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2014-02-03 12:50 AM
in reply to: Lanne

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Race Debrief as requested - Dimitri

Well I was pretty excited to do this race even though it was a mini sprint and I have now done a couple of sprints. I registered for a series of sprints but this one they had changed to OD which I didnt think I was ready for so i dropped down to mini.

Up at 4.45am had breakfast which I dont normally do but had read an article the day before on racers who eat before and thought I would try it, so I had 2 pieces of toast with VEGEMITE (YUM MY FAVOURITE SPREAD), plum, banana and a coffee and it paid its due that is for sure.


Swim 250m
Ride 10KM
Run 2KM

Finish time 45:20min

Swim 8:55min
I was really excited about the swim being in an estuary as the level of shark activity here in Oz is concerning to say the least I crap my pants swimming in the ocean. HOWEVER, swimming in the estuary I did not consider the tidal movement and apparnetly neither did the officials. The whole course should have been turned around with start being at the finish line etc. Whilst standing on the beach after a quick warm up swimming I was watching the support paddlers, paddle then stay stationary in the water for about 2 secs then be pushed back with the tide to where they came from.

The first wave went off (thank god i wasnt in that one) and we watched as each person headed int he direction of the turn bouy only to be swept straight past it 50 or so metres. SO I started swimming in the total opposite direction which proved to work well and I ended up right at the buoy for the turn. The TURN OMG was even worse after that as we were swimming directly agaisnt the tide before the turn was alright becasue we were going acroos it. We also had to swim under a bridge where the current seemed to be even stronger, finally out the other side and made it around the turn bouy by this time officials were telling us just to swim to sure and get out where we could. I think there will be numerous complaints and hopefully they wont make the same mistake next year.

Into T1 felt good despite having used considerable energy in the swim (this is where I think breakfast played its part). Befoer the race I had set myself a goal, i had noticed at all of the presentations a girl I play netball against was always on the podium for mini sprints, and even though I had started doing sp[rint distance i thought to myself if i can keep her in my sights i would do alright. As fate has it we had our bikes racked next to each other. I came out of the water before her but not too long after she was there at T1 I got out on the bike before her but she caught me eventually. But I never lost her from sight. ANd at the end I told her it was time she upped the anti and moved to Sprints! she laughed and said she would think about it.

Bike 19:59 min avge 30KM

BIke felt really good even though I didnt use my cleats hopefully I will be ready for them next time. Kept a good pace over the 10km and feel I will only improve once I have had some more practice on the new bike, a few gear changes were a bit clunky but otherwise good. I was averaging 27km over longer distance so really happy. It was perfect racing conditions no wind and minimal incline in some spots. I actually did get to number 2 position on the bike which I didnt expect

Great 1:43 normally about 2 min+ straight into the run with my opponent just in front

Run 12.26min
As always this is my let down leg but I felt improvement I think last race I was on about 8min/Km but the weather was a lot hotter so verall I was happy, even with overtakers taking that hard earned bike ride away I think my PT sessions are paying off here on improving the run.

Felt really good after the race

Looking forward to next one in 2 weeks

gotta go bpick up kids from first day at school

2014-02-03 10:31 AM
in reply to: Lanne

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)


Thanks for the recent posts!  I'm glad you enjoyed a week long break and that you've come back recharged. 

I liked your race report too.  (Nudge, Nudge...there's a feature here on BT where you can create an "official" race report and it'll be easier to find it a year from now. 

2014-02-03 11:46 AM
in reply to: Lanne

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, West-Vlaanderen
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Nice Lana. I bet you'll be surprised when riding with cleats. They do make a lot of difference!

2014-02-03 3:24 PM
in reply to: Tridimi

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
I'm happy to report it looks like I'm picking up a cheap bike trainer off craigslist- nothing fancy, but better than nothing! Now, how to organize workouts around that? I'm suddenly going to have too much to do. And hubby says my rims/wheels have arrived for Frankenbike, and they are sweet. I think he's jealous. Better than his bike's.

ran yesterday and today, did not have time for a swim (pool is only open certain times; and I had an appointment). Tomorrow I'm planning a last outside run before the snow hits, then swim on Wednesday- I haven't been in the pool in a week!
2014-02-03 3:30 PM
in reply to: el penguino

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Originally posted by el penguino I'm happy to report it looks like I'm picking up a cheap bike trainer off craigslist- nothing fancy, but better than nothing! Now, how to organize workouts around that? I'm suddenly going to have too much to do. And hubby says my rims/wheels have arrived for Frankenbike, and they are sweet. I think he's jealous. Better than his bike's. ran yesterday and today, did not have time for a swim (pool is only open certain times; and I had an appointment). Tomorrow I'm planning a last outside run before the snow hits, then swim on Wednesday- I haven't been in the pool in a week!

