BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!! Rss Feed  
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2012-05-01 4:27 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

OK, so I'm thinking there is something to this.  I mean, OMG, I'm considering running in the rain later this week if I have to!  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME Q & DAVE?

Did someone put TRI-AGRA IN MY WATER?

2012-05-01 4:52 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Tom, I ran outside all winter. Bought some yaktrax and layered up. My distaste for treadmills kept me outside even when it was 7 degrees (my coldest run.)  Like Ray Stevens said "Rain, snow, sleet, hail, or hurricane."


2012-05-01 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4184665

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
TLakatos1259 - 2012-05-01 4:27 PM

OK, so I'm thinking there is something to this.  I mean, OMG, I'm considering running in the rain later this week if I have to!  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME Q & DAVE?

Did someone put TRI-AGRA IN MY WATER?

Superman's thong is on BACKWARDS!

2012-05-01 6:56 PM
in reply to: #4183873

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Sarah73 - 2012-05-01 12:13 PM
oriolepwr - 2012-04-30 10:04 PM


OK  I think it would be fun for us to combine a lot of stuff we are working on into "EL CONCURSO"  (The contest)

We will combine monitoring our resting heart rates with consistent training,  racing and weight loss.   We update the scoring weekly.   At the end of the mentoring period, we see who has the most points.    

The winner receives a package of semi-fabulous  prizes that you may treasure for the rest of your tri-life.   now keep in mind at a garage sale these items might be worth like $10-$15  so don't get TOO excited!  But the thrill of victory will be yours. 

The reality is I don't have this all worked out and am looking for help to complete how it goes.  we need to get it figured out by the end of this week I think.

Help me out here guys, it wont be completely fair, but it can be fun anyhow.   Hopefully its motivating, and we will track it weekly and post results.  At the end date   (end of July?)  we announce the winner.      I'm out of time tonight   but will add more to this over the next few days.   SO what should we add, adjust, modify, any thoughts are appreciated.

Resting heart rate.-  You monitor this every morning   5x per week = 1 point  

Why???   this tells you  where your body is in terms of recovery.   The more rested you are the lower your heart rate will go till it hits its low point.    We don't care WHAT your number is.   You are tracking this for your own info.    I'm just saying its part of the contest cause it tells you much about your recovery. 

I hope you will come to value RHR as a good tool in your training.        Best would be if this info was posted on your daily training blog.           

Take this before you get up in the AM.    I use a Blood pressure machine I got from Walgreen's  I used to log my BP every day along with the RHR  but you can just take your pulse however you want to do it.  just be sure its at a consistent time in the AM and before you drink your COFFEE!        it will get lower  the fitter you are.    That is fun to track.

Weight-  We all seem to want to lose weight.    Roughly  1 pound of excess fat loss = 2 seconds faster per mile on the run

We are all diff shapes and sizes in the group.   We will post our beginning weight and you gain points for every  1% of weight loss.  That is fair "enough"  right?

Training-  You get better via training.   still working this one out  as far as how to score it.   S/B/R  only  resistance training,  grass cutting etc  wont count.    there has to be some sort of minimum time with this I think.    More on this in the coming days.

Racing- you get big points for racing.  That's what we do, or are planning to do right??   (points to Tom and Sarah since it was just YESTERDAY that they raced)

Bonus points- stuff like volunteering for races etc.   Being active in the forum  (like 3 posts per week?)




This sounds like fun, Dave. I am all in. I think remembering to take my pulse in the morning will be my biggest challenge!!

He's not kidding about the goody bag. I got a freakin' honey stinger waffle thingy for my birthday. I can still remember how awesome it tasted, and no I didn't share with my kids even though they begged me. Serious schwag up in here. And Sarah, I am pretty sure I don't even have a pulse in the morning until after my coffee. 

2012-05-01 7:00 PM
in reply to: #4183633

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
mjh1975 - 2012-05-01 10:54 AM

Just a quick question/point. 


