BT Development Mentor Program Archives » MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-03-08 5:35 AM
in reply to: #4651052

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

no swimming this week - Shark invasion


2013-03-08 6:28 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Emily - I know how you feel.  Every once in awhile I will see somebody I don't know riding around my hometown and I always have the same idea you have about talking with them.  There is so few cyclists and even fewer interested in tri's that live in my neck of the woods.

Terry - WOW!  Seeing that might have just ended my ows in the ocean!

2013-03-08 8:31 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Off work this week and next, my rib cage is mildly painful but feeling better. I am walking about a mile each day so it is slow progress. My goal is to get back to work on the 18th and walk and run as my body allows.
2013-03-08 8:38 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Bill - I feel your pain.  I've busted a rib twice.  You really hate to laugh, cough & sneeze!  I learned to stop the sneezes.  Good luck with the recovery.  You'll be back up to form in no time.
2013-03-08 8:45 AM
in reply to: #4650540

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

emdalem43 - 2013-03-07 2:37 PM I saw a lady today at lunch riding a road bike with aero's( an anomaly where I live)  I so wanted to drive along side her and find out who she was and what she was training for... then I realized this would make me a stalker.

Ha! But really, it would be nice to know if someone else is training for a tri. Maybe you will run into her at the pool one day.

OMG, Terry, that's crazy! What is going on? Does that happen every year?

Bill, good to hear that your ribs are healing.

Ken, I hope that the swimming will help alleviate the foot/leg pain.

I did a short workout on the trainer yesterday. I will run today, yoga tomorrow, then run "long" on Sunday. Long being only 6 miles these days ;-)

Have a great Friday everyone!

2013-03-08 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4651561

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Bill- be easy with the walking, but glad to hear you're on your way to recovery and it doesn't seem so far away.

Melissa- yes, sharks migrate north each year, this year there seems to be many more and closer to shore - it's also a little later in the season for them to migrate... it's spring break time here now so there is more news coverage.

 Smile Have a great weekend everybody.

2013-03-08 12:40 PM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Bill - I hope you get back to full speed soon.   Several years ago I pulled something in my rib cage and it hurt like crazy when I tried to run.  As much pain as I had with my injury I can only imagine what kind of pain a broken rib is when trying to walk or run.  Heal soon!
2013-03-08 8:01 PM
in reply to: #4546309

Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Bill I hope you recover soon! That is just a few sharks swimming around there it looks like some sort of convention.

Emilie I should of tried to stop her but she looked like she was in the zone riding so I did not want to scare her. I knew she was not from here since I know just about everyone. Easy to do in a town of less than 5,000. Got in a great work out today my running distance is improving and I find that I have moved from a lot of mouth breathing( I equate that with dying when running) to breathing through my nose. So things are getting better. I then turned around and did 6 miles on the stationary bike  and then did some weights. It felt so good to be back in the zone of things. We are getting snow so I will be off to the gym tomorrow for a long work out and some abdominal toning.

2013-03-09 8:14 AM
in reply to: #4652754

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Emily - I wouldn't have stopped her either but I would have been tempted to.  I live in a small town just like you there is only 10,000 people in our whole county.  I kept seeing a guy riding a tri bike but had no idea who he was I was tempted to stop him several times.  Then one day I was looking on the Oklahoma forum on BT and somebody was asking about training partners around my area.  Sure enough it was the guy I had been seeing riding his bike.  He is the baseball coach in the other small town in our county which is about 8mi away.  We've been training buddies since then.  It sure is nice to have somebody to ride with on those long 3-4 hour rides.

I ran 5 miles this morning and about to get ready to head to Oklahoma City this afternoon.  I'm first going to stop by the bike shop and look at getting a different saddle.  I bought a Cobb saddle several weeks ago and it is just not working for me.  The Cobb has a 30 day return policy so I'm going to trade it in on a different one.  After the bike shop we are heading to watch our High School girls basketball team play in the state championship game.  Go BULLDOGS!

