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2013-01-14 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4576971

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Kathy - I don't wear a HRM but maybe I should start. I've seen others wear it right below the sports bra.

krazytallchick - 2013-01-14 6:04 AM For the ladies in the group.............Where do you put your heart rate strap?  When I first starting using it I was placing the strap up by the heart and then last year my companies nutrient company told me to wear it right below the sports bra.  Just curious on where you prefer to wear yours.

2013-01-14 3:23 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Hope everyone is feeling better. This flu season seems to be hitting hard!HRM I wear below my bra. I can't imagine wearing it above, even with the girls securely locked and loaded, I think it would be uncomfortable. Scott, I would take your 1:58 in a heartbeat. Nice job sir!
2013-01-14 4:10 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

AJ - Thanks for the links, I think I was as you say, reaching for my stride, rather than pushing from the hips. I just noticed over the last couple of runs, that I've relaxed my hips and straightened up slightly and again as you describe let my legs drive me forward. I think I was leaning too far forward at the waist and it felt like I was running into the road instead of along it, if that makes sense. I am going to start doing running drills on my short run day down at the track.

Tim - Thanks for the link on running drills, I definitely think my form needs a lot of work. I am starting to notice differences in my stride now, longer and more fluid, but when I get tired it slips back into short choppy shuffles, I guess that's just fitness too, but I'd like to be able to maintain a comfortable, consistently relaxed stride throughout a longer run.

KTC - HRM dead centre beneath the sports bra.

Ice - Great run, you are the man!!!

KC - Glad to hear the worst of it is over, hope the rest clears quickly so you can get back into training!

2013-01-14 8:16 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Saw this on the Iron Distance forum and thought it was interesting - especially since Timmer brought up the use of a snorkle last week.  This person was using the snorkel to train for an 70.3 but when they tried to ween themselves off it was harder then when they first started.

2013-01-15 2:32 AM
in reply to: #4578593

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Interesting thread Tim. I am so glad I stuck to the one piece of advice I got when I started back after 18 years of not swimming and that was, do not rely on swimming aids, but learn to correct your technique.

It was hard going to start with and I could barely swim 50 metres without running out of breath, but I took it slow till I could breathe comfortably on my right side only, and then I took the plunge and taught myself bilateral. Finally after all the time doing drills etc, the speed is coming also. I know that swim aids have their place, but I now personally think for me swimming without them has been a smart move and allowed me to find my gills, so as to speak.

I am still relatively slow compared to most other triathletes, but I know eventually that will improve too, besides I just want to make the cutoff times comfortably. I see people all the time at my local pool using flippers and hand paddles and snorkles, they do lap after lap after lap, but then they take them off and guess who passes them! Yep slow old me! :P

2013-01-15 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4578819

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Don't get me wrong about the use of swim aids at all.  I use flippers for all my drills especially for one arm, catchup or any other "arm drills so that it can allow me to focus on the form and not losing my speed.  Plus it helps break the workout up a bit. But in general it is a good idea to limit the pool toys.  Does anyone use paddles consistently in your training?  I started doing my pull drills with no paddles last year because Fink plan thinks they cause shoulder injury which I tend to agree with.

kruzmeister - 2013-01-15 2:32 AM

Interesting thread Tim. I am so glad I stuck to the one piece of advice I got when I started back after 18 years of not swimming and that was, do not rely on swimming aids, but learn to correct your technique.

It was hard going to start with and I could barely swim 50 metres without running out of breath, but I took it slow till I could breathe comfortably on my right side only, and then I took the plunge and taught myself bilateral. Finally after all the time doing drills etc, the speed is coming also. I know that swim aids have their place, but I now personally think for me swimming without them has been a smart move and allowed me to find my gills, so as to speak.

I am still relatively slow compared to most other triathletes, but I know eventually that will improve too, besides I just want to make the cutoff times comfortably. I see people all the time at my local pool using flippers and hand paddles and snorkles, they do lap after lap after lap, but then they take them off and guess who passes them! Yep slow old me! :P

2013-01-15 9:04 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

So we haven't really discussed race nutrition much here - what does everyone mostly use?  I am a nutrition freak and research it probably way too much haha.  

Timmer, Lori, Deb, KC, Scott - have you started thinking about your 140.6 nutrition plan for this year yet?  Any changes or trying new stuff?

