BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-01-28 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3326365

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
roadrhino - 2011-01-28 8:05 AM Yes, good luck to Matt, too! Looks like there's a good chance of rain... It'll be fun nonetheless.

triritter - 2011-01-28 6:27 AM Good luck to Tiffany (roadrhino) and Nikki (Hippotude) in the Houston Half/Marathon this weekend!!!

Good luck to all of you!!!  Run fast Laughing 

2011-01-28 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3325873

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
cam111 - 2011-01-27 8:03 PM Nice pace and distance -- Well done!  I'd be deep in Z4/Z5 with a that output...

I'm pretty sure I'd be dead with that pace Wink 
2011-01-28 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3256799

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Friday: 1 hour am run 
Saturday: 3:30 ride/ 30 run  Brick
Sunday: AM 1:30 run   :45-1:00 easy spin PM

2011-01-28 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3326219

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Good luck Tiffany, Nikki, and Matt!  I love Half Marathons, 'cause, you know, they're not Marathons!  Kill it!

2011-01-28 1:49 PM
in reply to: #3256799

Longmont, Colorado
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Fri: swim 1000m time trial (reset t-pace), 1000 easy/drills and video stroke analysis. 15min core Sat: 1500swim, 60min z2 computrainer in aero bars (I hate those things), 15min core, maybe 30min treadmillSun: 60 min computrainer LT ride, 15min core, ski with the girls.
2011-01-28 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3327307

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Did a swim tonight 800yd (longest yet!) What I wanted to do was 400 non stop which I did and it went pretty good I think. 8:47 for the whole 400 but didn't have to flip over at all which is good for me. I also added on some drills afterward to put in some more yards. Anyone have thoughts on the time?

Weekend- going to mountain bike for an hour on saturday and then whatever comes sunday maybe a long group ride who knows.

Good luck to those doing the half! Pace yourself and then attack in the last half of it!

2011-01-28 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3327769

Longmont, Colorado
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Did a swim tonight 800yd (longest yet!) What I wanted to do was 400 non stop which I did and it went pretty good I think. 8:47 for the whole 400 but didn't have to flip over at all which is good for me. I also added on some drills afterward to put in some more yards. Anyone have thoughts on the time?

Weekend- going to mountain bike for an hour on saturday and then whatever comes sunday maybe a long group ride who knows.

Good luck to those doing the half! Pace yourself and then attack in the last half of it!

Great accomplishment!  The improvements with swim distances, early on, come the hardest.  You should celebrate!!!  Seriously, this is a great milestone, and you should know (and be relieved) that 1000, 1500, 2000+ will all become progressively easier (and faster).  You should really focus on technique and stroke count (rather than time) at this point to make sure you're getting the most out of your efforts.  If you are working on improving swimming performance, you can use the rule of thumb that 3 days/week will maintain; but it takes more to improve...a good option is to do shorter (both distance and time) workouts more frequently to establish the muscle memory and proper mechanics (before fatigue sets in) -- 15-20min is fine for these workouts (get on uTube to see a bunch of great examples of swim mechanics videos).

A good weekly routine is short technique sessions 3 times a week and longer endurance sessions staggered twice a week.

One of the most important aspects of swimming is to get your technique to the point that you're breathing in a comfortable manner...I wouldn't recommend focusing on anything else, until you get that dialed in.  It's hard enough to put the effort in, don't do it holding your breath...

Thanks for sharing your milestone.  C

2011-01-28 9:33 PM
in reply to: #3327936

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
cam111 - 2011-01-28 9:16 PM Did a swim tonight 800yd (longest yet!) What I wanted to do was 400 non stop which I did and it went pretty good I think. 8:47 for the whole 400 but didn't have to flip over at all which is good for me. I also added on some drills afterward to put in some more yards. Anyone have thoughts on the time?

Weekend- going to mountain bike for an hour on saturday and then whatever comes sunday maybe a long group ride who knows.

Good luck to those doing the half! Pace yourself and then attack in the last half of it!

