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2010-04-16 10:14 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Wow, it was really quiet today!  I don't feel like I missed all that much!  This is the first time!

Good luck on the race this weekend!  We'll all be cheering you on, from all corners of the continent!

Good luck studying, Court.  I know how much you hate stats, but you're gonna kill it!

I hope you have a quiet, safe night at home, Meggan.  I'm sure you'll be fine!

I had a pretty exciting day today.  I didn't get any workouts in, because of the weather (dark, dreary, cold and raining...  very depressing, and didn't motivate me to get off my couch...), but I got an email from the charity triathlon that I'm taking part in.  Apparently I won some fundraiser monthly contest (I don't know if it was a most money earned or just a draw), but I was 1 of 5 who won an "exclusive swim coaching session" with Steve Merker.  He is a former Ironman swim world record holder, so he probably knows what he's talking about.  The session is about conserving energy while swimming, and swimming more efficiently.  I haven't swam much at all (read: AT ALL) in years, so I'm kinda nervous.  I'm going to start swimming in May, but the session is a week later.   We'll see how it goes.  Hopefully his tips won't be lost on me!

Hope everyone has a great weekend, and get some good training in!  The weather here in Montreal is going to be pretty terrible, so it might be treadmill time for me.  We'll soo.

Happy weekend, everyone! 

2010-04-17 6:03 AM
in reply to: #2797755

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
LockOut - 2010-04-16 10:14 PM Wow, it was really quiet today!  I don't feel like I missed all that much!  This is the first time!

Good luck on the race this weekend!  We'll all be cheering you on, from all corners of the continent!

Good luck studying, Court.  I know how much you hate stats, but you're gonna kill it!

I hope you have a quiet, safe night at home, Meggan.  I'm sure you'll be fine!

I had a pretty exciting day today.  I didn't get any workouts in, because of the weather (dark, dreary, cold and raining...  very depressing, and didn't motivate me to get off my couch...), but I got an email from the charity triathlon that I'm taking part in.  Apparently I won some fundraiser monthly contest (I don't know if it was a most money earned or just a draw), but I was 1 of 5 who won an "exclusive swim coaching session" with Steve Merker.  He is a former Ironman swim world record holder, so he probably knows what he's talking about.  The session is about conserving energy while swimming, and swimming more efficiently.  I haven't swam much at all (read: AT ALL) in years, so I'm kinda nervous.  I'm going to start swimming in May, but the session is a week later.   We'll see how it goes.  Hopefully his tips won't be lost on me!

Hope everyone has a great weekend, and get some good training in!  The weather here in Montreal is going to be pretty terrible, so it might be treadmill time for me.  We'll soo.

Happy weekend, everyone! 
  Thanks!  The night was good.  I felt like supermom because I took the boys to an actual sit down restaurant all by myself for the first time!!!!  It was a success too!  Both boys went to sleep around 8:30 and I watched a movie and had a glass of wine.  Day 1 no hubby down, 2 days to go!!  Congrats on winning the swim session!!!!  I have been trying to get started with my trainer again and he just let me know he just can't fit it in.  His dad had a real bad stroke earlier in the year and that is consuming most of his free time.  I think I am going to take the money that was set aside for that and looking into some running coaching.  My local running store has a mile to marathon coaching program.  Can't wait to hear about your lesson!
2010-04-17 8:08 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Meggan - Having a running coach sounds awesome!  If you go with that, I hope you can impart some wisdom on me because I hate running! 

Courtney - I hated stats, too!  But we did it all on the computer because my professor thought it was dumb to have to do it by hand in school when NOBODY in the real world does anymore.  I wish I still had the program on my computer so I could send it to you!  I'll be studying Constitutional Law and Property Law all weekend, too, so at least we can be miserable together.  Frown

Anyway, got my bike in again today, and I loooooved it.  Now I remember why I used to look forward to my bike days.  I loved bike days when I was training on a spin bike, then hated them when I was on my mountain bike.  Now my bike and I are friends!

Didn't get to run yesterday because of the sheer amount of homework I had.  I felt awful Thursday night, so I went to bed early, and had to wake up yesterday just to finish everything I had to do for the day.  Then I was at school allllll day.  I'm hoping to maybe get a quick run on the dreadmill today to make up for it a bit (the temps dropped to the low 40s, brrrr).  We'll see if the books allow it.

