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2010-01-26 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Injury strikes.

I have had some back issues in the past, and I think I was doing squats yesterday with either too much weight or improper form (or both), and managed to pull something in my back.

I'm in a lot of pain today, and am contemplating some time off.  I know running will make this worse, and biking might, too.  Right now, I can't do much of anything, including sitting up straight.  Anyone have experience with lower back injuries?

2010-01-26 7:17 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Greetings all, Happy Tuesday.

Cayrip, how long of a rest between those 10 x 50?  I prob. would have a hard time keeping track on my own, but swim class will start up soon and I can ask my coach to run it as a drill.    I'm with Abbie, I can count strokes or laps - but I lose count of laps after about 6, so I tend to use a sportscount  My version is a cheap one, so no pause button (not great for timing something like 10 x 50).

My typical stroke count in a 25 yard pool is 18, is that considered good, bad or average.  If I go over about 1200 yds it starts to degrade to over 20 - def. have to build up pool endurance.

2010-01-26 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2631184

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
clewis38 - 2010-01-23 10:27 PM Just wanted to share that today I did my first 50 miler on the bike.  Probably not the best day to do it, since the wind was in my face (and strong) on all the up-hill sections, which equates to about 30 of the 50 miles.  Anyway, it was pretty hard for me. 

I learned a lot about fuel and hydration.  I didn't have quite enough of that stuff with me, and I figured I could just tough through it, but....when the fuel ran out, I felt it big time.  The last 8 to 10 miles were pretty rough.

So, now I'm a little scared of the HIM.  I can tell you that today there was NO WAY I could have run 13.1 following that ride.  I'm hoping that on the day of the race there's less wind and I have figured out the fuel and hydration discipline....because if not, I won't finish. 

The memories of today's ride will help me stay motivated to get out of bed in the mornings.  Fear is the best motivator, I hear.

First off, when is your HIM?  You still have training and taper to go.  And yes, I bet you could do it today if you had to and you would finish - even if you had to walk it in.  Fear is a good motivator, personally I'm doing a HIM in part because a little fear is FUN.  But, belief that you will do it is also helpful.

I keep promising myself that I'll start to focus on fuel and nutrition, but I haven't yet.   I have always run my half marathons on just water and gatorade or G2.    If I'm racing a race, as opposed to just running it for fun, Gu's generally mess with my stomach.  For my HIM, I am guessing that I'll have better luck keeping my stomach happy while eating on the bike, and only rely on gatorade during the run (on the other hand, my legs may be so beat up that I'll be running slowly enough that gu's will be fine).  I do eat power bars, lara bars, etc. while biking now and that seems fine - but I have to admit that there has to be a big difference between 2 hours vs. 7 hours.  So much to learn and figure out - heh, I wish there was a computer program where I could enter my weight, speed, etc. and it would tell me my optimum calorie intake, fluid intake,e tc.

2010-01-26 7:30 AM
in reply to: #2634661

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
GotTorque? - 2010-01-26 7:14 AM Injury strikes.

I have had some back issues in the past, and I think I was doing squats yesterday with either too much weight or improper form (or both), and managed to pull something in my back.

I'm in a lot of pain today, and am contemplating some time off.  I know running will make this worse, and biking might, too.  Right now, I can't do much of anything, including sitting up straight.  Anyone have experience with lower back injuries?

So sorry.  Def. take a couple days off.  I don't have lower back injury experience, but I have lots of injury experience.  If you can, get yourself to a PT or a chiropractor right away (I think a good sports minded PT is worth his or her weight in gold) - the ultrasound and stim machines can really help with healing and also they should be able to tell you what you can (or can't do).  Even swimming can aggravate some injuries.  Good luck.

2010-01-26 7:35 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

I am having a shoe and pedal issue.  I just put old shimano pedals on my bike and got bike shoes so that I could go clipless (my bike came with regular pedals).  However, clipping out is very difficult.  Back in the old days when I last did tris, my shoes clipped out much easier, now I have to really twist my ankle out hard.  It isn't an issue now, as the bike is on the trainer, but at this stage it doesn't seem safe.  The guy at the bike store (who is v. knowledgable and also did my fitting which has worked really well) used Look cleats which he said were compatable with my pedals.  He also said that it would be easier to clip out once I am out of the trainer because I can lay the bike over some, and that he couldn't loosen the pedals any more or they'd be unsafe. 

What do you think?  It seems a little odd to me, but I have no reason to doubt this guy.  The pedals are about 10 years old, maybe they just aren't in that good of shape? 


