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2011-01-31 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3329010

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Threejs - 2011-01-29 11:22 PM

Brought Chester along today.  Turned out to be an interesting workout.  We were fine together the first 30 minutes of the walk/run but then he found a ball and started to lose focus.  Then he noticed just how many birds, gulls and ducks were around him and both of us lost our focus.  As a springer, he wanted to chase everything with feathers so I ended up having to practically drag him back to the car.  You know, I bet that could probably count as my upper body workout today, too!

So the work out was cut short but he definitely entertained everyone!

Sounds like a fun workout!

A cautionary tale for those who want to try biking with their dogs: A friend started bringing his dog for exercise while he bikes and everything was going great for a few weeks, then a squirrel ran past the front of the bike.

2011-01-31 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3329039

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
kwynnc - 2011-01-30 12:08 AM 30 minute bike. Just went easy, didn't worry about tracking RPMs or anything. B put the sensor on the bike and it links to my garmin, but I'm not sure how to use it. He'll have to show me when he's home. Crap, my butt hurts though. I don't know if I just need to get used to it or need to actively look at trying different seats.

I found that it gets better, but not perfect. I use a gel seat to help increase the comfort a bit. I don't sit funny after workouts anymore! My main issue now is numbness, which I reduce by standing up on the bike every 10 minutes or so.
2011-01-31 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3329451

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
harlequinduck - 2011-01-30 1:30 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-29 7:57 AM
harlequinduck - 2011-01-29 2:21 AM
kwynnc - 2011-01-27 5:41 PM Nice to see a couple of new people! Jeff, we were in Anchorage for 4.5 years and miss Alaska quite a bit. Unfortunately, between 2 deployments, 3 moves, and a pregnancy, we never made it to Fairbanks. Camped outside Denali for 3 nights, but that was as far as we got. Swam today. 40 minutes, went well but was tired. Will post the details in my training log. Did 250 yd non-stop distance, though, so I'm happy with that. I struggled though, my arms are sore from the last couple of days. Great news - new bike today!! Went to our bike shop and bought a women's Trek! I LOVE it! Getting it set up on the trainer as we speak. (Well, I'm not, my husband is!)

Quite a few  folks in this blog living or have lived above the 48. 
Congrads on the new Trek. My wife and son are getting new Treks this year. I will resign to do my Tri's  on the mountain bike again this year. 
My run was 29 minutes and pushed the speed to develop form. Sill building a base, but felt the need to open up today. 
 Since I'm new to the sight I'm reviewing old blogs mbasta noted planning weekly topics. Scanning blogs I think it would be beneficial to have a discussion on training recovery.

We can talk about training recovery. What specifically about training recovery would you like to know?

Does anyone else have any ideas for topics we can touch on?

Just wanted to open up the topic. I know from my own experiences as well as others--recover often is sacrificed in our training plans when shortfalls occur. Besides having a couscous effort to not sacrifice recovery days, what would be ways to optimize or improve recovery?

It sounds like you're saying if a triathlete misses a workout or cuts it short they make up for it on recovery days. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

In this case, the day you miss workouts would be the rest day unless you still did some training and only canceled part of it. In that case I suggest moving the workout fragment to a day that you have training scheduled, as long as it won't make the day so intense that you risk injury. Worst case scenario - delete the session. Rest periods are when we rebuild and without them training doesn't have the effect we want. We break down our tissues during training and rebuild them during rest.

Let me know if you (or anyone else) have more questions.
2011-01-31 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3329502

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
kkvane - 2011-01-30 2:27 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-29 8:55 AM
kkvane - 2011-01-28 10:40 PM Gonna "tri" this had a hissy....

Today was a running(wogging)/swim workout. Slowing up on the running is working out great. I'm trying really hard to focus on endurance rather than speed. I'm almost to the end of week 3 out of 6 on this plan, so feeling pretty good about that. No days missed so far....

On the swimming. I have questions again. Are there rules about the kind of stroke/the legality of the stroke that you use? I was flutter kicking today with a kickboard and honestly did not go anywhere. I do much better doing the frog legs. Can I float on my back for part of it? I'm working on my freestyle, but just wondering if I have options.  As usual, thank y'all for your support and patience....

