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2010-01-09 6:17 AM
in reply to: #2604203

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
firstteeth - 2010-01-08 9:05 PM
jgerbodegrant - 2010-01-08 5:31 AM Good morning!  Another sleepless I've been at work since 6 this morning.  Just thought you should all listen to my whining first thing in the morning.

Did my first workout since saturday last night.  When is this damn sinus thing going to go away!?

Okay, I'm done.  Have a great day everyone!

Do you need or are you on antibiotics?  Not a big fan, but sometimes a necessary evil.

Nah, I sort of get this thing a couple times a year and all they ever give me is a heavy dose decongestant and it never works.  I just tough it out and complain.  I feel a lot better this morning though.  Took a couple advil PM and afrin last night.  Out like a light from 10 until almost 6 this morning!  I am super psyched, you have no idea.

As for the VFF, did you try a pair on before ordering?  I hear that they run funny...size-wise.  Let us know when you get them.  I'd love to try it sometime.

Did my 2 x 700m swim last night.  Felt pretty good.  I could have kept going and done the longer 2 x 1000m workout, but opted out because it was getting late.  Bike test and run today and then I think a bike tomorrow.....have a great weekend everyone!

2010-01-09 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

Good morning everyone.  COLD here in South Alabama!  Half marathon tomorrow morning and it looks like we will have weather that is more like you folks in Wisconsin and New Hampshire are familiar with.  Race time forecast Sunny, temp 24, "feels like" 14 with NNW wind at 10mph. Before anyone chimes in stating that is perfect running weather please consider that the average high temp for today is 60 here.  I just dont run much in this type of weather.  Much like you northern folks coming down for a lunchtime run in June here with temps in low 90's with similar humidity.  ITS ALL WHAT YOU GET USE TOO!  Fortunately, I have had a couple of longer runs in the cold weather so I should be prepared.

Hope is that I can persuade supportive wife and sleepy daughter to get up and be my support team in the morning.  The course travels within a block of my office at the 4.5 mile mark.  Plan to suggest that they sit warm and snuggly although somewhat unhappily in my office until my ETA at the 4.5 mile mark and appear along the course to offer whatever limited encouragement thay can muster in such extreme conditions as well as provide me the opportunity to shed off any excess clothing. They can then drive to the finish, sit in the warm car, await my triumphant finish  and provide me with warm clothing as they listen to my play by play of each step of the race.  Sounds exciting doesn't it

My race gear will be in line with what I have worn on previous runs in cold temps:

From top to bottom: Beanie hat (also provides improved aerodynamics given my ear size), gloves, light short sleeve-tech tshirt, light long sleeve tech,  thin asics running jacket. Asics running tights (yeah that will be a real treat for the spectators), socks and trainers rather than race shoes as they are a little warmer.  This costume will lay delicately upon a thick layer of Body Glide applied to all appropriate and inappropriate areas.  I feel pretty good with this selection.  Most of the race goes East to West so there is not alot of running directly into the wind.

 I may remove the jacket at the 4.5 mark depending on support logistics and temps. BUT, I am unsure whether to wear running shorts over/under the tights or maybe compression shorts under the tights.  I know I cant go "commando" but if you wear running shorts with tights do you wear over or under the tights.  I dont plan to take the tights off if I start with them and have run with running shorts under the tights but they get a little bunched up.

Any cold weather running tips are appreciated.  I will spend the remainder of the day resting, doing a light spin on the bike/rollers and putting together a list of excuses and rationalizations to use in the event I dont race up to my limited potential.



2010-01-09 10:14 AM
in reply to: #2604610

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
slornow - 2010-01-09 9:36 AM

Good morning everyone.  COLD here in South Alabama!  Half marathon tomorrow morning and it looks like we will have weather that is more like you folks in Wisconsin and New Hampshire are familiar with.  Race time forecast Sunny, temp 24, "feels like" 14 with NNW wind at 10mph. Before anyone chimes in stating that is perfect running weather please consider that the average high temp for today is 60 here.  I just dont run much in this type of weather.  Much like you northern folks coming down for a lunchtime run in June here with temps in low 90's with similar humidity.  ITS ALL WHAT YOU GET USE TOO!  Fortunately, I have had a couple of longer runs in the cold weather so I should be prepared.