Great accomplishment!  The improvements with swim distances, early on, come the hardest.  You should celebrate!!!  Seriously, this is a great milestone, and you should know (and be relieved) that 1000, 1500, 2000+ will all become progressively easier (and faster).  You should really focus on technique and stroke count (rather than time) at this point to make sure you're getting the most out of your efforts.  If you are working on improving swimming performance, you can use the rule of thumb that 3 days/week will maintain; but it takes more to improve...a good option is to do shorter (both distance and time) workouts more frequently to establish the muscle memory and proper mechanics (before fatigue sets in) -- 15-20min is fine for these workouts (get on uTube to see a bunch of great examples of swim mechanics videos).

A good weekly routine is short technique sessions 3 times a week and longer endurance sessions staggered twice a week.

One of the most important aspects of swimming is to get your technique to the point that you're breathing in a comfortable manner...I wouldn't recommend focusing on anything else, until you get that dialed in.  It's hard enough to put the effort in, don't do it holding your breath...

Thanks for sharing your milestone.  C

You hit on a couple things I struggle with without even knowing it. Breathing is tough for me. I forgot to post that my HR right after the 400 was 138. To me this seems low for how heavy I was breathing at the end of the swim. Is HR much different in the water than it is with running or biking? I'm 24 so Max. HR should be 196 (220-age). I only did the workout this way to get a feel for my tri next weekend.

I did celebrate with 3 beers (miller high life, reminiscent of my college days partying in the dorms even though that was only a few years ago). I plan to get into longer workouts in March, the pool is open later starting then. For now I have about 30 min. or less depending on when I get out of work and get home. I'm really looking forward to those longer milestones. I found myself thinking about doing a full ironman somewhere down the road and wondering if I'll ever make it but I know one day I will.
Thanks Cam!
2011-01-28 9:57 PM
in reply to: #3328024

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
grownassman161 - 2011-01-28 9:33 PM

You hit on a couple things I struggle with without even knowing it. Breathing is tough for me. I forgot to post that my HR right after the 400 was 138. To me this seems low for how heavy I was breathing at the end of the swim. Is HR much different in the water than it is with running or biking? I'm 24 so Max. HR should be 196 (220-age). I only did the workout this way to get a feel for my tri next weekend.

220 - age is a load of malarkey.  If I were to follow that my Max HR would be 187 but I consistently hit 200+ at the end of races.  My last test on the bike indicated a lactate threshold of 184 while my last run test gave me an LT of 189.  Those values indicate a Max HR of 201-210 for me which is inline with what I experience in races.  I've never done a test for swimming but based on RPE I would say that an effort that averages in the 170's feels about the same as a run in the 180's.

My HR is naturally on the high end.  My father in law red lines below 150 even though his max would be around 160 according to that formula.  If you want to train based on HR you should do some testing to get your zones set properly. 
2011-01-28 10:09 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
I took today off.  I'd considered throwing in another swim but the little dude was very against going to the gym and since I had other things to deal with today I threw the idea out the window.  I did get an impromptu workout in during my oldest daughter's guitar lesson when my other two instigated a game of capture the mommy.  It wasn't a true interval session, but lots of sprints and short anaerobic spurts.  Even better was that today was the first day I haven't taped my toe and so far I've got no pain or swelling.

Tomorrow I'll be doing a 1.5 hour ride on the trainer and, if things keep going my way, on Sunday I'm going to try a short run.

The real fun is starting an allergy elimination diet with the family tomorrow.  My 7yo daughter and I both have diagnosed ADHD and we're looking into food allergies as a possible cause of some of our symptoms.  For the next week we get no wheat, dairy, egg, sugar, soy, cocoa, cola, corn, preservatives, food coloring, citrus or peanuts.  During the second week we'll be adding those items back in, one per day, to see if they affect us.

I'm a little nervous about how changing up my diet so dramatically will affect my training, but since I'll still be eating a pretty well-balanced, and definitely healthier than normal, diet it should be all right.  I'm just hoping that if anything comes up it's something I won't mind losing like the food coloring or preservatives.  Better to find out now before I have my nutrition planned for my HIM though.
2011-01-28 10:27 PM
in reply to: #3327936

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
cam111 - 2011-01-28 8:16 PM   Seriously, this is a great milestone, and you should know (and be relieved) that 1000, 1500, 2000+ will all become progressively easier (and faster).   It's hard enough to put the effort in, don't do it holding your breath...

