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2013-05-28 11:28 AM
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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by pistuo

As long as everyone is talking about shoes... can everyone tell the shoes (brand, name, etc) that they use and what type of gait they have (netural, pronate, etc)?

I've tried to go to the shoe stores that can tell you the perfect shoe for you, but not had any luck. I have to drive to a bigger city to find one of these stores and the 2 times I've tried it, I think I've ended up w/ employees that didnt really know what they were talking about b/c they didnt help me out much.

I'm interested in what everyone here is trying...

I have orthotics to correct a knee alignment that was giving me medial meniscus problems. I was told to use a nutral shoe with them, however for runs lobger then 5k I find I get pain in my ankles with them, as I think my ankle tends to roll in a bit to much. I am a mild pronator, and having too much pronation support actually contributed to the medial meniscus problems. I have since found that the Mizuno Wave are great. I have been told by the sales people that the Wave systems is designed to only give you as much pronation support as you need. Seems to work because they are the only shoe I really feel comfortable in. I am a heel striker but Iam getting better at running with a mid foot strike. If you go to the Mizuno website you can answer a bunch of questions about your running style, gate, etc. and they will give to a list of there shoes that are suited to you.

I do have a pair of Acis Gel Sting 33 that I use for 5K runs.

Edited by BigDaddyD79 2013-05-28 11:31 AM

2013-05-28 12:14 PM
in reply to: abergdol

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by abergdol

I’m catching up on BT while the baby naps.

Warren, I appreciate your comments on recovering from races.  I’ve always tried running again right away, and it’s always felt so off and probably delayed my recovery.  I’ll definitely try out your strategy next time.

Jen, congrats on your Tough Mudder race.  Looks like a fun time!  Great pic too!

Jonathan, I hope you are all back to normal after your Lasik procedure.  Way to keep up with your training!

Dirk, if you want to try some new beer, come over to our house for dinner.  Ryan makes his own!  Seriously, you and Brenda and your spouses should come over sometime.

Tony, I generally plan to wear my shoes for about 500 miles, but I try to be very aware of when things start feeling off.  I have one pair that I could tell had worn out its lifespan at just under 500 miles, but another pair made it to a solid 700 miles until that point.  I am trying to break in one pair of shoes while I still have some mileage left in another pair so that I don’t have to do all of my runs in new shoes.

Feel better, Jeff!  We are all worried about you.

Nice swim, Will!  It sounds like you are definitely on track to do an IM.

Does anyone know what the latest is on the mobile site or the BT app?  I haven’t been able to log any of my workouts from my phone like I used to be able to. 

It’s been raining here all day, and the Y is closed.  I’m trying to figure out how to get in a decent workout without being miserable. 


Have you tried the phone app recently? I was finally able to get on it today and successfully log my swim work out! I think they may have fixed the bugs over the weekend! Before today all it did was lock up, especially when I tried to access the planned section, today no problems!
2013-05-28 12:14 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Thanks guys for the input on the shoes. I have almost 600 miles on my two pairs of Asic Kayanos that I rotate and I have no issues with them or with me. I will start slowly start phasing those out with the two new pairs of Asic Kayanos I have although the ones I'm using still look pretty darn good and feel pretty good too.

Will I'm not sure but I think I'm neutral. I am a forefront/mid foot striker when it comes to running and I have been using the Asic Kayanos. They are heavily cushioned shoes which is probably why I have not had any issues based on the my running style. At least I'm guessing that is the case. I have also tried in the past going with minimal cushioning and have used Nike Free's and Nike Ultra Lunar's but my feet hurt with the longer distances using those shoes. I could use those only if I kept my runs under 10 miles. Anything over that and my feet got really sore. I could probably use something between the Kayano and the Ultra Lunars but since I'm not having any issues I'm afraid to switch shoes at this point and try something else.
2013-05-28 1:16 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
I have always ran in Asics, but switch models often, probably shouldn't though. Started out inkayano's and loved them, probably got up around 500 miles with no issues. Since I have had gel Phoenix, not bad for the price. Most recently been running in the nimbus. Good shoe but I'm finding I should probably not be in a neutral shoe. My ankles are sore and my feet tend to hurt with these, I also believe these may be the reason my itbs flared up, among other things. I need to go back to a stability shoe like the kayano, but that will have to wait for another month so I can restock the tri-fund! If I'm good enough maybe I will get a pair of Tri-noosa's for my B-day! I just like the crazy colors on those, because that is what it's all about, the color and how it looks, feel is way overrated!
2013-05-28 1:17 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
I'm a neutral runner and loved the Brooks Ghost series which has a drop 12. Ii tried Saucony ProGrid Guide 5 and it took time to get used to the drop 8 but now i absolutely love them. The drop 12 seems like it messes my stride up and feels un-natural to me BUT, I'm not running high mileage right now so it could change but for runs up to 10 miles, i love the Saucony. The shoe store recommends i try the drop know I will...The shoe store folks are real speedsters....
2013-05-28 2:14 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by pistuo

