BT Development Mentor Program Archives » 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open Rss Feed  
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2016-03-14 7:41 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by bulfrog  I can't see the wife being too pleased with long training rides and runs after such a long work day. Family life is important too. 
The American version of this advice is "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"  A sentiment that should definitely be kept in mind.

2016-03-14 7:43 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
  • 14m 51s
  • 650.00 yards
  • 02m 17s /100 yards



12/21 - Boy! Is my breast stroke ever slow! 3 mins per 100 yds!  I think tomorrow I will make that middle set sidestroke just to see which one is faster. Then plan to train that as my "recovery stroke" for mid-swim. In the meantime, I have REALLY got to figure out some way to start getting regular pm workouts back into the schedule. Of course, with that said, tonight I will be grading 150 science tests instead of going for a walk in the rain.

Big goal for this week though is to actually swim all five days, Mon-Fri.

2016-03-14 11:45 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Congrats on the job that's great, yes balancing it all is part of the fun of tri training.

2016-03-14 11:54 AM
in reply to: johndiaz00

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
So, this weekend in the yard had two training sessions added to it. I can't seem to say no to two of my friends when they want to go workout. First was a 3 mile run.
Saturday - March 12 RUN 43m 43s 3.27 miles13m 22s /Mi

Felt good mostly, had to slow her down a little to walk out a little issue with my IT band. The rest of Saturday was working the yard. Took out a large tree, and removed 500 pounds of sod. Went to bed sore enough that I had trouble falling asleep, but woke up refreshed and ready to tackle another day.
Got a text from a friend who is a novice in the gym and we spent 2 hours talking over the vast amount of equipment they had 24 hour fitness.
Then we went for a swim, I was assessing her stroke and speed. She was a lot faster than what she told me. She only has an issue with alsway breathing out, so she loses her air about half way through a swim lap. Work on a couple of drills to help that. Ended up swimming around 800 yards, but started talking to another woman in the pool and she was an experienced tri-girl. It was good for my friend to hear similar things i have been telling her. My friend had a bunch of preconceived notions and myths that were not true. I can see her and I working out well together and push each other. She is too fast in the run, but I kick her but swimming and on the bike.

2016-03-14 12:51 PM
in reply to: johndiaz00

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

John, that is so cool that you have workout friends.  It sounds like you will complement each other well.

I am far too overweight and slow to be bothering anybody with that for now.  But I look forward to the day I can maintain a 15 mph average on the bike so that I can join the local bike club for fun rides.

2016-03-14 7:35 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by leatherneckpa

Originally posted by bulfrog  I can't see the wife being too pleased with long training rides and runs after such a long work day. Family life is important too. 
The American version of this advice is "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"  A sentiment that should definitely be kept in mind.

The Australian version is "Happy wife = Happy Life".

Jokes aside time management is a skill in itself, especially for triathletes who train for 3 sports. Add in some gym sessions and transition practice and you really have to prioritize and plan your week. In the past I've been guilty of not doing any training when working crazy hours and in hindsight I would try and find 30 - 60 minutes a day to exercise. I used to be able to go for a swim at lunchtime but when working night shift that was out of the question. Found a 24 hour gym and that helped.

2016-03-14 7:48 PM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by AussieTurtle

Originally posted by leatherneckpa

Originally posted by bulfrog  I can't see the wife being too pleased with long training rides and runs after such a long work day. Family life is important too. 
The American version of this advice is "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"  A sentiment that should definitely be kept in mind.

The Australian version is "Happy wife = Happy Life".

Jokes aside time management is a skill in itself, especially for triathletes who train for 3 sports. Add in some gym sessions and transition practice and you really have to prioritize and plan your week. In the past I've been guilty of not doing any training when working crazy hours and in hindsight I would try and find 30 - 60 minutes a day to exercise. I used to be able to go for a swim at lunchtime but when working night shift that was out of the question. Found a 24 hour gym and that helped.

Happy wife happy life works on this side of the ditch too.

Let's be honest, triathlon is a time consuming, selfish hobby. Unless your significant other is training with you, it's a lot of your free time spent away.

I'm lucky, I live a 5-10 minute commute from work, and my wife starts and finishes work later than I do, so I have 90 minutes every day after work before she gets home. We also don't have any kids (other than the 8 month old 4 legged one) Plenty of training time. I have no excuses.

