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2010-07-14 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2979352

Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
So Rod, when does your tri season end? And what next after that? I am impressed by how you've really stuck with this and are completing all those tris. You definitely had a full dance card this summer.

2010-07-15 4:18 AM
in reply to: #2981899

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Hi Beth. Well my dance card hasn't been as full as yours - 6 Triathlons and the last a HIM! Now that is impressive :-)

My last tri for the season will be the Olympic distance at the end of August. What comes next? Oh Beth, you have forced me to show you what an obsessive planner I am!! Earlier this week I was looking fearfully at my outlook calendar which post end of August had no training sessions. I have now rectified this and filled in my training schedule out to May 2011!!

Post tri season, I want to start picking up some running races - probably two before the end of the year. Preferably 10-15km distance. Between end August and end of Jan 11 my main focus will be improving my running. Will be introducing one speed session (already have the detail of each session outlined in my outlook - sad I know) each week, and continue increasing volume (slowly). Target is by May next year my run sessions will be twice the time that they are now, and hopefully my speed on 10k run 10% faster. I'm hoping to run a couple of half marathons by the end of 2011. My swim volume is OK, and I won't increase it, but will start doing "drills" rather than just getting in the pool and swimming intervals. On the bike, well, longer rides, but also I think early next year I'd like to join a bike club and learn how to ride in bike races - this is partly because I am thinking about doing the OLY in Rennes (France) next May, and drafting is allowed (so might as well make the most of it by having some idea of how to work in a group! - even if I won't understand a word of what is being shouted out (in french)). Also hoping that some bike racing or TT races will help me break out of my current speed range.

The overall objective is to get my OLY time up to the Jersey median - which is 2hrs 30min.

Triathlons for 2011 - hopefully five again of which two Olympics (I'd make them all OLYs, but there isn't that opportunity in Jersey). Maybe HIM in 2012 - depending on work and family committments.

As you can see I haven't really given it much thought (haha)... I bet you're sorry you asked now!

How about you? With a Half iron man on the cards this year you must be toying with the idea of the full monty in the not too distant future???

Edited by Rod1 2010-07-15 4:23 AM
2010-07-19 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2801642

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Ok... so My 5k time trial on 4/24 was 48:22   today.......drumroll please.........

                   5k 7/19 35:55  WOW!!!!  that is 12:27 better !!!!  wooohooooo

2010-07-20 2:59 AM
in reply to: #2991369

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
That's BRILLIANT Amber. Well done!
2010-07-20 9:46 PM
in reply to: #2991369

Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Amber, you rock! That's a huge amount of time to drop in just a few weeks. Woohoo back atcha.

outtashape momma - 2010-07-19 9:17 PM Ok... so My 5k time trial on 4/24 was 48:22   today.......drumroll please.........

                   5k 7/19 35:55  WOW!!!!  that is 12:27 better !!!!  wooohooooo

2010-07-20 9:48 PM
in reply to: #2982074

Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Rod, I like the way you plan man.
Back at you soon.
BTW, is this group still active or Brian close it out?

2010-07-22 3:20 AM
in reply to: #2993707

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
As far as I know still active Laughing
2010-07-22 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2996508

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Extreme Veteran
Pauls Valley, OK
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
I think we can keep it active as long as we want.  I will try to be more active, but between training and working I don't have much spare time lately.  I imagine during taper I will be posting all day.Laughing

I like reading about everyone's progress.  To me that is what makes this sport great.  I am still having PR's 20 years after I started.  It just keeps getting better.
2010-07-22 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Hey guys it's good to finally get on again!

I think it would be awesome to keep our group open if we can (I know, I'm one to talk with the amount I've been on lately)

I had my first run workout in a long time on Monday and it felt great! I'm hoping to get a swim in at lunch today, and a good solid bike ride on Sunday.

Keep up the good work everyone
2010-07-23 3:16 AM
in reply to: #2997542

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Hey Erica,

Good to hear from you. I'm all for keeping the group going as well.

Ray, I'm not surprised you haven't had much time for blogging! More than 15 hrs per week of training you're doing isn't it? I don't know how you do it and hold down a full time job! Same goes for Katie and Brian!

Beth, good luck with your race tomorrow. What distance is it?

Have a great weekend all.
2010-07-28 3:13 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Race Report from last Sunday:

Triathlon 1200m/28km/7km. Total time 1:55:07. My target range was 1:55 to 2:05. So happy with this.

Swim was slow - had trouble with flooding mask, which meant numerous stops to clear. Probably cost me 2-3 minutes. Bike was a little quicker than my regular average. Run was quick, course was up hill for 3.5km, then a standing turn and back downhill for 3.5km - gravity must have worked in my favour coming down. All splits include transition (at end of swim and end of bike). Race was great fun. On  bike on the one big downhill section of course had to slow down because of farmer walking his three Jersey Cows to next field (only in Jersey!) and then caught up with a juniors race from the cycling club, and had to slow down for safety!! But neither of these cost me more than a few seconds, and add to the interest :-)

Overall position was 17/28. Position in Mens 14/20. I was the median swimmer. The median bike leg was 5% faster than me (3min 2sec). The median runner was 10% faster than me (3 min 17sec).

