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2010-04-15 11:52 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Sun Diego
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!

Masters swim with Claudia coaching followed by a TM run.  Log posted.  Heading to Disneyland for three days.  Hotel has a lap pool and nice fitness center.  Then I leave for DC for all next week and once again hotel has a lap pool (and awesome) fitness center... so I’ll be keeping it honest!

What are you most afraid of in your next event and how do you plan to overcome it? 

This is GOOD one!

AOTD:  X2 on a fear of injury!  Here's my story... The friggin’ Veterans Administration and Doctors say I'm not supposed to participate in any impact exercise or activity.  While in uniform for 20 plus years (active & reserve) I beat up my body pretty bad resulting in a severe case of what’s called chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS).  These days, typically CECS is not that big a deal but for me it was miss-diagnosed for so long and I just grinned and bared it to stay in the field.  My cowboy attitude back in the day mixed with dumb-a$$ed Military Docs caused the facia tissue in my legs to permanently deteriorate.  That said though... I also have a terrible case of "Type A Personality-itis" and don’t like to be told I 'cant' do something, especially when I see Veterans returning from combat with injuries much much greater than mine... and these Studs drive on.  In fact, Captain Ivan Castro (the only currently serving blind) Special Forces Soldier continues to defy the “Doctors” by running and finishing Marathons.

So due partly to my bad attititude -and- partly to not wanting to do what I’m told… I jumped into Triathlon for personal satisfaction and hopefully in the process there will be a lesson learned somewhere for my kids.  There are caveats though…  I have to be very 'smart' about how I approach impact oriented exercise and must carefully plan and execute potentially traumatic physical activity in low doses, paying close attention to recovery.  The hardest part of all of this for me has been coming to terms that I will never be able to compete at the level I used to (pre-CECS) or be able to participate in elite distance Triathlon events.  A good long run day for me is about 4 miles, which in essence restricts me to Super Sprint and Sprint distances.

To compensate, what I am focusing on is the personal satisfaction of finishing each event that I enter and improving my personal best as capable.  I also am using each athletic event to bring attention to various causes through my activities with the San Diego Firefighters Emerald Society; the Special Operations Warrior Foundation; the Firefighter Cancer Support Network, the Wounded Warrior Project; the Terry Farrell Firefighters Fund, and; the Chelsea’s Light Foundation.

So here I am again tonight with ice packs on my shins a bottle of motrin quail eggs and ready to do it again with a smile on my face!  There are alot of people out there that expect me to push it and finish...  Who am I to let them down?

Edited by BigH2OChief 2010-04-15 11:55 PM

2010-04-16 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!

AOTD:  Definitely the OWS.  Unfortunately, the water temps may be too cold to practice before my tri in these parts.  I'm just going to get as good as I can in the pool and pray it goes ok.

2010-04-16 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!


Being in the Marine Corps, Former Full contact fighter, I can say its hard to get more Type "A" than I am.  As recent as 5 years ago I ran a 5k in 21 minute's flat.  I did this once a year for a little 5K fun run our county DA's office hoasted for victoms right week.  I would train for about 6 weeks never run longer than 4 miles and did about 10 to 12 miles a week.  Right off the couch my first run would be in the 25 minute range and in the 21 range 6 weeks later at the race. I ran every training run BALLS TO THE WALL,  If i was puking when I got done it was a good run.  Now Lets fast forward.  For work I took a position working out of state traveling for a year in 2006 and just let myself go gained 40 pounds and last year when I decided to get back in shape.. something had Chaned for the worse... I just couldn't breath. Figured it was just beign fat till I coughed up some blood in a run.  Long story short found out I had Asthma...WTF how do you just get asthma at 40??? 

Now I run DIRT AZZ SLOW!!  compared to my recent past ability.  Walking during a run just wasn't somthing I ever did.  I picked up a copy of Jeff Galloways marathon book...  I have to say I'm not sure I'll ever go back to running without walk breaks. It is 100% easier on your body, for me It lets me keep my breathing under control. I usually run any where form 4/minute run:1/minute walk ratio to 3run:2walk ratio.  Besides being easier on your body you will be amazed that your not really slower over a long distance because the walk breaks keep you fresh and you dont really start slowing down as much as you do at the end of a straight run. 

Grab one of his books and give it a read It may help.  I would also recomend Chi-running that is a great book for form that will help with lower body and joint stress.