Does anyone experience a heart rate spike when running outdoors vs treadmill?  I noticed last night while out for a little 10 mile run that my hear rate spiked and stayed a smooth 169 (and felt great so it was not bad) vs a normal rate on a treadmill around 150.  I wonder if it is the outdoor air quality (pollen, and other allergies) vs that of controlled HVAC units?

Any thoughts.

It shouldn't be that much.  What is your tready situation. Do you use a bunch of different ones at the gym or do you have one that you use exclusively?

2012-05-01 7:14 PM
in reply to: #4182450

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
ransick - 2012-04-30 8:10 PM
Sarah73 - 2012-04-30 10:38 AM

Shelly was right! I had my first ever panic attack on the swim. As a psychiatrist I commonly treat people with panic attacks who always ask if I've ever experienced one. When I say no, they usually say, 'well, you just can't understand it unless you've been through it'. I have now!!

I even went out and swam about 100 yards right before the race, in the lake, to get used to it, and felt great! Then, when we started, and I got kicked in the face...I completely freaked out!! I started hyperventilating, my heart rate shot up, and I just layed on my back saying, out loud, 'calm down, you're not going to die, just calm down!" I almost called a boat over, but ended up doing some crazy combination of side stroke, doggie paddle, and back stroke. I just couldn't put my face back in the water! I ended going from about a 12 minute pool 600 yards to over 20 minutes in the lake. Then when I finally made it out, I couldn't walk straight! I was falling to the side, and couldn't even think about running to transition!! I don't know how I even made it not being able to walk a straight line!

I don't have a race report out, yet, as the official results aren't posted, but the rest of the race went pretty well. When I finally stopped falling over, and got on the bike, I did the 15 miles in about 17.5 MPH and the 5 K in about 8 minute miles. The whole thing lasted about 1:40 - and I felt pretty good at the end. I'm just soooo frustrated about the swim.

I feel like I need to get back in, but I am so nervous about going back into the lake!! Even just thinking about swimming in the lake again gives me butterflies, and I start to feel a little panicky again. I need some good advice from you seasoned triathletes!! Should I try swimming in the pool in the wetsuit? I think the wetsuit had a lot to do with my feeling that I couldn't breathe, but I also think if I didn't have it I still would have panicked, and I would not have been able to float, and would have had to quit. Help!!


Nice job continuing on after the panic attack!  That shows huge mental toughness which is more important than physical toughness when things don't go well.  


I never officially welcomed you on the tour. My husband wanted to do Door county too but it sold out before we could sign up for he's stuck doing Racine again...

I had all of these questions for you about your 'handle.' Like, did you run sick? Then I saw your personal page...


2012-05-01 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4180987

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Sarah73 - 2012-04-30 11:38 AM

Shelly was right! I had my first ever panic attack on the swim. As a psychiatrist I commonly treat people with panic attacks who always ask if I've ever experienced one. When I say no, they usually say, 'well, you just can't understand it unless you've been through it'. I have now!!

I even went out and swam about 100 yards right before the race, in the lake, to get used to it, and felt great! Then, when we started, and I got kicked in the face...I completely freaked out!! I started hyperventilating, my heart rate shot up, and I just layed on my back saying, out loud, 'calm down, you're not going to die, just calm down!" I almost called a boat over, but ended up doing some crazy combination of side stroke, doggie paddle, and back stroke. I just couldn't put my face back in the water! I ended going from about a 12 minute pool 600 yards to over 20 minutes in the lake. Then when I finally made it out, I couldn't walk straight! I was falling to the side, and couldn't even think about running to transition!! I don't know how I even made it not being able to walk a straight line!

I don't have a race report out, yet, as the official results aren't posted, but the rest of the race went pretty well. When I finally stopped falling over, and got on the bike, I did the 15 miles in about 17.5 MPH and the 5 K in about 8 minute miles. The whole thing lasted about 1:40 - and I felt pretty good at the end. I'm just soooo frustrated about the swim.

I feel like I need to get back in, but I am so nervous about going back into the lake!! Even just thinking about swimming in the lake again gives me butterflies, and I start to feel a little panicky again. I need some good advice from you seasoned triathletes!! Should I try swimming in the pool in the wetsuit? I think the wetsuit had a lot to do with my feeling that I couldn't breathe, but I also think if I didn't have it I still would have panicked, and I would not have been able to float, and would have had to quit. Help!!