2010-01-26 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2634699

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Cat, I was very nervous at first about the clip-in pedals, and mine were very stiff at the beginning like you described.  However, they have loosened with just a little bit of use and have become very easy to clip out of.  In fact, sometimes my left foot even comes out when I don't want it to, so I think I'm going to tighten that one up a bit if I can.  The advice they gave me was to practice up and down my street at slow speeds to get used to the in and out with the pedals.  It turned out to be nothing to worry about.

2010-01-26 9:08 AM
in reply to: #2634670

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Wow, thanks for the info on the lap counter.  Since I think about everything other than swimming while I'm swimming, I cannot count laps in my head, so I've been using popsicle sticks as counters.  I think the sportcount is going to be a much nicer option - for many reasons.
2010-01-26 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Discussing fuel on a race, how exactly do the bike aid stations work?

I assume you need to pull in and stop.  I was thinking I'd rather try to bring all my fuel with me so I don't need to stop.  I need to keep all the momentum i've got going for me.
2010-01-26 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Cat, do you know about the tightening screw that's usually on the back of the pedals?  It makes it harder or easier to unclip depending on which way you turn it.
2010-01-26 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

I use jammers.  Since I've started learning how to swim properly, I've found that regular swim trunks make me off balance, and I don't flow through the water as smoothly.  I'm more trying to work on my form now.

Golf - I got tired of counting, but my close to best was 36+58=94.  I'm a slow swimmer.

Have you all seen the new Swimovate pool-mate watch?  it keeps track of laps, and time, automatically.  That sure would be nice.
2010-01-26 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

I really like Nuun.  A tablet you add to water.  The berry adds a nice flavor without the sugar in stuff like gatorade.  (i've been enjoying G2, for the less sugar.)

All the gels seem the same to me.  Except for Clif.  Clif doesn't use maltodextrin and other industrial corn based ingredients.  It uses rice syrup and such.  A little bit different taste, but suits me fine.

2010-01-26 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Hi from Taipei,

A question: I am wanting to move to clipless shoes and pedals. I have been looking at Shimano Ultrega pedals and the Shimano SM-TR 30 or 51 shoes. Anyone have any experience with any of these ?

Any advice for/anything I should be careful of etc ?

Any advice would be really helpful,

Thanks in advance.
2010-01-26 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2634932

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
bartimaeus - 2010-01-26 9:15 AM Cat, do you know about the tightening screw that's usually on the back of the pedals?  It makes it harder or easier to unclip depending on which way you turn it.

Yes, that is the screw the guy at the bike shop said he didn't want to loosen because it would be too loose - maybe the thing to do is to loosen it and see if I like the feel better.  I'll be on the trainer anyway, so if my foot comes out unexpectedly I can't go far Laughing

I think I'll adjust them and see how that goes, and if they loosen up, that will be good. Given the weather and when I ride (5 am), I will be indoors on the trainer for another month or so.  If I'm still having problems at that point, I may get the less expensive speedplay lite pedals -I've heard only good things about them - but I'd really like to avoid spending more money unless I have to.

2010-01-26 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
"I really like Nuun.  A tablet you add to water.  The berry adds a nice flavor without the sugar in stuff like gatorade.  (i've been enjoying G2, for the less sugar.)"

I'll have to check out the Nuun, does it have a lot of sodium in it?  I have to watch my sodium intake as I have borderline high blood pressure.  I had always had normal BP but then I read a bunch of running stuff that encouraged runners to increase their sodium intake to avoid some horrid distance running issue (the name I can't remember) and all of the sudden my BP went up (makes sense but since it was being pushed by the running community at the time I didn't think it would cause an issue).  I am now keeping my sodium intake lower to try to bring my BP down (high BP also runs in my family, but most of my family is out of shape and eats poorly, so hard to know what the cause is.

This is a challenge because I know I need the electrolytes, but not sure how much and not sure how much should be sodium under the circumstances.

2010-01-26 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2634661

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

I am so sorry to hear about your back.  Hopefully it is just a pull and not a tear.  Listen to your body with ice and rest.  I seem to try to push too quickly and prolong the injury.

Pedals...I really like my speed play pedals, they are compact and light.  Take a few times to get used to how they snap in and out but great once you get the hang of it.

Cat..Keep with the p90x.  I did it last winter and if you push yourself to keep up with Tony Horton and crew it will tranform you!  I really have been focusing on improving my swim this winter and feel I have made great strides.  Yesterday, in the middle of the drill workouts, he had us do and 800 for time using push and glide, then more drills, followed by another 800 for time using normal stroke.  I was beat  but could have never completed that last year.  However, spending my energy on swim has made me neglect my upper body strength training which has always been my best area.   I guess you can't do it all and still have a family and job!