Originally posted by JeffY

Originally posted by DirkP

Ha!  Maybe I'll think about that.  But it wouldn't be right for me to help you that much.  I think it's against the rules to provide assistance to athletes.  so, I'll just stand next to you when you bonk and scream at you for not taking your nutrition when you should have.

I've never heard of using vinegar to remove the stench.  I use Tide Sport.  It seems to do a decent ob most of the time.  the only issue I've had is that on some of the garments it doesn't seem to remove it completely or something.  Sometimes once I've begun to sweat the smell returns pretty quickly, but this only occurs with a couple of the items.  The rest of my clothes are fine.  I have one shirt that I like to wear that I really can't plan to wear it all day (not workouts) that will develop odor.  Maybe I should try to use the vinegar for a load that includes that shirt and see if it removes the remaining bacteria.  How much vinegar do you add?

Dirk, I had some clothes with that stank on them well as some towels I left sit in the washer too long. Thought I was going to have to throw them all away. Then I found a way to get rid of the stink (after which you can treat them like normal again until you 'restink' them by letting them sit wet).

Start your washer with the stinky clothes in there...I assume hot water would work best, but feel free to use cold if that's what the fabrics/colors call for. Put in your detergent, put in baking soda, put in white vinegar, also add half cup of lemon juice and half cup of borax. Let the washer fill with the lid open. When it's full it won't start washing because the lid is open. Leave it that way so the clothes sit there soaking for 2+ hours. Then close the lid and let the cycle run.
Not sure which of those ingredients was the magic one, but the stank was gone when I did it.

Vinegar is the magic maker... great idea to let them soak in the washer. I let one of my jerseys that was really bad soak in straight vinegar once, but never thought of letting the whole load soak in the washer.

Whoever brought up this topic I do appreciate it! Some of my favorite items have that stink in them and I will be letting them marinate in vinegar overnight sometime this week. I've got some expensive sports bras that need this badly.

2013-05-28 3:35 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by pistuo

As long as everyone is talking about shoes... can everyone tell the shoes (brand, name, etc) that they use and what type of gait they have (netural, pronate, etc)?

I've tried to go to the shoe stores that can tell you the perfect shoe for you, but not had any luck. I have to drive to a bigger city to find one of these stores and the 2 times I've tried it, I think I've ended up w/ employees that didnt really know what they were talking about b/c they didnt help me out much.

I'm interested in what everyone here is trying...

My preferred shoe - Saucony ProGrid. I've run in Saucony's in 2000, was forced to run in Asics while in the Army, and strayed briefly into Nike territory in 2006. I am bowlegged, have a low-to-mid arch, have a somewhat wide foot, believe I hit midfoot, and tend to wear out the outside of my shoes - which means I supinate/underpronate.

I ran short distances (slowly) for most of the past ten years. I started increasing my distance in 2011 and still love Saucony. However, I have also been experiencing IT band issues as a result of underpronating and am beginning to think I need a different shoe.

Anyone else out there in the same category?

2013-05-28 4:12 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

I run in Brooks Adrenalines. I usually use a pair of Superfeet insoles (blue) in my shoes. I over pronate and typically am a heel striker when running faster paces (at least thats what I see in pictures of me at race finishes), but more midfoot striker when running easy and focusing on form.