Nice job on the distance and Cam111 is right, it does get easier. When I started I thought I was going to die doing 500m, a few months later and I am now annoyed that some of the lane swim times at the pool are only 1 hour. My speed still really stinks, but last week I did my first 100 lap swim which made me pretty happy.

Also regarding the breathing, be sure that you are rotating your body a bit, its better form and helps with the breathing too.

2011-01-29 7:33 AM
in reply to: #3328064

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
thndrcloud - 2011-01-28 11:09 PM
The real fun is starting an allergy elimination diet with the family tomorrow.  My 7yo daughter and I both have diagnosed ADHD and we're looking into food allergies as a possible cause of some of our symptoms.  For the next week we get no wheat, dairy, egg, sugar, soy, cocoa, cola, corn, preservatives, food coloring, citrus or peanuts.  During the second week we'll be adding those items back in, one per day, to see if they affect us.

I'm a little nervous about how changing up my diet so dramatically will affect my training, but since I'll still be eating a pretty well-balanced, and definitely healthier than normal, diet it should be all right.  I'm just hoping that if anything comes up it's something I won't mind losing like the food coloring or preservatives.  Better to find out now before I have my nutrition planned for my HIM though.

I commend you for doing this! You're better than most Americans who might just ask for the Rx and go home and continue bad habits. Last year I got acid reflux symptoms, it was all lifestyle related. I was drinking too much eating terrible food and stressed from working overtime and going to school. After that year I'm back in shape with far less problems than I used to have.

Are you consulting your doctor on this? It sounds like you have a pretty methodical approach so I hope it goes well for you!
2011-01-29 7:38 AM
in reply to: #3328056

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
thndrcloud - 2011-01-28 10:57 PM
grownassman161 - 2011-01-28 9:33 PM

You hit on a couple things I struggle with without even knowing it. Breathing is tough for me. I forgot to post that my HR right after the 400 was 138. To me this seems low for how heavy I was breathing at the end of the swim. Is HR much different in the water than it is with running or biking? I'm 24 so Max. HR should be 196 (220-age). I only did the workout this way to get a feel for my tri next weekend.

220 - age is a load of malarkey.  If I were to follow that my Max HR would be 187 but I consistently hit 200+ at the end of races.  My last test on the bike indicated a lactate threshold of 184 while my last run test gave me an LT of 189.  Those values indicate a Max HR of 201-210 for me which is inline with what I experience in races.  I've never done a test for swimming but based on RPE I would say that an effort that averages in the 170's feels about the same as a run in the 180's.

My HR is naturally on the high end.  My father in law red lines below 150 even though his max would be around 160 according to that formula.  If you want to train based on HR you should do some testing to get your zones set properly. 

I'm not specific enough in my training yet to go by HR but I think its something I'll do in the future. For now I just take it every now and then to get a feel of where I'm at. I do 30 seconds and count the beats. I'll need to get a HR monitor, kind of holding out to get a garmin that will be able to do everything for me! For now I will throw out the 220-age method.
2011-01-29 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3328226

Longmont, Colorado
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
I'm not specific enough in my training yet to go by HR but I think its something I'll do in the future. For now I just take it every now and then to get a feel of where I'm at. I do 30 seconds and count the beats. I'll need to get a HR monitor, kind of holding out to get a garmin that will be able to do everything for me! For now I will throw out the 220-age method.

I have found HR training most useful in two key areas: keeping in a principally fat-buring metabolism " zone 2" (I could still stand to lose a couple pounds) and being able to maximize workout return by staying out of zone 3 and into Z4/Z5.  I don't have a lot of time so I try to avoid alot of zone 3 "junk miles" all these do is deplete your energy stores and keep you tired.  Make your easy days easy and your hard days...well,...yea, they suck.  If you want to build fitness train in Z2, if you want to go faster...Z4 (fortunately you can do both at the same time!).