2013-01-15 9:21 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
I would love to hear some race nutrition wisdom here as well. I am just doing 1/2 IM's this year but need some good advice on nutrition during the race. Feel pretty good about my training nutrition at this point.
2013-01-15 9:55 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Our masters group typically has about 200 yards (out of 3200 yards total) using pull buoy with paddles mixed in with our sets.  I try not to be too aggressive with the paddles since they can wreak havoc on your shoulders.
2013-01-15 11:19 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
I am considering going with what's available on course. Thoughts on this...?
2013-01-15 11:21 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
KC is unusually quiet. Should we go poke him and make sure the flu did actually leave?! (I'm sure you're reading - hope you're feeling better)

2013-01-15 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4550197

Sheboygan, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Nutrition plan??? Nope. I tried to stick with a nutrition plan last year at Ironman Racine, and ended up running out of gas on the half marathon. I'm not sure if I gunned the bike too much, or if I failed nutrition-wise, but I felt great after the bike, only to hit the wall at the start of the run. Also, the temp's were in the 90's, which may have had something to do with it. I know for sure I did not consume enough calories on the bike. My coach at the time gave me a range of 300 - 500 calories per hour. I was lucky if I consumed 300 calories over the whole bike. However, my stomach is very sensitive, and I didn't want to get an upset stomach.

I was thinking of trying Infinit. Any users of Infinit out there that want to give their 2 cents? I guess you can get a mixture custom made to the event and a person's digestive system.

What plan did you use, Tim?

2013-01-15 1:03 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Timmer, I had very similar issues on my HIM. I kind if went in with a plan, but it fell apart. I took in over the whole race half the amount I should have taken in on just the bike.

Felt good on the bike, but the run was just dismal. I bonked so bad, I ended up walking. I intend on well executed plans this year.
2013-01-15 1:40 PM
in reply to: #4579576

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Well mine is still a work in process - but what I did for IMWI was use Hammer Perpetuem with Hammer Gels, Perform, Endurolytes and water.  The key thing is to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE with whatever you are going to use and tweak it throughout your training.  Don't wait until your 6 hour training ride to try something.  You should know as you get to those long workout exactly what you are going to use. 

I ended up making one 4 hour bottle of Perpetuem and had the mix for a 3 hour in an empty bottle.  I got my water off the course and took hand ups of Perform every hour or so.  I also took 1 serving of Hammer gel every 30 minutes with endurolytes.

Where my whole plan fell apart was on the run.  During training I had the bike nutrition down like clockwork and then for my long bricks I would run with a 2 hour mix of Perpetuem with my gels.  Worked perfect in training...  what I didn't account for was an aid station every mile on the run that I would just take whatever the hell I felt like.  By mile 7 I was so bloated and my stomach was shutting down I had to walk for 1 complete mile to let it settle back down but by then I was dealing with taking in no nutrition for almost an hour.  The only thing that I could handle was cola, water and chicken broth.  Moral of the on your run nutrition as well as your bike.  Know what your stomach can handle running.  The only way to know is to practice it.

tkaufmann60 - 2013-01-15 12:34 PM Tim- Nutrition plan??? Nope. I tried to stick with a nutrition plan last year at Ironman Racine, and ended up running out of gas on the half marathon. I'm not sure if I gunned the bike too much, or if I failed nutrition-wise, but I felt great after the bike, only to hit the wall at the start of the run. Also, the temp's were in the 90's, which may have had something to do with it. I know for sure I did not consume enough calories on the bike. My coach at the time gave me a range of 300 - 500 calories per hour. I was lucky if I consumed 300 calories over the whole bike. However, my stomach is very sensitive, and I didn't want to get an upset stomach. I was thinking of trying Infinit. Any users of Infinit out there that want to give their 2 cents? I guess you can get a mixture custom made to the event and a person's digestive system. What plan did you use, Tim? Timmer

2013-01-15 1:46 PM
in reply to: #4579405

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Deb if you can get enough calories then by all means do it.  Can you handle solid food or are you thinking mostly fluids?Where I get concerned is when you figure how many Performs you to drink to drink to get your calories.  For example one 8 oz. serving of Perpetuem 270 calories.  You would need to drink almost 4 servings of Perform to get the same amount of calories.  If that was me I would be stopping every mile to pee.Laughing

I really think the concentrated bottles of nutrition (Infinit, First Endurance, Hammer, etc...)are the way to go supplemented with what is on the course.  Just my opinion though.

cheekymonkeys1 - 2013-01-15 11:19 AM I am considering going with what's available on course. Thoughts on this...?

2013-01-15 2:36 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

As for paddles, I use these:

Great paddles for working on EVF, immediate feedback if you aren't doing it correctly.  These don't seem to bother my shoulders either.

The nutrition plan for IM is a work in progress.  The plan for now is using Honey Stinger gels and waffles on the bike along with a few bananas and the Perform.  I would love to use the gels on course but my stomach just says no! 