By the way...What button do you push to include a previous blog in your response?? 

2010-01-26 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Arg... Time for a rant

I was riding on campus today and was about to make a left turn so I got over in the left lane about to get to the light and somebody behind me isn't happy honking and what not (the speed limit is 25 and I was going 18-20 ish). So as I was slowing down at the light he jumps up and cuts me off so I get a little unhappy and completly forget I was almost stopped then forgot to unclip and well... I went down. I went did that a few times when I first got shoes a while back. So I notice my seat got loose so I walked over to the sidewalk and tightened it back up. Chain also fell off so I put it back on. Then I get back on the road and the first crank then SNAP!! A chain link brakes off so I am done. I was close enough to the machine shop so I walked over for pliers. It took a while playing with it until I just bent the link all the way back and jammed it on. I was able to baby the bike back in low low gear. I cleaned the frame from all of the grease and now it has some scratches on itFrown

But I'm fine and the bike will make it so I'm not going to complain anymore.

On pedals...

Get use to them before riding and have some way to remind yourself to UNCLIP before you stop! I would maybe start in a grass field so if/when you fall it wont be bad.  

I uses these shimano pedals They arn't tri pedals so I cant leave them clipped before I get on because the velco straps go the wrong way.

Anybody here leave the shoes clipped in and hop on during races?

Edited by Cozmo 2010-01-26 6:01 PM

2010-01-26 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
That's a bummer Coszmo.  Sorry to hear it.

I bought some Forté CT110 Tri shoes from Performance Bike because they were super cheap as my first bike shoes.  They have a single velcro strap, but even with that wide open, it is hard to slip my foot in.  I can't imagine slipping a foot in while they are on the pedal (i've tried on the trainer and it just doesn't work).  So would some "nicer"/"fancier" more expensive Tri shoes help?
2010-01-26 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Wow, busy thread lately, I LOVE IT!!!!!  I can't remember who is asking what, so in particular order:

-Nuun: no clue on the sodium content, but if you are using it for HIM or longer, keep in mind it has zero calories, so you will need to make up for that in other types of fuel (bars, shot blocks, Gu, etc)

- Bike Aid Stations: No need to come to a full stop, just slow down.  Call out to the volunteer as to what you need and grab it as you ride by.  There will usually be an empty bottle drop area as you enter and exit the aid station.

- Lower back:  Rest and Aleve has worked for me.  Take a few days rest, don't push it!

- Calories to eat for HIM/IM:  I can tolerate about 250-300 calories an hour.  I usually use a combination of Gatorade Endurance and some Gels, chews and fig newtons and a few Enduralytes tablets.  In training for IMAZ on my long rides, I tried not to focus on calories as much as just making sure I never felt hungry.  I tend to have acid reflux issues so what works today, may not work tomorrow for me.  Yep, it's a blast! (insert sarcasm). 

- Pedals: If you are still on the trainer, losen them harm, no foul. 

Have a I missed anything???

BTW.....I'm in for Ironman in 2010, I'll be doing Vineman here in California!!!!!  Woohoo!!!!
2010-01-26 6:47 PM
in reply to: #2635258

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
bmason - 2010-01-26 9:13 AM

I am so sorry to hear about your back.  Hopefully it is just a pull and not a tear.  Listen to your body with ice and rest.  I seem to try to push too quickly and prolong the injury.

Pedals...I really like my speed play pedals, they are compact and light.  Take a few times to get used to how they snap in and out but great once you get the hang of it.

Cat..Keep with the p90x.  I did it last winter and if you push yourself to keep up with Tony Horton and crew it will tranform you!  I really have been focusing on improving my swim this winter and feel I have made great strides.  Yesterday, in the middle of the drill workouts, he had us do and 800 for time using push and glide, then more drills, followed by another 800 for time using normal stroke.  I was beat  but could have never completed that last year.  However, spending my energy on swim has made me neglect my upper body strength training which has always been my best area.   I guess you can't do it all and still have a family and job!

By the way...What button do you push to include a previous blog in your response?? 

Hit the "quote" button instead of reply
2010-01-26 6:48 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Cozmo, glad you are ok after your spill!!!
2010-01-27 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

Cozmo,  glad you and the bike are not too much the worse for the tumble. 

I'm wondering why my legs, even after a day off yesterday, are still so fried so quickly when I'm on my bike.  I did 90 minutes today on the trainer, which is my long ride but not anything new, and within 25 minutes my legs were toast (quads in particular).  This is not hard or threshold riding, my HR was right around 130, which I thought would be low enough although I admit to not yet working out my HR zones for the bike, and I was keeping a decent 85 cadence - not perfect but not mashing for sure. 