Hi Sarah. and I are soul sisters.  Read my race report from the Carmel Sprint Tri I did on 4/15.  You describe your panic attack exactly the way I described by panic attack!  I am WAAAYYY behind on posts...but this one certainly caught my eye b/c it seems like I wrote it!  Even our bike and run times are strikingly panic attack.

A little backstory to save you the trouble...I am a long time runner, like you, with multiple marathons and halfs under my belt.  In 2010 I started with Tris.  I did 3 sprints...and had 3 panic attacks during the swim.  Took 2011 off from Tris.  Came back to training this year in January.  First Tri was 4/15...felt ready...mentally and physically...and 4th panic attack in my 4th Tri.  Dang it!!

I've been thinking maybe I need to go to a sports psychologist or a hypnotist or something!  It's definitely a mental block!  Anyway...I don't have any real advice, as I haven't figured it out myself.  But maybe it will help you to know that YOU'RE NOT ALONE!

I'm not going to give up though.  I desperately want to get into another race situation, but it doesn't look like my schedule is going to allow until June, which is frustrating.  I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!  Look forward to learning from you and commiserating with you!


2012-05-01 8:23 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Hi everyone!!  Terribly behind on sorry!

Tom...GREAT JOB on your race!!  So proud of you and happy for you.  What a GREAT accomplishment and I hope you're inspired to keep working.  As our friend Dave says...  BAD A$$!  (I finally learned to use $ signs...)

Sarah...GREAT JOB on your race too.  As I said...I FEEL YOU SISTER on the panic attack.  Huge accomplishment that you pushed through and finished!  We'll get this worked out...both of us will!

OK...on a funny note...DH bought me a running says     "If running a MARATHON were easy, they'd call it FOOTBALL"    LOL!!!!!  Love love love it, as I am a HUGE football fan!  (Go Colts with our future Hall of Famer Andrew Luck!!!)  And, since I'm 5 foot tall, any way I can antogonize a big football player is amusing to me!   

Great weather coming the next week in Indy.  Hope to get on the bike and in the pool in the next week.  Keeping up with the running, as usual, as it is my sanity.

Hope you all are training hard and loving every minute of it!

2012-05-01 9:28 PM
in reply to: #4183938

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Lesandtj - 2012-05-01 12:32 PM
mjh1975 - 2012-05-01 9:54 AM

Just a quick question/point. 


Does anyone experience a heart rate spike when running outdoors vs treadmill?  I noticed last night while out for a little 10 mile run that my hear rate spiked and stayed a smooth 169 (and felt great so it was not bad) vs a normal rate on a treadmill around 150.  I wonder if it is the outdoor air quality (pollen, and other allergies) vs that of controlled HVAC units?

Any thoughts.

Matt, My heart rate goes up when i'm on a treadmill, but mostly because of my raging hatred of treadmills.  

Funny TJ!      ok I think I admitted this in the first tour.  But I will here again.    I LOVE the tready.   You may call it what you will.   "Satan's sidewalk",    "Dreadmill",   "Hampster wheel"  or whatever.     

    But I still love it!   hee hee.    So unless its really good weather outside,  I'm running on the treadmill.   Of course that may change  since my new running partner  has to take it  OUTSIDE to run.  

Matt-   No  HR  spike for me either.   Allergies makes sense.    Plus generally unless you set a  .5%-1% incline on the treadmill its a lil easier than running outside.  

2012-05-01 9:41 PM
in reply to: #4184926

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
quincyf - 2012-05-01 6:56 PM
Sarah73 - 2012-05-01 12:13 PM
oriolepwr - 2012-04-30 10:04 PM


OK  I think it would be fun for us to combine a lot of stuff we are working on into "EL CONCURSO"  (The contest)

We will combine monitoring our resting heart rates with consistent training,  racing and weight loss.   We update the scoring weekly.   At the end of the mentoring period, we see who has the most points.    