My first trainer was picked up used.  The thing with a trainer is there are no stop signs and no downhills where you can coast.  My experience has been that whether I'm listening to music or watching a video, the moment my mind starts wandering away from riding, my effort drops.  I'll count cadence (count 90 strokes and see how much time has elapsed) and I'll sometimes do "song intervals" where I'll go easy/hard song-by-song or hard for the first minute of every song. 

Are you riding tubies on the trainer?  Maybe he needs to pick up a cheap clincher rim/tire? 

2014-02-03 3:43 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Originally posted by McFuzz

Originally posted by el penguino I'm happy to report it looks like I'm picking up a cheap bike trainer off craigslist- nothing fancy, but better than nothing! Now, how to organize workouts around that? I'm suddenly going to have too much to do. And hubby says my rims/wheels have arrived for Frankenbike, and they are sweet. I think he's jealous. Better than his bike's. ran yesterday and today, did not have time for a swim (pool is only open certain times; and I had an appointment). Tomorrow I'm planning a last outside run before the snow hits, then swim on Wednesday- I haven't been in the pool in a week!

My first trainer was picked up used.  The thing with a trainer is there are no stop signs and no downhills where you can coast.  My experience has been that whether I'm listening to music or watching a video, the moment my mind starts wandering away from riding, my effort drops.  I'll count cadence (count 90 strokes and see how much time has elapsed) and I'll sometimes do "song intervals" where I'll go easy/hard song-by-song or hard for the first minute of every song. 

Are you riding tubies on the trainer?  Maybe he needs to pick up a cheap clincher rim/tire? 

No, we've got non nice tires/rims to put on the trainer. Hubby is a bit of a stasher- that's one of the reasons we went with building a bike. Between him and his dad, we already had a bunch of parts. I'm guessing I'll have to watch the effort like you suggest. I'm really glad to find it though- much cheaper than other places I'd seen. and very nearby, which in VT is a bit of a rarity for something like craigslist. Other nice thing is we are fairly close in size- we actually have a bike that we can both ride just by adjusting the seat-post. It isn't perfect, but it worked well for us last summer- it was the bad weather bike.

2014-02-04 1:51 AM
in reply to: el penguino

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Originally posted by el penguino

Originally posted by McFuzz

Originally posted by el penguino I'm happy to report it looks like I'm picking up a cheap bike trainer off craigslist- nothing fancy, but better than nothing! Now, how to organize workouts around that? I'm suddenly going to have too much to do. And hubby says my rims/wheels have arrived for Frankenbike, and they are sweet. I think he's jealous. Better than his bike's. ran yesterday and today, did not have time for a swim (pool is only open certain times; and I had an appointment). Tomorrow I'm planning a last outside run before the snow hits, then swim on Wednesday- I haven't been in the pool in a week!

My first trainer was picked up used.  The thing with a trainer is there are no stop signs and no downhills where you can coast.  My experience has been that whether I'm listening to music or watching a video, the moment my mind starts wandering away from riding, my effort drops.  I'll count cadence (count 90 strokes and see how much time has elapsed) and I'll sometimes do "song intervals" where I'll go easy/hard song-by-song or hard for the first minute of every song. 

Are you riding tubies on the trainer?  Maybe he needs to pick up a cheap clincher rim/tire? 

No, we've got non nice tires/rims to put on the trainer. Hubby is a bit of a stasher- that's one of the reasons we went with building a bike. Between him and his dad, we already had a bunch of parts. I'm guessing I'll have to watch the effort like you suggest. I'm really glad to find it though- much cheaper than other places I'd seen. and very nearby, which in VT is a bit of a rarity for something like craigslist. Other nice thing is we are fairly close in size- we actually have a bike that we can both ride just by adjusting the seat-post. It isn't perfect, but it worked well for us last summer- it was the bad weather bike.