In my first 2 pairs I started feeling a bit of knee discomfort by around 250 miles on each pair of shoes. I alternate runs between 2 pairs of shoes. I'm closing in on that 250 mark with one pair and just purchased a new pair of Adrenaline 13 on Saturday. I ran 5k in those Sunday morning before church and they felt fantastic even without replacing the insoles.

I wish I could get more miles on a pair, but as said by others "listen to your body" on when to replace each pair.

This weekend was spent mostly furniture shopping for me. It had been16 years since my wife had a new couch so this weekend was the quest for the perfect replacement for that tired old furniture. We did sucessfully slay that dragon and I'm happy to say she is quite pleased with the "trophy" we brought home. 

2013-05-28 4:20 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by BigDaddyD79
Originally posted by DirkP
Originally posted by abergdol

Dirk, if you want to try some new beer, come over to our house for dinner.  Ryan makes his own!  Seriously, you and Brenda and your spouses should come over sometime.

Tony, I generally plan to wear my shoes for about 500 miles, but I try to be very aware of when things start feeling off.  I have one pair that I could tell had worn out its lifespan at just under 500 miles, but another pair made it to a solid 700 miles until that point.  I am trying to break in one pair of shoes while I still have some mileage left in another pair so that I don’t have to do all of my runs in new shoes.

Does anyone know what the latest is on the mobile site or the BT app?  I haven’t been able to log any of my workouts from my phone like I used to be able to. 

It’s been raining here all day, and the Y is closed.  I’m trying to figure out how to get in a decent workout without being miserable. 


Ryan is a brew-master huh?  I am by no means a connoisseur but I like to try things occasionally.  I think it would be great to for all of us to get together sometime.

And you brought up Tony's question about shoe mileage and I don't remember anyone answering that right now, so here it is.  With the knee surgeries I've had my body tells me when it's time to get the shoes replaced.  That said, I have pretty much learned that 350 miles in them is about all I can take.  I can stretch them out to 400 but the joint pain begins to develop enough that I sometimes will alter my gait.....BAD idea!  I was pushing my Brooks Adrenalines out to 400 miles and I seemed to be relatively successful but I have switched back to Mizuno Wave Inspires for my normal training shoes.  I will probably try to push them out to 400 and see what happens.

But more directly the shoe manufacturers seem to design them for 500 miles +/-.  But Just as Allison points out, allow your body to determine just how far you can go.

BT app?  I have never logged any workouts using it, so I cannot answer that one.

I also missed my ride and run yesterday and my pool was not opened at all.  It was killing me to ride but it was raining most of the day with periodic downpours so I skipped out and hoped to get a run in.  There was never an opportunity to get the run in either.  Lis and I did head to the gym together and I was able to get 25 minutes on the elliptical and some light weight training too, so the day wasn't a total loss.

How do you like the Wave Inspires? I've always used Mizuno for longer runs, whenever I switch brands it seems to cause me nothing but trouble. Im currently running the Wave Nexus. They are pretty good but they are almost due for replacement in the lineup so I was thinking of trying the Inspires,

I love the Inspires.  I have had really good luck with the whole line until they made some really substantial changes for the Inspire 7's.  After that model I swore I would never wear them again.  They seem to have heard that a huge number of customers were cursing the changes and decided to go back to the older styling and now they're back to a great shoe.  It's unlikely that I'll make another change until my plantar fasciitis is completely gone or Mizuno makes another foolish change.

2013-05-28 6:50 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Originally posted by pistuo As long as everyone is talking about shoes... can everyone tell the shoes (brand, name, etc) that they use and what type of gait they have (netural, pronate, etc)? I've tried to go to the shoe stores that can tell you the perfect shoe for you, but not had any luck. I have to drive to a bigger city to find one of these stores and the 2 times I've tried it, I think I've ended up w/ employees that didnt really know what they were talking about b/c they didnt help me out much. I'm interested in what everyone here is trying...