On a bright note, the law school is building a new school that is opening in August, and it's going to have a GYM in it!!!  That way, if I'm at school all day, I can still find time to squeeze in a workout.  My schedule has like a 3-4 hour break in it, so if they have spin bikes, I can sit on the bike and read for a long time every day.  Needless to say, I'm pumped about it!

Ryan and I are thinking about doing either a 25k or 50k bike ride for diabetes this summer, but we have to raise at least $150 each.  My brother-in-law has diabetes (diagnosed while at skiing nationals when he was 12), so the cause is close to the heart.  Does anybody have any ideas how to do fundraising?  We've never done anything like this before!

Have a good Saturday everyone!
2010-04-17 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Late night again last night with my show and kinda dragging this morning.  I have a 30 min bike scheduled for today so shouldn't be bad.  Found out yesterday I have to go to Florida for work next week which I hate because it always throws off my schedule.  I tried to find a hotel with a workout facility and pool but I am staying around the Kennedy Space center and all the hotels are really shady -haha  Plus the Significant Other Units will be extremely drained for the week I get back after Josi has the kids by herself the previous week.

I will just have to stay really focused and eat somewhat healthy.  I just don't want this week to kill any momentum I have created over the past 5 months.
2010-04-17 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2798023

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2010-04-17 9:08 AM  

Ryan and I are thinking about doing either a 25k or 50k bike ride for diabetes this summer, but we have to raise at least $150 each.  My brother-in-law has diabetes (diagnosed while at skiing nationals when he was 12), so the cause is close to the heart.  Does anybody have any ideas how to do fundraising?  We've never done anything like this before!

I'm currently in the same situation as you.  As I've mentioned, I am doing a charity tri this summer.  I have found it not too hard to just bug anyone that you run in to.  Family and friends will always support.  Coworkers, school mates, and family friends are also a possibility.  The key is to hit up as many people as you possibly can, and be persistent.  Constantly talk about what you're doing, and people will listen, and support.  

Some corporations also might have some policies about sponsoring.  A "we'll match what you donate" thing or something like that.  I think that the key is just to talk to as many people as you possibly can.  Eventually, something is going to stick!  $150 isn't much to raise.  I have found that people are usually pretty generous when it comes to good causes.  I've managed to raise over $1300 so far for my tri!  I know you can do it, no problem! 
2010-04-17 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2798564

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
LockOut - 2010-04-17 4:44 PM
SoccerGK - 2010-04-17 9:08 AM  

Ryan and I are thinking about doing either a 25k or 50k bike ride for diabetes this summer, but we have to raise at least $150 each.  My brother-in-law has diabetes (diagnosed while at skiing nationals when he was 12), so the cause is close to the heart.  Does anybody have any ideas how to do fundraising?  We've never done anything like this before!

I'm currently in the same situation as you.  As I've mentioned, I am doing a charity tri this summer.  I have found it not too hard to just bug anyone that you run in to.  Family and friends will always support.  Coworkers, school mates, and family friends are also a possibility.  The key is to hit up as many people as you possibly can, and be persistent.  Constantly talk about what you're doing, and people will listen, and support.  

Some corporations also might have some policies about sponsoring.  A "we'll match what you donate" thing or something like that.  I think that the key is just to talk to as many people as you possibly can.  Eventually, something is going to stick!  $150 isn't much to raise.  I have found that people are usually pretty generous when it comes to good causes.  I've managed to raise over $1300 so far for my tri!  I know you can do it, no problem! 

Another thing that I have seen people do is use social networking like Facebook or MySpace.  I have seen people post a link and ask for $5-$10 and have heard that it is pretty successful.

2010-04-17 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!  John went to the food store yesterday morning for me before he went away for the weekend.  Other than taking the boys out for dinner last night (first time I took the kids to a sit down restaurant by myself!  Go me!!!)  I have eaten really well this weekend.  I did well last night too even though I took them out.  I love salad but hate making them myself.  I thought about the kind of salad I like to get at a restaurant and I had John get me those kinds of things.  I was actually looking forward to lunch yesterday and today!!  I feel good about my choices yesterday and today considering I was home most of both days.  I tend to just graze all day long when I am home but I was careful not to!  Gum is my friend!!
2010-04-18 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hey all!  Hope everyone has had a great weekend!  I have had a pretty decent one.  Got my workout in Friday and yesterday and had!  I am very sore today from finishing in the yard.  10 more wheelbarrows of mulch and cleaned my house and then went and got my bike in.  I am soooo sore today and wanted to get a 15 min. run in today, but I think I am going to rest and not try to hurt myself. 

