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2011-01-21 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3312971

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Stickyrunner01 - 2011-01-21 8:25 AM
DirkP - 2011-01-21 7:58 AM

I am probably going to try to suck it up, put on my big boy pants and go out this morning, but first I have to take my daughter to the periodontist.  I want to get out before the wins starts to pick up much but I don't think its going to happen that way.

I passed on my run. it's -2 with a wind chill of -17. NO THANKS! I froze just walking to/from class. I will probably just hop on the trainer tonight for 90 minutes and run tomorrow.

Happy Friday Everyone.

Just look at it like a recovery day forced or not, we all need em!

I opted for a forced recovery day today, could not drag my butt outta bed. I am pretty sore from yesterdays workouts so I just kept snoozing for another hour 1/2 lazy i know.

this weekend, well I'm planning on putting on my big girl pants and making a 20 mi bike ride tomorrow morning depending on the weather (basically wind here) it might be shorter, I've had problems here where the wind threatens to wipe the bike completely out from under me (gusts at 30mph!!) then tomorrow evening 3 mi run. Sunday morning 3 miles on the hilliest course I know!

I love swimming!! Am I the only one? When my coach had me start on the kickboard she'd criticize my form, like dirk said, kicking from the hip, following through with the knee and the ankles should be loose not flexed, breaking the surface slightly works best for me. I would barely eeeek down the pool, now I find that I can go faster and faster with the kickboard. also body form is important, when I first started my lower back would be sore after 25yrds, just from the arch I'd hold to keep my feet near the surface.

swimming does remind me of skydiving alot, every little nuance in form will effect your body's performance at terminal velocity and in the water Cool.

dirk, I am starting a music ministry life group at my church next week. I play the guitar (kinda) and mostly sing, but I really have very little experience in a band setting so this should be interesting. My dad has made two christian cds of his original works, the last cd he even mixed and mastered himself I'll have to send you the links to see if you like his stuff.

happy friday!!

2011-01-21 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3313067

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
dreaming80 - 2011-01-21 10:07 AM
Stickyrunner01 - 2011-01-21 8:25 AM
DirkP - 2011-01-21 7:58 AM

I am probably going to try to suck it up, put on my big boy pants and go out this morning, but first I have to take my daughter to the periodontist.  I want to get out before the wins starts to pick up much but I don't think its going to happen that way.

I passed on my run. it's -2 with a wind chill of -17. NO THANKS! I froze just walking to/from class. I will probably just hop on the trainer tonight for 90 minutes and run tomorrow.

Happy Friday Everyone.

Just look at it like a recovery day forced or not, we all need em!

dirk, I am starting a music ministry life group at my church next week. I play the guitar (kinda) and mostly sing, but I really have very little experience in a band setting so this should be interesting. My dad has made two christian cds of his original works, the last cd he even mixed and mastered himself I'll have to send you the links to see if you like his stuff.

happy friday!!

I kinda had my recovery day on last Sunday, if you call working 18.5 hours an easy day.  I wasn't able to get any training done for obvious reasons so I am not going to skip anything today.  I have decided I will swim and bike today and run tomorrow.  it is supposed to be a little warmer tomorrow but still pretty frigid in the morning, the winds slightly less and it will give me a chance to go out and get something to cover my face while running.

