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2012-04-29 2:00 AM
in reply to: #4178686

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!


I could definitely use some tips. I am great at calendaring everything then life gets in the way of my perfectly planned work out schedule and before I know it I am way behind in training.  I signed up for a sprint tri in October that I am really excited about.  I thought I would jump in a couple 5ks in  the meantime but I have hardly gotten any workouts in.  Any advice would be appreciated!

2012-04-29 5:02 AM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Did my first Brick with the team yesterday. I did 12mile on bike including some hill drills. The we ran 1.6 miles. It was my first and I was running with a partner, which helped to distract me! I survived and what a sense of accomplishment, but I did wonder what the hell I just signed up for lol I am working today 7-7 So I usually take this a rest day even though I wont be sitting and will be running around all day=) Monday I am gonna try to swim in the am and 4 miles in the pm. Tuesday will be a  spin or bike out side, W-swim, t- bike/spin, Friday run, Sat bike with team, Sunday swim with team. I dont like riding outside by myself so I prefer to take a spin class.  What does everyone else do? Are you guys brave enough to get out there on the road. Also, Thursday I will be getting my clipsSurprised Need to hurry and get comfy with that . OK have a great one guys
2012-04-29 6:19 AM
in reply to: #4178994

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
erin1621 - 2012-04-29 6:02 AM

Did my first Brick with the team yesterday. I did 12mile on bike including some hill drills. The we ran 1.6 miles. It was my first and I was running with a partner, which helped to distract me! I survived and what a sense of accomplishment, but I did wonder what the hell I just signed up for lol I am working today 7-7 So I usually take this a rest day even though I wont be sitting and will be running around all day=) Monday I am gonna try to swim in the am and 4 miles in the pm. Tuesday will be a  spin or bike out side, W-swim, t- bike/spin, Friday run, Sat bike with team, Sunday swim with team. I dont like riding outside by myself so I prefer to take a spin class.  What does everyone else do? Are you guys brave enough to get out there on the road. Also, Thursday I will be getting my clipsSurprised Need to hurry and get comfy with that . OK have a great one guys

NICE JOB! those wobbly legs do get better! I am terrified to ride the roads....but I will do it once a month. Otherwise I spin... you can spin, jump off the spin bike and run for 10 minutes (treadmill, whatever) and get a similar feeling. It really works well.

Practicing transitions is good too. You want to keep those under 2 minutes. When you do your brics, test baby powder instead of socks in your running shoes. I actually prefer baby powder to socks if I'm only running a 5k or 3 miler (sprint). Practice running on asphalt with your bike shoes on... 'nuff said.

Head to Toe... T1, swim cap, goggles off, helmet, sunglasses on. T2 Helmet off, cap on then shoes... GO GO GO GO!!!
2012-04-29 6:29 AM
in reply to: #4178965

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Threejs - 2012-04-29 3:00 AM


I could definitely use some tips. I am great at calendaring everything then life gets in the way of my perfectly planned work out schedule and before I know it I am way behind in training.  I signed up for a sprint tri in October that I am really excited about.  I thought I would jump in a couple 5ks in  the meantime but I have hardly gotten any workouts in.  Any advice would be appreciated!

I get really disappointed with myself. And I find the blank pages and toss them out. SO, I decided to write down why I DID NOT do a particular workout. Found out a few things... being realistic, not beating myself up, getting in a short workout rather than none at all.

They say that the concept of being "behind" has to be thrown out of our vocabulary, because "catching up" is foolish and will just get you injured.... SO... you have to start over. blah. But it's true.

You and I are probably the kind of people who need to write it all down. Particularly how we are FEELING. I'm such a former jock, that I really hated the idea, sounded fluffy... but you know, it works.

Do you plan too far ahead? maybe you should wake up in the morning and decide, like it's a buffet... I can do anything I want today, what will it be? bike, swim, run, weights... quick ab workout? some combo. MANY PEOPLE would rather write down what they HAVE DONE, rather than what they plan to do. I for one, don't use the planning part of BT logs, I log the Actual, and let it go at that. (not that I have in a while) but I will starting this is day 1 of my Marathon Training Plan. Tomorrow is day 1 of prep for my 4th of July Tri.