Hope is that I can persuade supportive wife and sleepy daughter to get up and be my support team in the morning.  The course travels within a block of my office at the 4.5 mile mark.  Plan to suggest that they sit warm and snuggly although somewhat unhappily in my office until my ETA at the 4.5 mile mark and appear along the course to offer whatever limited encouragement thay can muster in such extreme conditions as well as provide me the opportunity to shed off any excess clothing. They can then drive to the finish, sit in the warm car, await my triumphant finish  and provide me with warm clothing as they listen to my play by play of each step of the race.  Sounds exciting doesn't it

My race gear will be in line with what I have worn on previous runs in cold temps:

From top to bottom: Beanie hat (also provides improved aerodynamics given my ear size), gloves, light short sleeve-tech tshirt, light long sleeve tech,  thin asics running jacket. Asics running tights (yeah that will be a real treat for the spectators), socks and trainers rather than race shoes as they are a little warmer.  This costume will lay delicately upon a thick layer of Body Glide applied to all appropriate and inappropriate areas.  I feel pretty good with this selection.  Most of the race goes East to West so there is not alot of running directly into the wind.

 I may remove the jacket at the 4.5 mark depending on support logistics and temps. BUT, I am unsure whether to wear running shorts over/under the tights or maybe compression shorts under the tights.  I know I cant go "commando" but if you wear running shorts with tights do you wear over or under the tights.  I dont plan to take the tights off if I start with them and have run with running shorts under the tights but they get a little bunched up.

Any cold weather running tips are appreciated.  I will spend the remainder of the day resting, doing a light spin on the bike/rollers and putting together a list of excuses and rationalizations to use in the event I dont race up to my limited potential.



Haha, Randy, I gotta say this post made me laugh out loud.  Just the thought of a bunch 'o southerners running around in the freezing cold is funny.  Us carpet-baggin' northerners (I hope you get this reference) would love it.  Anywho....If I were you I would go with the compression shorts under the tights.  That's what I normally wear.  Do you have any gloves?  Also, if it's not supposed to be windy, I would suggest trading the jacket for a trash bag or something you can dispose of right at the start of the race.  Good luck dude, you'll do awesome.  Let us know how it went!
2010-01-09 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2604269

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
trainergirlmick - 2010-01-08 8:33 PM
Lumber Dad - 2010-01-08 11:17 AM

Sinuses suck! Last November had to go in for Sinus surgery, I polyps and my sinuses where ~98@ blocked. The doc said he didn't know how I could run with them that bad. After surgery he said they shouldn't come back for 5 - 10 years. By March I was back in surgery again. This summer I was doing good and thought they got them this time. By November I was having trouble again. Went to the doc after Christmas and his said I would have to do surgery yet again.
So some time this spring I GET to have a 3rd surgery.
Been putting it off now, but don't want to wait too long because I miss a few weeks of training after I have the surgery so I don't want to mess up my spring races.

Sorry you are having so many troubles.  Do they put you on steroids? 
I was on Prednizone (spelling?) which is a steroid. That makes the polyps smaller for a short time but can't stay on that.
2010-01-09 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2604364

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
HammerOZZ - 2010-01-08 9:58 PM

Lumber Dad - 2010-01-08 8:17 PM
firstteeth - 2010-01-08 8:02 PM
Lumber Dad - 2010-01-08 3:13 PM Still listening to the book "Born to Run" now I am getting the bug to run a marathon again. Its been about 15 years since my last stand alone marathon. Guess I will have to see how the summer goes.

It's making me want to get outside to run again...but it's a little too far below zero for that Cry

The Vibram Five Fingers I mentioned are the "barefoot running shoes"....think modern Tarahumara sandals.  I just ordered some to try.
Next weekend I am going to try a pair of these on to see how they feel.

Are you kidding? The guy who has been running in Asics since HS?

Hard to believe. Going to be in Appleton next weekend and just want to try them. Hard to spend that much money on shoes that you don't know if they will work.
2010-01-09 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2604610

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Slornow -Sounds like you have the right idea, dressing in layers will allow you to take clothes off if you get too warm.