As far as the music ministry, make sure you take your time getting used to playing with a full band.  It is a different feel trying to pick up on everyone's different intricacies but once you gel it can be pretty amazing.  I have been playing with the same group of people for about 5 years and we can feel each other around and know where someone else is going without looking at them or them saying anything.  You're dad being a musician can probably relate this in a more articulate way than I can if he has played with full bands.
Suggestions on how to keep things moving:
  • Take your time and learn songs slowly and build a base/list of songs before starting to "perform" at church.  (I don't like calling leading worship performing but you get my point.)  I would suggest 3x the number of songs you plan on using at each service as an initial base
  • Once the base is going that will give you a list to pull from and begin to learn other stuff without being terribly repetitive.
  • Start learning easier songs in the beginning until you have a more solid base of songs then you can have "project songs" that will take a little longer to put together as a group.
  • If your church has CCLI, it can be an amazing resource for sheet music.  But it can be kind of expensive if you don't have a large church.  If it is a large church it is very likely you already have CCLI and all of it's resources.  Hee is the link for easier reference
Send me the links to your dad'a music and I'll check it out.  Typically I am into some pretty heavy stuff.....Demon Hunter, Project 86, Disciple and Haste the Day but in the worship genre I very much like David Crowder ( who I am going to see on Sunday night).

2011-01-21 2:41 PM
in reply to: #3313238

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I got my workouts in but I couldn't get the swim I was looking for.  The pool is closed today and I didn't realize it until I was about ready to leave.  There is a swim club that has a a meet all weekend that is keeping me out.

The good news is that I was able to get something done today.  The bike was 1:32:00 for 30.6 miles with the usual 10 minute working sets.  The run was a quick 2 miles just to add a bit of distance to the week.  I would consider this another brick workout.

2011-01-22 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3312819

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
DirkP - 2011-01-21 7:58 AM
sicone - 2011-01-21 5:15 AM

Its in F.  I wouldn't even know what -13 would be in C.  You know how we are here in the States, rebellious!  We don't like the rule of the oppressive rule of the monarchy (American Revolution, War of 1812). We're not gonna do what you want us to do.  LOL

I used your post as an example in my U.S. History class today to illustrate two things:  1)  Normal people really do care about history.  2)  Americans are still a fiercely independent and stubborn people.

2011-01-22 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Okies im starting to get back into the habbit of training again, during my work days this week i managed to get a run and a swim on my breaks.( thurs& fri)

Saturday my break ended up outside Sicone's house, so instead of a run i drank Tea with his sister and cooed over her newborn daughter 

Sunday i plan on a long run, and dropping my bike in to get the rear wheel trued...again Blooming potholes!!
2011-01-22 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3315011

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
jfought - 2011-01-22 10:25 AM
DirkP - 2011-01-21 7:58 AM
sicone - 2011-01-21 5:15 AM

Its in F.  I wouldn't even know what -13 would be in C.  You know how we are here in the States, rebellious!  We don't like the rule of the oppressive rule of the monarchy (American Revolution, War of 1812). We're not gonna do what you want us to do.  LOL

I used your post as an example in my U.S. History class today to illustrate two things:  1)  Normal people really do care about history.  2)  Americans are still a fiercely independent and stubborn people.


I don't know that many people would call me normal. LOL  But I will take it as a compliment nonetheless.  All the way through school history was one of my favorite subjects.  US history seemed to be my best subject.  I am not a huge reader but when I do read I usually read about the wars of the 20th century more than anything else.

Edited by DirkP 2011-01-22 7:02 PM

2011-01-22 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I got my training done this afternoon despite the rather cold wind chills.  I went out and bought a moisture wicking balaclava so I could keep my face warm.  It worked very well!  I had virtually no problem staying warm for 9 miles in 0 degree wind chills.  The run felt pretty good except for the icy patches that slowed me down to a near stop several times.  And then there was the dog.....It came charging out from a yard that I run by all the time and never noticed a dog there before and this was NO small dog.  It looked like a boxer/rottweiler mix I guess, not really sure.  I stopped running and walked while it made it's way toward me, sniffed while a few feet away from me and went back home.  Maybe I smelled really bad from sweat and he didn't want to taste me, I don't know.

It was a good run and one I am very glad to have been able to get done.

2011-01-23 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
So I thought I would chime in on some of the banter.

First off needed a day off from training yesterday, I was real tight and my back was a lit6tle tweaked, need to run today but only going up to 20 degrees(F), so may end up on the dreadmill, ughhhh. Maybe watch the game at the same time could help with a 5.3 mile run and make the time pass.