If/when time issues become a problem for me, either children or change in jobs etc. I'm planning to take a break from Tris (especially HIM's), focus on running to keep fit with the occasional social bike ride. But I'm fully aware that what I'm doing at the moment wont be sustainable for ever
2016-03-15 12:14 PM
in reply to: #5171582

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
My husband will tell you that happy wife = happy life.
2016-03-15 12:15 PM
in reply to: #5172113

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Really, to be Healthy we all need about an hour a day of good exercise. Even the Olympic distances can be done with that amount (as I have proved).
2016-03-15 1:24 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Did a solid arm workout last night, and then ran 1.75 miles. Tried something new. It went pretty well, tonight is a ride night.

Having fun all the time now.

2016-03-15 4:23 PM
in reply to: johndiaz00

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
  • 15m 35s
  • 700.00 yards
  • 02m 14s /100 yards



13/21 - Really happy with the start today. My first 3x100 were all right at the 2m mark. Then 50 breast, slow at 1:30. The last 3x100 were all between 2:10 and 2:15. My OCD won't let me finish on a 50 though, so I did one more 50 of sidestroke. Turns out my sidestroke was faster than my breast stroke by about 5 seconds, and I was "relaxing".

2016-03-15 4:25 PM
in reply to: johndiaz00

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by johndiaz00  Having fun all the time now. John
I may be mistaken, but I think that is the way it is supposed to be.  Happy for you that you have achieved that.

2016-03-15 11:08 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
This week's tip: How to improve your swim times. (Sourced from Speedo Facebook page)

<iframe src="//" width="480" height="314" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen>


2016-03-16 10:13 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Tuesday - March 15 BIKE 2h 08m 28s 34.79 miles 16.25 Mi/hr

Last nights ride was fun. I was by myself, which was a good thing. I was able to focus on my ride. My cadence, my speed and my fluid intake was all about me. Lately, I have been riding with a few less experienced riders and kind of mentoring them into the sport. But last night was fun. I am on Strava and I beat several of my PRs. Extremely happy about that.

Tonight is going to be an easy swim, not sure the distance yet.

Oh I was extremely happy this morning. My girlfriend and I are doing a weight loss challenge and since it began I have loss 4 lbs. She is still beating me, but we are both pushing each other.

2016-03-16 2:23 PM
in reply to: johndiaz00

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
  • 17m
  • 700.00 yards
  • 02m 26s /100 yards

14/21 - Another uninteresting swim. All of my 100'2 were around 2:10. Breast stroke was barely 1:30 for 50. And for my final 50 I swam what we lifeguards call an "approach stroke", basically freestyle with your head held high and maintaining eye contact with a fixed point at the end of the lane. Also a 1:30.

2016-03-17 6:43 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
  • 17m 20s
  • 800.00 yards
  • 02m 10s /100 yards



15/21 - Hardest day yet to get up and go to the Y. I SO did not want to do this today. But once you are there, there's no reason not to follow through. 8x100, each 2:12 or less, not bad for not having my heart in it at all.

2016-03-17 10:47 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
SWIM #1 14m 35s 800.00 yards01m 49s /100 yards

Had a nice swim, but forgot to restart my watch for one of the 100s, But I will take this workout. it was nice My left forearm was screaming at me by the end of it. I shot my bow at lunch time and think I pulled something. After, 5 minutes in the spa it felt better and relaxed in the evening. This morning my IT band and sciatica are really hurting. OH that stretching thing I am suppose to do before bed and when I wake up, yeah I keep forgetting that.

Depending on if friends show up, will decide how far and how hard I ride tonight. Should be fun.

2016-03-18 7:05 AM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by AussieTurtle This week's tip: How to improve your swim times. (Sourced from Speedo Facebook page) <iframe class="giphy-embed" src="" width="480" height="314" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="">


That would do it!

2016-03-18 7:07 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Hey all.

I am back from camping. I did not train like I wanted to, but I did some easy bike riding. I am way behind on my HIM training. I am going to see how it goes the next couple of weeks to make the determination if I should continue or not. I do know that once I get this behind me, I am sticking to Olympic distance. This amount of training takes up way too much time and I have so many other things I want to do as well (moutnain bike, kayak, hike, garden).


2016-03-19 2:05 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Hi All,

File this under "useless information" if you like but it's a new one to me. Might be the first valid excuse not to Tri

I was reading in a local forum where a guy had to give up Triathlon due to Thalassophobia. He was giving away 2 Tri Suits for free.

