Other Resources Challenge Me! » They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III Rss Feed  
Moderators: the bear, kaqphin, tinkerbeth, D001, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
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2007-11-17 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1058212

Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

kns57 - 2007-11-17 12:00 PM Good morning for the second time today. Got online earlier because (don't laugh) I woke up to find the power had gone off and the clock was blinking and I knew the kitchen clock battery had died and I needed to know what time it was and the laptop was sitting right next to the bed so I pulled it up, booted it on, got the time, fixed the clock and could not resist going out to BT to give a early good morning to all. OMG I'm an addict.

Hahahahaha...sounds like there was some extra caffein in the latte too! 


2007-11-17 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1056528

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

Nibbins Notes 11/17/07 - (through page 4)

We are now on Twisnibbins III (who would’ve thunk it?) – Jeni, Heather, Kristen, Max, Mila, Tammy, Don, Kendra, and Sharon christened the first page of the new thread, which was started by LT Sparco!  (thanks Sal!)
Kendra – brings up a good point, Where are the motivational pics for the ladies who have upcoming races?  Dee, is another challenge in order? 
Yanti – is good guys with painted toenails and heels
Mila – is still trying to figure out her addiction reason for continuing to visit the Nibbins – it’s easy Mila – you love us and we love you!
Kristen – glad to know I’m not the only one that ‘rests my eyes’ when I’m watching a show – lol, that’s what I call it anyway.  More of a Ho Ho Fan
Don – needs a DVR
Sal – his wife doesn’t quite understand his obsession fondness for the Nibbins and BT in general –
Amy –  3 posts away from a star!
Max – is all for painting his toenails and slapping on a pair of sexy heels ;-)  He doesn’t seem to be getting much support from the other guys though
Dee – continues to escape posting a real pic of herself – Is Dee really a person??? We’re pretty sure she has a dog, although we haven’t seen a picture of the pup either, hmmmmm
Heather – still building league teams – whew!  Sounds like a lot of work!! Grilled carrots?  Hmm, sounds interesting, not sure I could really imagine it as a substitute for junk food though - lol
Cat – still hasn’t figured out what she is going to wear – Oh my!! She does have three choices, hopefully we will get to see pics!  What’s this about having gourmet cookies and ice cream and not sharing???
Pam – has a love hate relationship with Little Debbie, who it turns out, is quite a hussy
Sharon – won’t even let Debbie into her home – no hussies allowed ;-)  Has a fun night out on the town planned.  Chirunning class – be sure to tell us all about it!
Hector – sounds like he’s willing to post pics for motivation – it will be interesting to see how far he is willing to go!  He’s trying to steal Kendra’s emoticons????
(page 4)
Other topics –
College football is quite a popular topic, especially when we get closer to the weekends
little debbie  wow, lots of emotion around little Debbie!

Edited by lastcall2003 2007-11-17 11:03 AM
2007-11-17 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1058201

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-17 11:43 AM

geauxtri - 2007-11-16 1:58 PM

OKay gang... gotta get back to work... three more leagues left to build teams for.

are all the teams built?

this sounds like quite a job!!

Just wait until you organize a BT challenge. You'll see................................

(insert evil laugh here)

I just got online. Finishing up the team spreadsheets that are going up on Google. Next, I'll post an announcement about them.... So I'm online, but may not be back on nibbins for a few....

2007-11-17 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1058238

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

Important Announcement - It's long, but please read this!

Part I - Google Spreadsheets: You'll enter your own data.

Because this month's challenge is "Your Choice," the weekly reporting for it has proven to be a challenge of its own.

A lot of the goals aren't run/swim/bike, so they aren't listed on the logs. For example, if your goal is to do 1500 situps, that information isn't easily available to your team captains.

As a results, I have set up Team Spreadsheets on Google Docs.

Everyone will be responsible for entering his/her own progress, for each goal.

I will send a PM to two people on your team: your team captain and one other person. Included in the PM will be:
1) The location of your team spreadsheet.
2) Your username and password. (You must enter this to access the spreadsheet.)