2013-03-09 8:45 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
I'll be thinking of all of you for a week.  Out running, swimming, biking.  I had a little medical procedure yesterday and doctor's orders strongly suggest nothing strenuous.  And its a BEAUTIFUL WEEKEND!  Well - it's only a week.  I should be able to fast walk the dog starting Monday.  Have a good weekend everyone!
2013-03-09 8:53 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
KenH - Heal up. Sometimes being forced to take a week off turns out to be a good thing your body gets some much needed rest and you come back stronger than ever.

2013-03-09 3:47 PM
in reply to: #4653016

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

KenH- I agree with Emile.... a week off does amazing things to performance.

Today's 10K began at 50 degrees and finished at 55 and sunny. No wind to speak of. I had wanted to do 10-10:30 minute miles and I pretty much hit my time, but not how I had planned it.  I began with some 9ish minute miles and then got progressively slower-I think the last was around 11ish.  It was definitely a mental thing. I did the run walk after the first mile (4/1) and just forgot to keep track of my watch when I was walking. Had a lot on my mind and just “spaced out” for a while and trying to catch up to where I wanted to be caused a increased heart rate which in turn began the shin splint/lactic acid burn.  I finished pretty much at the time I wanted to - ran into so friends I hadn't seen in a while and it It was a great day.

Garmin data posted in my logs and I uploaded a photo of yours truly taken by the road runner club and posted on Facebook....


2013-03-09 5:33 PM
in reply to: #4546309

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Terry - my tired eyes couldn't see that much hair in your profile image.  WoW!  I'm way jealous.  Nice job on  making your time no matter how you did it!!

As for the watch issue.  I  can't tell which watch you're wearing.  Does it have an audibile or vibration alert for interval training?  If not, you could do what I do - I wear a second watch as my cheap GPS watch doesn't do intervals.  I picked this up for $17.  Works great if you don't mind wearing 2 watches.

2013-03-09 5:58 PM
in reply to: #4653271

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Thanks Ken - I have a timer ( I use for interval training- I can adjust it to vibrate or to make a beeping sound.   I just forgot it this morning. I keep it in the garage next to the bike trainer.

2013-03-10 8:14 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Good job on the 10k, sounds like a great day out there! I know how something like forgetting a piece of equipment can throw you off, but it's nice to know that you have a good feel for the pace, regardless.

2013-03-10 11:32 AM
in reply to: #4653215

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Terry -Good job on hitting you goal pace even though it may not have been how you planned it.  Are dealing with shin splints or did your shins just tighten up during the run.  I currently dealing with a minor shin splint on my right leg.  It has been a little bit aggravating it seems like I'm always dealing with something. I've started doing some lower leg exercises which seem to be helping.

Weather is not ideal today low 40's with a serious north wind 25-30mph and they say we could have some gusts up to 40mph.  So I got up and rode 1 1/2 hours on the trainer while watching a movie. 


2013-03-10 4:08 PM
in reply to: #4653667

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
EKH - 2013-03-10 12:32 PM

Weather is not ideal today low 40's with a serious north wind 25-30mph and they say we could have some gusts up to 40mph.  So I got up and rode 1 1/2 hours on the trainer while watching a movie. 

You guys are my heroes... Honestly, if I had to deal with the extended winters and that kind of weather, I might be looking for a different hobby.  I'm thinking it's uncomfortable to be in a headwind at the beach with 70 degree weather and maybe it's a little too humid for today......

Good ride today.  This ride was different as it was on A-1-A near the ocean (I posted a few photos)– we caught a very strong cross wind all day -mostly a headwind during the out portion. During the in portion I was well behind the “pack” and got stuck in beach traffic.  All the Churches let out - and there are many churches on that road - then the kids on spring break and the cars coming into the bike lanes wouldn’t allow a good ride for the last 15-20 miles. It was more of a very interesting obstacle course.

I ate well, bananas, granola bars, and some energy gel squares, GU gels and hydrated well throughout.  I had a problem at mile 44 when I changed gears, perhaps too fast, and my chain got bound up and would not cycle. I had to get off the bike, turn it over and hand pick the chain out and align it again. I became very aware of my changing gears to quickly when going over the bridges (hills). 

Data is posted in my logs. 

2013-03-11 6:31 AM
in reply to: #4653902

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Terry - You my hero with your awesome racing schedule.  I'm having to live vicariously through you and your race reports.  Keep them coming!  Also, how do I see your pictures everybody keeps talking about?