I'm guessing that it is accumulated fatique since I've been more consistent this month about doing everything 3 x per week, and that another month of base will help - I sure hope so.  I do have a recovery week next week, before I start the "official" training plan - I hope that helps.

Does anyone have any advice re: calculating HR zones for bike.  For running I have a max. HR of 190 ish (maybe a few beats over as legs usually fatique first on hill sprints) and I know how to calculate zones off that (I pretty much still with recovery, easy, marathon pace, threshold and VO2).  I did a spinervals threshold test that came with my trainer and my threshold HR seemed to be around 146-48, which seems so low.  I know biking HRs run lower, but what are typical biking zones (I keep seeing that in a HIM or IM you want to keep your HR in zone 2 for bike, but I'm not sure what % of max that refers to, or if max HR in biking is different then max running).

Anyone have any insight?    thanks in advance.  Cat

2010-01-28 1:15 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

Well it looks like I must of hit my left knee on my frame because I saw some blood/scare and now my knee has a big bulge on it. Oh well... As long as I don't touch it, it feels fine. I did put some ice on it.

I don't know much about HR target information but I am wondering what everybody takes after an intense workout (2+ hrs) for food to recover. From what I have been reading it is very important to recover with specific foods to be able to bounce back and take in all from the workout. If you want I can talk about it more.

I have plans to do a big bike ride Thursday (at least 30 miles) so lets hope I can last with an average of 19+!!

2010-01-28 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
After a long workout the goal (I believe) is to get carbs and protein in pretty quickly, I'm not sure of the exact ratio, but I know that Chocolate milk is supposed to be a good choice, or a bagel with peanut butter.  I often have a smoothie made with banana, protein powder, and skim milk).   I think ideally you want to consume something as quickly as you can, and I find the protein smoothie seems to go down without huge tummy problems (although I once had one about 5 minutes after a 16 mile run with 12 miles at marathon pace and that wasn't the best idea).

2010-01-29 4:37 PM
in reply to: #2638726

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Fort Collins, CO
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Catalana - 2010-01-27 6:37 PM

Cozmo,  glad you and the bike are not too much the worse for the tumble. 

I'm wondering why my legs, even after a day off yesterday, are still so fried so quickly when I'm on my bike.  I did 90 minutes today on the trainer, which is my long ride but not anything new, and within 25 minutes my legs were toast (quads in particular).  This is not hard or threshold riding, my HR was right around 130, which I thought would be low enough although I admit to not yet working out my HR zones for the bike, and I was keeping a decent 85 cadence - not perfect but not mashing for sure. 

I'm guessing that it is accumulated fatique since I've been more consistent this month about doing everything 3 x per week, and that another month of base will help - I sure hope so.  I do have a recovery week next week, before I start the "official" training plan - I hope that helps.

Does anyone have any advice re: calculating HR zones for bike.  For running I have a max. HR of 190 ish (maybe a few beats over as legs usually fatique first on hill sprints) and I know how to calculate zones off that (I pretty much still with recovery, easy, marathon pace, threshold and VO2).  I did a spinervals threshold test that came with my trainer and my threshold HR seemed to be around 146-48, which seems so low.  I know biking HRs run lower, but what are typical biking zones (I keep seeing that in a HIM or IM you want to keep your HR in zone 2 for bike, but I'm not sure what % of max that refers to, or if max HR in biking is different then max running).

Anyone have any insight?    thanks in advance.  Cat

Cat--there is actually an article on the BT website on calculating your lactate threshold heart rate and then a calculator that you can use to develop your target zones. The LTTH test is hard so make sure your legs are recovered before doing it.

Edited by garryowen96 2010-01-29 4:40 PM
2010-01-29 6:17 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

I am not a happy person right now. I went to a bike shop to get the Orbea fixed from the chain breaking off and a tune up.

When I went to pick it up today and they gave me a card of a Orlando police dective and told me they confiscated the bike. So it turns out the person I bought it from must have stolen it or bought it hot. Here is the ad I got it from

Now why I am really pissed is that the police also have my Bontrager Race Lite Wheelset (I just bought a new front tire last week), Ultegra SPD Pedals, and Vetta V100HR Computer. So my road bike (Trek 2300) is just a frame/drivetrain/brakes so I can't even bike at all.

So I have to wait till Monday to call the dective to see what it going to happen. I made the seller fill out a recipt and have his name / phone number / house where I bought it.

I just hope I get MY gear back and I'll be lucky if I get the money back.

This isn't a fun thing to happen for a college grad student with no job


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