The winner receives a package of semi-fabulous  prizes that you may treasure for the rest of your tri-life.   now keep in mind at a garage sale these items might be worth like $10-$15  so don't get TOO excited!  But the thrill of victory will be yours. 

The reality is I don't have this all worked out and am looking for help to complete how it goes.  we need to get it figured out by the end of this week I think.

Help me out here guys, it wont be completely fair, but it can be fun anyhow.   Hopefully its motivating, and we will track it weekly and post results.  At the end date   (end of July?)  we announce the winner.      I'm out of time tonight   but will add more to this over the next few days.   SO what should we add, adjust, modify, any thoughts are appreciated.

Resting heart rate.-  You monitor this every morning   5x per week = 1 point  

Why???   this tells you  where your body is in terms of recovery.   The more rested you are the lower your heart rate will go till it hits its low point.    We don't care WHAT your number is.   You are tracking this for your own info.    I'm just saying its part of the contest cause it tells you much about your recovery. 

I hope you will come to value RHR as a good tool in your training.        Best would be if this info was posted on your daily training blog.           

Take this before you get up in the AM.    I use a Blood pressure machine I got from Walgreen's  I used to log my BP every day along with the RHR  but you can just take your pulse however you want to do it.  just be sure its at a consistent time in the AM and before you drink your COFFEE!        it will get lower  the fitter you are.    That is fun to track.

Weight-  We all seem to want to lose weight.    Roughly  1 pound of excess fat loss = 2 seconds faster per mile on the run

We are all diff shapes and sizes in the group.   We will post our beginning weight and you gain points for every  1% of weight loss.  That is fair "enough"  right?

Training-  You get better via training.   still working this one out  as far as how to score it.   S/B/R  only  resistance training,  grass cutting etc  wont count.    there has to be some sort of minimum time with this I think.    More on this in the coming days.

Racing- you get big points for racing.  That's what we do, or are planning to do right??   (points to Tom and Sarah since it was just YESTERDAY that they raced)

Bonus points- stuff like volunteering for races etc.   Being active in the forum  (like 3 posts per week?)




This sounds like fun, Dave. I am all in. I think remembering to take my pulse in the morning will be my biggest challenge!!

He's not kidding about the goody bag. I got a freakin' honey stinger waffle thingy for my birthday. I can still remember how awesome it tasted, and no I didn't share with my kids even though they begged me. Serious schwag up in here. And Sarah, I am pretty sure I don't even have a pulse in the morning until after my coffee. 

Ha   I guess  by now you know what you will get for Christmas!  

Oh yeah  AWESOME  prize package!   including honey stinger waffle(S)   and SERIOUSLY  hot but tasty Ghost pepper Salsa among other "unique"  items that you will treasure forever.   Or eat on a long trainer ride.   "WHATEVS"

2012-05-01 9:43 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Mike-   most important part of Door county Tri-    Where do we go for celebration beverages after??

2012-05-01 9:46 PM
in reply to: #4184665

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
TLakatos1259 - 2012-05-01 4:27 PM

OK, so I'm thinking there is something to this.  I mean, OMG, I'm considering running in the rain later this week if I have to!  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME Q & DAVE?

Did someone put TRI-AGRA IN MY WATER?

I'm thinking  Nacho libre!     Ya Tom    NOW you are BREAKING BAD!!!!!!    

2012-05-01 10:09 PM
in reply to: #4181171

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Ybeal - 2012-04-30 11:46 AM

Tom - congrats you did it! Hope you had FUN most of all!

Dave - welcome to your new addition, I'm sure you're all going to love him!

Sarah - sorry about the swim, I haven't tried an ows yet for fear of all the thrashing Embarassed


I have been having some calf/shin pain in my right leg since that 5k on the 21st so I haven't really run at all.  I'm trying not to be  a hypochondriack (or however you spell that) but I am worried that a stress fracture is in my future.  I swam last week for the first time in awhile and it was pretty good....need to get back at that regularly since my next tri is May 20.  Still worried about the bike, the hills are so difficult, shifting is still a nightmare and I need to put way too much thought into it. I need to find a bike group but I'm just so nervous that I'll feel stupid/hold people back/crash/all of the above, that I just haven't done it yet.