Team leaders: Please forward the information that I sent you to each member of your team. I recommend that you do this via PM. Also, if someone on your team has difficulties using the spreadsheet, please help that person or enter their data for them. (You'll also no longer need to post a spreadsheet for me.)

Each Sunday night, I will access the team spreadsheets and copy your information to the Master Spreadsheet. From that, I'll determine individual standings and team rankings.

Part II - This Week's Reporting

This month's challenge is really an INDIVIDUAL one. Everone is organized into teams because, well, I can't keep track of over 100 people!

So this week, I'm going to give results by INDIVIDUALS. That way, people will know exactly where they stand. (I'll also include the usual team standings, for "bragging rights.")

The month will be 60% over on Sunday. So I'll write a list that shows everone who is at 60% or more of their goals.... versus everyone who isn't.

While it'll take more time for me to write this, I'm hoping that it will allow us to better acknowledge everyone who has been working hard (even if the rest of their team has been eating potato chips on the couch all day).


Edited by D001 2007-11-17 12:20 PM
2007-11-17 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1056528

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Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

When last we left off in my little saga... there were questions surrounding my proactive hangover avoidance tactics.  Yes, lots of water all night and aspirin before bed.  I really was OK this morning... but after teaching my class (which rocked... and hopefully I didn't reek of tequila as I was sweating away up there) some greasy food and a Diet Coke the size of my head were calling to me.  Now to get motivated to get to the pool...

2007-11-17 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1056528

User image

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
Afternoon, Nibs...

I went for a great run this morning & then went shopping. YIPPEE! I loves me some shopping. (OK, so I just went to Target and REI, but it still made me happy.)

Off to nap and/or watch the end of the Michigan game...


2007-11-17 1:21 PM
in reply to: #1056528

User image

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
BTW Dee - You Rock. The spreadsheets are awesome & a great idea for this (since some of the folks on my team have goals that can't be tracked - like Heroes watching. )

2007-11-17 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1058303

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2007-11-17 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1058307

Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
spokes - 2007-11-17 2:24 PM

I am alive.

14.03 miles 2:05:48 8:58/mi

Set another PR for the half mary distance of 1:57:18

Foot felt OK, I think its on the mend.

19.47 miles for the week, 90.19/100 complete! 

I'll be finished on Tuesday with my goal for the month. 

Great job!  Congrats on the PR .

2007-11-17 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1058302

Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

enders_shadow - 2007-11-17 2:20 PM Afternoon, Nibs... I went for a great run this morning & then went shopping. YIPPEE! I loves me some shopping. (OK, so I just went to Target and REI, but it still made me happy.) Off to nap and/or watch the end of the Michigan game... Kristen

I just peeked at your little run.  Give yourself some bigger props, girlie!!!  Awesome job .

2007-11-17 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1058215

Twin Cities
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-17 10:02 AM

Nibbins Notes 11/17/07 - (through page 4)

We are now on Twisnibbins III (who would’ve thunk it?) – Jeni, Heather, Kristen, Max, Mila, Tammy, Don, Kendra, and Sharon christened the first page of the new thread, which was started by LT Sparco! (thanks Sal!)

Kendra – brings up a good point, Where are the motivational pics for the ladies who have upcoming races? Dee, is another challenge in order?
Yanti – is good guys with painted toenails and heels
Mila – is still trying to figure out her addiction reason for continuing to visit the Nibbins – it’s easy Mila – you love us and we love you!
Kristen – glad to know I’m not the only one that ‘rests my eyes’ when I’m watching a show – lol, that’s what I call it anyway. More of a Ho Ho Fan
Don – needs a DVR
Sal – his wife doesn’t quite understand his obsession fondness for the Nibbins and BT in general –
Amy – 3 posts away from a star!
Max – is all for painting his toenails and slapping on a pair of sexy heels ;-) He doesn’t seem to be getting much support from the other guys though
Dee – continues to escape posting a real pic of herself – Is Dee really a person??? We’re pretty sure she has a dog, although we haven’t seen a picture of the pup either, hmmmmm
Heather – still building league teams – whew! Sounds like a lot of work!! Grilled carrots? Hmm, sounds interesting, not sure I could really imagine it as a substitute for junk food though - lol
Cat – still hasn’t figured out what she is going to wear – Oh my!! She does have three choices, hopefully we will get to see pics! What’s this about having gourmet cookies and ice cream and not sharing???
Pam – has a love hate relationship with Little Debbie, who it turns out, is quite a hussy
Sharon – won’t even let Debbie into her home – no hussies allowed ;-) Has a fun night out on the town planned. Chirunning class – be sure to tell us all about it!
Hector – sounds like he’s willing to post pics for motivation – it will be interesting to see how far he is willing to go! He’s trying to steal Kendra’s emoticons????
(page 4)

