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2013-06-01 8:42 PM
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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
edit turned into new post Smile

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-06-01 8:54 PM

2013-06-01 8:42 PM
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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

RACE REPORT is up Smile I did it!!! But there is lots of room for improvement. 

My lungs- pretty sure I have something respiratory going on. Not as big a deal as it was earlier.


ANd thanks again for all of the kind words and encouragement everyone!! 

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-06-01 8:45 PM
2013-06-02 10:15 AM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Glad you had a good time racing minus the chain issue.

Not heading out onto the big lake (Superior) for the last day of the derby. High winds 15 miles gusting to 20 plus makes a cold day. Currently 6 c (42f) out before the wind which is coming straight out of the north makes for some big waves( for my boat). Will try to get a run this evening. Positive note my boat won $500 from random draws last night. Derby is ran as biggest fish gets big prize money. The if you catch a fish (only one per person) your name goes into a draw which gets chosen randomly. Split money so we are up $250 minus entry of 50 so $200 for 3 hrs of fishing yesterday is pretty good deal.
2013-06-02 10:33 AM
in reply to: Jigger

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
GREAT job on your first tri, Melody!! Just read your race report, good stuff!! I loved the race photos that you uploaded. It looks like you were having FUN on the bike! Your smile says it all. Congratulations!
2013-06-02 10:39 AM
in reply to: kpringle

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Training this weekend was crazy hard for me b/c we have had record-breaking heat and humidity over the past few days. Hilde, I honestly don't know how you can train in Texas!! That's the kind of weather we had here... I got my training done but it was not pretty (or fast)!! My face gets bright red like a tomato when I run in the heat. I'll blame that on my Irish heritage and not my (lack of) fitness, haha!

I discovered a great new bike route yesterday! I took some pictures along the route and will attempt to upload them later today. Most of the ride is along the coast, so lots of scenic boat/ocean pics.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!!
2013-06-02 10:45 AM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Hi Beasties! My race was actually Saturday, June 1. Not Sunday June 2. Here is a link to my race report.
I'll be back later to catch up on all the Beastliness that's been going on here. Post-race I have a very sore left hip flexor. Not sure what's going on there but I'll figure it out. Right now the couch is calling my name!

2013-06-02 10:45 AM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Hi Beasties! My race was actually Saturday, June 1. Not Sunday June 2. Here is a link to my race report.
I'll be back later to catch up on all the Beastliness that's been going on here. Post-race I have a very sore left hip flexor. Not sure what's going on there but I'll figure it out. Right now the couch is calling my name!
2013-06-02 2:16 PM
in reply to: shadow67

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!


photo(17).JPG (787KB - 23 downloads)
2013-06-02 2:20 PM
in reply to: kpringle

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Picture above was taken during my bike ride yesterday. I rode all along the peninsula of the town of Hull (not Hell, haha!) which is a total beach town. My new favorite bike route! I took a couple other pics but they are not uploading properly, so that's all I have for now!
2013-06-02 5:27 PM
in reply to: kpringle

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Shad- Great race!!! I had never heard of a sprint with a 1000+ swim (i would be dead). Good times on everything. I could not get to your race report from the link in your post above, I got to it by clicking on your race reports in 'Friends' to find it. All I was able to see is the summery of your results, it is still listed as a draft... if you are finished with the race report look for a button at the bottom that says 'make public' . I wish I had your speed on the bike!!


Kristen- What a beautiful Harbor!!! Sounds like you found a great new bike route.

2013-06-02 6:25 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
SWIM "Wish I could find a coach" - i hear you, same problem here, no available coaches

BIKE: "Get clipless pedals!!! " - really? i'm not a big fan of this. any particular reason?

T2: "learn to blow a snot rocket :/ " - this i'm really good at hahaha

RUN: "BLOCK OUT ALL DISTRACTIONS during race!!!" - cheering friends can boost your energy, DO NOT BLOCK THEM OUT but remember not to impress them and throw your game off

thanks for your post run analysis, this will help me a lot when i join my first race Mel.