So I did a 7 mile bike yesterday and I am so nervous on a real bike still.  Any suggestions.  Oh and my sit bones are killing me today!!  I am not very fast I did 7 miles in 36 minutes.  I know I have two months before my race, but I am most worried about the bike.

For those of you newbies how many days a week do you do each s/b/r?  Right now I am 2xS, 2xr, 2xb, but I think I might bump the bike and run up to 3.
2010-04-18 9:43 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Just wanted to come on here and let you guys know what a great mentor you've got. So glad to see you're mentoring, Tim.
2010-04-18 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2799306

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Lora109 - 2010-04-18 9:43 AM Just wanted to come on here and let you guys know what a great mentor you've got. So glad to see you're mentoring, Tim.

I kinda think so myself too!
2010-04-18 6:00 PM
in reply to: #2799306

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I told her I would visit her blog like a thousand times if she said some nice things about me!   Kidding...

As everyone may have noticed it generally gets a little quiet on the weekends.  I get running around so much I barely have time to log my workouts.  Hope everyone had a good weekend and can't wait to check in and hear about Shauna's race this weekend! 

Lora109 - 2010-04-18 9:43 AM Just wanted to come on here and let you guys know what a great mentor you've got. So glad to see you're mentoring, Tim.

2010-04-18 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2799932

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-04-18 6:00 PM I told her I would visit her blog like a thousand times if she said some nice things about me!   Kidding...

As everyone may have noticed it generally gets a little quiet on the weekends.  I get running around so much I barely have time to log my workouts.  Hope everyone had a good weekend and can't wait to check in and hear about Shauna's race this weekend! 

Lora109 - 2010-04-18 9:43 AM Just wanted to come on here and let you guys know what a great mentor you've got. So glad to see you're mentoring, Tim.

I am already bugging her!  I told her I have the patience of a gnat and can't wait to hear about her tri!!

I had a great weekend for the most part with my boys but a not so good weekend on the training part.  Juggling both kids by myself was not the easiest.  I got out for a quick run when John came home but that is it.  He is pretty much a blob on the couch right now.  I have still been on my own with the boys this afternoon even though he is home!  Remind me of today when my marathon comes up!  I totally plan on cashing in on this. 
2010-04-18 7:20 PM
in reply to: #2776397

Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Thanks you guys for caring about my tri. Sorry it took so long to fill you in but I was waiting fo them to post the times and splits, which has not happened. So I will tell you what I know.

Swim- in a pool and start was based on your estimated time. I was number 486 and started about a half hour after the first guy(who finished his bike about 5 minutes before I started my swim, what a machine). I was nervous about this but it went well. I did not get run over, the lanes were wide and I finished strong, ran from pool to bike. Not sure how long transition took but it felt ok.

Bike- Ok, I expected hills but not these constant hills. I tend to start off like I have never biked. I feel real tired for the first mile or so and then I get into a rhythme. The first hill, everyone was walking 1/2 way up including me. Second hill I didn't shift right and walked about 4 feet, man I was ticked. Third, fourth, fifth hills I muscled through, shifted well and made them all. That was 3/4 of course. Thankfully last 1/4 of course was fairly easy, I had legs feeling good and ran off the bike and into the 5K. Total bike time a sad 1 hour 7 minutes.