Overall the race was a lot of fun. Also was delighted that my recovery time is quicker, and I don't have to spend the rest of the day laid out on the couch - I think the longer training distances are paying off in this respect.

2010-08-02 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3008996

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Rod1 - 2010-07-28 4:13 AM Race Report from last Sunday:

Triathlon 1200m/28km/7km. Total time 1:55:07. My target range was 1:55 to 2:05. So happy with this.

Swim was slow - had trouble with flooding mask, which meant numerous stops to clear. Probably cost me 2-3 minutes. Bike was a little quicker than my regular average. Run was quick, course was up hill for 3.5km, then a standing turn and back downhill for 3.5km - gravity must have worked in my favour coming down. All splits include transition (at end of swim and end of bike). Race was great fun. On  bike on the one big downhill section of course had to slow down because of farmer walking his three Jersey Cows to next field (only in Jersey!) and then caught up with a juniors race from the cycling club, and had to slow down for safety!! But neither of these cost me more than a few seconds, and add to the interest :-)

Overall position was 17/28. Position in Mens 14/20. I was the median swimmer. The median bike leg was 5% faster than me (3min 2sec). The median runner was 10% faster than me (3 min 17sec).

Overall the race was a lot of fun. Also was delighted that my recovery time is quicker, and I don't have to spend the rest of the day laid out on the couch - I think the longer training distances are paying off in this respect.

Great job!

As an 5K time trial back when the group started was 28:10 (I'd have to look it up) and I just ran a 5K at the end of a tri at 25:18.  And to compare apples to apples:  my 10K time at the end of my Olympic in May was 57:28 and 56:25 at my Olympic in July which was a littler hillier.

You guys have been great support!
2010-08-03 5:50 AM
in reply to: #3018808

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Where did that "craptacular" runner go???

2010-08-04 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3018808

Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Rod1 - 2010-07-28 4:13 AM Race Report from last Sunday:

On  bike on the one big downhill section of course had to slow down because of farmer walking his three Jersey Cows to next field (only in Jersey!) and then caught up with a juniors race from the cycling club, and had to slow down for safety!! But neither of these cost me more than a few seconds, and add to the interest :-)

LaughingRod, only in tri can you see things like that...or in the Tour de France! Did ya'll see those mountain goats crossing in front of the cyclists? and that wild board running loose? Anyway, good enough reason for me to do these long schlogs.

Overall position was 17/28. Position in Mens 14/20. I was the median swimmer. The median bike leg was 5% faster than me (3min 2sec). The median runner was 10% faster than me (3 min 17sec).

Overall the race was a lot of fun. Also was delighted that my recovery time is quicker, and I don't have to spend the rest of the day laid out on the couch - I think the longer training distances are paying off in this respect.

Rod, way to go! Those are great improvements and that easy recovery is sweet isn't it? I've been noticing that myself. Last year for my 2 tris I was laid out on the bed all day; this year I have enough energy to go grocery shopping.

Can't wait to see how you do on the Oly. Not long off is it? But first, c'est les vacances! Bon voyage en France!
2010-08-04 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3018808

Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
crazyalaskian - 2010-08-02 1:32 PM
As an 5K time trial back when the group started was 28:10 (I'd have to look it up) and I just ran a 5K at the end of a tri at 25:18.  And to compare apples to apples:  my 10K time at the end of my Olympic in May was 57:28 and 56:25 at my Olympic in July which was a littler hillier.

You guys have been great support!

You go girl! That's some serious improvement in fast fast running. When's your IRONWOMAN?
2010-08-04 5:00 PM
in reply to: #2997542

Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Erica, welcome back and good to see ya! When does life resume to normal?

IronCowgirl - 2010-07-22 10:50 AM Hey guys it's good to finally get on again!

I think it would be awesome to keep our group open if we can (I know, I'm one to talk with the amount I've been on lately)

I had my first run workout in a long time on Monday and it felt great! I'm hoping to get a swim in at lunch today, and a good solid bike ride on Sunday.

Keep up the good work everyone

2010-08-13 8:06 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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Vestavia Hills
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Hey guys ... sorry that I have been AWOL since IM CdA.  All heck broke loose while I was out in Coeur d'Alene and have been covered up/digging out since then. (Shoot, I haven't even been training that much - less than 4 runs total and 1, yes "one", swim since then!)

Glad to see everyone is still at it and having what looks like a good season.  You are well on your way!

Let me know if there is anything I can do for you all.