2013-06-03 4:52 AM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Finally caught up on everyone this morning. I am still in training hiatus. One more week of none normal routine and I will be good to go. Melody - I loved, loved your race report. You planned, trained, and executed. Terrific. I mean, you even had friends drive 2 1/2 hours to see you! I think this is pretty cool. The swim always seems harder than it should be to me. On your bike, remember to start next time with the chain on the small ring. Crystallized ginger might help calm the tummy. Not blowing a snot rocket is ok. I am always disturbed when a biker does this right in front of me. Not telling where that thing might land if there is a stiff headwind. Walking on your run is ok if you must. I have walked in all but just a few of my tri races. Congrats again. I love your pictures. You look like you are having fun. Which is the most important part.
2013-06-03 4:53 AM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I really wish they would fix the posting from iPad issue...line returns and blank lines don't show. I will have to finish my post later.
2013-06-03 9:35 AM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Some great races out there this past weekend.... I'm so proud of all my Beasties!  And even if a race doesn't go the way you want it, you've learned something to work on for the next one!!  I don't think ANYONE has a perfect race!!  Keep training everyone!!  I'm going to do what I can this week and then next week it's ON, full steam ahead training!
2013-06-03 3:53 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Melody: Oh, what a great race report! It is so cool that you took the time to think through all the goods and bads of your first race. The fact that you did not crash when your chain came off earns extra points, I think. As an aside - I love chocolate milk after a race. It seems to get me the little jolt I need without upsetting my tummy. I am a master snot rocket launcher - my DH says it is because I was born a redneck - but I say it is a learned art developed by necessity. The trick is total occlusion of one side and a quick hard burst like a sneeze. Of course, there is the etiquette part of at least glancing behind you before launching!!
2013-06-04 4:27 AM
in reply to: jaykayjay

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
What do you think Beasties?  I think we should have Janette YouTube herself on "The Proper Art of Snot Rocketing". . .

2013-06-04 6:08 AM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Originally posted by Hildebeast What do you think Beasties?  I think we should have Janette YouTube herself on "The Proper Art of Snot Rocketing". . .

YES!!!!!!Laughing jk

2013-06-04 11:37 AM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Oh, too funny, Beasties!! Here I thought my career path would veer toward daytime soaps! My teenage children have been teasing me that all of the klutzy things I seem to do at least weekly should make YouTube videos. Of course, Mom is always the dorkiest in the eyes of teenage children.

I have a 16 y.o. and 13 y.o. and a bonus baby, 6 y.o. We had more medical mishaps in our household this weekend. The 13 y.o. boy plays baseball and slid into home plate, rolled over on his ankle and broke his leg in 3 places - into the growth plate in one spot. Sigh .... 1st official weekend of summer for him and he is in a leg cast with no weight bearing for 2 weeks and then a boot for probably another 6 weeks. Thankfully, it looks like no surgery for now. He is not a happy camper and hasn't mastered crutches yet. Sure is tough to watch your own children in pain.
2013-06-04 12:05 PM
in reply to: jaykayjay

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Originally posted by jaykayjay Oh, too funny, Beasties!! Here I thought my career path would veer toward daytime soaps! My teenage children have been teasing me that all of the klutzy things I seem to do at least weekly should make YouTube videos. Of course, Mom is always the dorkiest in the eyes of teenage children. I have a 16 y.o. and 13 y.o. and a bonus baby, 6 y.o. We had more medical mishaps in our household this weekend. The 13 y.o. boy plays baseball and slid into home plate, rolled over on his ankle and broke his leg in 3 places - into the growth plate in one spot. Sigh .... 1st official weekend of summer for him and he is in a leg cast with no weight bearing for 2 weeks and then a boot for probably another 6 weeks. Thankfully, it looks like no surgery for now. He is not a happy camper and hasn't mastered crutches yet. Sure is tough to watch your own children in pain.


I'm sorry your son got hurt, that is no fun for summer  it seems like the more athletic they are the more injuries to deal with usually. My youngest plays basketball and football and unfortunately we have gotten to know an orthopedic surgeon. BUT he loves athletics and I think that is good for him so I am not stopping him!

My boys are a similar age spread- 27, 23, & 15; the oldest two were 7 & 11 when the surprise came along. Time sure does fly- I cant believe my baby will be a junior next year.

2013-06-04 4:23 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Howdy, Beasties!