The plan looks something like this for the bike (still need to figure out the endurolyte doses):

  • 250 calories/hour
  • :00 one gel chased by at least 7 ounces of water
  • :15 1/4 waffle chased by Perform
  • :30 1/4 waffle chased by Perform
  • :45 1/4 waffle chased by Perform
  • Sip water throughout each hour
  • Grab a banana here and there
  • Minimum of 20 ounces of fluid each hour, more if hot

The plan for the run is (still need to figure out the endurolytes):

  • Alternate each aid station-cup of water/a cup of perform with water/broth once is it out
  • Switch in some coke starting at about mile 15-16
  • Gel every hour
  • Maybe a few bites of banana, maybe not

I will be trying out Hammer endurolytes for the first time this year.  Previously used S-Caps which upset my stomach.  No solids on the run.  Significant GI issues in 2008 means a new plan for 2013!  I will have it in spreadsheet form and will attach it to a message once it is done.  Some feedback would be greatly appreciated!

2013-01-15 2:51 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Wow I have a lot to learn!

I'm glad I'm not planning an IM for a couple years, phew!


Another gear question for you all...has anyone used one of those ant + dongles for the iphone (like THIS)? I know the iphone is not legal in races so that's an issue for later, but in either case I want to get a heart rate strap, foot pod and cadence sensor (although my bike has a flight deck 601). With the dongle I would spend about $185 for all of it. Or I could spend about $300 and have the same stuff feeding to a watch.  I love the Garmin 910xt but I have an issue paying more for a training watch and gear than I did for my bike!


2013-01-15 4:11 PM
in reply to: #4579832

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Seems like a cool device but do you like running with your phone?  The biking would be ok since I take my phone with me anyways but for races it doesn't seem very realistic to carry your iphone with you.  My thinking is if you are gonna train with your HR you should also race with it too.

The 910XT is also really nice if you have the money but all the bells and whistles is not really necessary.  I am a Garmin guy so I would suggest the FR70 ($109.00 includes HR Strap) and then the cadence/speed sensor ($59.99).  This basically covers everything you need to train and race for $170.  

The nice thing is that if you decide to take out a second mortgage and upgrade to the 910XT - you can use all the stuff still.

phishinphan - 2013-01-15 2:51 PM

Another gear question for you all...has anyone used one of those ant + dongles for the iphone (like THIS)? I know the iphone is not legal in races so that's an issue for later, but in either case I want to get a heart rate strap, foot pod and cadence sensor (although my bike has a flight deck 601). With the dongle I would spend about $185 for all of it. Or I could spend about $300 and have the same stuff feeding to a watch.  I love the Garmin 910xt but I have an issue paying more for a training watch and gear than I did for my bike!

2013-01-15 4:24 PM
in reply to: #4579802

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Seems like a solid plan Lori.  What was your plan in 2008 that caused the issues? Looking forward to your spreadsheet.  I am so glad that there is another "spreadsheet" person here now.  LOL I make spreadsheets for EVERYTHING.  


retiretotri - 2013-01-15 2:36 PM

The nutrition plan for IM is a work in progress.  The plan for now is using Honey Stinger gels and waffles on the bike along with a few bananas and the Perform.  I would love to use the gels on course but my stomach just says no! 

The plan looks something like this for the bike (still need to figure out the endurolyte doses):

  • 250 calories/hour
  • :00 one gel chased by at least 7 ounces of water
  • :15 1/4 waffle chased by Perform
  • :30 1/4 waffle chased by Perform
  • :45 1/4 waffle chased by Perform
  • Sip water throughout each hour
  • Grab a banana here and there
  • Minimum of 20 ounces of fluid each hour, more if hot

The plan for the run is (still need to figure out the endurolytes):

  • Alternate each aid station-cup of water/a cup of perform with water/broth once is it out
  • Switch in some coke starting at about mile 15-16
  • Gel every hour
  • Maybe a few bites of banana, maybe not

I will be trying out Hammer endurolytes for the first time this year.  Previously used S-Caps which upset my stomach.  No solids on the run.  Significant GI issues in 2008 means a new plan for 2013!  I will have it in spreadsheet form and will attach it to a message once it is done.  Some feedback would be greatly appreciated!

2013-01-15 4:53 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Team.

I am back thank God! Laughing.

I think I have turned the corner as far as the flu is concerned. 4 full days basically moving from my bed to my lazy boy to my couch. I only moved if I had to go to the bathroom or if my back was sore. I never get sick damn it - but I did this time. First day back at work today and I am trying to pace myself. I am hoping for another good nights sleep tonight and hopefully back in the water for a nice slow swim in the morning before work.

I just wanted to say hello - tell eveyone I miss you Smile and thanks for thinking about me. I could barely even open my eyes to log on and read the forum. Sorry about that, but hopefully I have turned the corner and I am back to start participating.

I am going to jump back on the forum, look around, catch up on some of your comments, make some notes and chime in. I will be back with another post in a little bit. But, for now, HI, nice to be back and hopefully I can start contributing a bit more now.

