BT Development Mentor Program Archives » medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS Rss Feed  
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2007-12-29 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1121868

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

2007-12-29 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1121868

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Hey everyone ---

Eric just joined the January challenge!

Heh, I was going to put him on my team.... but I figured he'd overload on glitter....

(It's swim vs bike vs run -- so really, he's still in the swim group. But I divided the group because it was getting large.)

2007-12-29 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1121868

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS


I understand your delima and as someone you let in I am the LAST person who should comment but... If you let someone in and they turn out to be a neer-do-well, can you turn them back off? That may make the answer easier...

Keep up the good work,  Emerson

2007-12-29 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1121923

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
etknowles - 2007-12-29 12:51 PM


I understand your delima and as someone you let in I am the LAST person who should comment but... If you let someone in and they turn out to be a neer-do-well, can you turn them back off? That may make the answer easier...

Keep up the good work, Emerson

Or, we could just hit 'em with glitter until their attitude changes.

In other news....
I am sick. I want to work out, but if I do, I'll feel worse. As a result, I am spending the day on BT. And visiting the various internet glitter websites, of course....

How long does it take to lose your conditioning? I have a feeling that I'll be out for a few more days. (This thing is moving into the chest and ears. Bleh!) I really do NOT want to start from scratch again!

PS Emerson - you aren't the "last person" who should comment. I think you've fit right into this team, and helped create its current "dynamics."

2007-12-29 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1121936

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS


Don't worry about a few days off.  It will make no difference.  In fact, some good recovery time may serve you well.  The key to conditioning is to challenge your body and then let it "heal" becoming stronger.  That time to let it heal is MISSED by many.  If fact, putting rest/recovery days and even weeks into a long training regime is assential of success.  Take your much needed rest and be stronger when you come out of it.... The LAST thing you want to do is drive yourself into the ground and be off a long time.  Take the days and get your strength back, you will be fine.  Emerson

2007-12-29 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1121936

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
The key with being sick is to take care of yourself first.  Last year I was sick for 6 weeks as the doctors tried to figure out what was wrong...they are like it's mono, it's mono and strep, and finally after 4 weeks when I was just not doing better they ran some other tests...turned out to be a bacterial infection.  Even after no exercise for 6 weeks, I was able to come back pretty good with only minimal setbacks.  The key is to not start back up until you are pretty much 100% because you will just wear yourself down and relapse.  Take care!!

2007-12-29 3:28 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Just so everyone knows I'm not going to workout again until Jan1, then I start with my serious training program. After reading about recovery and giving your body a break I decided I was going to take the next few days to do nothing. I never really took off any serious time after my running/triathlon this will be my off time.

On another note: by the time we decide on adding the new member she/he will already have another group Maybe it is just not meant to be.

Everyone have a great weekend!

Amy in Indiana
2007-12-29 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1121951

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Thanks for your comments about "recovery time." This is something that I've never really thought about. I've just been going "hard" since I joined BT, which was in mid-August. (I love those Challenges! LOL)

OK, so we need recovery time. Got it.....

But, what do you do WHILE recovering? Other sports/activities? (That maybe use different muscles?) Or is it "couch potato" time?

2007-12-29 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1122196

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
My challenge team is now talking about goals. So I figured I'd bring up the topic here, too.

Some people are currently setting their YEARLY goals. Do you do this?

It's intersesting to me, because I never thought about setting a YEAR-long goal. Actually, the Challenges are the first time that I've even set monthly goals.

I guess that some people have more of a plan than I do. (Or better defined goals.)

2007-12-29 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1122202

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS


I went back to the challenge site and had no idea how much had gone on while I was not paying attention.  I put in that I would join when you first mentioned it and had no idea how fast all the conversation, etc. would pile up.  I will be in the swimming hours group if it is not too late.  I will tally up my January schedule and commit to that.  If it is too late, I will just do it on my own.  I am pretty good about goals.