I think I'll swim again this aft and then try a run tomorrow to see how everything feels.  If I have pain after/during the run, I think a visit to the ortho will be in my future.

Have a great day all!

How did the run go?
And please don't be afraid to find a bike group. Many LBS have newbie groups and family friendly rides where even kiddos are welcome. You could start there and before you know you'll be ready to ride with the faster more experienced riders. And many of those riders really are welcoming to beginners. It makes them feel good to be the experienced teacher. That's one reason I love tris so much. I just find people really do try to help/welcome the beginners. Also I'd be willing to bet you don't give your riding skills enough credit.

Hope you are worrying for nothing with the shin. Keep us posted.

2012-05-01 10:35 PM
in reply to: #4185222

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
oriolepwr - 2012-05-01 9:43 PM

Mike-   most important part of Door county Tri-    Where do we go for celebration beverages after??

Great question!  I've never been to Door County, so I have no idea where to go.  I will have family there, so I can have a cooler packed that we can hit up after the race.  

2012-05-02 7:37 AM
in reply to: #4185282

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
ransick - 2012-05-01 10:35 PM
oriolepwr - 2012-05-01 9:43 PM

Mike-   most important part of Door county Tri-    Where do we go for celebration beverages after??

Great question!  I've never been to Door County, so I have no idea where to go.  I will have family there, so I can have a cooler packed that we can hit up after the race.  

I'm bringing the fam as well.   I've also never been there!!  we'll get this figured out. 

2012-05-02 7:48 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Ok I'm seeing some RHR listed, as well as weight  for some of us.l   That's great!  it will take a lil bit to get into the routine of taking it/weighing/documenting   But it IS worth it.       

If you ever decide to be coached,  they would want RHR   Its an important number for them. As I mentioned it tells you/them how recovered you are.     It helps to explain a bit of the mystery of "why do I feel this way?  am I getting better  or worse?"    

Now I'm not qualified to know what it all means, and be able to tell you with all the variables,   but  I did learn what it meant for me as a tool.  (did I just call myself a tool?)     You will learn your "pattern"    but if you are inconsistent in taking it,  well  you just wont have enough solid data  to make it  useful.

Some of our tour group peeps are on vacay   and others have not checked in for a bit.   We'll let everyone get caught up a bit over the next few days.  

We need to work out the contest rules anyhow.    

2012-05-02 8:27 AM
in reply to: #4185582

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
oriolepwr - 2012-05-02 8:48 AM

Ok I'm seeing some RHR listed, as well as weight  for some of us.l   That's great!  it will take a lil bit to get into the routine of taking it/weighing/documenting   But it IS worth it.       

If you ever decide to be coached,  they would want RHR   Its an important number for them. As I mentioned it tells you/them how recovered you are.     It helps to explain a bit of the mystery of "why do I feel this way?  am I getting better  or worse?"    

Now I'm not qualified to know what it all means, and be able to tell you with all the variables,   but  I did learn what it meant for me as a tool.  (did I just call myself a tool?)     You will learn your "pattern"    but if you are inconsistent in taking it,  well  you just wont have enough solid data  to make it  useful.

Some of our tour group peeps are on vacay   and others have not checked in for a bit.   We'll let everyone get caught up a bit over the next few days.  

We need to work out the contest rules anyhow.    


2012-05-02 8:31 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

I'm svelting, I'm svelting!  Oh, my beautiful flubbyness!  What a TRI, What a TRI!

Now down to 205.  Woo Hoo

2012-05-02 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4185060

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
DaDooRunRun - 2012-05-01 9:17 PM
Sarah73 - 2012-04-30 11:38 AM

Shelly was right! I had my first ever panic attack on the swim. As a psychiatrist I commonly treat people with panic attacks who always ask if I've ever experienced one. When I say no, they usually say, 'well, you just can't understand it unless you've been through it'. I have now!!