Run- You all know I am so slow. All my 5K's last year I had to walk some of. I ran(slogged) the whole way and had a burst of awesome kick at the end to finish strong! I was so proud! Slog time 39 minutes

They have my total time as 2:30. I only timed my bike and run not the swim or trasition. So, I find it hard to believe that my transitions and swim would be 40 minutes total. I saw the clock before my swim saying 8:15 and I finished my run at 10:something 19 I think. I don't think I was at 2 hours but I was thinking 2:15 or slightly less. Since they have not posted the splits and some people took 145hours to finish(although maybe they didn't finish) maybe there was a mess up. I know I am slow and I accept that for now. If I hadn't timed the bike and run I would believe the time but since I did, I doubt it. Either way, I had fun and can't wait for my next tri. I am not sore at all! I am looking to add more to my schedule..I had that much fun. I am addicted. I am telling myself I get a real bike when I lose my 30 pounds. That is my incentive. I felt like I was crawling on my bike....according to my time I was!
2010-04-18 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2800041

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
wisprunner - 2010-04-18 5:20 PM Thanks you guys for caring about my tri. Sorry it took so long to fill you in but I was waiting fo them to post the times and splits, which has not happened. So I will tell you what I know.

Swim- in a pool and start was based on your estimated time. I was number 486 and started about a half hour after the first guy(who finished his bike about 5 minutes before I started my swim, what a machine). I was nervous about this but it went well. I did not get run over, the lanes were wide and I finished strong, ran from pool to bike. Not sure how long transition took but it felt ok.

Bike- Ok, I expected hills but not these constant hills. I tend to start off like I have never biked. I feel real tired for the first mile or so and then I get into a rhythme. The first hill, everyone was walking 1/2 way up including me. Second hill I didn't shift right and walked about 4 feet, man I was ticked. Third, fourth, fifth hills I muscled through, shifted well and made them all. That was 3/4 of course. Thankfully last 1/4 of course was fairly easy, I had legs feeling good and ran off the bike and into the 5K. Total bike time a sad 1 hour 7 minutes.

Run- You all know I am so slow. All my 5K's last year I had to walk some of. I ran(slogged) the whole way and had a burst of awesome kick at the end to finish strong! I was so proud! Slog time 39 minutes

They have my total time as 2:30. I only timed my bike and run not the swim or trasition. So, I find it hard to believe that my transitions and swim would be 40 minutes total. I saw the clock before my swim saying 8:15 and I finished my run at 10:something 19 I think. I don't think I was at 2 hours but I was thinking 2:15 or slightly less. Since they have not posted the splits and some people took 145hours to finish(although maybe they didn't finish) maybe there was a mess up. I know I am slow and I accept that for now. If I hadn't timed the bike and run I would believe the time but since I did, I doubt it. Either way, I had fun and can't wait for my next tri. I am not sore at all! I am looking to add more to my schedule..I had that much fun. I am addicted. I am telling myself I get a real bike when I lose my 30 pounds. That is my incentive. I felt like I was crawling on my bike....according to my time I was!

Congratulations on completing your first Tri!  You Rock!!
2010-04-18 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2800041

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
wisprunner - 2010-04-18 7:20 PM Thanks you guys for caring about my tri. Sorry it took so long to fill you in but I was waiting fo them to post the times and splits, which has not happened. So I will tell you what I know.

Swim- in a pool and start was based on your estimated time. I was number 486 and started about a half hour after the first guy(who finished his bike about 5 minutes before I started my swim, what a machine). I was nervous about this but it went well. I did not get run over, the lanes were wide and I finished strong, ran from pool to bike. Not sure how long transition took but it felt ok.

Bike- Ok, I expected hills but not these constant hills. I tend to start off like I have never biked. I feel real tired for the first mile or so and then I get into a rhythme. The first hill, everyone was walking 1/2 way up including me. Second hill I didn't shift right and walked about 4 feet, man I was ticked. Third, fourth, fifth hills I muscled through, shifted well and made them all. That was 3/4 of course. Thankfully last 1/4 of course was fairly easy, I had legs feeling good and ran off the bike and into the 5K. Total bike time a sad 1 hour 7 minutes.

Run- You all know I am so slow. All my 5K's last year I had to walk some of. I ran(slogged) the whole way and had a burst of awesome kick at the end to finish strong! I was so proud! Slog time 39 minutes

They have my total time as 2:30. I only timed my bike and run not the swim or trasition. So, I find it hard to believe that my transitions and swim would be 40 minutes total. I saw the clock before my swim saying 8:15 and I finished my run at 10:something 19 I think. I don't think I was at 2 hours but I was thinking 2:15 or slightly less. Since they have not posted the splits and some people took 145hours to finish(although maybe they didn't finish) maybe there was a mess up. I know I am slow and I accept that for now. If I hadn't timed the bike and run I would believe the time but since I did, I doubt it. Either way, I had fun and can't wait for my next tri. I am not sore at all! I am looking to add more to my schedule..I had that much fun. I am addicted. I am telling myself I get a real bike when I lose my 30 pounds. That is my incentive. I felt like I was crawling on my bike....according to my time I was!