Planning is fun, but if you are hard on yourself, then maybe just taking it a day at a time, and logging successful workouts is the way to go.

2012-04-29 6:34 AM
in reply to: #4178955

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-04-29 2:02 AM

Ok I have a question for everyone...

Did you do anything special to mark or remember your first race?

I am going out and buying a big frame and going to put my race shirt, my number, and a picture of me racing in the frame.  That way I can remember my first race that changed my life.

Would like to hear what everyone else did.

It's a BIG DEAL. Save all the stuff. You can hang it up, put it in a box etc. I have everything from my first 5k, my first 10k, not my 13.1 though... although I'm sure I still have it.

It is a big deal, and YOU are a big deal for having done it. Savor it. If there's anything online to print out, do that too!
2012-04-29 6:40 AM
in reply to: #4178714

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
suzimmer - 2012-04-28 8:22 PM

Alter G, that's it.  Thanks Steph.  Can't wait to try it.

As far as races go, I wasn't planning on doing anything this summer as I don't know how this ankle thing will play out and decided even if I can begin running again during the summer, I shouldn't race because I don't seem to know how not to race (meaning I can't just take it easy).  So today I had lunch with a couple of my tri buddies and we decided to do some races as a team.  I will swim, Robin will bike and Claudia will run. (and Claudia is wicked fast!)  Never done a tri as a team, so this will be fun.  We plan to do an Oly on June 24 in Pleasant Prairie Wisconsin.

And Steph, when you come to Chicago for the Marathon we should meet.


WOW, enjoy the cool machine! Team events are great, I hear. I was supposed to do the swim leg of a race last year that was canceled due to weather. We are ready to do it again this year. I love the team thing.

YES let's meet in Chicago!!

2012-04-29 4:58 PM
in reply to: #4179024

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-04-29 6:19 AM
erin1621 - 2012-04-29 6:02 AM Did my first Brick with the team yesterday. I did 12mile on bike including some hill drills. The we ran 1.6 miles. It was my first and I was running with a partner, which helped to distract me! I survived and what a sense of accomplishment, but I did wonder what the hell I just signed up for lol I am working today 7-7 So I usually take this a rest day even though I wont be sitting and will be running around all day=) Monday I am gonna try to swim in the am and 4 miles in the pm. Tuesday will be a  spin or bike out side, W-swim, t- bike/spin, Friday run, Sat bike with team, Sunday swim with team. I dont like riding outside by myself so I prefer to take a spin class.  What does everyone else do? Are you guys brave enough to get out there on the road. Also, Thursday I will be getting my clipsSurprised Need to hurry and get comfy with that . OK have a great one guys

NICE JOB! those wobbly legs do get better! I am terrified to ride the roads....but I will do it once a month. Otherwise I spin... you can spin, jump off the spin bike and run for 10 minutes (treadmill, whatever) and get a similar feeling. It really works well. Practicing transitions is good too. You want to keep those under 2 minutes. When you do your brics, test baby powder instead of socks in your running shoes. I actually prefer baby powder to socks if I'm only running a 5k or 3 miler (sprint). Practice running on asphalt with your bike shoes on... 'nuff said. Head to Toe... T1, swim cap, goggles off, helmet, sunglasses on. T2 Helmet off, cap on then shoes... GO GO GO GO!!!

Hey there,

Way to go Erin. Does your team have other beginners or mostly seasoned veterans?  Definitely no solo road rides for me yet, if ever. And the new clipless pedals & shoes are a bit of a challenge to get used to - I need a lot more practice.  I did my first bricks this week too - wet weather forced me inside at the gym on Wednesday for 9 miles on the stationary bike (spin bikes were all in use) and 2 miles on the treadmill.  I was sweating buckets. Yuck.  Today, I hit the bike trail at the park for 10 miles on the bike (4 laps) and a 2.5 mile run (1 lap).  Felt pretty satisfied overall, though bike time was way slow with the windy conditions. Good tip, Steph on practicing running in the bike shoes. 

I have heard / read that increasing cadence on the bike toward the end of the route helps to prepare the legs for the run.  Does anyone know of pros or cons to this theory? 

Wishing everyone an enjoyable week!