I even went out and swam about 100 yards right before the race, in the lake, to get used to it, and felt great! Then, when we started, and I got kicked in the face...I completely freaked out!! I started hyperventilating, my heart rate shot up, and I just layed on my back saying, out loud, 'calm down, you're not going to die, just calm down!" I almost called a boat over, but ended up doing some crazy combination of side stroke, doggie paddle, and back stroke. I just couldn't put my face back in the water! I ended going from about a 12 minute pool 600 yards to over 20 minutes in the lake. Then when I finally made it out, I couldn't walk straight! I was falling to the side, and couldn't even think about running to transition!! I don't know how I even made it not being able to walk a straight line!

I don't have a race report out, yet, as the official results aren't posted, but the rest of the race went pretty well. When I finally stopped falling over, and got on the bike, I did the 15 miles in about 17.5 MPH and the 5 K in about 8 minute miles. The whole thing lasted about 1:40 - and I felt pretty good at the end. I'm just soooo frustrated about the swim.

I feel like I need to get back in, but I am so nervous about going back into the lake!! Even just thinking about swimming in the lake again gives me butterflies, and I start to feel a little panicky again. I need some good advice from you seasoned triathletes!! Should I try swimming in the pool in the wetsuit? I think the wetsuit had a lot to do with my feeling that I couldn't breathe, but I also think if I didn't have it I still would have panicked, and I would not have been able to float, and would have had to quit. Help!!

Hi Sarah. and I are soul sisters.  Read my race report from the Carmel Sprint Tri I did on 4/15.  You describe your panic attack exactly the way I described by panic attack!  I am WAAAYYY behind on posts...but this one certainly caught my eye b/c it seems like I wrote it!  Even our bike and run times are strikingly panic attack.

A little backstory to save you the trouble...I am a long time runner, like you, with multiple marathons and halfs under my belt.  In 2010 I started with Tris.  I did 3 sprints...and had 3 panic attacks during the swim.  Took 2011 off from Tris.  Came back to training this year in January.  First Tri was 4/15...felt ready...mentally and physically...and 4th panic attack in my 4th Tri.  Dang it!!

I've been thinking maybe I need to go to a sports psychologist or a hypnotist or something!  It's definitely a mental block!  Anyway...I don't have any real advice, as I haven't figured it out myself.  But maybe it will help you to know that YOU'RE NOT ALONE!

I'm not going to give up though.  I desperately want to get into another race situation, but it doesn't look like my schedule is going to allow until June, which is frustrating.  I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!  Look forward to learning from you and commiserating with you!



I read your race report. That was crazy!!!! It was almost the same report! I hope we can get through this swim thing! It was funny, too, that you thought you were running 10 minute miles, because that is exactly what I was thinking during my run. I had my garmin on, and I kept looking at it thinking it wasn't registering correctly.

I have never had panic attacks, or even anxiety, my entire life. So this is a whole new experience for me!! I think I'm going to do my next tri in a pool, just to get some swim racing in without the OWS experience. Although it sounds like you were in a pool for your last one!! Do you ever get panicky when you are swimming laps in a pool (not racing)? If I figure out how to get through it without freaking out I will definitely let you know how I did it!!


2012-05-02 10:09 PM
in reply to: #4184951

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
I was going to do Racine until my friends backed out so switched to Door County.  Funny about my username.  I assume people think it has to do with running and getting sick but it's my real last name.  Makes it easy to remember my login :-).  Maybe I should make my password Mike.....
2012-05-02 10:13 PM
in reply to: #4185206

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
oriolepwr - 2012-05-01 9:28 PM
Lesandtj - 2012-05-01 12:32 PM
mjh1975 - 2012-05-01 9:54 AM

Just a quick question/point. 


Does anyone experience a heart rate spike when running outdoors vs treadmill?  I noticed last night while out for a little 10 mile run that my hear rate spiked and stayed a smooth 169 (and felt great so it was not bad) vs a normal rate on a treadmill around 150.  I wonder if it is the outdoor air quality (pollen, and other allergies) vs that of controlled HVAC units?

Any thoughts.

Matt, My heart rate goes up when i'm on a treadmill, but mostly because of my raging hatred of treadmills.  

