944

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
HUMP DAY!!  We're half way there!  I hope everyone is doing well.  Looking at some of the logs - looks like some are going through a bit of a slump.  Spring is in the air - time to dust off those bikes!  Well for those of us that live north.  I can't wait for the clocks to spring forward this weekend.  No more early morning runs in the dark!  We've also been pretty lucky weather-wise.  Last weekend was beautiful and if this one is the same - I'll be getting my bike out on the road Laughing
srichards428 - 2010-03-05 6:45 PM
I'am signing up for a class next week to learn how to change a flat on my tri bike.  I would hate to be out riding and get a flat and not be able to fix it myself. 

I have to do this too.  Sometimes I drive north of the city and park my car at a conservation area and then do the long ride.  Very hilly and pretty farmland.  But ya - if something were to happen I'd be screwed.  No money, no phone (usually) and even if I did pack a little repair kit - I'd have NO CLUE how to use it!!

re: pre-workout food.  I made a HUGE mistake last week of eating spicy Korean food just before a noon time run.  I still can't believe I managed to keep it down.  I basically spent the whole run looking for discreet spots to toss my cookies.  Didn't help that I was running in a pretty prestigious neighbourhood.  Imagine looking out your window to see a jogger throwing up in your bushes!!

I tend to work out early in the morning so I run/bike on empty.  Lately I've been eating a banana on my way out the door.  Prior to this recent habit I used to take a couple of shot bloks with some water.  If I'm doing a tri I would have a bagel with pb and maybe drink a boost just before the race.  Last summer was my first introduction to sprints and two of them had me running on empty.  It was the first time I'd experienced that so I need to pay more attention to pre-workout fueling.  I don't drink any shakes etc.  If I'm on a longer run I'll fill 1/2 my water bottle with Gatorade or something similar and then dilute it with water.

So what's everyone got in store for this weekend?  Hope the weather is good!!

Edited by kimmax 2010-03-10 11:15 AM

2010-03-10 12:30 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: ...
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2010-03-11 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
It's starting to get nice here. It was 70 degrees yesterday and in the 60's today.  I feel spring is coming on strong here in St.louis/Illinois. 

This weekend I have a long run and my first bike/swim brick this weekend.  Anybody have any advice for this first brick.  I'am going to have a long swim and make it a short bike ride.  I dont think the swim to bike will be to bad......atleast thats what I'm telling

I hope everybody has a good weekend.  I start  my three days off tomorrow but I think I will try to get off work early tonight.

Edited by srichards428 2010-03-11 1:37 PM
2010-03-11 6:12 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
what does hump day mean?

Omg I've been so busy moving & scrambling to get a new job. To top it off the wicked witch of the west aka my gf's mom broke her wrist. Most of the madness should be over by this time next week. The new apartment has a crappy pool but a nice gym.

 I'm going to surprise my gf with dinner.  I just vaccumed my car & I gotta get cleaned up.

2010-03-11 6:18 PM
in reply to: #2721779

Central Point
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Bachelor Reform - 2010-03-11 4:12 PM what does hump day mean?

Omg I've been so busy moving & scrambling to get a new job. To top it off the wicked witch of the west aka my gf's mom broke her wrist. Most of the madness should be over by this time next week. The new apartment has a crappy pool but a nice gym.

 I'm going to surprise my gf with dinner.  I just vaccumed my car & I gotta get cleaned up.

Hump day is Wednesday the middle of the work week, its all down hill from there to the weekend.
Enjoy your dinner. I hope your move goes well.
2010-03-11 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2718665

New user

Southern Oregon
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
kimmax - 2010-03-10 9:14 AM HUMP DAY!!  We're half way there!  I hope everyone is doing well.  Looking at some of the logs - looks like some are going through a bit of a slump.  Spring is in the air - time to dust off those bikes!  Well for those of us that live north.  I can't wait for the clocks to spring forward this weekend.  No more early morning runs in the dark!  We've also been pretty lucky weather-wise.  Last weekend was beautiful and if this one is the same - I'll be getting my bike out on the road Laughing
srichards428 - 2010-03-05 6:45 PM
I'am signing up for a class next week to learn how to change a flat on my tri bike.  I would hate to be out riding and get a flat and not be able to fix it myself. 

I have to do this too.  Sometimes I drive north of the city and park my car at a conservation area and then do the long ride.  Very hilly and pretty farmland.  But ya - if something were to happen I'd be screwed.  No money, no phone (usually) and even if I did pack a little repair kit - I'd have NO CLUE how to use it!!

re: pre-workout food.  I made a HUGE mistake last week of eating spicy Korean food just before a noon time run.  I still can't believe I managed to keep it down.  I basically spent the whole run looking for discreet spots to toss my cookies.  Didn't help that I was running in a pretty prestigious neighbourhood.  Imagine looking out your window to see a jogger throwing up in your bushes!!