2010-01-10 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

Race report: Not good.  Had a whole list of reasons to rationalize a possible poor performance but injury was not in the top 100.  Warmed up. Jogged 1/2 mile to start. Stretched some more and took off at planned pace.  All was well until about 2 miles in when my right hip/hamstring started giving me some pain.  Not terrible but it was changing my gait a little bit.  Stopped several times to stretch it out but it got progressively worse.  Dropped out between miles 3 and 4 when I could no longer run without limping.  Did not want to make it worse by continuing.  While this was my "A" running race it is just a part of my tri training so did not want to do anything to compromise race readiness for the Spring.  Funny thing is that my run training had been more consistent and measured over the past 3-4 months than ever before.  The usual aches and pains were non-existant and felt good going into the race.  Maybe us southerners are just not meant to run/race in cold weather.

Now pain is in right hip and just above right knee.  Not a bony or ligament pain like I have had with previous right knee problems-more of a sharp nervy pain.  I had some right hip pain about 1.5 years ago but it was more in the joint when putting weight on that leg.  No pain with stretching.  IT band? Piriformis?  Calling all the docs out there in our Lumberdad group, what do you think?

Looking at a long day of icing of trying to figure out why I am falling apart.  Hopefully it will not be anything that is going to last long.  Probably the tri-gods way of telling me that I need to swim more.  

2010-01-10 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2605856

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
slornow - 2010-01-10 10:23 AM

Race report: Not good.  Had a whole list of reasons to rationalize a possible poor performance but injury was not in the top 100.  Warmed up. Jogged 1/2 mile to start. Stretched some more and took off at planned pace.  All was well until about 2 miles in when my right hip/hamstring started giving me some pain.  Not terrible but it was changing my gait a little bit.  Stopped several times to stretch it out but it got progressively worse.  Dropped out between miles 3 and 4 when I could no longer run without limping.  Did not want to make it worse by continuing.  While this was my "A" running race it is just a part of my tri training so did not want to do anything to compromise race readiness for the Spring.  Funny thing is that my run training had been more consistent and measured over the past 3-4 months than ever before.  The usual aches and pains were non-existant and felt good going into the race.  Maybe us southerners are just not meant to run/race in cold weather.

Now pain is in right hip and just above right knee.  Not a bony or ligament pain like I have had with previous right knee problems-more of a sharp nervy pain.  I had some right hip pain about 1.5 years ago but it was more in the joint when putting weight on that leg.  No pain with stretching.  IT band? Piriformis?  Calling all the docs out there in our Lumberdad group, what do you think?

Looking at a long day of icing of trying to figure out why I am falling apart.  Hopefully it will not be anything that is going to last long.  Probably the tri-gods way of telling me that I need to swim more.  

I am really sorry about the race.  You did the right thing dropping out.  My vote is for pirifomis.  Ice and foam roll if you have one. Another thing you can do is take a tennis ball to the area where the pain is and roll it either on the wall or on the ground.
2010-01-10 5:33 PM
in reply to: #2604018

New user

Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
lrunfit - 2010-01-08 6:55 PM

Usually I am posting everyday in the forums but training for the next couple races combined with work, kids and 9 inches of snow has kept me away!

Sounds like everyone is doing well...for the most part.   I too have had sinus issues. I find that if I do use a sinus irrigation kit right when I start to get stuffy it helps a lot.

I hear you guys on the sleep thing - I have only been getting 5 or 6 hours..either not falling asleep or not staying asleep..*sigh*

Whose racing this weekend?  If you aren't what is everyone else doing?  I am teaching spin tomorrow then running 5 or so  miles.  Sunday morning is 10-13 miles.  Maybe get a chance to do some skiing (downhill) on this minature slopes in Wisconisn Tongue out

Lack of sleep must be an epidemic!  I don't have sinus issues, but I did not sleep well at all last week.  Usually, I'm 'lights out' as soon as I hit the pillow, but I couldn't fall asleep, nor stay asleep.  Couldn't get up for the gym on Monday morning, so i went after work.  Big mistake, as they gym was packed with all the New Year's resolutioners.  Avoiding the crowds was my main motivation for crawling out of bed in the morning all week.  Seriously hoping last week was an aberration and Monday is a good day!  Hope everyone feeling under the weather gets well soon!
2010-01-10 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2605856

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
slornow - 2010-01-10 10:23 AM

Race report: Not good.  Had a whole list of reasons to rationalize a possible poor performance but injury was not in the top 100.  Warmed up. Jogged 1/2 mile to start. Stretched some more and took off at planned pace.  All was well until about 2 miles in when my right hip/hamstring started giving me some pain.  Not terrible but it was changing my gait a little bit.  Stopped several times to stretch it out but it got progressively worse.  Dropped out between miles 3 and 4 when I could no longer run without limping.  Did not want to make it worse by continuing.  While this was my "A" running race it is just a part of my tri training so did not want to do anything to compromise race readiness for the Spring.  Funny thing is that my run training had been more consistent and measured over the past 3-4 months than ever before.  The usual aches and pains were non-existant and felt good going into the race.  Maybe us southerners are just not meant to run/race in cold weather.