2012-04-29 6:14 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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New user
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Rain Rain go away and please come back to South Florida some other day. I have yet to get out and try my new Garmin lol. I am getting out to do something besides work on the new office tomorrow although there is a 90% chance of rain so it might be a soggy run.
2012-04-29 6:49 PM
in reply to: #4178668

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
I did my Iron Girl half marathon today. My girlfriend and I have been training together since late December. We agreed to stay together for all our races until we "get back to normal".

I normally eat toast and PB before a race. The only time i ever eat PB. However, for my 10 miler a month ago, I drank a protein shake instead because I ran out of bread and had a really good run. I did it again 2 weeks ago before my 10K and had another good run. So i thought why break a new tradition. My 10 miler was a 13.2 min mile on a flat course. I wanted to be close BUT this course is really hilly.
We started at a 13.2 pace and I noticed my running partner was lagging just a few paces. I knew the hills will eventually slow my pace but i really wanted to be less than than a 14 min pace which would be hard for us on those hills. There was a b@#** of a hill at mile 6. One of our running group runners decided to make this her hill repeat day since she wasn't in the race. She ran everyone in our group doing the race up that hill. It was almost a mile of just steep climbing. It hurt. I started walking it but she got me and made me run up the hill. Thank goodness! My running partner was still a few paces back but caught up for a short period. She didn't want me to wait for her since I was doing ok, so eventually I went ahead at mile 7.
I ran, paced behind faster runners, walked out my painful side stitches and ran again.
My personal goal was best case 2:55 (13.2 min/mile) and worse case scenario 3:15 (14:53 min/mile).

I finished in 3:01:36 at a 13:52 pace! This is my second fastest half marathon (my fastest was 2:49). My running partner finished about 25 minutes later with knee and achilles pain.

I feel very proud of myself especially on such a hilly course.

My self organized tri-training starts tomorrow. Tomorrow suppose to be a bike and swim day. I am going to rest my legs and do just the swim.

Edited by Lovey 2012-04-29 6:54 PM
2012-04-29 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4178686

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-04-28 6:02 PM


I have a very small notebook/dayplanner just for workouts. I have my workouts planned until July 22 (following a 16wk plan w/ a 2wk taper, including some races that will count as training days). On the pages with the month calendar, I write in what I'm supposed to do that day. On the weekly pages, I write in what I actually did (including reps and such for strength workouts). It's easy to look back, easy to compare weeks, and I'm really good at following rules, so I feel like I set out the rules in one place, and then confirm I followed them on another. The workout plan helps me know what days to set up childcare at the gym, what days to get help from my husband, and what days to plan to head to a swim after the kids are sleeping, etc. If I lost that ntbk, I'd be pretty screwed, come to think of it.

2012-04-30 6:42 AM
in reply to: #4179777

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
garylandry - 2012-04-29 7:14 PM

Rain Rain go away and please come back to South Florida some other day. I have yet to get out and try my new Garmin lol. I am getting out to do something besides work on the new office tomorrow although there is a 90% chance of rain so it might be a soggy run.

Isn't it AWFUL!?!? well, I have to admit it's good for napping, but I need to get ready for work. Blah! I have yet to use my new foot pod. Where do you live? I'm in the Brickell area, pardon me if I already asked you... you are south, yes?

2012-04-30 6:56 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
When I fell off my bike (2+ times) it was because I couldn't get my left shoe out of the pedal. I thought it was me. It wasn't.

Turns out the cleat connection on my pedal was too tight. It's a tiny adjustment, and you need a hex to do it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you can get in and out of your pedals! I was able to solve the problem myself, but only after sustaining a rather serious hip injury. Get the tool for your shoes and pedals.

You need to be able to change your tires. You need TIRE LEVERS, CO2 cartridges, and spare tubes. If you have to walk your bike home, it REALLY sucks. I stay pretty close to home and I have flip flops in my bike shirt. Yeah, I look like an idiot, but if I have to walk, I won't have to go barefoot...or walk for miles in my bike shoes. I can't change my bike tires, I found out my lovely new Trek Madone wheels have a 'safety feature' which keeps the tires from coming off. It also keeps them from going back ON. I had a flat and only 1 of the 6 guys I was with was strong enough to get the f&$cking thing back on. So... I may have to get new wheels for racing. $$$$$$ This is not a cheap sport.