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who raced recently! I'm sorry I've been AWOL-- it really wasn't my fault, Hilde! Honest!-- as my iPad simply couldn't connect to BT for a while and then I was traveling for several days... but I'm ba-aaack and now have access to my home computer, so you have been warned!

Am right back into IM training, after a tough HM at the end of May in Ottawa-- I swear the air was trying to kill me. At one point, I actually had to tug on my sister's sleeve to stop because I couldn't breathe-- most frustrating. Happily, it resolved itself quickly and we soldiered on, but I'm decidedly sick of pollen and its strangulation effects, I gotta say. Meantime, my enforced absence from the pool definitely shows in my achingly slow swim times, but that will, I hope, improve with time and regularity-- as well as kicking practice, since I've never been particularly good at that!

Will catch up with all the Beastly details as soon as I can (and whenever I figure out how to see older posts on the new BT setup...)-- in the meantime, hope you're all well and kicking behinds left, right, and centre wherever you are!

2013-06-04 11:43 PM
in reply to: wrkinprogress

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Hi guys. may i ask for swim programs you might recommend to a beginner swimmer like me? drills, long swims, intervals etc? what i've been doing for now is just swim and swim until i'm out of breath then i stop and rest then do it again :P

2013-06-05 6:37 AM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Oh Janette, so sorry to hear about your son... what is it with boys, seems like constant visits to the ER.  My son broke his ankle when we was a senior in high school, it affected his growth plate too and he still has issues with it, 8 years later, so yes, get the best care you can. 

Welcome back ghost-Beastie Alex who I know has been training like a beast and just not logging it! 

Charlie, check out this website:  It has free registration, and you have to do a couple of time trials, but you can have it make you swim workouts.  You can choose which strokes to use, what swim toys you have (kickboard, pull buoy, paddles) and an approximate distance.  They are all laid out in this format:  Warm Up, Drills, Main Set, and Cool Down.  The drills are described as are the rest periods, so it's pretty easy to understand.  Other than that, maybe search for a book?  I do intervals virtually 100% of my swim workouts in the pool... I might do some longer swims in there like an 800 or a 1650, but mainly variations of shorter swims grouped into intervals.  I believe it is the best way to build speed and endurance.

2013-06-05 7:01 AM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Thank you Hilde! Will check the site out tomorrow.
2013-06-05 6:34 PM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
So is there a sport listed on BT as "Tossing 4 and 5 year olds down an inflatable Slip n' Slide"??  Yep, did that for about 1/2 hour before we tasked our volunteer soldiers to do it, they were MUCH better than us 3 ladies trying to do it!  I paired up with another lady, we'd put one hand under their armpit, grab the back of the leg of their shorts and then chucked 'em down.  They loved it, but damn there are some chunky monkeys in there!!!  I'm gonna feel that tomorrow!  A very long day in the sun.... first 4 hours was pretty much saying, "Ready... GO!" every 20-30 seconds and scolding kids for not being safe.... it was HOT by noon.... had lunch in the a/c for about half an hour and then back out for 2 hours of more fun with the little ones.... I am TIRED!!! 
2013-06-06 11:47 AM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Hilde - your experience tossing tots is a great endorsement for one of the following: 1) cross training; 2) proper lifting technique; 3) birth control; 4) hired clowns; or 5) all of the above!!

I went for an early morning jog. I am still in the very light shuffle, jog stage to keep my guts from getting too tumbled, but it sure felt good to be outside, enjoying the morning air (I love the early light during summer) and getting my heart rate up. One thing I noticed was that with the slower jog, I never got too winded. I know the mantra, "run slower, run longer" but I continually beat my head against that. It seems that during training, I battle against training smart and my self-competitive nature (which has the result of sometimes being self-destructive). Today the proverbial light bulb went on - duh, run slower, maintain a steady heart rate, keep good running form, add up the minutes/miles. The other light that flickered was the possibility of longer running races. Being the eternal optimist (or crazy dreamer, as the case may be), my mind wandered to the possibility of a marathon distance. I have run many 1/2 marathons, but always thought I didn't have the time to train or the body type to run a marathon. Can you hear the wheels turning in my little brain?.....
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