Now pain is in right hip and just above right knee.  Not a bony or ligament pain like I have had with previous right knee problems-more of a sharp nervy pain.  I had some right hip pain about 1.5 years ago but it was more in the joint when putting weight on that leg.  No pain with stretching.  IT band? Piriformis?  Calling all the docs out there in our Lumberdad group, what do you think?

Looking at a long day of icing of trying to figure out why I am falling apart.  Hopefully it will not be anything that is going to last long.  Probably the tri-gods way of telling me that I need to swim more.  

Sorry about your race. My first thought is that you went out too fast, but I wouldn't that would happen with only running a few miles. You were warmed up enough. Sorry can't help.
2010-01-11 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2605856

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
slornow - 2010-01-10 11:23 AM

Race report: Not good.  Had a whole list of reasons to rationalize a possible poor performance but injury was not in the top 100.  Warmed up. Jogged 1/2 mile to start. Stretched some more and took off at planned pace.  All was well until about 2 miles in when my right hip/hamstring started giving me some pain.  Not terrible but it was changing my gait a little bit.  Stopped several times to stretch it out but it got progressively worse.  Dropped out between miles 3 and 4 when I could no longer run without limping.  Did not want to make it worse by continuing.  While this was my "A" running race it is just a part of my tri training so did not want to do anything to compromise race readiness for the Spring.  Funny thing is that my run training had been more consistent and measured over the past 3-4 months than ever before.  The usual aches and pains were non-existant and felt good going into the race.  Maybe us southerners are just not meant to run/race in cold weather.

Now pain is in right hip and just above right knee.  Not a bony or ligament pain like I have had with previous right knee problems-more of a sharp nervy pain.  I had some right hip pain about 1.5 years ago but it was more in the joint when putting weight on that leg.  No pain with stretching.  IT band? Piriformis?  Calling all the docs out there in our Lumberdad group, what do you think?

Looking at a long day of icing of trying to figure out why I am falling apart.  Hopefully it will not be anything that is going to last long.  Probably the tri-gods way of telling me that I need to swim more.  

Isn't that such a b%tch?  Nothing worse than going into a race wanted to do really well and having to drop it.  I feel for ya.  From the description, sounds to me like you have an IT band issue.  I have piriformis syndrome and that side of your hip and knee thing makes me feel like it would be more of IT band...I'm no doc obviously.  I would have said that you didn't warm up enough for the cold weather, but 1/2 mile would usually get me warmed up enough.  I would give it a couple days to see if you just sort of pulled something.

This may help....did it come on during the race like, "holy crap what is that pain my my leg" or "hmmm, seems like I'm starting to get a that twinge keeps getting worse"?  The former is like a pull and the latter being more like you went out to fast and you were'nt warm enough.

2010-01-11 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Well it's Monday morning. Can't say it's a good morning after a Packer loss. So who does everyone like in the next round? Just can't stand to see the Vikings win so I will have to go with the Cowboys.

Hope everyone has a good week of training.
2010-01-11 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2607068

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Lumber Dad - 2010-01-11 9:32 AM Well it's Monday morning. Can't say it's a good morning after a Packer loss. So who does everyone like in the next round? Just can't stand to see the Vikings win so I will have to go with the Cowboys.

Hope everyone has a good week of training.

I like the Saints, Colts, Vikings and Chargers.  My dad has been a vikings fan since boyhood and they've never won a ring...they deserve it. (or should I say he deserves it)
2010-01-11 4:12 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Cowboys!!! (Tony Romo is much cuter than Farve)

Just kidding...definitly Cowboys though!

Week is starting out kind of crappy as I now i have a full blown sinus infection.  Good news is that I have drugs now so I should be better in no time! 

Training plans for this week include high milage. It is is supposed to warm up this week in to the 30's Surprised so definitly be training outside as the week goes on.
2010-01-11 4:29 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

Long suffering Redskins fan.  Although Saints are big down here.  Everyone here is still on cloud 9 from Alabama win. Roll Tide!