Alternatively. Every 100 miles or so, I can take my bike to the shop and have the tires removed, cleaned, resealed, and put back on. They do it for nothing for me, but it might cost a bit other places. STUFF gets in your, rocks etc. It works its way into the tube, eventually and WILL PUNCTURE YOUR TIRE. Happens. Be prepared.

Also you can find YouTube videos on all this. Google and watch! Then practice.

When you make a left turn, have your left pedal UP, same with the right... right pedal up. If you turn sharply with your pedal down, it will catch on the ground and make for a NASTY fall. PRACTICE.

Also practice shifting, especially in the smaller gears... if your bike doesn't shift smoothly, take it to the shop. Any number of things could be going on... chains get loose. They do... and they can be tightened. Beats having the chain come off, yes? You may need some other kind of adjustment. If you can't get through your most used gears smoothly, take your bike to the shop.

Get out there and ride!! (hoping I take my own advice shortly)
2012-04-30 7:00 AM
in reply to: #4180021

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
amybecca - 2012-04-29 9:17 PM

stephsprint - 2012-04-28 6:02 PM


I have a very small notebook/dayplanner just for workouts. I have my workouts planned until July 22 (following a 16wk plan w/ a 2wk taper, including some races that will count as training days). On the pages with the month calendar, I write in what I'm supposed to do that day. On the weekly pages, I write in what I actually did (including reps and such for strength workouts). It's easy to look back, easy to compare weeks, and I'm really good at following rules, so I feel like I set out the rules in one place, and then confirm I followed them on another. The workout plan helps me know what days to set up childcare at the gym, what days to get help from my husband, and what days to plan to head to a swim after the kids are sleeping, etc. If I lost that ntbk, I'd be pretty screwed, come to think of it.

Perfect. Of course, you are a Mother, so you are already a multi-tasker, scheduler, and generally know how to make stuff WORK.

I on the other hand, need to borrow someones children for a month, might teach me to get my act together. Or I'd be jailed for neglect. Yeah, nevermind, it wouldn't be fair to the kids!!
2012-04-30 7:02 AM
in reply to: #4179844

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Lovey - 2012-04-29 7:49 PM

I did my Iron Girl half marathon today. My girlfriend and I have been training together since late December. We agreed to stay together for all our races until we "get back to normal".

I normally eat toast and PB before a race. The only time i ever eat PB. However, for my 10 miler a month ago, I drank a protein shake instead because I ran out of bread and had a really good run. I did it again 2 weeks ago before my 10K and had another good run. So i thought why break a new tradition. My 10 miler was a 13.2 min mile on a flat course. I wanted to be close BUT this course is really hilly.
We started at a 13.2 pace and I noticed my running partner was lagging just a few paces. I knew the hills will eventually slow my pace but i really wanted to be less than than a 14 min pace which would be hard for us on those hills. There was a b@#** of a hill at mile 6. One of our running group runners decided to make this her hill repeat day since she wasn't in the race. She ran everyone in our group doing the race up that hill. It was almost a mile of just steep climbing. It hurt. I started walking it but she got me and made me run up the hill. Thank goodness! My running partner was still a few paces back but caught up for a short period. She didn't want me to wait for her since I was doing ok, so eventually I went ahead at mile 7.
I ran, paced behind faster runners, walked out my painful side stitches and ran again.
My personal goal was best case 2:55 (13.2 min/mile) and worse case scenario 3:15 (14:53 min/mile).

I finished in 3:01:36 at a 13:52 pace! This is my second fastest half marathon (my fastest was 2:49). My running partner finished about 25 minutes later with knee and achilles pain.

I feel very proud of myself especially on such a hilly course.

My self organized tri-training starts tomorrow. Tomorrow suppose to be a bike and swim day. I am going to rest my legs and do just the swim.

WOW! Excellent!! Those hills that start with a B.. yep, they are no fun!!! Nice work, that's such a good story.
2012-04-30 8:16 AM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Catching up on the group here. Congrats to all those who raced, and heal up those who are hurt. I met my swim/run quota for last week but my bike miles were down to zero. It was cold and rainy just about every day, and when it cleared up I decided to run 10k instead.