Look at how much I increased my milage from 65 in February to 100 in March traing for the 25K that is 35% and I felt great and had no problems at all. I'm not saying it will work for you but it is worth at try. 

Best of luck

2010-04-16 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
SAWFISH50 - ditto the Chi Running. I got the book and the dvd and it's been a big help to me.

QOTD - OWS for me. My first will be in the Chesapeake Bay in the next couple of weekends. It's not that I've never tried to swim in open water.... I grew up water skiing, body surfing.... etc. Just never tried to swim more than about 50m in open water and NEVER with other swimmers around me.
2010-04-16 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!

Friday QOTD: What do you think is your most important piece of equipment and why?

I think the first answer that comes to mind is the bike since that's used for the longest leg of the race, BUT when I give it some thought I think my answer is 'me'.  I can buy a 15k dollar bike and still suck at cycling.  I can buy the 'fastest' wetsuit and still not swim well or I could buy the most technically advanced shoe and still run slow. 

Everyone have a great weekend, good luck on any long workouts, races or vacation time and dont forget to HAVE FUN!

2010-04-16 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2795274

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
shmeeg - 2010-04-14 10:25 PM convinced the wife to do some OW swimming this weekend down at la jolla cove while were there.   im stoked.  new bikes AND a swim! 

Lucky you! Last time I was in La Jolla I saw people swimming in the cove. It looked so beautiful and peaceful....I totally envied them. 

2010-04-16 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
QOTD: I am most afraid of panicking during the swim, falling over while trying to clip into my bike pedals, and bonking or getting injured on the run. I race in one week. Wink
2010-04-16 12:39 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
hey so I am mostly ready to start training on monday.  All that is missing is I am not sure what training plan I should be following.  I feel like a couch to sprint might be to slow for me.  I am in good shape.  I've been wrestling three times a week and I feel as though that I can handle one of the 12 week programs.  what you guys reccommend.  also what the heck should I be swimming in shorts speedo? I have no idea.
2010-04-16 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2796606

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Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
kickitinok - 2010-04-16 10:28 AM QOTD: I am most afraid of panicking during the swim, falling over while trying to clip into my bike pedals, and bonking or getting injured on the run. I race in one week. Wink

sounds like you've got nothing to worry about then!
2010-04-16 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2796634

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Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Gavitron - 2010-04-16 10:39 AM hey so I am mostly ready to start training on monday.  All that is missing is I am not sure what training plan I should be following.  I feel like a couch to sprint might be to slow for me.  I am in good shape.  I've been wrestling three times a week and I feel as though that I can handle one of the 12 week programs.  what you guys reccommend.  also what the heck should I be swimming in shorts speedo? I have no idea.

i too thought i was in pretty good shape.  then i went for my first swim this week.  :D  i am using the 16 week swim focused plan, and am only on week 1 so i cant really speak in terms of payoff, but i like the volume so far.  certainly not too high.  when is your goal race?  if its more than 12 weeks out i would look at a longer plan.  for the swimming, i would train in whatever you will wear for your race.  if you are doing something w/ an OWS, i would recommend getting a wetsuit and doing some training in that.  im looking at some jammers for lap swim when it gets warm though.

Edited by shmeeg 2010-04-16 12:53 PM
2010-04-16 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2796634

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Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!

double post

Edited by shmeeg 2010-04-16 12:52 PM

2010-04-16 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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New user

Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
My goal race is on July 11 its a sprint in Albany, NY. 
2010-04-17 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Rest day for me today.. Well kinda lots of stuff to do in the yard and around the house. 
2010-04-17 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2796649

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
shmeeg - 2010-04-15 1:46 PM
kickitinok - 2010-04-16 10:28 AM QOTD: I am most afraid of panicking during the swim, falling over while trying to clip into my bike pedals, and bonking or getting injured on the run. I race in one week. Wink

sounds like you've got nothing to worry about then!

Nah...not really. Although those are my concerns, I am just breaking my race down into portions, keeping my focus on each portion while I'm doing it and not...say...worry about the run while I am swimming (no worry about the future - staying in the present). I think what I'm most intimidated about is doing a triathlon with a large group of people - getting kicked and punched in the swim (hopefully can keep my goggles on), possible collisions with others while on bike, and I'm not really worried about the run at all, even though it's my most difficult of the three and I have a sore left leg. 