OH - when I get back I will tell you all about my IM plan, which starts on Feb 4 - bring it on!


Edited by kcgolf 2013-01-15 5:25 PM
2013-01-15 5:01 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I am an Infinit user and recommend it!  I got a custom mix made, I didn't go by what the website said instead I called them as I tend to overheat a lot and need sugar even though I am not a diabetic or have medical issues.  Over time I have learned that on hot days if my sugar levels are low I pass out so I needed to make sure my mix took that in considerations since I was racing in Louisville in August.

My IM bike plan was:

During T1 eat a waffle cookie and drink 2 cups of water

On the bike I had my watch beep at every 12 minutes which told me to drink my infinit mix.  (I had to practice on how big of a sip to take because at first I wasn't getting enough in those sips).  (Try didn't times to see what works for you at first I was doing 15 minutes and that was too long, I know others do every 10 minutes)

Every hour I ate a Payday candy bar that was broken in half.

I would drink water when I felt thirsty or needed something else to drink which was rare.

T2 - eat another waffle cookie and drink 1 cup of water

Then during the run I would run to each aid stop, walk thru while drinking and eating.  This worked out perfect as I had practice my runs with a run/walk so I already had the walking while drinking and eating down pat.  As to what I did here I would rotate water, perform and tried to stick with the gels till I needed salt.  Then I would just grab what I felt like eating.  My planned work and it also didn't work.  

You would not believe how many things I tired during my bike training rides to get the nutrient down.  All I can say is read, ask questions and just try things.  As to my custom Infinit mix, they had to tweak my first batch is I was still hungry.  I would eat the Payday just to give myself a treat. 

2013-01-15 5:08 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
If anyone is interested here is the Infinit sweat rate test which will tell you how much fluid during a workout.

Worksheet B.sweatrate.calc.doc (76KB - 11 downloads)
2013-01-15 5:19 PM
in reply to: #4576099

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

LOL - I have a few things to say here but I don't think I should.


tmoran80 - 2013-01-13 1:14 PM

Gil are you talking about the vasectomy pain or running an Ironman pain haha?

gdelamora - 2013-01-13 11:20 AM

Tim - It's great to feel great again but I think one has to be a little nuts to put themselves through all the pain. Look forward in hearing on how it s going for you.

2013-01-15 5:56 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Team.

OK - Think I am up to speed and again thanks for being patient with me these past 4 or 5 days.

Dennis - I use Newtons and have been using them for 2 years now and Love them. For some reason I was probably lucky and did not have muc trouble getting use to them. A bit pricey, but I would suggest them to anyone.

AJ - I have the Kurt Kinetic trainer ( not the one that rocks) I upgraded late last fall and love it. Regarding swimming, I would for sure suggest a private lesson or 2 but would also caution you to make sure you are getting it from someone who does triathlons or has done them. I can only tell you that most of this group can attest to the fact that I commented many times on how much I struggled with the swim and still worry about it - but you will get it! Don't stop trying. One more thing - nice running - you could do the dog paddle for crying out load and still kick my a$$ at the end a race with times like that.

Jennifer - love the 3d stretches.

Lori - I just finished putting my IM plan together - used BT to do it and it starts on Feb 4. 3 swims, 3 bikes, 3 runs per week. I love the paddles you suggested for swimming. You nutrition plan looks excellent and I am looking forward to the spread sheet when you have it built. I will dig mine up from NYC last year and post it when I find it. I can tell eveyone this though - when I was done that race I never wanted to see anothe bonk breaker for the rest of my life Yell

Tim - I know you sent me your plan last year but I would love to see it again [email protected]  It is great to hear you are cleared for training again and I am glad you have recovered. Has the docter cleared you for wearing the red shorts yet? Laughing

Pierce - how is your swim coming along? When I get my video back from the TI clinic I will post them on Youtube for eveyone to take a look at.

Gil - how is the heel?

Deb - how is the ankle?

KTC - so sorry to hear about the running group.I hope they warm up to you soon because the have no idea what they are missing.

WTB - awesome news on being selected  to be a showcased athlete. Make sure you keep us posted on it and hopefully we can see what you are doing with some vids?

Scott - as usual, you rock and keep us motivated, keep it up.

Simone - Have you done any research on Chi Running?

OK - I think I am up to speed. I hope everyone is staying healthy. My body is in a bit of pain from the flu and from laying around so much. I am looking forward to easing back into the swing of things and starting my IM plan on Feb 4. Have a great week everyone.



2013-01-15 5:57 PM
in reply to: #4580073

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Thanks KTC.


krazytallchick - 2013-01-15 6:08 PM If anyone is interested here is the Infinit sweat rate test which will tell you how much fluid during a workout.

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