Swimming is getting a little bit "easier". My continuos yardage is increasing, and yesterday I did about 500yds non stop. The big 'ah ha' for me was a breathing issue. When I took a breath, I was inhaling to snatch air as quick and as forceful as I could. I think this lead to some hyperventilating, which caused anxiety, which caused trouble. I slowed my stroke down and took easy breaths, and now I'm feeling better in the water. Put in a 500x2 slow and a 100x2 sprint workout. Then a sweaty 30 min. effort on a stationary bike on hill mode. 

May be changing jobs, which might hurt my tri motivations. Got to stay focused and determined. My old motivation was (among other motivators) to be the fittest and fastest employee at work. This will be a character defining Summer for me if I can stay with it and race well against my former coworkers.

2012-04-30 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

2012-04-30 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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New user

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Just a quickie to say "HOLY CRAP MY MINI SPRINT IS SATURDAY & I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I'M DOING!!!!" Ok, lunch break is over. TTFN
2012-04-30 1:26 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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New user

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Sorry about double post. Posting from my phone.
2012-04-30 5:23 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Question time....

As you know, I just did my first 5k and finished with a 44:01 time.  My next race was planned for Fathers Day.  But I have been talked into running another race before that on May 26th.  Im still suffering from planter fascites and a fallen obviously you want to do better then your last race, how much better do I really expect to do?  Any tips for improving my time?

I still cant run a whole mile with out walking...its about half and half.  I want to push myself but with my injuries I dont want to over do it either.

Please give me any suggestions and tips...I so want to improve my time.  Was thinking of trying to hit the 30s...but I dont know how realistic that is.

2012-04-30 5:57 PM
in reply to: #4180021

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
amybecca - 2012-04-29 6:17 PM

stephsprint - 2012-04-28 6:02 PM


I have a very small notebook/dayplanner just for workouts. I have my workouts planned until July 22 (following a 16wk plan w/ a 2wk taper, including some races that will count as training days). On the pages with the month calendar, I write in what I'm supposed to do that day. On the weekly pages, I write in what I actually did (including reps and such for strength workouts). It's easy to look back, easy to compare weeks, and I'm really good at following rules, so I feel like I set out the rules in one place, and then confirm I followed them on another. The workout plan helps me know what days to set up childcare at the gym, what days to get help from my husband, and what days to plan to head to a swim after the kids are sleeping, etc. If I lost that ntbk, I'd be pretty screwed, come to think of it.

Impressive scheduling idea.  I used to have each kid's activities color coded - worked out great with three kids.  I have been trying so hard to go paperless but it is just not working out for training.  I like your set up.  Hope you don't mind if I copy your idea

2012-04-30 6:25 PM
in reply to: #4182112

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-04-30 6:23 PM

Question time....

As you know, I just did my first 5k and finished with a 44:01 time.  My next race was planned for Fathers Day.  But I have been talked into running another race before that on May 26th.  Im still suffering from planter fascites and a fallen obviously you want to do better then your last race, how much better do I really expect to do?  Any tips for improving my time?

I still cant run a whole mile with out walking...its about half and half.  I want to push myself but with my injuries I dont want to over do it either.

Please give me any suggestions and tips...I so want to improve my time.  Was thinking of trying to hit the 30s...but I dont know how realistic that is.


Hey Oak

First, congrats on your race and crushing your time.  The first one is always the biggest one.

As far as getting faster and how long it will take; I think you should get yourself all healed up first.  If you dont you run the risk of hurting yourself to the point where you loose a few months and end up starting over.  It is probably more important that you get to the point that you can run the entire distance without having to walk.  I suspect once you are able to do that you will shave a good amount of time off. 

So go get healed up and worry about speed later.  
On another note, there have been tons of postings and articles that stress the first year or two should be about building your base and not to worry about speed.  Of course we are all competitive little buggers that just want to go faster. 



2012-04-30 6:31 PM
in reply to: #4178955

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-04-29 2:02 AM

Ok I have a question for everyone...

Did you do anything special to mark or remember your first race?

I am going out and buying a big frame and going to put my race shirt, my number, and a picture of me racing in the frame.  That way I can remember my first race that changed my life.

Would like to hear what everyone else did.


My wife likes to make photo albums and scrap books.  So I asked her to make me one for Christmas.  It has an introduction that explains how and why I started this sport and photos from me in some of the races.  I save all my bibs and she prints out results and they all make it into the book.  