Here's a link that adds some perspective (there are also alot of great training articles on this site if you dig around).  c
2011-01-29 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3256799

Longmont, Colorado
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Can anyone tell me where to change the settings so that when you reply to a post the original post is included?  I notice a few reply strings that have vertical lines and indentions tracking the sequence, but for the life of me I can find where/how to do that.  Thanks, C
2011-01-29 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3256799

Longmont, Colorado
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
William, is the Marriott Springhill Suite on Galveston Island, a convenient place to stay for the Texas 70.3?  Thanks, C

2011-01-29 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3328285

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
cam111 - 2011-01-29 8:44 AM Can anyone tell me where to change the settings so that when you reply to a post the original post is included? 

right next to the reply button on the top right of the post is "quote. Thats the one you want. But use it wisely I see threads where a post is half a page long because people quote entire long discussions just to say "I agree" Dont be that guy
2011-01-29 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3328343

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Did an hour long mountain bike ride (I know its FL and there aren't mountains, so a steep hill ride). But more than half way through I was going up a steep advanced section lost momentum and fell off to the right on to a recently cut down tree branch maybe an inch thick. So I get up and try to regain composure and its like I completely bonked just because of the crash I couldn't go fast for the next 15 minutes and my coordination was off it was weird. I wish I had a gel on me so I could try to bounce back usually one of those will help me. Has anyone else ran into this when they carsh or fall while running? I enjoyed the rest of my ride but not as fast and intense as I usually go.
2011-01-29 2:26 PM
in reply to: #3328309

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
While I haven't stayed at the one in Galveston, I've stayed at the Marriott Springhill Suites and it's a very nice place.  Especially if you'll be spending more than one day/night there.  The bowl of fresh fruit as you enter/exit the elevators was a nice touch.
2011-01-29 2:49 PM
in reply to: #3256799

Longmont, Colorado
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
OK, William - How's your pride after the ex-BF challenge?
2011-01-29 3:20 PM
in reply to: #3328309

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
cam111 - 2011-01-29 9:21 AM William, is the Marriott Springhill Suite on Galveston Island, a convenient place to stay for the Texas 70.3?  Thanks, C

It's been awhile since I have been to Galveston, but the Springhill is right right after you come over the bridge, before you get into to the main part of Galveston.  It is a couple of miles from Moody Garden.   Most of the hotels are along the seawall, which would be a little closer (maybe a mile or so).  I am pretty sure that there is a hotel in Moody Gardens.  So yes, it should be pretty convenient.   

2011-01-30 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
I just completed my third month of a 5 month Olympic plan. Its kind of neat to look at the stats but perhaps more importantly in the way that I feel. When I started everything was a struggle, I was sore, slow and not too confidant that I could stick with it. I felt that I had bitten off more than I could chew. While things are still a challenge and I am still slow'ish I certainly feel better,  know that I am going in a positive direction and am really looking forward to doing some triathlons this summer.

3 month totals

10.5 hours

31 hours

28.25 hours

Almost 70 hours and 1345km, I'm happy with that
2011-01-30 1:12 PM
in reply to: #3329441

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
DaveL - 2011-01-30 1:19 PM I just completed my third month of a 5 month Olympic plan. Its kind of neat to look at the stats but perhaps more importantly in the way that I feel. When I started everything was a struggle, I was sore, slow and not too confidant that I could stick with it. I felt that I had bitten off more than I could chew. While things are still a challenge and I am still slow'ish I certainly feel better,  know that I am going in a positive direction and am really looking forward to doing some triathlons this summer.

3 month totals

10.5 hours

31 hours

28.25 hours

Almost 70 hours and 1345km, I'm happy with that

i love looking at totals to see how much I have accomplished. I'm excited to look at year end totals and post them on facebook for my friends and family to see. Keep up the good work!
2011-01-30 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
I did a brick today. bike to run which to me is the most difficult transition physically. The bike was slow cause I was with my wife but the run splits were great. Its so weird cause I thought my run splits were going to come out about 30 seconds slower per mile than they did but somehow I was carrying a fast pace. I had that strong feeling like I was pounding the ground with my feet but thats only from the change of the biking motion to running.
2011-01-30 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3326524

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
adubtri - 2011-01-28 8:59 AM I've got a 90 minute bike ride tonight, Sat - I'll be doing the Big D Climb (running up 52-flights of stairs in Dallas); then do an easy run in the afternoon, Sun - 2.5 bike ride.

how did you do in this? I heard about it. I tried to get my ultra running buddy from NY to come down and do it.
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