It's supposed to be in the 50s here this weekend...thinking the running workout will be outside. Yay!!

During the events you can swim whichever way suits you and you can choose to float. The only thing you can't do it use outside assistance such as pool toys or catch a lift on a kayak.

Awesome!! Not know anything about triathlons or knowing anyone that does them, I had the impression that I had to do everything as fast as I could and in perfect form. Sooooo nice to know I can run/walk, swim willy-nilly, and ride my heavy hybird. Just keep moving and git 'er done. I'm feeling more confident that the form and speed will come with time. I'm so glad I found this board....

For at least your first triathlon, make it a point to do it for fun and complete. When I was training for my first I read somewhere not to make any time goals, just to show up and complete. I left my stopwatch at home and moved along at a pace that suited me that day.

Now that I'm in my second season I am still concentrating on having fun, but my goal is to continue improving my aerobic system (bike/run) and technique (swim) to hopefully do a little better than my first event. People tri into their 70's, we have lots of time to improve!
2011-01-31 7:29 AM
in reply to: #3329582

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Threejs - 2011-01-30 4:10 PM I am looking for some advice on purchasing a good tri suit.  Does anyone have any first hand experience they can share with me?

I'm not using a tri suit yet so I don't have experience to share here. One of our team mates might, but in the mean time head over to the "gear" section of the forum and ask. You can also scroll through previous threads in that area to see if anyone else has been taking about suits recently.

I wore a sports bra, bathing suit, and tri shorts for the swim and then added a dry-fit top and socks to finish the race.
2011-01-31 7:35 AM
in reply to: #3329835

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Dorsai - 2011-01-30 8:33 PM Hi Melissa -- if you're group is still open I'd like to join.  Could really use the direction and also having a group to belong to certainly helps keep me accountable Smile


On again, off again exerciser for the past 20 years (mostly off again).  Finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired last year.  Started training in May and completed a sprint tri in October.  Was really slow time but I finished.

Races: Hoping to do another sprint in May or June and then an Olympic in the fall. 

Current training: Working out at least 3 times a week since completing the Tri in Oct and realize I really need to get back to the 6 times a week I did leading up to the race last year.  No real plan, usually one or two spin classes and a couple jogs on the treadmill. 

Issues:  I'm having a hard time boosting my run endurance.  Usually have ankle and shin pain start about 10 minutes into it and I'm not sure if I should just push through it since I really don't want to get injured. 

  I'm 5'8", 205lb - ultimately figure I'd like to be around 175.  Lost 20 lbs while training for the sprint last year and have maintained since.

Welcome to the team Scott!

It's so strange, we almost have the same bio.

"Previously an on again, off again exerciser (mostly off again).  Finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired last year.  Started training in May and completed a sprint tri in September.  Was really slow time but I finished.

Hoping to do another sprint in May or June and then an Olympic in September. "

Don't bring yourself down with the "slow time" part. It was your first event, you finished, and you're a triathlete! It's hard not to analyze (I know!), but just remember with training you will improve.

2011-01-31 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3256872

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Someone asked a few pages back about run pacing. Here's an article I just stumbled across that might help:
2011-01-31 6:25 PM
in reply to: #3330351

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Mpfh. (Technical term. It means I've been working too much, and exercising too little.)

Anyway, here's an updated links table.
1) Highlight all the code. Hold down the CTRL key and press C at the same time.
2) At the top of the window, click the "settings" button.
3) Click Training Log Customization tab.
4) Click Dashboard.
5) Put the cursor somewhere inside a box. (Where you want the table to go.)
6) Hold down the CTRL key and press V at the same time. (You should see lots of code.)
7) Click the Update Dashboard button.
8) Scroll back to the top of the window and click the Training Log button. You should see the table on your blog. (If you see code, hold down CTRL and press the F5 key at the same time.)
9) Anytime you want to come back to this mentor thread, you can click the TriCurious link at the top of the links table.