Speaking of running when I was in FL last week I was out for a run through my parents beautiful gated community, lots of retired folks with lots of time on their hands (boy do they love to chat). Anyway I am running along at about mile 4 and I see a woman is out watering her flowers up ahead, (probably in her mid 80's) as I approach she yells out "it is awfully tempting". So I am thinking ok what is awfully tempting? Does she want to come running with me ? Hmmm no I don't think so, she would probably only get a few feet, but maybe she used to be a runner, and was dreaming of glory days(sucks to get old). Then it dawns on me that she wanted to spray me with her hose .... it probably would have been the highlight of her day. So I am not sure what the point of this story is...but I was feeling mighty grateful to be able to run and move and thinking that my day will come when spraying someone with hose would be my excitement for the day.

OK now to swimming.....swimming in a pool is boring and monotonous...last year for Christmas my kids got me an underwater ear plugs for my nano....that helped for a while but I could never get used to hearing music along with the sound of water swishing around me. Just started using the kick board and buoy this year. I have no problem with the kick board and agree that the motion needs to come from the hip flexor's..what a great is not easy
The buoy does make me go faster because it is holding my legs up and I seem to have less drag.

Everyone enjoy want is left of the weekend...GO JETS !!!!!!! That is the NJ JETS btw
2011-01-23 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
OK now it is 19 I a wimp for not running outside?

Dirk you are dedicated, I need to borrow that moisture wicking balacava (what ever that is)?

Edited by bfwhitt 2011-01-23 10:16 AM
2011-01-23 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3316182

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
bfwhitt - 2011-01-23 10:42 AM OK now it is 19 I a wimp for not running outside?

Dirk you are dedicated, I need to borrow that moisture wicking balacava (what ever that is)?

I'll Let you determine for yourself if you are a wimp after you view this most recent pic from immediately afer my 7:30 AM run today.  I went 5 miles and yes it was a bit chilly but I was dressed perfectly for it.  The temp was 3 with a wind chill of -4 while I was out there.  The first mile I was a bit cold but after that I was very warm and comfortable.

(Jan 23-2.jpg)

Jan 23-2.jpg (15KB - 5 downloads)
2011-01-23 3:37 PM
in reply to: #3316178

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
bfwhitt - 2011-01-23 10:40 AM So I thought I would chime in on some of the banter.

First off needed a day off from training yesterday, I was real tight and my back was a lit6tle tweaked, need to run today but only going up to 20 degrees(F), so may end up on the dreadmill, ughhhh. Maybe watch the game at the same time could help with a 5.3 mile run and make the time pass.

Speaking of running when I was in FL last week I was out for a run through my parents beautiful gated community, lots of retired folks with lots of time on their hands (boy do they love to chat). Anyway I am running along at about mile 4 and I see a woman is out watering her flowers up ahead, (probably in her mid 80's) as I approach she yells out "it is awfully tempting". So I am thinking ok what is awfully tempting? Does she want to come running with me ? Hmmm no I don't think so, she would probably only get a few feet, but maybe she used to be a runner, and was dreaming of glory days(sucks to get old). Then it dawns on me that she wanted to spray me with her hose .... it probably would have been the highlight of her day. So I am not sure what the point of this story is...but I was feeling mighty grateful to be able to run and move and thinking that my day will come when spraying someone with hose would be my excitement for the day.

OK now to swimming.....swimming in a pool is boring and monotonous...last year for Christmas my kids got me an underwater ear plugs for my nano....that helped for a while but I could never get used to hearing music along with the sound of water swishing around me. Just started using the kick board and buoy this year. I have no problem with the kick board and agree that the motion needs to come from the hip flexor's..what a great is not easy
The buoy does make me go faster because it is holding my legs up and I seem to have less drag.

Everyone enjoy want is left of the weekend...GO JETS !!!!!!! That is the NJ JETS btw

haha nice story about running through the retirement community.