Funny TJ!      ok I think I admitted this in the first tour.  But I will here again.    I LOVE the tready.   You may call it what you will.   "Satan's sidewalk",    "Dreadmill",   "Hampster wheel"  or whatever.     

    But I still love it!   hee hee.    So unless its really good weather outside,  I'm running on the treadmill.   Of course that may change  since my new running partner  has to take it  OUTSIDE to run.  

Matt-   No  HR  spike for me either.   Allergies makes sense.    Plus generally unless you set a  .5%-1% incline on the treadmill its a lil easier than running outside.  


You don't have to go outside, you just need a second treadmill.  My SIL bought a treadmill to walk her bulldogs on.  They seem to like it.  Probably wouldn't work as well on "Greyhound" setting :-)

2012-05-03 11:09 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Happy Thursday evening everyone...just wanted to point out that drinks and appetizers are in the fridge. Feel free to help yourselves...Dave is going to be bonding with VeeBones and I'm hosting my FIL's Big Fat Polish 70th birthday this weekend, so it's not that we don't love you and we'll be back soon. Actually I am totally speaking out of turn for Dave, but I know from Eileen's Facebook status that they are all up in a tizzy on the north shore. SO EXCITED for you guys!

Also, I've been feeling bad about Shelly, Jacki, and Sarah and the OWS thing. Dave can tell you guys I have asked numerous BT "experts" to come on and give the group a Q&A and for some reason everyone says yes, then bails out. I don't know why but it's happened like 3 times!!! It is the ONE thing I am not a complete and awesome expert on. Kidding. Sort of. Not really. Actually, its more that I have nothing to relate it to because I have zero panic issues in the water and what am I going to add to the conversation? Except to sound like a superior boob. Sorry.

That being said, I am SO sorry I haven't been more helpful to you guys. It's a serious barrier to enjoyment of our sport and there simply has to be an answer. I haven't answered much on it because I am so befuddled on how to help you guys. I can say these things with certainty though. 

-It is real. No matter the cause, a panic attack is terrifying and I salute you all for wanting to get back in the water after having one.

-It probably has different causes for different people. I believe the wetsuit is a major contributor for some, and I believe the race day push to GO FASTER is also a major contributor. I also think that of all three sports we work on, swimming is the least natural and the one that needs the most time to feel comfortable, yet in modern life, learning how to swim has become very unnnatural. Instead of just hopping into a lake or a river or the ocean, we have swimming pools and structured swim classes and it's all very we go to class, get declared swimmers and 30 years later, we have midlife crises, do a triathlon, and...panic.

-It is worth figuring out. Having a fitness hobby is genius. Having a fitness hobby that allows you 3 very different modes of training is beyond genius. 

Hang in there girls, maybe we'll figure something out yet!




2012-05-03 11:11 PM
in reply to: #4187446

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

ransick - 2012-05-02 10:09 PM I was going to do Racine until my friends backed out so switched to Door County.  Funny about my username.  I assume people think it has to do with running and getting sick but it's my real last name.  Makes it easy to remember my login :-).  Maybe I should make my password Mike.....

Haha, why did you runsick??? That's the question I've been wanting to ask, haha. 

2012-05-04 7:58 AM
in reply to: #4189663

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
quincyf - 2012-05-04 12:09 AM

Happy Thursday evening everyone...just wanted to point out that drinks and appetizers are in the fridge. Feel free to help yourselves...Dave is going to be bonding with VeeBones and I'm hosting my FIL's Big Fat Polish 70th birthday this weekend, so it's not that we don't love you and we'll be back soon. Actually I am totally speaking out of turn for Dave, but I know from Eileen's Facebook status that they are all up in a tizzy on the north shore. SO EXCITED for you guys!

Also, I've been feeling bad about Shelly, Jacki, and Sarah and the OWS thing. Dave can tell you guys I have asked numerous BT "experts" to come on and give the group a Q&A and for some reason everyone says yes, then bails out. I don't know why but it's happened like 3 times!!! It is the ONE thing I am not a complete and awesome expert on. Kidding. Sort of. Not really. Actually, its more that I have nothing to relate it to because I have zero panic issues in the water and what am I going to add to the conversation? Except to sound like a superior boob. Sorry.