I tend to work out early in the morning so I run/bike on empty.  Lately I've been eating a banana on my way out the door.  Prior to this recent habit I used to take a couple of shot bloks with some water.  If I'm doing a tri I would have a bagel with pb and maybe drink a boost just before the race.  Last summer was my first introduction to sprints and two of them had me running on empty.  It was the first time I'd experienced that so I need to pay more attention to pre-workout fueling.  I don't drink any shakes etc.  If I'm on a longer run I'll fill 1/2 my water bottle with Gatorade or something similar and then dilute it with water.

So what's everyone got in store for this weekend?  Hope the weather is good!!

The weather gods of the west have been mocking me. The day I work all day it's 55F outside sunny and beautiful. I woke yest with an inch of snow on the ground and 15mph winds. Needless to say the bike stayed on the trainer.  No running for me yet. Im a little gun shy of my hamstring still. It feels fine but will keep to walking my running workouts for two more weeks and try and concentrate on swimming and the bike on the trainer. 
My preworkout food is minimal ...tends to want to come up. I will usually use a liquid/smoothie type of meal prior to longer workouts that may make me want to puke.  What helps me the best is a post workout Accelerade (carbs with a little protein) tastes good and really does make the next day easier with regard to muscle soreness etc
Hope every one has a good weekend. Train safe.

2010-03-11 8:53 PM
in reply to: #2721786

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
ckallpoints - 2010-03-11 7:18 PM
Bachelor Reform - 2010-03-11 4:12 PM what does hump day mean?

Hump day is Wednesday the middle of the work week, its all down hill from there to the weekend.

Geez! What did you think it meant? ha ha

I think this cartoon is great!

Sucks about the snow J - hope it stays over there!!
2010-03-12 1:20 AM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
For hump day I thought you guys were bragging  Innocent
2010-03-12 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2722184

Central Point
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Bachelor Reform - 2010-03-11 11:20 PM For hump day I thought you guys were bragging  Innocent

Literally "Laughing out loud" thanks. Laughing
2010-03-12 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed

Thanks for the giggle!

2010-03-13 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
I am registered for a Duathlon on May 1. The Triathlon was sold out so quick, but that's ok because the swim was ina pool and there are only so many lanes. I would rather do my swim in a lake anyway. Looking at 2 other Tri's in July and September. I joined the Triathlon club in the city and met the VP who seems to not mind being a mentor. I am going on a 6 day bike in the beautiful B.C. mountains come April 2 with the club.

Training is not as good as before Disneyworld. I know I need to ramp it up, but the pressures of balancing family is difficult. The snow is melting and the temperature is a little above freezing most days now. If it gets to 40 F/5 C I am going to pull out the road bike.

2010-03-13 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2722184

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Bachelor Reform - 2010-03-12 2:20 AM For hump day I thought you guys were bragging  Innocent

As if!!  That's hilarious!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.  It's a rainy windy mess here but it could be worse!  I could be in Saskatchewan!!   That sounds like great news Jason re: tri club.  Apparently we have one here in the east end but I haven't checked it out yet.  I'm toying with joining a cycling club this summer.  I sometimes find the whole life/work/training balance thing a challenge and while I'd like to join some of those clubs - the idea of making a commitment stresses me out.  I LOVE things where you can just show up spontaneously!  Tomorrow I have to try and fit a 3 hour bike ride in and if it's anything like today... it'll be on the trainer... so NOT looking forward to this.   Take care and train safe!
2010-03-14 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Had some good workouts this week.  I took more that one day off this past week.  I hated to do that but with little sleep I didnt feel to motivated. 

I did my first brick this weekend (Bike to swim).  I felt it went better than I thought it would.  I didnt think I was getting to much out of it but I was wrong.  I woke up today and legs felt a little weak. 

Iám thinking about trying to make up the missed workout tommorow.  Monday is my off day and I thought about hitting the upper body and core.  That would mean that I would work out 9 days straight.  Any thoughts or suggestions on trying to complete a missed workout.  It will be the only upper body work out for the week.  I will complete two swims this week....will that do the same as a upper body workout?

I hope everybody had a good weekend.
2010-03-14 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2725720

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
srichards428 - 2010-03-14 6:52 PM Had some good workouts this week.  I took more that one day off this past week.  I hated to do that but with little sleep I didnt feel to motivated. 

Iám thinking about trying to make up the missed workout tommorow.  Monday is my off day and I thought about hitting the upper body and core.  That would mean that I would work out 9 days straight.  Any thoughts or suggestions on trying to complete a missed workout.  It will be the only upper body work out for the week.  I will complete two swims this week....will that do the same as a upper body workout?