As to yearly goals, most folks set goals based on a certain level of accomplishment i.e. run a 1/2 marathon in two hours.  Then you break it down into the training that will take you there and those are the short term goals. So --Annual goal is an outcome, short term goals are the tactics (training) that will lead to that outcome.  I hope that helps...

Talk to you soon,  Emerson

Edited by etknowles 2007-12-29 9:00 PM
2007-12-29 9:41 PM
in reply to: #1122414

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
etknowles - 2007-12-29 9:59 PM
I went back to the challenge site and had no idea how much had gone on while I was not paying attention. I put in that I would join when you first mentioned it and had no idea how fast all the conversation, etc. would pile up.

LOL! Just wait. It can get even crazier when the challenge actually begins! I think my November team set a world-record for posting: 10,799 posts! (Yes, we kept track of the numbers.) That was an unusual team though, so I don't expect anything quite like that in January. (It was fun, but time consuming!)

And YES, there's still plenty of time to join! It is only Dec 29th, after all!

I should warn you though - there are 2 swimming teams. Eric's on one, and I'm on the other. So you're going to be with one of us!

Also, thanks for the comments about goal setting! I guess I need to sit down and better define what I want to do, and how to get there!

2007-12-29 9:44 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
I put all my goals for the year on my blog... I think everyone needs to set them so they can accomplish them, it is a wonderful feeling. I'm also a big believer that you should log everything, exercises, sports, workouts, emotions and sickness, it keeps everything real and you learn a lot about yourself, and you can look back over your charts and see exactly where you are strong and what you need to do more of. That also gives your group the opportunity to encourage you, cheer you, or nudge you, so log everything.

I'm changing my January goals: 4,000 yd swim - 46 miles run (starting the derby mini training plan). I will try and get 32 miles in on my bike. SO IT BEGINS! I'm sooooo excited!

Failures of the past are used as building blocks of the future. Build your dreams!

Amy in Indiana
2007-12-30 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

I absolutely agree with Emerson.  Most people neglect rest as an essential part of your training.  During a normal training week, I take a rest day--where I basically do no exercise.  During this month that I've been off, I've tried to do no organized workouts  but that hasn't meant doing nothing.  Other than being sick, my plan was to do something about every other day just to keep moving.  I was trying to keep most of those workouts in zone 2 (for me--hr's down around 130, enough to sweat and burn some calories but not really work hard).


Long term goals

Break 25:00 for 5k Run
Break 7:00 for 500 yd swim
Break 25:00 for 10 mile Time Trial

2008 Goals:
Monthly Averages--350 miles bike; 40 mile run; 15000 yds swim
Qualify for Setup Championship Invitational (Top 15 Clydesdales)

Total Distance goals for 08:  5000 miles bike; 200k swim; 700 miles run

2007-12-30 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1122080

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS


Hope you get to feeling better. This has been a vicious cold to get rid of. I think mine is trying to turn into a sinus infection now. I haven't had one of those in years.

2007-12-30 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1122468

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

D001 - 2007-12-29 9:41 PM
etknowles - 2007-12-29 9:59 PM I went back to the challenge site and had no idea how much had gone on while I was not paying attention. I put in that I would join when you first mentioned it and had no idea how fast all the conversation, etc. would pile up.
LOL! Just wait. It can get even crazier when the challenge actually begins! I think my November team set a world-record for posting: 10,799 posts! (Yes, we kept track of the numbers.) That was an unusual team though, so I don't expect anything quite like that in January. (It was fun, but time consuming!) And YES, there's still plenty of time to join! It is only Dec 29th, after all! I should warn you though - there are 2 swimming teams. Eric's on one, and I'm on the other. So you're going to be with one of us! Also, thanks for the comments about goal setting! I guess I need to sit down and better define what I want to do, and how to get there!

Does anyone wonder now why our friend Dee is now over 4200 posts while I'm at a measly 600??