Other topics –
College football is quite a popular topic, especially when we get closer to the weekends
little debbie wow, lots of emotion around little Debbie!

Um... I need to correct my post... I have no objection to having Hussies in my home... The more, the merrier, I say!!!  Just not Little Debbie!

I really liked the Chirunning clinic... and will be posting the details shortly.  However, before that I am hooking up with some friends to do some additional running... need to test out the new technique.

2007-11-17 2:55 PM
in reply to: #1056528

Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

Yeah, Tammy, Buckeyes won! 

Gotta get changed go run on the TM while I watch the LSU 2nd quarter.

2007-11-17 3:12 PM
in reply to: #1056528

Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

Hiya Nibbs... Well in a couple of hours I have to go out and finish shopping for this event wednesday.... I have 3 options and then I have to work out what I need for jewelerry, shoes, makeup.... EVERYTHING...

SO... HELP!!! Puhlease!!!!!


Here is option 1:  




bw1.jpg (15KB - 19 downloads)
Image004bw.jpg (25KB - 19 downloads)
bw3.jpg (15KB - 9 downloads)
2007-11-17 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1056528

Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

Option 2:



(lbd detail.jpg)


lbd1.jpg (14KB - 7 downloads)
lbd detail.jpg (16KB - 15 downloads)
Image021lbd.jpg (9KB - 8 downloads)
2007-11-17 3:15 PM
in reply to: #1056528

Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

Option 3:





purp.jpg (15KB - 12 downloads)
Image026purp.jpg (15KB - 25 downloads)
Imapurp.jpg (8KB - 6 downloads)
2007-11-17 3:17 PM
in reply to: #1056528

Twin Cities
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

They all look hot, Cat... but, I would say 3, 1, 2, in that order.

... the plunging neckline is very hot... 'nuff said. 

2007-11-17 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1056528

Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

Oops just realised some of those pics are a bit big... hope I didnt blind anyone


Basically here is what Im thinking:

Option 1:

- Very sexy

- Hair down  with a flower in it

- Chance that no guy will speak to my face all night

- low strappy heels


Option 2:

- Conservative but fitted

- Can be dressed up  with jewelery, heels, stockings

- Goes with the whole old world glamour theme for the night (Marilyn Monroe), red carpet etc

- Im thinking dressing it along the lines of Breakfast at Tiffanys??? 

- Not overtly sexy 


Option 3:

- Capped sleeves make my arms look great

- Fun outfit - no idea how to accessorise though

- Will definatley need more shoes

- Less with the theme but definatley a party outfit

- Its nice to wear colour 

2007-11-17 3:20 PM
in reply to: #1058389

Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
Yoganerd - 2007-11-18 8:17 AM

They all look hot, Cat... but, I would say 3, 1, 2, in that order.

... the plunging neckline is very hot... 'nuff said.

haha Im wondering if I have to do up one more button!  

2007-11-17 3:21 PM
in reply to: #1058391

Twin Cities
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
kaqphin - 2007-11-17 2:20 PM
Yoganerd - 2007-11-18 8:17 AM

They all look hot, Cat... but, I would say 3, 1, 2, in that order.

... the plunging neckline is very hot... 'nuff said.

haha Im wondering if I have to do up one more button!