There is a website I have brought some sports equipment from that is quite well priced,
2014-02-04 7:12 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
wow- really quiet day today! I got in a 4+ mile run, which is good since we're supposed to be getting snow tomorrow. It was a little slow, but felt good. Yesterday's run hadn't, so I was pretty happy. I keep checking the local TV website to see if out district has cancelled school, which will make the kids happy, and mess with my plans to swim. we'll see.
2014-02-04 8:38 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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, West-Vlaanderen
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

I saw something amazing on TV today. There was this program where two "famous Belgians" do challenges to see who is the best. Today one of their challenges was racewalking. So this guy, who is Belgian champion racewalking, thaught them how to do this. And then he told his best time over 10km was 48min. I was like, DANG! This guy walks faster then i run. So I went looking on internet to see racewalking is an official olympic sport for men (20 & 50km) The world champion racewalks 1h17mins over 20km ~ 12.42 miles.

I was really amazed at the speeds these gentlemen walk. Now all I want to do is AT LEAST run faster than the Belgian champion over a distance of 10km. Can't let these men with silly walks beat me

2014-02-05 1:58 AM
in reply to: Tridimi

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Originally posted by Tridimi

I saw something amazing on TV today. There was this program where two "famous Belgians" do challenges to see who is the best. Today one of their challenges was racewalking. So this guy, who is Belgian champion racewalking, thaught them how to do this. And then he told his best time over 10km was 48min. I was like, DANG! This guy walks faster then i run. So I went looking on internet to see racewalking is an official olympic sport for men (20 & 50km) The world champion racewalks 1h17mins over 20km ~ 12.42 miles.

I was really amazed at the speeds these gentlemen walk. Now all I want to do is AT LEAST run faster than the Belgian champion over a distance of 10km. Can't let these men with silly walks beat me

im pretty sure the Olympic champion wouldn't call it a *silly walk*

2014-02-05 4:30 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Morning all,

I am training to a custom BT plan and my long runs will go to 12 miles while my race is only 6 miles but it has been noted that my longest bike ride will only be 28 miles but my race is 28 miles is this normal or do I also need to go double the distance on the bike.

While I am here what does everybody do for recovery, even if it's preventative.

For me I of jump in a cold water bath as soon as I get in from my workouts and if it's been over an hour and mid level then I will have a protein shake as well. If I know that I am doing a high rate session then I will often take a high-five gel an hour before. I am going to start looking into having massages.

2014-02-05 7:03 AM
in reply to: Jynxy

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Originally posted by Jynxy
Originally posted by Tridimi

I saw something amazing on TV today. There was this program where two "famous Belgians" do challenges to see who is the best. Today one of their challenges was racewalking. So this guy, who is Belgian champion racewalking, thaught them how to do this. And then he told his best time over 10km was 48min. I was like, DANG! This guy walks faster then i run. So I went looking on internet to see racewalking is an official olympic sport for men (20 & 50km) The world champion racewalks 1h17mins over 20km ~ 12.42 miles.

I was really amazed at the speeds these gentlemen walk. Now all I want to do is AT LEAST run faster than the Belgian champion over a distance of 10km. Can't let these men with silly walks beat me

im pretty sure the Olympic champion wouldn't call it a *silly walk* pmsl

My grandmother race-walked before she died and my mom race-walks in the Senior Olympics! 

My 10K PR is 47:42, so I could probably hold off the Belgian champ! 

2014-02-05 7:14 AM
in reply to: Jynxy

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Originally posted by Jynxy Morning all, I am training to a custom BT plan and my long runs will go to 12 miles while my race is only 6 miles but it has been noted that my longest bike ride will only be 28 miles but my race is 28 miles is this normal or do I also need to go double the distance on the bike. While I am here what does everybody do for recovery, even if it's preventative. For me I of jump in a cold water bath as soon as I get in from my workouts and if it's been over an hour and mid level then I will have a protein shake as well. If I know that I am doing a high rate session then I will often take a high-five gel an hour before. I am going to start looking into having massages.

You don't generally need to train at distances greater than the race.  Why does your plan have you running 12 miles unless you are also training for a half-marathon? 

I have taken ice baths after long runs, but usually just stretch some and I may wear my compression socks.  During my IM training, I'd get a deep tissue massage about once a month.  If you do a deep-tissue or sports massage, expet to feel like the therapist is trying to tear you apart and you may feel feverish for a day after.  (They are basically doing that, and your body has to flush out the stuff worked loose from those muscles.)  Also, don't schedule a deep-tissue massage right before a race.  The muscle development needs time to adapt to the different motion characteristics after the massage.  Think of it this way...if you have very tight calves, your running gait adapts to this "limitation" in training.  If you have a massage and now the calf muscles aren't so tight, your gait changes and your calves need time to strengthen for this new motion. 