As noted before, I wear:

  • Mizuno Wave Inspires for nearly all of my training runs currently.  They seem to have the right amount of cushioning to keep my left knee from causing a lot of irritation. 
  • Mizuno Wave Musha for all of my triathlon races and most of my tempo runs.
  • Brooks Green Silence for occasional short runs and maybe a short tempo but not normally.  (These shoes are a neutral racing flat that are very comfortable but a horrible shoe to try to get on your foot in a hurry.)
  • Brooks Adrenaline - These shoes are on the outs for me.  As I explained earlier, the Mizuno's were only replaced because they botched the attempt to make the Inspires better.  I did like the Adrenalines but they seemed to have less cushioning and seemed to be a little less comfortable for my marathon training runs.  If they ever screwed up the Inspires again I would probably go right back tho the adrenaline series.
  • Newton Sir Issac - These shoes were an attempt to help my plantar but it was a mistake.  the initial use seemed to help but after a short time things seemed to get worse, quickly.  Sometime, after I am completely healed from PF, I may give a try to the Sir Issac S (Stability) and see if that makes a difference.

Now, with all that information I'll cloud your mind a little more.  I am not sure what stores you have searched for good direction but a big box store such as Dick's Sporting Goods is really a bad idea in general.  My experience there was less than ideal.  The so called running shoe expert was someone that too some class that Dick's put on and called her an " expert" after she completed the 3-4 hour course...............Uhhhmmm?  NO!  I knew far more than she about the shoes I was looking at.  I made that somewhat known to her and she quickly found another customer to assist.

You need to go to a store that IS a running store.  One that will video you on a treadmill and check gait, alignment, etc.  It is likely you'll have to buy a pair of shoes that day, from that store, but it will pay off if you hit the right shoe.

2013-05-28 6:57 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by JonnyVero

I run in Brooks Adrenalines. I usually use a pair of Superfeet insoles (blue) in my shoes. I over pronate and typically am a heel striker when running faster paces (at least thats what I see in pictures of me at race finishes), but more midfoot striker when running easy and focusing on form.

In my first 2 pairs I started feeling a bit of knee discomfort by around 250 miles on each pair of shoes. I alternate runs between 2 pairs of shoes. I'm closing in on that 250 mark with one pair and just purchased a new pair of Adrenaline 13 on Saturday. I ran 5k in those Sunday morning before church and they felt fantastic even without replacing the insoles.

I wish I could get more miles on a pair, but as said by others "listen to your body" on when to replace each pair.

This weekend was spent mostly furniture shopping for me. It had been16 years since my wife had a new couch so this weekend was the quest for the perfect replacement for that tired old furniture. We did sucessfully slay that dragon and I'm happy to say she is quite pleased with the "trophy" we brought home. 

Maybe you should give another brand a shot?  Give the Mizuno Inspires a shot the next time you're at the store.  They have a little more cushioning and maybe you can stretch them out a little further.  Sometimes more cushioning is the wrong way to go but it might be worth a shot.

Have you tried other brands?  Which ones and how long ago?

2013-05-28 11:37 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
All this talk about shoes made me think about the HIM I did... I wear Asics Gel-kinetic (neutral). They have quite a bit of padding and arent a light shoe. During my HIM they got fairly wet on the run... The water I kept pouring on my head and sponges I was putting on my neck was going straight down into my shoes I guess.
2013-05-29 1:42 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

I haven't run in anything but Brooks Adrenalines since my first visit to the running store in Feb 2011. Unless you count the half dozen other shoes I ran in at the store that day while trying to find the right shoe for me. The Adrenalines just felt "right" compared to all the other stability shoes they had me try.

I did consider the Brooks Trance this past weekend, but I wanted to see how the Adrenaline 13's felt compared to the Adrenaline 12's and 11's that I have run in before. I'll give the Mizuno Inspires a shot next time I'm looking to replace a pair and see how they feel.

In the mean time I got 4 miles in right after work today on my Adrenaline 11's (250 miles on them) and my knees feel okay. Maybe I'll get more mileage out of these current pairs.

2013-05-29 6:01 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
It is SUMMER here in FL. I got up to run today at 4:00 and it was 75 degrees but only 71% humidity. Ya'll enjoy the cool weather ya'll have....
2013-05-29 7:16 AM
in reply to: 0

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

It is SUMMER here in FL. I got up to run today at 4:00 and it was 75 degrees but only 71% humidity. Ya'll enjoy the cool weather ya'll have....