That being said, I am SO sorry I haven't been more helpful to you guys. It's a serious barrier to enjoyment of our sport and there simply has to be an answer. I haven't answered much on it because I am so befuddled on how to help you guys. I can say these things with certainty though. 

-It is real. No matter the cause, a panic attack is terrifying and I salute you all for wanting to get back in the water after having one.

-It probably has different causes for different people. I believe the wetsuit is a major contributor for some, and I believe the race day push to GO FASTER is also a major contributor. I also think that of all three sports we work on, swimming is the least natural and the one that needs the most time to feel comfortable, yet in modern life, learning how to swim has become very unnnatural. Instead of just hopping into a lake or a river or the ocean, we have swimming pools and structured swim classes and it's all very we go to class, get declared swimmers and 30 years later, we have midlife crises, do a triathlon, and...panic.

-It is worth figuring out. Having a fitness hobby is genius. Having a fitness hobby that allows you 3 very different modes of training is beyond genius. 

Hang in there girls, maybe we'll figure something out yet!




Maybe this will help (I hope). Based on Q's comments above it got me thinking.  I grew up swimming in the East River, yes the one by New York City, under the Whitestone Bridge.  Then we moved to northern NJ and I swam in a lake for the rest of my childhood into my teens.

So..., my thought is that if you can find a lake to swim in with other people it would help.  Or, I took lifeguard training twice in my life.  Ask someone to pretend drowning and teach you some rescue technigues to build your confidence in dealing with other swimmers.  You all sound like strong swimmers.  And if this sounds wrong I was just trying to help.


2012-05-04 11:08 PM
in reply to: #4189938

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
TLakatos1259 - 2012-05-04 7:58 AM

Maybe this will help (I hope). Based on Q's comments above it got me thinking.  I grew up swimming in the East River, yes the one by New York City, under the Whitestone Bridge.  Then we moved to northern NJ and I swam in a lake for the rest of my childhood into my teens.

So..., my thought is that if you can find a lake to swim in with other people it would help.  Or, I took lifeguard training twice in my life.  Ask someone to pretend drowning and teach you some rescue technigues to build your confidence in dealing with other swimmers.  You all sound like strong swimmers.  And if this sounds wrong I was just trying to help.


It doesn't sound wrong at all and I appreciate you trying to help. Funnily enough, I have been certified as a lifeguard twice before and I have absolutely NO issues swimming in the pool (over my head or not) or swimming in open water when it's not race conditions and I can stand up. The only time I panic is when the water gets over my head in a race in open water. And I have always started to the back and right so I've never even been touched by another swimmer in the water during a race.

This may sound totally crazy but I truly think my issues are strictly from a trip to Hawaii. We swam in the seven falls pools on Maui and I brilliantly attempted to swim to the falls. I was always a strong swimmer and thought nothing of it. I didn't factor in the strength of the current from the falls. I made it about 2/3 of the way and just really felt like I couldn't go a centimeter farther. I started to panic because I was in a pool at the base of the falls that was over 40ft deep and I had swam about 200m and had about another 50 or so to go. Twice I went under and didn't think I'd get back up. I finally did manage to get to the falls and to the ledge where others were sitting. I just sat there and cried for about 15min. before I could even think about going back to my family. A man on the ledge talked to me and asked why hadn't I just turned on my back and let the current take me back instead of fighting to get to the ledge- Duh! I never even thought of doing that because I was panicked. I learned that day how easy strong swimmers can drown. Part of the problem was that I had just had my thyroid removed for cancer the week before. I wasn't supposed to do any strenuous activity. Another Duh! I just never even thought of swimming as even remotely strenuous. I've been a swimmer all my life. It was always just a simple relaxing thing for me.
The water that day was dark and ice cold, which is exactly how it's been in my races. When my face hits that cold water the panic just starts. My second tri was better than the first though and I think I just need to do it some more and each time will be better and better. We'll see.

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