... not on my account, you don't!!!
... but my friends do say that I am a bit of a hound dog...

2007-11-17 3:23 PM
in reply to: #1056528

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
Hey, Cat -

I love #1...very chic! #3 would be my second vote.

2007-11-17 3:23 PM
in reply to: #1058393

Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
Yoganerd - 2007-11-18 8:21 AM
kaqphin - 2007-11-17 2:20 PM
Yoganerd - 2007-11-18 8:17 AM

They all look hot, Cat... but, I would say 3, 1, 2, in that order.

... the plunging neckline is very hot... 'nuff said.

haha Im wondering if I have to do up one more button!

... not on my account, you don't!!!
... but my friends do say that I am a bit of a hound dog...

haha Ive always loved having a chest... its the purrfect accessory to outfits! And takes attention away from other areas I might not be so fond of!

Just got to remember there are going to be a lot of people I work with there...

Might be good for them to see me in something a bit frivolous! 

2007-11-17 3:26 PM
in reply to: #1058394

Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

enders_shadow - 2007-11-18 8:23 AM Hey, Cat - I love #1...very chic! #3 would be my second vote. Kristen

Thanks - Im really struggling, everytime I try them on I change my mind again! 

2007-11-17 3:26 PM
in reply to: #1058395

Twin Cities
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
kaqphin - 2007-11-17 2:23 PM
Yoganerd - 2007-11-18 8:21 AM
kaqphin - 2007-11-17 2:20 PM
Yoganerd - 2007-11-18 8:17 AM

They all look hot, Cat... but, I would say 3, 1, 2, in that order.

... the plunging neckline is very hot... 'nuff said.

haha Im wondering if I have to do up one more button!

... not on my account, you don't!!!
... but my friends do say that I am a bit of a hound dog...

haha Ive always loved having a chest... its the purrfect accessory to outfits! And takes attention away from other areas I might not be so fond of!

Just got to remember there are going to be a lot of people I work with there...

Might be good for them to see me in something a bit frivolous!

... okay, one more button, then.

I concur on your comment about the chest.  We have an annual renaissance festival, where many people dress in outfits from the period.  My dream has always been to take it to the limit, low neckline, lots of "fluffing", and then just go have fun!  As much of a nuisance as "the girls" can be, it is nice to take advantage of their "abundance". 

2007-11-17 3:26 PM
in reply to: #1056528

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
Hey, Tammy -

I will be a good loser and applaud the Buckeyes. Good game!

Thank goodness I wasn't at home with my husband who is CRABBY right now!


Edited by enders_shadow 2007-11-17 3:27 PM
2007-11-17 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1058397

Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
Yoganerd - 2007-11-18 8:26 AM
kaqphin - 2007-11-17 2:23 PM
Yoganerd - 2007-11-18 8:21 AM
kaqphin - 2007-11-17 2:20 PM
Yoganerd - 2007-11-18 8:17 AM

They all look hot, Cat... but, I would say 3, 1, 2, in that order.

... the plunging neckline is very hot... 'nuff said.

haha Im wondering if I have to do up one more button!

... not on my account, you don't!!!
... but my friends do say that I am a bit of a hound dog...

haha Ive always loved having a chest... its the purrfect accessory to outfits! And takes attention away from other areas I might not be so fond of!

Just got to remember there are going to be a lot of people I work with there...

Might be good for them to see me in something a bit frivolous!

... okay, one more button, then.

I concur on your comment about the chest. We have an annual renaissance festival, where many people dress in outfits from the period. My dream has always been to take it to the limit, low neckline, lots of "fluffing", and then just go have fun! As much of a nuisance as "the girls" can be, it is nice to take advantage of their "abundance".

haha I say go for it!!!

Yes they annoy me when trying to exercise, and when trying to make a serious point can get in the way if there are men in the room...

And when shopping they can narrow down my clothing choices due to clothes not getting up over them... 

But...  when I find something that works with them it is kind of cool... no wonder I almost never wear a necklace!

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Other Resources Challenge Me! » They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III Rss Feed  
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