I'd never heard of it before. Here's the Wikipedia explanation:

Thalassophobia Greek: thalassa, "sea" and f?ß??, phobos, "fear")[1] is an intense and persistent fear of the sea.[2] Thalassophobia is a clinical phobia generally classified under specific phobias, fear of a single specific panic trigger. Symptoms for thalassophobia are the same as for most specific phobias.

Although it is a clinical phobia, it often accompanies other anxiety disorders. In some cases anxiolytic medications may be prescribed or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) may be indicated.

Thalassophobia can include fear of being in large bodies of water, fear of the vast emptiness of the sea, and fear of distance from land.[3] Thalassophobes may also be afraid of encountering sea creatures rather than the sea itself.[4][5]
2016-03-19 7:39 AM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by AussieTurtle Hi All, File this under "useless information" if you like but it's a new one to me. Might be the first valid excuse not to Tri I was reading in a local forum where a guy had to give up Triathlon due to Thalassophobia. He was giving away 2 Tri Suits for free. I'd never heard of it before. Here's the Wikipedia explanation: Thalassophobia Greek: thalassa, "sea" and f?ß??, phobos, "fear")[1] is an intense and persistent fear of the sea.[2] Thalassophobia is a clinical phobia generally classified under specific phobias, fear of a single specific panic trigger. Symptoms for thalassophobia are the same as for most specific phobias. Although it is a clinical phobia, it often accompanies other anxiety disorders. In some cases anxiolytic medications may be prescribed or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) may be indicated. Thalassophobia can include fear of being in large bodies of water, fear of the vast emptiness of the sea, and fear of distance from land.[3] Thalassophobes may also be afraid of encountering sea creatures rather than the sea itself.[4][5]

WOW! that would suck. But then there is the pool and pool triathlons. The burning question is... did you get any of his gear

2016-03-20 7:25 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open


  • 1h 27m 55s
  • 4.50 miles
  • 19m 32s /Mi



16/21 - I knew I wasn't setting any speed records today, but WOW! Barely over 3 mph.


  • 44m 30s
  • 9.00 miles
  • 12.13 Mi/hr



17/21 - Quiet, easy bike ride. No music today, just me and the wine. And it was a chilly 42*.

2016-03-20 8:23 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Hi Guys,

Well last week wasn't great for me. 3 days in Australia, and being pretty shattered on the weekend after travelling are my excuses. But to be honest I am still missing my mojo a little bit post Wanaka. Although that's now a month ago, so should be no excuse.

I only managed 4 runs this week. 2 60 minute runs at home, and 2 25ish minute runs from the hotel when I was away. And of course being away from home the diet was poor, not that there are many options for where to eat in Kilcoy, but it wasn't great. So the weight had quite a jump up this week. Hopefully that will be a temporary thing.

So for this week my goals are refocus on the diet. Run consistently 6-7 runs this week, and restart swimming, I want to be in the pool at least twice this week.
2016-03-20 11:14 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by bulfrog

Hi Guys,

Well last week wasn't great for me. 3 days in Australia, and being pretty shattered on the weekend after travelling are my excuses. But to be honest I am still missing my mojo a little bit post Wanaka. Although that's now a month ago, so should be no excuse.

I only managed 4 runs this week. 2 60 minute runs at home, and 2 25ish minute runs from the hotel when I was away. And of course being away from home the diet was poor, not that there are many options for where to eat in Kilcoy, but it wasn't great. So the weight had quite a jump up this week. Hopefully that will be a temporary thing.

So for this week my goals are refocus on the diet. Run consistently 6-7 runs this week, and restart swimming, I want to be in the pool at least twice this week.

Hi Bulfrog

Getting motivated again after a major achievement in any field is a common problem and there are plenty of suggestions regarding how to refocus and get motivated again. The following article is quite good.
2016-03-20 11:23 PM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Hi All,

Big news for the week is that I got myself a part time job. It's on a casual basis so I may work 5 hours one week and 35 the next. This will add some challenges to get all my training done but as I will get my roster 4 weeks in advance I should be able to schedule accordingly.

This week I managed 2 Bike rides, 3 runs, 2 gym sessions and a game of golf on a very hilly course (that was a good day out). On one of my bike rides I did 16 Km in the tallest gear this was to build strength. I peaked at 35 KMH with some wind assistance.

I need to diet better in the coming week if I'm going to hit my target weight at the end of the month. That may be a challenge with Easter and the Hot Cross Buns and Easter Eggs.

How has everybody's week been?
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