2014-02-05 10:33 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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, West-Vlaanderen
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

I'm no training plan expert but I share the opinion of Mike. Why 12 mile runs if your goals is 6 miles? I read that if you train for smaller distances, it *can* be nice to do a slow run that is a bit longer then your goal. But 12 miles is more then just a bit longer. Saying all this, I do plan on running longer then 6-7 miles if all the running goes well. And i'm only planning on doing that startin in 1 or 2 months. Reason behind this, is because if the OD distances all go well, I want to try HIM next year. And apart from running, I know the other two disciplines won't be a problem. But if a HIM in 2015 is part of the plan, I don't feel like a couple of months in the winter trying to focus on the 12 mile distance will give me enough running experience to actually make me adapt to that distance. And also I want to test to see if I can cope with 12 miles of running.


As for recuperation, I know all the technical mumbo-jumbo around it but i'm not really into all the sportsnutrition etc. because I just want to keep it easy. But here are some tips you can always do. Within half an hour of your training, there is a window where you should eat/drink something to support the recuperation of your muscles. It has been proven that this 30min window is very important. Now, you can buy (an expensive) recup shakes or you can use the "poor-mens-recup" shake. This basically is low fat chocolate milk. The one you make with chocolate powder yuorself, not the ones you buy pre mad. So buy low fat milk and cocoa powder en drink about half a liter of this. It contains sugar to refill the energy you used up, no fat (good) and most importantly proteïns!!

What you also can do is mix a banana in a blender with (low fat)  quark. This is even better. Natural sugar from your banana, low fat and even more proteïns. Its sour though so I add Stevia in it. This is a natural sweetener which gives 0 added calories! Tasty, sweet, cheap AND no chemical stuff.

If people are interested, I know a guy who makes his own sportsdrinks. It really isn't hard to make and is about the same as the (expensive) ones you can buy in stores. And again, its pure components mixed with water so you actually KNOW what you are drinking. I can look it up and give some explanation about it if interested. I do have to say its more to be used in biking as I don't really have any idea about what kind of drinks you use while running (or after you just swam).

2014-02-05 4:53 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Originally posted by McFuzz

Originally posted by Jynxy Morning all, I am training to a custom BT plan and my long runs will go to 12 miles while my race is only 6 miles but it has been noted that my longest bike ride will only be 28 miles but my race is 28 miles is this normal or do I also need to go double the distance on the bike. While I am here what does everybody do for recovery, even if it's preventative. For me I of jump in a cold water bath as soon as I get in from my workouts and if it's been over an hour and mid level then I will have a protein shake as well. If I know that I am doing a high rate session then I will often take a high-five gel an hour before. I am going to start looking into having massages.

You don't generally need to train at distances greater than the race.  Why does your plan have you running 12 miles unless you are also training for a half-marathon? 

Yes that's my thoughts exactly as this is a Beginner Triathlete custom plan for 800m swim, 26.7 mile ride and 6.2 mile run.

Originally posted by Tridimi

I'm no training plan expert but I share the opinion of Mike. Why 12 mile runs if your goals is 6 miles? I read that if you train for smaller distances, it *can* be nice to do a slow run that is a bit longer then your goal. But 12 miles is more then just a bit longer. Saying all this, I do plan on running longer then 6-7 miles if all the running goes well. And i'm only planning on doing that startin in 1 or 2 months. Reason behind this, is because if the OD distances all go well, I want to try HIM next year. And apart from running, I know the other two disciplines won't be a problem. But if a HIM in 2015 is part of the plan, I don't feel like a couple of months in the winter trying to focus on the 12 mile distance will give me enough running experience to actually make me adapt to that distance. And also I want to test to see if I can cope with 12 miles of running.

As above it is a specific plan that did it for me
2014-02-05 6:33 PM
in reply to: Jynxy

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
3.6km soft sand run complete today so happy with the improvement in my running, there is no way I could have done this 2 years ago, followed up by 30min strength. And off to work I go! Hiho hiho HIho

2014-02-06 3:58 AM
in reply to: Lanne

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Not checked in for a while as life's been manically busy. Trying to juggle work and training is ever complicated, especially as 2 night this week I've got to attend dinners on behalf of work that throws out the training and on top of that I'm at a conference all weekend!! Other than that I'm doing OK,
+ve's this is recovery week! I weighed myself and it looks like I've lost over 6kg since the start of the year
-ve's I have a cold, it's not enough to stop me training and is proving a good prompt for taking time to relax/sleep and drink lots of fluids. Fingers crossed it'll be gone soon.