I got up this morning and ran 1 hour and plan on hitting the pool after work today.  What is everybody elses schedule look like today?

2013-03-11 7:19 AM
in reply to: #4654463

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Yes, Terry - keep the reports coming! You have a very full schedule with races - that's very inspiring.

I had no training scheduled yesterday - well, I wanted to run, but between work and a birthday party, it did not happen. That means today, Monday, will be both a swim and run day.


2013-03-11 8:06 AM
in reply to: #4654463

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Emile/Melissathank you. The photos are located at the bottom of the message area on the button entitled ALBUM  


Profile stats stats Private message Log Races Gear Reviews

click on it and there will be another area and click on 2013 photos

(8 Photos, 0 videos, 0 Comments : Last updated 2013-03-10) and you will see......


Edit caption
ft lauderdale beach -

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naples, fl 1-13-13

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morning run 2-9-13 fort lauderdale beach

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50 degrees.....

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2013 St Patrick's Day 10k

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Rest area at the turn around - view of intra coastal waterway near Boynton Beach

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North on A-1-A

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somewhere south of Boca Raton


They are thumbnails and can be enlarged by clicking on them.


2013-03-11 10:59 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
It feels funny just walking but it felt good to get some blood flowing and muscles firing. Walked 2.3 mi. and felt just a bit of discomfort in the center of the breast. My back is still not right and i will continue to ice it. I am due back to work next monday and because i am a laborer this week is a test week to see what i am comfortably capable of. Am going to physical Therapist on Wed. and want to get a back support belt for work. As far as racing goes, maybe this fall is a good goal to shoot for. Thanks for the support.

2013-03-11 7:09 PM
in reply to: #4654922

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Bill - Sounds like you are making progress.  Has the PT given you any idea when you can get back on the bike or in the pool?

Terry - Great pics!


Got a short swim in after work.  Tomorrow is a day off.

Edited by EKH 2013-03-11 7:10 PM
2013-03-11 8:25 PM
in reply to: #4655804

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Emile- how do you run 9:30 minute miles and keep a heart rate below 146?    Is there a process to be able to do that? 

2013-03-11 9:27 PM
in reply to: #4655899

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Terry - I've been plagued with running injuries for the last several years and last year I came across an article by Dave Scott about training with HRM.  There is a formula that you plug in and for the most part your goal is to always keep your HR under a certain number.  It was difficult at first to keep my HR under my target HR and sometimes while going up hills it felt like I slowed down to a walk to get my HR down.  Although I've seen some good gains with it in a very short amount of time and without ever feeling like I was taxing my body to much.  Running is without a doubt my strength so my main goal with this program is to keep me running and healthy.

Here is a link to the article I read.



2013-03-11 10:55 PM
in reply to: #4546309

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Emily - Do have a LBS (local bike shop) or running store who may be able to help identify other triathletes in your area? 

Bill - Good to hear you are back to some physical activities.  I hope your recovery continues to go well. 

KenH - Enjoy your time off and come back refreshed and ready to get after it!

Terry - I too was wondering where your pics were.  I thought I looked under your profile but must have missed them.  Thanks for posting the location.  Remember HR is very individual.  The 220 - age formula is used a lot but is a poor indicator.  You really need to do a test to determine your threshhold HR and then determine your training zones based off the test.  Bike & run HR are different and require separate tests.  Over time as your fitness improves you will be able to see your pace drop for the same HR.  A couple of years ago I started in the spring running 7.5 mile at about 140 bpm with a 8:30 pace.  In the fall, on the same route at 140 bpm I was down to a 7:45 pace.  When doing a true HR run, I have a display on my Garmin set up to only show HR, no time, distance or pace info.  There are some great threads here on BT on how to do the tests and set your zones.  

I did the same as Melissa with a run/swim day.  We had about 7 inches of snow overnight so running outside was a little sketchy.  I was on the treadmill for a 6 mile run followed by a short swim.  After not much snow all winter we've had 2 good snows within the last week.  Plus a lot of rain on Sat which made for wet and sloshy outside run.  What a difference a year makes.  Last year on this date I had my first outside ride on my tri bike.  Right now we have about 18 inches of snow on the ground. 


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