I also save all the shirts, but I wear them as a workout or lazing around. 


2012-04-30 6:37 PM
in reply to: #4176033

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
aeneah - 2012-04-27 2:39 AM

I'm like jittery and kind of angry about not being able to run/bike at the moment!

Running: @amybecca: I know exactly how you feel. I strained my calf during a 5k two weeks ago and it's almost healed. I have run a total of 20 minutes since then, and I feel like a race horse at the starting gate. arrgh! Not willing to have this injury reappear by not being patient enough, though. Swim, bike, walk, lift... do other things to fill the void. Just make sure you let your injury heal.

Biking: I finally put my clipless pedals on and love, love, love how much more zoom I can get on the up-swing. And yes, I did fall. Not during the most important times like in traffic or crossroads (I prepared for that pretty well). I learned that you're more likely to fall if you don't know where you're going: being distracted and slowing down too much or trying to start on an uphill without having down-shifted (oops!).  I've started doing bridge repeats to get used to uphill climbing.

Swimming: Did my first open-water swim yesterday. I recommend everyone try it at least once before their tri. No line at the bottom to help steer you in the right direction, my progress was very wiggly! The only way to know which way to go is too look up and out of the water at the landmarks, buoys, etc. Even trying to keep the sun at an approximate angle did not help. Also, depending on where you'll be swimming, you may not see bottom (in my case there was lots of floating algae and the occasional 2 foot long fish swimming below me). If you are used to lap swimming, in open water swimming there's no ability to push off a wall, or hold on to an edge, which can be concerning to some (the swim lane was sectioned off by ropes which I crashed into a couple of times). I felt a bit anxious at first (sloppy form, ragged breathing), but finally calmed and fell into a rhythm after the first 200 yards.

Sailing: Really windy out tonight and fun! (wish there was a competition that included sailing too!).

Open water swims are definitely worth doing.  Around here all the water is dark and you cant see more than a couple of feet in front of you.  To me, it makes the swim a little eerie. 

2012-04-30 6:38 PM
in reply to: #4176802

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-04-27 12:10 PM WELL SAID. My co-workers wife (mid 40s) went into the hospital yesterday with chest pains. She had a 90% blockage, needed 2 stents. Their girls are 9 and 11. I think things are about to change (finally) in their household. Those girls need their mother and they need her healthier.



Sorry to hear about your friend.  I hope she is doing better and on the road to recovery.

2012-04-30 6:42 PM
in reply to: #4179844

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Lovey - 2012-04-29 7:49 PM I did my Iron Girl half marathon today. My girlfriend and I have been training together since late December. We agreed to stay together for all our races until we "get back to normal". I normally eat toast and PB before a race. The only time i ever eat PB. However, for my 10 miler a month ago, I drank a protein shake instead because I ran out of bread and had a really good run. I did it again 2 weeks ago before my 10K and had another good run. So i thought why break a new tradition. My 10 miler was a 13.2 min mile on a flat course. I wanted to be close BUT this course is really hilly. We started at a 13.2 pace and I noticed my running partner was lagging just a few paces. I knew the hills will eventually slow my pace but i really wanted to be less than than a 14 min pace which would be hard for us on those hills. There was a b@#** of a hill at mile 6. One of our running group runners decided to make this her hill repeat day since she wasn't in the race. She ran everyone in our group doing the race up that hill. It was almost a mile of just steep climbing. It hurt. I started walking it but she got me and made me run up the hill. Thank goodness! My running partner was still a few paces back but caught up for a short period. She didn't want me to wait for her since I was doing ok, so eventually I went ahead at mile 7. I ran, paced behind faster runners, walked out my painful side stitches and ran again. My personal goal was best case 2:55 (13.2 min/mile) and worse case scenario 3:15 (14:53 min/mile). I finished in 3:01:36 at a 13:52 pace! This is my second fastest half marathon (my fastest was 2:49). My running partner finished about 25 minutes later with knee and achilles pain. I feel very proud of myself especially on such a hilly course. My self organized tri-training starts tomorrow. Tomorrow suppose to be a bike and swim day. I am going to rest my legs and do just the swim.

Congrats on your race.  

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