While is was cool and foggy on my 5:30 run this morning the weather is calling for mid 70's with a humidex in the mid 80's this weekend. I can't wait, Ive been running and riding in the cold since November. Can't wait till I can stop checking outside in the morning to see if I should throw some gloves on for the start of my run.

Edited by BigDaddyD79 2013-05-29 7:17 AM
2013-05-29 7:36 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by BigDaddyD79

Originally posted by KWDreamun

It is SUMMER here in FL. I got up to run today at 4:00 and it was 75 degrees but only 71% humidity. Ya'll enjoy the cool weather ya'll have....

While is was cool and foggy on my 5:30 run this morning the weather is calling for mid 70's with a humidex in the mid 80's this weekend. I can't wait, Ive been running and riding in the cold since November. Can't wait till I can stop checking outside in the morning to see if I should throw some gloves on for the start of my run.

The warm weather is on the way to NY. Supposed to be in the 90's the next 3 days. I can't say I'm looking forward to it, I hate the humidity but maybe it'll warm the lake up a little bit for this weekends OWS.

2013-05-29 8:26 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by jenbmosley
Originally posted by pistuo
Originally posted by JeffY
Originally posted by DirkP

Ha!  Maybe I'll think about that.  But it wouldn't be right for me to help you that much.  I think it's against the rules to provide assistance to athletes.  so, I'll just stand next to you when you bonk and scream at you for not taking your nutrition when you should have.

I've never heard of using vinegar to remove the stench.  I use Tide Sport.  It seems to do a decent ob most of the time.  the only issue I've had is that on some of the garments it doesn't seem to remove it completely or something.  Sometimes once I've begun to sweat the smell returns pretty quickly, but this only occurs with a couple of the items.  The rest of my clothes are fine.  I have one shirt that I like to wear that I really can't plan to wear it all day (not workouts) that will develop odor.  Maybe I should try to use the vinegar for a load that includes that shirt and see if it removes the remaining bacteria.  How much vinegar do you add?

Dirk, I had some clothes with that stank on them well as some towels I left sit in the washer too long. Thought I was going to have to throw them all away. Then I found a way to get rid of the stink (after which you can treat them like normal again until you 'restink' them by letting them sit wet). Start your washer with the stinky clothes in there...I assume hot water would work best, but feel free to use cold if that's what the fabrics/colors call for. Put in your detergent, put in baking soda, put in white vinegar, also add half cup of lemon juice and half cup of borax. Let the washer fill with the lid open. When it's full it won't start washing because the lid is open. Leave it that way so the clothes sit there soaking for 2+ hours. Then close the lid and let the cycle run. Not sure which of those ingredients was the magic one, but the stank was gone when I did it.
Vinegar is the magic maker... great idea to let them soak in the washer. I let one of my jerseys that was really bad soak in straight vinegar once, but never thought of letting the whole load soak in the washer.
Whoever brought up this topic I do appreciate it! Some of my favorite items have that stink in them and I will be letting them marinate in vinegar overnight sometime this week. I've got some expensive sports bras that need this badly.


Speaking of stink, my cycling shoes smell so bad after my last race they are stinking up everywhere I put them. I forgot them in the back of the van after my ride the other day. When we opened the van door to go somewhere yesterday I thought my kids were going to be sick!

2013-05-29 8:41 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Originally posted by BigDaddyD79
Originally posted by pistuo As long as everyone is talking about shoes... can everyone tell the shoes (brand, name, etc) that they use and what type of gait they have (netural, pronate, etc)? I've tried to go to the shoe stores that can tell you the perfect shoe for you, but not had any luck. I have to drive to a bigger city to find one of these stores and the 2 times I've tried it, I think I've ended up w/ employees that didnt really know what they were talking about b/c they didnt help me out much. I'm interested in what everyone here is trying...
I have orthotics to correct a knee alignment that was giving me medial meniscus problems. I was told to use a nutral shoe with them, however for runs lobger then 5k I find I get pain in my ankles with them, as I think my ankle tends to roll in a bit to much. I am a mild pronator, and having too much pronation support actually contributed to the medial meniscus problems. I have since found that the Mizuno Wave are great. I have been told by the sales people that the Wave systems is designed to only give you as much pronation support as you need. Seems to work because they are the only shoe I really feel comfortable in. I am a heel striker but Iam getting better at running with a mid foot strike. If you go to the Mizuno website you can answer a bunch of questions about your running style, gate, etc. and they will give to a list of there shoes that are suited to you. I do have a pair of Acis Gel Sting 33 that I use for 5K runs.