That's interesting that you say that about the underwater earphones.  I've occasionally wondered about them after seeing the online advertisements.  And today I was in Best Buy (looking at laptops, ended up buying one online through Toshiba) and I saw those earphones for the first time in a store.

Does anyone have any recommendations for regular earphones/headphones?  None of mine work anymore, haven't for some time, but I figure that sooner or later I'll want some new ones.  Problems I've had with a couple of my earphones in the past is that they wouldn't always stay in my ears while running.  (I've had some cheap ones though.)  Have any that you like in particular  for runs?

2011-01-23 3:58 PM
in reply to: #3316590

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
As far as earbuds go, the tri shop I work at recently got Yurbud's. I've heard they work well, but are a bit pricey. For me, right now, I am rocking my iPhone headphones... once those die, I might try the Yurbud's out.
2011-01-23 5:43 PM
in reply to: #3316361

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
DirkP - 2011-01-23 1:31 PM
bfwhitt - 2011-01-23 10:42 AM OK now it is 19 I a wimp for not running outside?

Dirk you are dedicated, I need to borrow that moisture wicking balacava (what ever that is)?

I'll Let you determine for yourself if you are a wimp after you view this most recent pic from immediately afer my 7:30 AM run today.  I went 5 miles and yes it was a bit chilly but I was dressed perfectly for it.  The temp was 3 with a wind chill of -4 while I was out there.  The first mile I was a bit cold but after that I was very warm and comfortable.

Dirk that is a great the eyelashes...yeah I am a wimp...went and swam instead and ran on the treadmill.....I will wait until it is at least above 20
2011-01-24 7:06 AM
in reply to: #3316783

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
bfwhitt - 2011-01-23 11:43 PM
Dirk that is a great the eyelashes...

Agreed, that looks like it was fun (after the initial shock of the cold wears off )

Looks like most of you had busy weekends training wise. I went for a swim yesterday (not at my regular pool) and the water temperature was so high that I swear I was starting to sweat after swimming about 500m! I didn't even know that was possible!
On the plus side, it's the first time I've swum a straight 700m since my last tri in August and I was 20sec/100m faster even wihtout the wetsuit, swim cap and wearing baggy swim trunks. Shame I'm still only at the 2:30/100m mark, but that'll improve
2011-01-24 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
didn't get my long run on Sunday as planed to to feeling rubbish when i woke up so i went Monday instead felt good to get a long run in (long for me anyway)

I'm gutted that the Jets didn't make it to Superbowl as one of my friends is a Cheese-head
2011-01-24 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
So I survived my first winter tri. It was a balmy 7F at the start. Running and biking in snow was hard. It was like I was putting all this effort forth but getting nowhere fast. It took me approximately 2 hours to move 6 miles! I'll get the race report up and some pics either later today when I get home or tomorrow. It was fun but not sure I would do another oneHappy training!

2011-01-24 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3317495

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Can't wait to see the race report Seren, sounds like it'll be an interesting read
2011-01-24 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3317636

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
sicone - 2011-01-24 9:23 AM Can't wait to see the race report Seren, sounds like it'll be an interesting read

2011-01-24 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3317945

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
michgirlsk - 2011-01-24 11:15 AM
sicone - 2011-01-24 9:23 AM Can't wait to see the race report Seren, sounds like it'll be an interesting read


X3 on the RR

2011-01-24 1:26 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
As others have said, can't wait to read the RR!

Also, Something new this week...

Weekly Goals. That way we can use the encouragement from other group members to help us out!

I will start by saying that my weekly goal is to run 5 times this week with those runs equaling 18-20 miles, and I would also like to cycle twice (3 would be nice).