I heard this quote on here once, "It takes more courage to be slow than to be fast."  Those are words to live by!!!  Just remember that you beat everybody who DIDN'T have the courage to do it!
On that note, WE'RE PROUD OF YOU!!!  No matter your time, it's a huge accomplishment to have finished your first tri!  How cool!  I can't wait to read your race report!

Hope everybody had a great weekend!  I got almost all the work done I needed to for school, so I'm (almost) ready for exams!  I just need you guys to keep me honest and working out, because I have a feeling the next couple weeks are going to be all kinds of rough for me...
2010-04-18 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Congrats Shauna!!!  So glad you had a great race!  You did it!!!  When is the next one?

2010-04-18 8:29 PM
in reply to: #2776397

Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

That is my new favorite motto! I love it and it fits me. It is true!
2010-04-18 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Congrats!  That's amazing!  Glad to hear you did well, and congrats on running the whole run!  That is an accomplishment in itself!
2010-04-18 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Way to go Shauna!!  You've done your first and can now call yourself a triathlete!  Now you have times to compare all your future races to so you can see how you are improving.  I remember the Shauna who started with us over the winter and was look at you running the whole distance! 
2010-04-18 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2776397

Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Tim, I remember when I did the couch to 5K program and the first time I had to run 1 lap around the track I thought I was going to die! And I felt good throughout this whole Tri! I have come a long way!
2010-04-19 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2800041

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
That is awesome!!!  Congratulations!  What an accomplishment.  It sounds like you did pretty good to me.  A lot like what I think I will be doing for my first tri in June.  We are all so proud of you!

I also think that is a great goal and a great reward!

2010-04-19 8:05 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
New topic this week...

I want everyone to decide on a goal to achieve by the end of the week.  Whether it be a weight goal, get in X number of workouts goal, eating goal, etc.

I've got two goals but they are related.  First, I WILL do all my scheduled workouts this week and second, I WILL run my 10k race this Sat at an 8:30 pace or better (my fastest 10k ever was an 8:46 pace last year).

Post your goal(s) and let's get 'er done!!
2010-04-19 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2800253

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
wisprunner - 2010-04-18 8:57 PM Tim, I remember when I did the couch to 5K program and the first time I had to run 1 lap around the track I thought I was going to die! And I felt good throughout this whole Tri! I have come a long way!

Congrats Shauna on your first Tri!  It is truly an amazing feeling, almost addicting feeling, to accomplish something that you thought was either impossible or extremely difficult.  Just imagine where you will be next year with some more hard work!!!
2010-04-19 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2800742

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-04-19 8:05 AM New topic this week...

I want everyone to decide on a goal to achieve by the end of the week.  Whether it be a weight goal, get in X number of workouts goal, eating goal, etc.

I've got two goals but they are related.  First, I WILL do all my scheduled workouts this week and second, I WILL run my 10k race this Sat at an 8:30 pace or better (my fastest 10k ever was an 8:46 pace last year).

Post your goal(s) and let's get 'er done!!

Why am I having such a hard time with this?!?!  I was actually thinking about this early this morning in the few minutes of quiet I had.  I want to set weekly goals that are going to push myself but also be attainable.  I feel like I have become comfortable with what I have been doing and really need to push it a little more.  I will have an answer after lunch time!
2010-04-19 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2800742

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-04-19 8:05 AM New topic this week...

I want everyone to decide on a goal to achieve by the end of the week.  Whether it be a weight goal, get in X number of workouts goal, eating goal, etc.

I've got two goals but they are related.  First, I WILL do all my scheduled workouts this week and second, I WILL run my 10k race this Sat at an 8:30 pace or better (my fastest 10k ever was an 8:46 pace last year).

Post your goal(s) and let's get 'er done!!

My goal is very simple:  I want to get in 5 workouts this week.  Exams are next week, so everything is piling up right now, and I would be VERY happy with myself if I was just able to find the time to get a normal amount of training in!  I've got one in, albeit a bad one, but one nonetheless.
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