Good news on injury. Ortho believes it is either an abductor strain or IT band issue. Hip xrays looked fine  I was really worried yesterday when I could not put any weight on the right leg due to pain primarily in right quad.  Some better this afternoon.  Doctor says if it improves as he expects I can be biking and swimming next week.  We will see on running.   

2010-01-11 11:10 PM
in reply to: #2558347

Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

My wife was very disappointed this morning as well.  She is a huge packer fan.  Of the teams still left I like Chargers, saints and baltimore. 

Missed Monday worlout due to car problems.  Hopefully will be back at it Tuesday.  Have a good week.


2010-01-12 7:22 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed who is our resident swimming expert?  I am having trouble staying straight.  I feel like every time I take a stroke, I am crossing over my body with my lead hand when I roll my body to one side and I can't correct it once I get a little tired.  Any suggestions?
2010-01-12 7:46 AM
in reply to: #2609129

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

jgerbodegrant - 2010-01-12 7:22 AM who is our resident swimming expert?  I am having trouble staying straight.  I feel like every time I take a stroke, I am crossing over my body with my lead hand when I roll my body to one side and I can't correct it once I get a little tired.  Any suggestions?

I am no expert on swimming but crossing over seems to be a big problem for alot of folks.  I saw where someone had suggested thinking of hand entry at more of a 10 and 2 o'clock position rather than straight ahead.  May seem a litlle exaggerated but possibly worth a try.  Have you looked at the  site?  Some good stuff there.

Lenny-have you tried the Vibram FF yet? Which model did you get?  Picked up "Born to Run" after so many favorable mentions here.  Only a couple of chapters in but looks like a good read.  Curious about the Vibram FF although given the way they look on people's feet I think the FF must stand for Fred Flintstone  But with that said, I am curious about incorporating some minimalist shoes in my training. Thanks 

2010-01-12 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
I swam competitevly for 14 years...and I am not an expert but I can tell you that crossover is very common and very hard to fix.  I agree with the 10 and 2. Another key is to keep your head and hips lifted.  When I say head lift I mean the waterline should come to the top of your googles - no higher.  Have you tried single arm drills?
2010-01-12 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Thanks guys....I was thinking you'd say it is hard to kick...that's why I want to fix it soon before it's a real bad habit.  I haven't done any one arm drills yet.  I just learned to swim last May, so I am thinking about taking a couple more lessons.  Right now I'm averaging 2min/100m for anything longer than 500m and the arm crossing thing is slowing my glide a lot.  I can even feel myself do it.  That's the most frustrating part.

I will try the 10 and 2 arm entry, but this is what confuses me:  What position is my body supposed to be in when my arm enters the water?  I would think flat, facing down, but I am not sure.
2010-01-12 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2609469

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
jgerbodegrant - 2010-01-12 10:08 AMThanks guys....I was thinking you'd say it is hard to kick...that's why I want to fix it soon before it's a real bad habit.  I haven't done any one arm drills yet.  I just learned to swim last May, so I am thinking about taking a couple more lessons.  Right now I'm averaging 2min/100m for anything longer than 500m and the arm crossing thing is slowing my glide a lot.  I can even feel myself do it.  That's the most frustrating part.

I will try the 10 and 2 arm entry, but this is what confuses me:  What position is my body supposed to be in when my arm enters the water?  I would think flat, facing down, but I am not sure.
Pretend you are reaching for something on the top shelf. You kind of rotate your body to reach higher. That is where you should be when you enter the water with your reaching arm. By rotating you can get a longer pull. Have you heard of front quadrant swimming?Hope this helps

2010-01-12 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Interesting convo re: swimming, y'all. I'm notorious for a nowhere kick, but I'm still trying. I start Intermediate Swim Lessons on Thursday. Long time no see too! I'm plugging along. Got meditation class tonight so I can become a member of the zendo, but I'm back to training Wednesday and Thursday hardcore.
2010-01-12 9:49 PM
in reply to: #2609469

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
jgerbodegrant - 2010-01-12 10:08 AM Thanks guys....I was thinking you'd say it is hard to kick...that's why I want to fix it soon before it's a real bad habit.  I haven't done any one arm drills yet.  I just learned to swim last May, so I am thinking about taking a couple more lessons.  Right now I'm averaging 2min/100m for anything longer than 500m and the arm crossing thing is slowing my glide a lot.  I can even feel myself do it.  That's the most frustrating part.