2007-12-30 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1122884

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Auburn, Wa
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Hey All, Just checking in real quick. The last few days were horrible at work. Really sick people, multiple codes, 2 head bleeds, it ws ugly. I haven't worked out since Thursday, today is Sunday right??? I worked a double last night and I'm wiped!!! I'm classifying it as active rest. I'll be back in the swing of things tomorrow. My new shoes are calling out to me everytime I go out the door without them.
Looking at the posts it looks like everyone is staying busy in one way or another. As for another member, I'll leave it up to you guys. I'm good either way, they just need to know that we expect positive posts and happy faces!!! I'd put this in glitter if I knew how. Anyway I've got to go eat before I go back to work. Need to go lifeguard the shallow end of the gene pool.
Best ambulance call last night, 21y male possible alcohol intoxication after drinking 16 Jaeger shots!!! Ya think!!!! People can be so stupid!!!
Have a great Sunday everyone!!!!! Chris

2007-12-30 6:26 PM
in reply to: #1123059

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
erlifeguard - 2007-12-30 5:56 PM
Hey All, Just checking in real quick. The last few days were horrible at work. Really sick people, multiple codes, 2 head bleeds, it ws ugly. I haven't worked out since Thursday, today is Sunday right??? I worked a double last night and I'm wiped!!! I'm classifying it as active rest. I'll be back in the swing of things tomorrow. My new shoes are calling out to me everytime I go out the door without them.
Looking at the posts it looks like everyone is staying busy in one way or another. As for another member, I'll leave it up to you guys. I'm good either way, they just need to know that we expect positive posts and happy faces!!! I'd put this in glitter if I knew how. Anyway I've got to go eat before I go back to work. Need to go lifeguard the shallow end of the gene pool.
Best ambulance call last night, 21y male possible alcohol intoxication after drinking 16 Jaeger shots!!! Ya think!!!! People can be so stupid!!!
Have a great Sunday everyone!!!!! Chris


Hope things get back to a more reasonable pace soon!

I'm VERY glad that I wasn't drinking soda while reading your post -- because I really laughed hard first at the glitter comment, and then again at the "shallow end of the gene pool" comment.... Drinking soda while laughing, well, it's not a good result.

Tell you what, when things slow down at work, I'll show you how to add GLITTER to your posts. I'm sure that will make Eric very happy....

Do you have New Year's Eve off? That's going to be a crazy night....


2007-12-30 6:31 PM
in reply to: #1122884

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
medic0020 - 2007-12-30 2:16 PM
Does anyone wonder now why our friend Dee is now over 4200 posts while I'm at a measly 600??

Heh, I think by now, it's not really a mystery. LOL

2007-12-30 7:03 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

So I have been thinking about 2008 and goals...haven't come up with anything solid yet...but I came up with a personal theme song from some of the music on my IPod that will be my motivation and philosophy this season... here it is....

Satisfied By Richard Marx

We work our bodies weary to stay alive
There must be more to livin than nine to five

Why should we wait for some better time
There may not even be a tomorrow
Aint no sense in losing your mind
Im gonna make it worth the ride

Dont you know, I wont give up until
Im satisfied
Dont you know, why should I stop until
Im satisfied

Ignore the hesitation, that ties your hands
Use your imagination, and take a chance

I wont let my moment of thuth pass me by
Ive gotta make my move now or never
And if they turn mr loose on this town
Theyre gonna have to hold me down

Oh, dont you know, aint gonna stop until
Were satisfied
Dont you know, we shouldnt stop until
Were satisfied

Dont you know, aint gonna stop until
Im satisfied
Dont you know, we wont give up until
Were satisfied

Well, I'll get back with the goals...but I really think that is my mind frame this year  

2007-12-30 7:20 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

Dee  - If at all possible I could use your help with figuing what the heck I can do for the upcoming January Challenge. Want to do it, but not sure what to commit to. I am in the midst of getting a new bike (hopefully in the next few weeks) so...biking is out. Running is what I would like to do and not looking to break records so probably time or distance.....HELP!?!? Sorry to wait to the last minute.