Edited by Stickyrunner01 2011-01-24 1:26 PM
2011-01-24 2:55 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Got my run in for today! It was so nice to be above 30*. I ran 5 miles today. I was so dis-heartened this morning when I woke up and found it to be snowing. I was like, gah, I just wish it would melt. The snow and slush kill my stride and I have to work so much harder to keep a decent pace. My out and back run today had some snowy and slushy parts which caused me to drop into the high 7's and low 8's for portions of my run. Overall I felt great!

Hope everyone's Monday's are going great!

2011-01-24 3:00 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Weekly Goal:

This is a recovery week for me, so going at a bit lower intensity.
3x Swim
2x Bike
3x Run
(cutting out my body pump class this week)

Also need to so some extra stretches and exercises prescribed by my chiropractor.  Working on my sore lower back. 

Calorie consumption goal:  Get to Bells Brewery in Kalamazoo and indulge in some of their seasonal brew, Hopslam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :-)  Gotta have goals, right? 
2011-01-24 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3318831

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
jfought - 2011-01-24 4:00 PM Weekly Goal:

This is a recovery week for me, so going at a bit lower intensity.
3x Swim
2x Bike
3x Run
(cutting out my body pump class this week)

Also need to so some extra stretches and exercises prescribed by my chiropractor.  Working on my sore lower back. 

Calorie consumption goal:  Get to Bells Brewery in Kalamazoo and indulge in some of their seasonal brew, Hopslam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :-)  Gotta have goals, right? 

Nice goals, but, I especially like the last one! Enjoy!
2011-01-24 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3318547

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
My weekly goals:
Run 18-20 miles
Bike 3 x on the trainer (60-ish miles)
Swim 3 x (6500-7000 yards)

This will be another tough week for me.  I have 2 swim meets this week and a Friday band practice.  Swim will be over soon but my youngest daughter has decided to run track this year at HS so I will have that to work around as the school year progresses.  I am not complaining, at least not a lot, my girls will only be young once and I have missed a lot of them growing up already.  I don't want to miss any more.

Have yo ever been to Dowgiac Mi?  There is a place there that has a million different kinds of beer.  I was there for lunch at work one day so I couldn't indulge but I hear they have some pretty good stuff there.  I don't drink much anymore.  Maybe a whole case a year.  Yeah I know......Hi my name is Dirk and I am an alcoholic.  LOL

2011-01-24 11:11 PM
in reply to: #3319424

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
DirkP - 2011-01-24 9:46 PM My weekly goals:
Run 18-20 miles
Bike 3 x on the trainer (60-ish miles)
Swim 3 x (6500-7000 yards)

This will be another tough week for me.  I have 2 swim meets this week and a Friday band practice.  Swim will be over soon but my youngest daughter has decided to run track this year at HS so I will have that to work around as the school year progresses.  I am not complaining, at least not a lot, my girls will only be young once and I have missed a lot of them growing up already.  I don't want to miss any more.

Looks like a great week! Hopefully everything will fall into place and let you get those workouts in!

Also, My dad was a runner when he was in HS and would always say when I was in HS that he wished he could get out there with me and run. He always said he would slow me down too much and didn't want to take away from my training, I always joked back and never thought too much about it. Now, looking back, I know it would have meant the world to him if I could have slowed down enough to let him enjoy a nice 2-3 mile jog with me. I'll always remember the meet when I ran my 10:19 junior year, because I never knew my dad's PR's from when he ran. I crossed the line, excited as ever... came over to him and he was very happy for me, but I could tell something wasn't quite right. He said something to the effect of, "well, now 2 of my 3 son's are faster than I was in HS. I guess I should have ran faster! But, hey, I get credit cause I ran on cinders!"

Dirk, enjoy her running. As a HS runner, she should have plenty of miles to share with you. Go for a jog with her. Talk. Running conversations are some of the most pure because there isn't enough breath to BS. You two will have great conversations.

I got a 45 min trainer ride in tonight 10 min w/u. 5 x (3 min off, 2 min) on with a 10 min c/d --> watched CARS while spinning, forgot how good that movie was
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