I'm also investigating options for wheels, I want to get a power meter but it would probably be worthwhile investing in a decent set of wheels too. Trouble is I'm rather clueless on the things I can get! Any ideas? I want a set that I could hopefully switch between 2 bikes if possible.
2014-02-06 8:07 AM
in reply to: Kate_r

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Originally posted by Kate_r Not checked in for a while as life's been manically busy. Trying to juggle work and training is ever complicated, especially as 2 night this week I've got to attend dinners on behalf of work that throws out the training and on top of that I'm at a conference all weekend!! Other than that I'm doing OK, +ve's this is recovery week! I weighed myself and it looks like I've lost over 6kg since the start of the year -ve's I have a cold, it's not enough to stop me training and is proving a good prompt for taking time to relax/sleep and drink lots of fluids. Fingers crossed it'll be gone soon.

Congrats on the weight loss!  Keep up the hard work. 

I'm also investigating options for wheels, I want to get a power meter but it would probably be worthwhile investing in a decent set of wheels too. Trouble is I'm rather clueless on the things I can get! Any ideas? I want a set that I could hopefully switch between 2 bikes if possible.

A powertap stays with the wheel and can be moved from bike to bike as long as the bikes accept the hub width (most newer bikes have the same 135 mm dropout spacing) and have compatible drivetrains.  So if both bikes have Shimano Ultegra 10-speed drivetrains, the wheel can be easily moved.   You might be able to swap cassettes (it's a 5 minute job with the right tools) if the drivetrains are semi-compatible.  (So you can swap Shimano cassettes probably even with SRAM cassettes, but you can't usually swap them with Campagnolo cassettes.

I don't know whether it makes sense to put a powertap hub on race wheels or stick it on regular wheels.  Obviously, whatever you put it on you'd expect to ride in training more than racing (unless you can afford TWO powertaps!

There may be other options, like iBike to get power as well. 

2014-02-06 12:09 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
got a run in today- remind me not to run the morning after a snowstorm. Roads were barely cleared- so the edges were still packed powder a New England Ski resort would be happy to have. Not fun to run on! The sidewalks were not in great shape either. Whenever I could I ran down the middle of the road.
2014-02-06 1:56 PM
in reply to: el penguino

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Hi all!  Just checking in!  Looks like I'm not the only busy soul this week!  It's amazing how some weeks fly by while others crawl.  This week is definitely flying!

Kate--congrats on the weight loss!  Great job!

I have another big volume weekend coming up.  I was really hoping to run outside Saturday, but another winter storm warning heading our way.  With that we usually get brutal winds and if there is one element I despise running in, it's the wind.  Funny enough, I don't mind cycling in the wind at all.  Absolutely hate running in it though. 

Keep up all the good work friends!

2014-02-06 4:17 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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, West-Vlaanderen
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

Originally posted by ingleshteechur

Hi all!  Just checking in!  Looks like I'm not the only busy soul this week!  It's amazing how some weeks fly by while others crawl.  This week is definitely flying!

Kate--congrats on the weight loss!  Great job!

I have another big volume weekend coming up.  I was really hoping to run outside Saturday, but another winter storm warning heading our way.  With that we usually get brutal winds and if there is one element I despise running in, it's the wind.  Funny enough, I don't mind cycling in the wind at all.  Absolutely hate running in it though. 

Keep up all the good work friends!


I rather go biking in the rain, than in Wind. I rather run in wind then in rain :D

2014-02-07 9:36 AM
in reply to: Jynxy

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Originally posted by Jynxy

Originally posted by McFuzz

Originally posted by Jynxy Morning all, I am training to a custom BT plan and my long runs will go to 12 miles while my race is only 6 miles but it has been noted that my longest bike ride will only be 28 miles but my race is 28 miles is this normal or do I also need to go double the distance on the bike. While I am here what does everybody do for recovery, even if it's preventative. For me I of jump in a cold water bath as soon as I get in from my workouts and if it's been over an hour and mid level then I will have a protein shake as well. If I know that I am doing a high rate session then I will often take a high-five gel an hour before. I am going to start looking into having massages.

You don't generally need to train at distances greater than the race.  Why does your plan have you running 12 miles unless you are also training for a half-marathon? 