Will, I've tried everything as far as shoes go. Well, except for barefoot or vibrams. I don't bother with the "experts" at the running shoe stores anymore. I think that is way over rated, at least for the stores I have available to me. They always put me in some kind of motion control shoe that feel like bricks and irritate my bunions. They only know what they see, they don't know how my feet feel. I used to wear Mizuno Wave Inspires with custom orthotics but I switched away from that over time. I also used to roll my ankles frequently wearing this combo. I have switched to a lower drop shoe with no orthotic and have not rolled my ankles since making that change. So now I wear Saucony Peregrine for trail runs, Saucony Mirage for the road or my Hoka One One on either trail or road.

2013-05-29 8:54 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Had some weird stuff with the mentor thread over the weekend. When I tried to open the group I could only get to page 4. Anyway, got frustrated and gave up but now all seems to be working again.

Trying to catch up!

I'm getting ready to sell my road bike. A friend of mine has been wanting me to sell ever since I bought the tri bike (2011). I've never loved that road bike like I should so I've decided to sell and shop for something I like better. I read threads about how people are so much more comfortable on their road bikes and climbing hills is easier but that is not the case for me. The only problem with this plan is I can't train on my tri bike for every training ride because it irritates my back and hip and I'm not really ready (don't have the funds) to purchase a new bike yet! I have a hybrid I can ride or spin class at the Y I guess. I'm also going to look into getting my fit adjusted to see if something can be done to help me with this hip/back pain I always get on the tri bike.

Speaking of bikes, I was going to take the back wheel off my tri bike over the weekend and give it all a good cleaning. The spring on the skewer has wrapped itself around inside where the wheel attaches and now we can't get my back wheel off. When we tried to pull the spring out it of course broke off so now we're stuck. So looks like I'll be taking it in to the shop! I hope I don't get a flat tire because I can't get the wheel off!

2013-05-29 9:35 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by trigal38

Had some weird stuff with the mentor thread over the weekend. When I tried to open the group I could only get to page 4. Anyway, got frustrated and gave up but now all seems to be working again.

Trying to catch up!

Me too - Maybe they are still working the kinks out.
2013-05-29 9:39 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

It is SUMMER here in FL. I got up to run today at 4:00 and it was 75 degrees but only 71% humidity. Ya'll enjoy the cool weather ya'll have....

Karl - I got out last night at 7:30 for a short run. It was 88* degrees. Welcome to summer! Afterward, I had to high tail back into the house before the mosquitos ate me up alive.

Since we race in the heat of the summer, it is important to train outdoors. Running outsidfe when it is warm can be a challenge, I always notice that I am slower, but cycling is usually beautiful!

2013-05-29 9:49 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
My poor little munchkin has been puking all morning. Frown  We are going to spend the day watching cartoons and sleeping.  Maybe I can get caught up with our thread, too.
2013-05-29 10:37 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by strikyr

Thanks guys for the input on the shoes. I have almost 600 miles on my two pairs of Asic Kayanos that I rotate and I have no issues with them or with me. I will start slowly start phasing those out with the two new pairs of Asic Kayanos I have although the ones I'm using still look pretty darn good and feel pretty good too.

Will I'm not sure but I think I'm neutral. I am a forefront/mid foot striker when it comes to running and I have been using the Asic Kayanos. They are heavily cushioned shoes which is probably why I have not had any issues based on the my running style. At least I'm guessing that is the case. I have also tried in the past going with minimal cushioning and have used Nike Free's and Nike Ultra Lunar's but my feet hurt with the longer distances using those shoes. I could use those only if I kept my runs under 10 miles. Anything over that and my feet got really sore. I could probably use something between the Kayano and the Ultra Lunars but since I'm not having any issues I'm afraid to switch shoes at this point and try something else.