<table border="2" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#B0E0E6" background="">
<tr><td align="center"><b>
<a href=""><font color="black">Tri Curious Mentor Group</font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">mbasta - Melissa</font></a><br>
<hr color="navy">
<a href=""><font color="black">bumbbles21 - Lauren </font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">chillichick - Chamayne</font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">D001 - Dee</font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">Dorsai - Scott</font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">harlequinduck - Jeff</font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">jeaniechou - Jeanie</font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">jherisse - Jessie </font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">Julily - Julie </font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">Karijoyous - Kari</font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">kellylynnpayne - Kellylynn</font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">kkvane - Karla </font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">kwynnc - Kerry</font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">northernorchid - Cate</font></br>
<a href=""><font color="black">polojen - Jennifer</font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">purpleshoes2 - Sam </font></a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">rachelann31 - Rachel</a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">Threejs - Ellen</a><br>
<a href=""><font color="black">ultrakitegirl - Nadina</font></a><br>

Edited by D001 2011-01-31 6:27 PM
2011-01-31 7:25 PM
in reply to: #3256872

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Biked 15 minutes this morning with some crunches and planks after. My butt was still sore, but B checked the seat and made a couple of adjustments when he got home. I'm hoping that it'll be better.
2011-01-31 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3256872

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New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
I'm still here....  thanks everyone for the kind words regarding our friends.  Last week was very difficult as we were dealing with the shock of loosing these two boys.  The service was Saturday, and it was beautiful.  I feel that I can successfully move on at this point, and continue to uphold the family in prayer and support also.  

This week I'm planning on getting some running shoes.  I went a couple weeks ago to the RoadRunner store in our area and had my feet checked out to see just what shoe I need.  It was really cool, very high tech the process they have you go thru!  Can't wait to get my feet into them and start my training!  Glad to see everyone is doing well with their training!  Hopefully I'll have more time this week to keep up with posting!

2011-01-31 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3256872

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN

If the group is still open I would like to join, I joined a group earlier but the mentor disappeared... This will me my second year doing triathlons.. I had no history in the three disciplines so I'm always looking to improve especially in the run department.. I jumped in head first and did an Olympic event for my first tri then ended up doing six more events..My race reports are up in my profile..

I had knee surgery last Feb. and know I'm recovering from a shoulder injury due to a freak mountain bike accident.. So my training has been more biking and running right now..

I'm married with two children and will be turning forty this year...

I need help in the diet department also, I have a hard time getting the weight to move so help in the department would be appreciated..

Look forward to working with you all...and to the motivation you can provide..

2011-01-31 9:55 PM
in reply to: #3329886

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
kwynnc - 2011-01-30 6:10 PM
Threejs - 2011-01-30 3:10 PM I am looking for some advice on purchasing a good tri suit.  Does anyone have any first hand experience they can share with me?
I didn't use a tri suit. I wore a sports bra and tri shorts under my wetsuit, then took off the wetsuit and threw on a t-shirt in T1. I should have just stayed in the wetsuit, since it poured during the entire thing.

This is very helpful.  I thought you had to wear a certain type of swim suit.  This sounds so much better!
2011-01-31 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3330267

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
mbasta - 2011-01-31 5:29 AM
Threejs - 2011-01-30 4:10 PM I am looking for some advice on purchasing a good tri suit.  Does anyone have any first hand experience they can share with me?

I'm not using a tri suit yet so I don't have experience to share here. One of our team mates might, but in the mean time head over to the "gear" section of the forum and ask. You can also scroll through previous threads in that area to see if anyone else has been taking about suits recently.

I wore a sports bra, bathing suit, and tri shorts for the swim and then added a dry-fit top and socks to finish the race.

So you left your swimsuit on or took it off before you added the dry-fit?  I am having nightmares about a 'wardrobe malfunction' and/or excessive exposure in T1....
2011-02-01 6:23 AM
in reply to: #3332135

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
shake-n-bake - 2011-01-31 9:52 PM Mbasta

If the group is still open I would like to join, I joined a group earlier but the mentor disappeared... This will me my second year doing triathlons.. I had no history in the three disciplines so I'm always looking to improve especially in the run department.. I jumped in head first and did an Olympic event for my first tri then ended up doing six more events..My race reports are up in my profile..