- Brian

2010-08-23 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Hi guys. I am back from holiday in the sunny south of France (back to cool and raining Jersey!). The break was great, and I managed to get quite a bit of training in (as well as sigthseeing and wine consumption and time with the kids and family). The bike riding was amazing, through vineyards and 1000 year old villages, and limestone gorges - all on an unlimited choice of virtually car free rural roads...and this was all within 30km of the house we were staying in. It was perfect. I'm now in taper before my main event for the season (olympic distance), which is on Sunday.


Brian - great to hear from you. I hope everything is now sorted out. From your blog it looks like you are really focusing on bike races?

Beth congratulations on your race on the 14th - your times looked fantastic, you must be really pleased with yourself. Are you still planning on the HIM in September?

Ray, good luck with the big bike race this weekend.

Amber, are you still about? If so GOOD LUCK this weekend!!

and of course the same for (Ironwoman) Katie! Awesome.
2010-08-26 2:29 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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New user

Subject: Remember me?
Hey guys! Where have I been? Vacationing vacationing vacationing!! You all were in my thoughts and I will be honest in saying that I have indeed been training A LOT! I did finish the Danskin Triathlon and found it to be the most crazy amazing adrenaline rushing thing I have ever done (OK, that part is a lie, white water rafting would have to be first). I am planning to do another triathlon September 11th, but between getting ready to move and selling our house training is going to be a little trickier and require some creativity. 

I will have to say that doing bricks frequently might have been the best thing I ever did. Didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would in getting up and running. However, the swim was horrible. Freestyle was not even an option. Waves were crashing into my face interrupting my breathing. So I had to breast stroke the whole thing!

Well that is some of the latest with me. I have a lot of catching up to do with you guys and see what all you have done!
2010-08-26 3:56 AM
in reply to: #3064465

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Subject: RE: Remember me?
Hey Cheeks, great to hear from you! Wow you're now a triathlete - superb! Well done!!!
2010-08-26 4:56 PM
in reply to: #2801642

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Hey Everyone!  Sorry I have been MIA. In process of a divorce.  Although I am still racing Saturday.  I am really nervous, and hope I don't look like an idiot. My friend that had been training with me has a back injury and is out, so it is just me!!!
I will post my results when I get them.  It is the Cedars of Lebanon Triathlon, in Lebanon TN! 
Any thoughts or recommendations for race day?


2010-08-27 6:03 AM
in reply to: #3066171

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Hi Amber,

Sorry to hear about the divorce. But great that you will be racing this Sunday! You'll be great. You won't embarass yourself - and remember its your race, take it as it comes. My only advice for the first one is to be careful not to get caught up in the adrenalin of the race too early - come out of the swim ready for the ride - not collapsing from exhaustion :-) My first few runs were really really hard, because I had pushed too hard early on. Have you sorted out what you can eat before the race? Everyone is different, but for the sprint triathlon this is what works for me: Two to 2.5hrs before the race I have banana & yoghurt (with ground almond/sunfolower seed/linseed), a freshly squeezed orange juice (1 orange in about 400ml water), a large strong milky sweet coffee, a 1/2 Berocca in 400ml water (Berocca is a soluble multivitamin with added minerals). I might have some water before the race, but nothing closer than 30 minutes before the race. 30 minutes before the race I have a gel with caffeine in it (caffeine takes 1 hr to peak in your system). On a sprint Triathlon I don't take anything during the race (not even water - but I do leave a bottle of water at transition in case I need it as passing through) - but it is not as hot in Jersey as where you are I suspect, and everyone is different. 

Good Luck - AND ENJOY Laughing 
2010-08-27 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3066640

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Thanks, Rod! It's nice to hear from everyone again. Work has been crazy the last few weeks so I'm looking forward to the 4-day weekend required for Ironman, then I have one day of work, then off to MA for a short vacation. I'm actually in a car on my way up to Louisville. I'm actually also really looking forward to the "underwear run" tomorrow which is a 1.5 mile run/jog/walk in, you guessed it, underwear. Some of the people I've been training with went out and bought cartoon underwear for the occasion so I'm sure it is going to be pretty entertaining. I'll see you guys on the flip side!
2010-09-04 3:42 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Hi Guys, hope all is well. Results back from my Oly last week. Completed in 2:47:07. This is at the bottom end of my hopes so happy with the result. Overall position was 51/81 (inclusive of 3 DNFs), 28th in the swim, 56th in bike section and 56th in run section. Despite the longer distances my pace in each segment was similar to in the shorter races, so I guess the training payed off! thinking about buying a TT bike for next season (as a reward for surviving this seasonLaughing).

2010-09-23 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3081789

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Ok sorry it is so late in posting.  Here are my 1st race results from 8/28.  

Swim  10:49   t1 3:49       bike1:42:16    t2   2:00    run  47:02    total   2:45:54

It's a pretty terrible time...but I did at least finish!  If I could have trained more the last 3 weeks it would have been better.  My next one will be better. Laughing

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