2007-12-30 7:26 PM
in reply to: #1122881

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
My January goals are better defined than my "long term vision." They're also very swim-focused....

Long term goals:
Beat my PBs in swimming.
Increase my running endurance.
Get a real bike.
Exceed my 2007 swimming, biking and running totals.

January goals:
Organize and run the January Challenge (this is a workout in itself! LOL).
Swim at least 24000 yds for the Challenge.
Beat at least one PB in swimming.
Improve my swimming stroke technique.
Avoid re-injuring the shoulder!
Learn how to better balance work hours with training hours.

2007-12-30 7:26 PM
in reply to: #1123059

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

erlifeguard - 2007-12-30 4:56 PM Hey All, Just checking in real quick. The last few days were horrible at work. Really sick people, multiple codes, 2 head bleeds, it ws ugly. I haven't worked out since Thursday, today is Sunday right??? I worked a double last night and I'm wiped!!! I'm classifying it as active rest. I'll be back in the swing of things tomorrow. My new shoes are calling out to me everytime I go out the door without them. Looking at the posts it looks like everyone is staying busy in one way or another. As for another member, I'll leave it up to you guys. I'm good either way, they just need to know that we expect positive posts and happy faces!!! I'd put this in glitter if I knew how. Anyway I've got to go eat before I go back to work. Need to go lifeguard the shallow end of the gene pool. Best ambulance call last night, 21y male possible alcohol intoxication after drinking 16 Jaeger shots!!! Ya think!!!! People can be so stupid!!! Have a great Sunday everyone!!!!! Chris

You guys really get screwed in the ED with that kind of stuff.  Just about every night I work, I take in at least one "drunk in public".  Cops find 'em throwing up somewhere in the bar district and they are too drunk to be left alone.  So we get to give them a taxi ride and you guys get stuck with them until they sober up.  I like using the "drunk in public" chief complaint when I call in patients, particularly to our smaller ED's.  It pisses them off   I think they forget they are an ED, at least that's what the sign out front says.

2007-12-30 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1123184

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
crea0029 - 2007-12-30 7:03 PM

So I have been thinking about 2008 and goals...haven't come up with anything solid yet...but I came up with a personal theme song from some of the music on my IPod that will be my motivation and philosophy this season... here it is....

Satisfied By Richard Marx

We work our bodies weary to stay alive
There must be more to livin than nine to five

Why should we wait for some better time
There may not even be a tomorrow
Aint no sense in losing your mind
Im gonna make it worth the ride

Dont you know, I wont give up until
Im satisfied
Dont you know, why should I stop until
Im satisfied

Ignore the hesitation, that ties your hands
Use your imagination, and take a chance

I wont let my moment of thuth pass me by
Ive gotta make my move now or never
And if they turn mr loose on this town
Theyre gonna have to hold me down

Oh, dont you know, aint gonna stop until
Were satisfied
Dont you know, we shouldnt stop until
Were satisfied

Dont you know, aint gonna stop until
Im satisfied
Dont you know, we wont give up until
Were satisfied

Well, I'll get back with the goals...but I really think that is my mind frame this year  

What's up with the 80's flashbacks??  A friend of mine was quoting Milli Vanilli today

2007-12-30 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1123199

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Girl Passing on Left - 2007-12-30 5:20 PM

Dee  - If at all possible I could use your help with figuing what the heck I can do for the upcoming January Challenge. Want to do it, but not sure what to commit to. I am in the midst of getting a new bike (hopefully in the next few weeks) so...biking is out. Running is what I would like to do and not looking to break records so probably time or distance.....HELP!?!? Sorry to wait to the last minute.

Run distance and ask to be on team C

2007-12-30 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1123199

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Julie, I was looking at your log....why not do the Jan challenge as a swim one?  I see that you mention in your goals that swimming would be the thing that scares you in an IM so why not make 2008 the year to work on your swimming and start off Jan with that being the challenge.  Don't set the number huge...just to make sure you are in the pool regularly.  What do you think of that?
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