It's all really more mental than physical for me. I just need to remember to run my own race - and not try to compete with everyone around me. This will be difficult, as I'm pretty competitive.  
2010-04-17 6:00 PM
in reply to: #2796480

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
shmeeg - 2010-04-16 9:43 AM

Friday QOTD: What do you think is your most important piece of equipment and why?

Not sure!  My favorite at the moment may be the wetsuit.  It makes me soooo much faster, that's pretty cool! 

2010-04-17 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2798668

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Water bottle has to be near the top of the list. Can't train properly without it.

norcal_SAHD - 2010-04-17 6:00 PM
shmeeg - 2010-04-16 9:43 AM

Friday QOTD: What do you think is your most important piece of equipment and why?

Not sure!  My favorite at the moment may be the wetsuit.  It makes me soooo much faster, that's pretty cool! 

2010-04-17 9:26 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Sun Diego
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!

Run at the hotel after Disneyland Friday evening… Log Posted.  Swim this morning before California Adventure and Run this evening after.  Heading back to Disneyland tonight then home tomorrow afternoon.  Rest day tomorrow.... Trying to keep it honest (first Tri is May 2nd).

Thanks’ for the advice on running resources.  When I get back home I’ll definitely be looking into them.  You guys rock!

Friday’s AOTD: Ditto on the most important piece of equipment being “ME”… I’m the engine and success or failure begins with me.

2010-04-17 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: Big Step + QOTD
Just finished signing up for formal membership to BT and USAT.  Followed that up with registration to a mini-triathlon on 2 May (150 yards swimming, 5 mile bike, 1 mile run).  Guess there's no turning back now!!!

Appreciate the insights and words of encouragement all of you have bee providing.

On the QOTD -- Most important piece of equipment for me is my mind.
2010-04-17 10:13 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
AOTD:  The bike! You spend the most time on it.  If it's not dialed in properly it will end your day.  Plus, if you have a nice bike it will make you look fast even if you're not! LOL

Awsome day today!  I did about 2 hours of single track today at Palos Woods!  There
s a race I'll be doing there later in the summer.  It's only a 1/2 hour from me.  Didn't get that many miles in because there were some slower riders we waited for, but that's all ok with me.  We've all been there.  Today was more about spending time on the trails with friends anyway.  That's gotta be the most enjoyable part of training and racing for me.  Maybe, that's why I actually like to train more than race.  LOL
2010-04-18 6:36 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Morning folks,

I am back in action.  Home from a little spring family vacation, safe & sound.  Back to Reality tomorrow

Gonna try & get out for a run today, if  I can get the post-holiday crap sorted out.

 Happy Sunday, all...Cool
2010-04-18 8:29 AM
in reply to: #2793959

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
wplummer - 2010-04-15 9:27 AM sorry that i have been absent-lots of stuff going on with work, kids, etc. plus went to dodgers opening day on tuesday. i just havent been in front of a computer this week to check in. hoping to ride lots this weekend.

DODGERS?  I would of figured you for an Angels fan!  Being from North OC, my family was divided in terms of local sports teams.  My Grandmother and Mom were big Dodgers fans, but my Dad and I supported the Angels.  Freeway series was always a good time.

2010-04-18 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
...waits for Tim's race report.

*looks at watch*

*looks again*

2010-04-18 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2793781

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
shmeeg - 2010-04-15 8:34 AM

QOTD: What are you most afraid of in your next event and how do you plan to overcome it?

I'm always stressed about mechanical failure on the bike.  Nothing will ruin your race faster than a broken part or flat tire.  Never thought much about this until last year when I had four flats in one 50 mile race.  I actually finished the last three miles on a flat front tire.  My time was in the toilet, but three little letters kept me going: DNF!

How to overcome?  Well, there's no way around the flats, but as far as maintenance, I'm a self-taught mechanic.  I try to keep my gear in top running condition at all times.
2010-04-18 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2796480

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
shmeeg - 2010-04-16 9:43 AM

Friday QOTD: What do you think is your most important piece of equipment and why?

I have to agree with Mark that you are the most important piece of equipment.  But, like anything other piece of equipment, you need the proper fueling to keep you running efficiently.  So, I would have to say that my most importat device for the day is to have a proper nutrition plan.  Nutirtion will make or break your race.  My fueling plan will vary for event discipline, race distance, heat, altitude, etc.
2010-04-18 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2799246

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
GoGoGo - 2010-04-18 6:42 AM ...waits for Tim's race report.

*looks at watch*

*looks again*


Hmmm... while you're waiting you got a few QOTDs to catch up on!
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