I had knee surgery last Feb. and know I'm recovering from a shoulder injury due to a freak mountain bike accident.. So my training has been more biking and running right now..

I'm married with two children and will be turning forty this year...

I need help in the diet department also, I have a hard time getting the weight to move so help in the department would be appreciated..

Look forward to working with you all...and to the motivation you can provide..

Welcome to the team Tim! I'm sure you have lots to offer with all of your race experience so feel free to contribute as you like.

 As for the weight and nutrition department, do you have any specific questions?
2011-02-01 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3331856

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
D001 - 2011-01-31 7:25 PM Mpfh. (Technical term. It means I've been working too much, and exercising too little.) Anyway, here's an updated links table. 1) Highlight all the code. Hold down the CTRL key and press C at the same time. 2) At the top of the window, click the "settings" button. 3) Click Training Log Customization tab. 4) Click Dashboard. 5) Put the cursor somewhere inside a box. (Where you want the table to go.) 6) Hold down the CTRL key and press V at the same time. (You should see lots of code.) 7) Click the Update Dashboard button. 8) Scroll back to the top of the window and click the Training Log button. You should see the table on your blog. (If you see code, hold down CTRL and press the F5 key at the same time.) 9) Anytime you want to come back to this mentor thread, you can click the TriCurious link at the top of the links table.

Alrighty, I just closed the group again because it looks like we have a good number of active users now. I will take a look through and find out who signed up and never returned and we'll take those names off of the list to make it more managable. Of course if they return we can put them back on.

Welcome again to our new members! We have a great group of people here.
2011-02-01 6:29 AM
in reply to: #3256872

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
Dee, I need tech support...

Why does the name list appear so elongated in my blog, but on yours and in the thread it's nice and tight?

When you update the list with Tim's name is it possible to change the background colour? I'm not sure our male members will be excited to post a glittery bright pink box in their blogs. *Ducks in anticipation of taser.

2011-02-01 6:32 AM
in reply to: #3332071

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Karijoyous - 2011-01-31 9:24 PM I'm still here....  thanks everyone for the kind words regarding our friends.  Last week was very difficult as we were dealing with the shock of loosing these two boys.  The service was Saturday, and it was beautiful.  I feel that I can successfully move on at this point, and continue to uphold the family in prayer and support also.  

This week I'm planning on getting some running shoes.  I went a couple weeks ago to the RoadRunner store in our area and had my feet checked out to see just what shoe I need.  It was really cool, very high tech the process they have you go thru!  Can't wait to get my feet into them and start my training!  Glad to see everyone is doing well with their training!  Hopefully I'll have more time this week to keep up with posting!


Glad to have you back. New shoes are always exciting! Good luck with your training this week.
2011-02-01 6:33 AM
in reply to: #3331952

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
kwynnc - 2011-01-31 8:25 PM Biked 15 minutes this morning with some crunches and planks after. My butt was still sore, but B checked the seat and made a couple of adjustments when he got home. I'm hoping that it'll be better.

If you're still struggling with the seat positioning take a few pictures and post them up in the gear area. There are always experienced people hanging around there who can look at the pictures and help you find a good fit.
2011-02-01 6:37 AM
in reply to: #3332253

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Threejs - 2011-01-31 11:01 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-31 5:29 AM
Threejs - 2011-01-30 4:10 PM I am looking for some advice on purchasing a good tri suit.  Does anyone have any first hand experience they can share with me?

I'm not using a tri suit yet so I don't have experience to share here. One of our team mates might, but in the mean time head over to the "gear" section of the forum and ask. You can also scroll through previous threads in that area to see if anyone else has been taking about suits recently.

I wore a sports bra, bathing suit, and tri shorts for the swim and then added a dry-fit top and socks to finish the race.

So you left your swimsuit on or took it off before you added the dry-fit?  I am having nightmares about a 'wardrobe malfunction' and/or excessive exposure in T1....

I left my suit on and threw on the shirt over top. Key for this is to choose a not too tight top or else you might get stuck since you're still wet. Mine was loosish and stretchy so I didn't fight with it.