I hope everybody had a good weekend.

No matter how hard I try I never seem to be able to get all the planned workouts in during the week.  This week I got 9.5 hours in but I still came up short 1hr bike and 1hr swim.  I'll try to juggle things around throughout the week in an attempt to fit in a missed workout but as of Sunday - if I can't get it in that day - then it's gone.  Monday starts fresh and I don't carry workouts over from one week to another. 

My question is - if you have to miss one workout - which one should you skip?  The tempo/speed or the endurance workout?  I tend to skip the speed workout.
2010-03-14 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2725873

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
kimmax - 2010-03-14 7:28 PM
srichards428 - 2010-03-14 6:52 PM Had some good workouts this week.  I took more that one day off this past week.  I hated to do that but with little sleep I didnt feel to motivated. 

Iám thinking about trying to make up the missed workout tommorow.  Monday is my off day and I thought about hitting the upper body and core.  That would mean that I would work out 9 days straight.  Any thoughts or suggestions on trying to complete a missed workout.  It will be the only upper body work out for the week.  I will complete two swims this week....will that do the same as a upper body workout?

I hope everybody had a good weekend.

No matter how hard I try I never seem to be able to get all the planned workouts in during the week.  This week I got 9.5 hours in but I still came up short 1hr bike and 1hr swim.  I'll try to juggle things around throughout the week in an attempt to fit in a missed workout but as of Sunday - if I can't get it in that day - then it's gone.  Monday starts fresh and I don't carry workouts over from one week to another. 

My question is - if you have to miss one workout - which one should you skip?  The tempo/speed or the endurance workout?  I tend to skip the speed workout.

Marcia, If i had to choose a workout to skip it would be the speed workout.  I'am trying to build endurance and not necessarily speed (atleast not yet).  I may not be the fastest person a the race but I will

My tri plan has strength training combined with the swim, bike and run.  I missed a upper body and core workout this week.  I was thinking about trying to make up on my off day....but I think I think I will just start fresh for the week.  I believe that If I try and make it up that workout I will just be more exhausted in the beginning of the week and more likely to skip a workout.  I forgot to mention that my tri plan has key workouts that should not be missed.  They are all endurance workouts and not speed workouts.  Does your tri plan have key workouts that shouldnt be missed ? 
2010-03-14 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2725944

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
srichards428 - 2010-03-14 9:12 PM

Marcia, If i had to choose a workout to skip it would be the speed workout.  I'am trying to build endurance and not necessarily speed (atleast not yet).  I may not be the fastest person a the race but I will

My tri plan has strength training combined with the swim, bike and run.  I missed a upper body and core workout this week.  I was thinking about trying to make up on my off day....but I think I think I will just start fresh for the week.  I believe that If I try and make it up that workout I will just be more exhausted in the beginning of the week and more likely to skip a workout.  I forgot to mention that my tri plan has key workouts that should not be missed.  They are all endurance workouts and not speed workouts.  Does your tri plan have key workouts that shouldnt be missed ? 

Yup!  That's me to a tee - it tends to just have a snowball effect.

My plan doesn't seem to have any optional workouts.  I don't schedule in rest days because inevitably life gets in the way and I have one like it or not. 

I have to get back in to resistance training.  Gave it up a couple of weeks ago for fear my body was getting too tired but might just focus on core and upper body for a while.  Legs get enough action right now

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

2010-03-15 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed


You've come to a good conclusion...start your new week solid and comitted to get the work in, without trying to "make up" a missed workout.

Also, agreed, the speed workout is the one to miss.

Edited by Scottt 2010-03-15 3:02 PM
2010-03-16 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Central Point
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
So I'm worthless at work today. Its my B-day and I'm picking up my new bike this afternoon.  I can't wait to take it out for a spin. Its the first bike I've ever bought and the first bike I've owned since Jr High or High School. so its been a while. 
2010-03-16 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2729573

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
ckallpoints - 2010-03-16 3:33 PM So I'm worthless at work today. Its my B-day and I'm picking up my new bike this afternoon.  I can't wait to take it out for a spin. Its the first bike I've ever bought and the first bike I've owned since Jr High or High School. so its been a while. 

Awesome!  Have a great day today!!
2010-03-16 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2729573

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
ckallpoints - 2010-03-16 2:33 PM So I'm worthless at work today. Its my B-day and I'm picking up my new bike this afternoon.  I can't wait to take it out for a spin. Its the first bike I've ever bought and the first bike I've owned since Jr High or High School. so its been a while. 

That sounds great!!!!   I hope its nice there so you can take it out for a spin.

P.s. Happy Birthday!!

Edited by srichards428 2010-03-16 8:40 PM
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