I don't track mileage to shoes, but estimated I might have as much as 1500 miles on the last pair of Nike Vomeros that I just retired. The uppers were falling apart which is the only reason I retired them. Now, being air soles, they didn't compress and lose cushioning like most shoes would. But I'm just saying that using a mileage number to tell you when shoes are worn out is just a convenient rule of thumb and it's like heart rate training zones! If YOU wear shoes out at 300, 500, 700 miles then you can use that number for your own reference but it won't apply to other runners directly. Neutral runners don't break down their shoes in a weird way and lighter runners don't wear out the EVA as quickly.

You could really rotate between shoes based on your run distances. You could use Nikes for your shorter runs and Kayanos for longer runs.

Good luck with your shoe choices!
2013-05-29 10:40 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by trigal38

Originally posted by jenbmosley
Originally posted by pistuo
Originally posted by JeffY
Originally posted by DirkP

Ha!  Maybe I'll think about that.  But it wouldn't be right for me to help you that much.  I think it's against the rules to provide assistance to athletes.  so, I'll just stand next to you when you bonk and scream at you for not taking your nutrition when you should have.

I've never heard of using vinegar to remove the stench.  I use Tide Sport.  It seems to do a decent ob most of the time.  the only issue I've had is that on some of the garments it doesn't seem to remove it completely or something.  Sometimes once I've begun to sweat the smell returns pretty quickly, but this only occurs with a couple of the items.  The rest of my clothes are fine.  I have one shirt that I like to wear that I really can't plan to wear it all day (not workouts) that will develop odor.  Maybe I should try to use the vinegar for a load that includes that shirt and see if it removes the remaining bacteria.  How much vinegar do you add?

Dirk, I had some clothes with that stank on them well as some towels I left sit in the washer too long. Thought I was going to have to throw them all away. Then I found a way to get rid of the stink (after which you can treat them like normal again until you 'restink' them by letting them sit wet). Start your washer with the stinky clothes in there...I assume hot water would work best, but feel free to use cold if that's what the fabrics/colors call for. Put in your detergent, put in baking soda, put in white vinegar, also add half cup of lemon juice and half cup of borax. Let the washer fill with the lid open. When it's full it won't start washing because the lid is open. Leave it that way so the clothes sit there soaking for 2+ hours. Then close the lid and let the cycle run. Not sure which of those ingredients was the magic one, but the stank was gone when I did it.
Vinegar is the magic maker... great idea to let them soak in the washer. I let one of my jerseys that was really bad soak in straight vinegar once, but never thought of letting the whole load soak in the washer.
Whoever brought up this topic I do appreciate it! Some of my favorite items have that stink in them and I will be letting them marinate in vinegar overnight sometime this week. I've got some expensive sports bras that need this badly.


Speaking of stink, my cycling shoes smell so bad after my last race they are stinking up everywhere I put them. I forgot them in the back of the van after my ride the other day. When we opened the van door to go somewhere yesterday I thought my kids were going to be sick!

Sorry about your shoes! Our discussion yesterday of de-stinking can be used with your cycling shoes. Yes, you can put them in the washing machine...well perhaps not a front loader. A trip through the washing machine probably won't damage them. I do it with running shoes on a regular basis. I will send my 'good' running shoes through once and hesitantly a second time (if needed) during their regular service life. Then when I don't train in them anymore and I use them for yard work or wearing to the gym I will gladly wash them as needed even though it is decreasing their life span.
So far I've never had a shoe come apart from the washing machine. Although, I do AIR DRY them. Keep them out of the dryer.
2013-05-29 10:44 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini My poor little munchkin has been puking all morning. Frown  We are going to spend the day watching cartoons and sleeping.  Maybe I can get caught up with our thread, too.

I hope your little one recovers quickly. Sick kiddo days are always tough.
As for weather where I am at, this is one of those days of the year when everyone is jealous of me. Today's forecast is for 81 degrees and only 25% humidity this afternoon. This weekend however the forcast is 99 for Saturday and Sunday and 100 for Monday. At least it's a relatively dry heat.

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