Test out what works for you by doing practice transitions. Whatever you plan to wear throughout the event use in training for each sport before hand. I found out during practice that my tri-shorts rubbed my upper leg the wrong way and that I needed to put some lube there (I use body glide) or else be subjected to misery through the run portion.
2011-02-01 6:42 AM
in reply to: #3256872

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
Happy February everyone!

I see every month as a fresh start, kind of the way most people look at New Years except I give myself 12 opportunities per year to assess my progress and make change.

For those of you who are up for it, there is a challenge forum and they start up new challenges each month. It's a fun way to achieve goals and potentially compete with yourself or other BT members. So far this month there is a peach challenge (exercise some way every day for the month - when you log a workout online your calendar changed the date from white to a peach colour), and a healthy eating/exercise challenge. Just an idea for anyone interested!

Challenge forum:

Peach challenge:

February training and nutrition challenge:

Edited by mbasta 2011-02-01 6:43 AM
2011-02-01 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3256872

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New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
Hi everyone,

Looks like we're all getting excited about training -- I can tell the endorphins are spiking!

I'm back on my feet after that cold, however my roommates are now bedridden. I'm on smoothie-duty for the week, methinks.

Major success in my tri class this week. We did a 1km swim workout...I finished 25 min before everyone else, haha in all fairness I used to swim competitively, however. Maybe next week I'll do the whole swim workout arms-only.

BUT I was really happy with my run on Sunday. Last week there was a guy who was maybe 50 yards ahead for most of the run and it was my long-term goal to be able to keep up with him by the end of the course.

I not only paced him step for step this Sunday, but we had a conversation too! I honestly didn't think I was able to do that. Hooray for passing the "talk test!"

I also tried rock climbing last night...the instructor guy was like "Keep pushing, left leg power up!" but it was shaking like mad because I'd just been at the gym for an hour, and 4 hours on Sunday.
So I said "yeah, um, I did a mini-tri on Sunday, don't know if that's going to happen..." but made it to the top anyway. Tons of fun, and a great workout.

I noticed you guys were discussing wetsuits. I was thinking of getting a sports bikini and wearing that under my wetsuit with shorts, then throwing on  a top after the swim. Do you think that'd be effective??

Happy training

2011-02-01 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3256872

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New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
Also -- I have an (un?)healthy addiction to blackberries.

Better than potato chips, I guess?
2011-02-01 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3332497

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
mbasta - 2011-02-01 4:42 AM Happy February everyone!

I see every month as a fresh start, kind of the way most people look at New Years except I give myself 12 opportunities per year to assess my progress and make change.

For those of you who are up for it, there is a challenge forum and they start up new challenges each month. It's a fun way to achieve goals and potentially compete with yourself or other BT members. So far this month there is a peach challenge (exercise some way every day for the month - when you log a workout online your calendar changed the date from white to a peach colour), and a healthy eating/exercise challenge. Just an idea for anyone interested!

Challenge forum:

Peach challenge:

February training and nutrition challenge:

Thanks. I am taking the Challenge(s)!
2011-02-01 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3256872

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
Orchid, nicely done! I should mention tri classes to our Y and see if they would do something similar.

Went to swim today and the pool was closed. Did my "run" instead - 13 min walk, 2 min run, 19 min walk. 2 miles total. The good news is that my heel isn't hurting any more than it does when I'm not running - so may as well run, right?
2011-02-01 6:10 PM
in reply to: #3332477

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
mbasta - 2011-02-01 7:29 AM

Dee, I need tech support...

Why does the name list appear so elongated in my blog, but on yours and in the thread it's nice and tight?

When you update the list with Tim's name is it possible to change the background colour? I'm not sure our male members will be excited to post a glittery bright pink box in their blogs. *Ducks in anticipation of taser.

Because BT loves me. Hahahahahahaha.

OK, maybe not.... LOL ---> Maybe I just know how to change the code to spread out, or condense, the table.

I can post a 'condensed' version here for you....

What's wrong with pink glitter? *Sigh* OK. I'll find a non-glittery non-pink background that maybe they'll like better.

Glitter rocks though.

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