Yes that's my thoughts exactly as this is a Beginner Triathlete custom plan for 800m swim, 26.7 mile ride and 6.2 mile run.

Originally posted by Tridimi

I'm no training plan expert but I share the opinion of Mike. Why 12 mile runs if your goals is 6 miles? I read that if you train for smaller distances, it *can* be nice to do a slow run that is a bit longer then your goal. But 12 miles is more then just a bit longer. Saying all this, I do plan on running longer then 6-7 miles if all the running goes well. And i'm only planning on doing that startin in 1 or 2 months. Reason behind this, is because if the OD distances all go well, I want to try HIM next year. And apart from running, I know the other two disciplines won't be a problem. But if a HIM in 2015 is part of the plan, I don't feel like a couple of months in the winter trying to focus on the 12 mile distance will give me enough running experience to actually make me adapt to that distance. And also I want to test to see if I can cope with 12 miles of running.

As above it is a specific plan that did it for me

I was just thinking about this again and was wondering if it has anything to do with it because I am doing a bike focus plan

4 x bike, 3 x run and 2 x swim sessions per week
2014-02-07 3:54 PM
in reply to: Jynxy

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, West-Vlaanderen
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

I see no reason into why a bike focussed plan would make you do longer runs then your goals is set at.

2014-02-08 7:27 PM
in reply to: 0


Elkhorn, Nebraska
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Sorry I haven't posted on here much. To be a bit honest, I am somewhat intimidated here and sometimes feel like I am too "beginner" for you all. Anyway, my actual BT training plan doesn't start until March 3rd, but I am going to use Feb. to build up some running endurance. I have never been a runner so this is all new to me. I worked out at 9round this morning and then went directly to the gym and got on the treadmill. My plan was to do a quick warmup walk and then run but I ended up power walking for 10 min, running for 5, walking for 2, running for 2 and then walk for 1. There is no rhyme or reason for that, just what I did.

I was on the stationery bike earlier this week for about 20 min and I felt pretty good. I'm guessing most of you don't train on a stationery, but if you do, what can you do to make it not so uncomfortable seat-wise? I am going to go to a bike store tomorrow to get an idea of what kind of bike I will need and the cost. My husband says our budget is $200-$300 for a bike. Is that even reasonable? Would a Schwinn hybrid bike from Target work? I know nothing about bikes, obviously, I'm just not wanting to spend a lot of money on one until I find out that I really like riding.

Edited by colleengt 2014-02-08 10:27 PM
2014-02-08 10:27 PM
in reply to: colleengt

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)
Pretty quiet weekend here for me, still a bit sore from the soft sand run, have next Sprint Tri next weekend so don't want to over do it. I did go out for a 30km ride with Cleats yesterday - no falls couple of close calls at some traffic lights but nothing I could'nt laugh about.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!

one other thing can we upload photo's to our posts, I am thinking it has something to do with the attach file after posting button at the bottom- Joe you seem to be the technical expert in our group
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED) Rss Feed  
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Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-Closed (if are stuck with no group PM me) Pages: 1 ... 29 30 31 32

Started by Baowolf
Views: 37452 Posts: 779

2014-05-23 8:02 PM Pink Socks

Playmobil31's Group - Open

Started by playmobil31
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : January 1, 2011
author : alicefoeller
comments : 0
Here are five steps to ensure that you keep your promise to yourself to get you to that first triathlon.
date : January 1, 2007
author : Nancy Clark
comments : 0
With the coming of the New Year, athletes commonly think about making nutrition resolutions. Good thing, given only 3 to 4% of Americans follow all of the established Dietary Guidelines.
date : January 29, 2006
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 2
The most valuable thing you can do for your endurance training is to schedule a weekly 2-4hr long ride from now until the end of time. Simply make this “what you do” every Saturday or Sunday morning.
date : January 1, 2006
author : acbadger
comments : 0
Individuals are just that, individuals and need individual programs. However, with a group the size of yours, it may be difficult for your coaches to do 25 individual workouts.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Ontherun
comments : 0
For most age-group triathletes, getting the most out of there time for quality workouts can be daunting. Think outside the triangle to get a little more.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 0
Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.
date : January 24, 2005
author : Michael
comments : 0
I heard an athletic trainer say that in life we have many setbacks. The key is to overcome these setbacks, but the question is how?
date : September 5, 2004
author : Team BT
comments : 0
The start of the race I had the jitters. I was watching the other age groups start as they seeded the swim with over 1000 participants.