I will try the 10 and 2 arm entry, but this is what confuses me:  What position is my body supposed to be in when my arm enters the water?  I would think flat, facing down, but I am not sure.

Not an expert either, but my 2 cents worth.  Your body should roll gently from side to side with each stroke, but be sure your hand never crosses the midline when you reach...the 10 and 2 thing, reaching for the end wall.  Keep your hips and shoulders aligned and rotating as a unit.  I htought the following was helpful:

 "The most important component of a fast freestyle is a strong body rotationWhen swimming freestyle the body must rotate from side to side on each arm stroke, keeping in mind that the shoulder and hip rotate in unison. Think of your hips as the

engine that makes your freestyle go.

A rule to remember is that

wherever your head goes, your body will follow.  Therefore, you must remember to keep your head still with your eyes at a 45-degree angle. If your head moves back and forth - side to side, your body will begin to snake through the water creating more resistance. If your head is too far down, your body will dive down creating more resistance. If your head is too far up, your upper body will go up, dropping your hips and creating more resistance."

2010-01-12 9:57 PM
in reply to: #2609166

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
slornow - 2010-01-12 7:46 AM

jgerbodegrant - 2010-01-12 7:22 AM who is our resident swimming expert?  I am having trouble staying straight.  I feel like every time I take a stroke, I am crossing over my body with my lead hand when I roll my body to one side and I can't correct it once I get a little tired.  Any suggestions?

I am no expert on swimming but crossing over seems to be a big problem for alot of folks.  I saw where someone had suggested thinking of hand entry at more of a 10 and 2 o'clock position rather than straight ahead.  May seem a litlle exaggerated but possibly worth a try.  Have you looked at the  site?  Some good stuff there.

Lenny-have you tried the Vibram FF yet? Which model did you get?  Picked up "Born to Run" after so many favorable mentions here.  Only a couple of chapters in but looks like a good read.  Curious about the Vibram FF although given the way they look on people's feet I think the FF must stand for Fred Flintstone  But with that said, I am curious about incorporating some minimalist shoes in my training. Thanks 

Just got two pairs of VFF, one indoor pair and one outdoor pair.  Have been wearing my indoor ones all evening and they are VERY comfortable so far.  Spent most of my growing up years barefoot and I spend all of my time at home barefoot, and when I had a foot injury last year, the only time my foot didn't hurt was when I was barefoot, so I am psyched to try these.  I want to get my feet used to these first, then I will try running in the others.  I think they actually look kinda neat, my office staff all got a big kick out of them!

2010-01-13 6:41 AM
in reply to: #2610890

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
firstteeth - 2010-01-12 10:49 PM
jgerbodegrant - 2010-01-12 10:08 AM Thanks guys....I was thinking you'd say it is hard to kick...that's why I want to fix it soon before it's a real bad habit.  I haven't done any one arm drills yet.  I just learned to swim last May, so I am thinking about taking a couple more lessons.  Right now I'm averaging 2min/100m for anything longer than 500m and the arm crossing thing is slowing my glide a lot.  I can even feel myself do it.  That's the most frustrating part.

I will try the 10 and 2 arm entry, but this is what confuses me:  What position is my body supposed to be in when my arm enters the water?  I would think flat, facing down, but I am not sure.

Not an expert either, but my 2 cents worth.  Your body should roll gently from side to side with each stroke, but be sure your hand never crosses the midline when you reach...the 10 and 2 thing, reaching for the end wall.  Keep your hips and shoulders aligned and rotating as a unit.  I htought the following was helpful:

 "The most important component of a fast freestyle is a strong body rotationWhen swimming freestyle the body must rotate from side to side on each arm stroke, keeping in mind that the shoulder and hip rotate in unison. Think of your hips as the

engine that makes your freestyle go.

A rule to remember is that

wherever your head goes, your body will follow.  Therefore, you must remember to keep your head still with your eyes at a 45-degree angle. If your head moves back and forth - side to side, your body will begin to snake through the water creating more resistance. If your head is too far down, your body will dive down creating more resistance. If your head is too far up, your upper body will go up, dropping your hips and creating more resistance."

Thanks for this info.  Keeping the head still may be one of my problems!  I was just thinking that.
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