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2010-11-23 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3221880

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Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier -

Congrats, good luck to both you and Kathy next year.  Hopefully the weather is more favorable for you.  Enjoy the training and the race.  I'm not a very excitable person, especially when it comes to races, but this race really brought out another side for me.  I'll see about returning in 2012... No matter what, make sure you return to the finish line for the last 30 minutes... it wouldn't be the same without that experience.  Good luck on your training, I'll continue to watch the two of you and look forward to seeing how you do next year.


Congrats Pete, the race changes athletes for the better!

I can't believe we have THREE racing next year. I'm so excited for you guys!  How awesome is it that you already "know" others racing. =)

2010-11-23 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3222825

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
WittyCityGirl - 2010-11-23 9:05 AM
zionvier -
I can't believe we have THREE racing next year. I'm so excited for you guys!  How awesome is it that you already "know" others racing. =)

Well on that note i should mention that i also signed up

Congrats Pete!!

On a side note...i have not been around very much for the past couple of months. i have been dealing with a lot of personel issues and am still struggling on a daily basis to get through them.
With that being said..thank you all for being such a supportive group..and thanks fred for everything you have done for all of us. You ALL were such a key part of me reaching my 2010 i truely thank you all.
2010-11-24 11:19 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

Here is a link to some pictures from IM Arizona if you are interested.

2010-11-24 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3224959

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Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  
2010-11-25 6:36 AM
in reply to: #3225239

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

GRB1 - 2010-11-24 2:45 PM Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  


2010-11-25 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

2010-11-29 8:02 PM
in reply to: #3226350

Subject: ...
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2010-11-30 3:47 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

We had a great Thanksgiving and it has been a nice 3 weeks since FL doing nothing structured. 

Back on a plan this week, but since it is an off season plan it will be more of a suggested workout rather than set plan.  I do want to follow the bike plan as much as possible though.  The bike part of the plan is designed to increase FTP, similar to Jorge's.  Getting stronger on the bike is a big goal for this winter.

I had not thought about using your real name and the impact on posting Fred.  I think you have a good point.

2010-11-30 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3229599

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Fred Doucette - 2010-11-29 6:02 PM
furiousferret - 2010-11-25 10:22 PM

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Yes I did!

I also changed my screen name. I have the belief that posting under your real name actually tempers ones comments on a public forum as it makes you take more direct ownership of your statements.

Had a great run today and am getting back into swimming.

How is everyone else doing?

Training is going slow but I think I have my calf issues fixed (knock on wood) but I have to really be super conservative coming back; 45 minutes on the bike and 15 minutes on the run is all I can / should do right now.

I'm having a hard time swimming right now.  My pool is outdoors (heated) but its been between 35-55 degrees during Masters swim hours and I hate the cold!  Its been abnormally cold out here. 
2010-11-30 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I've made my tenative race schedule for next year.

April - Sprint
May - Oly
June - Sprint, maybe Oly if I can get in (Tempe Tri)
Nov - IMAZ

I also plan on doing a few TT's after I get my bike.

It almost seems like everyone does a half prior to thier IM but I would rather ensure my body is ready and all my long runs and rides are controlled training sesssions.  What do you guys think?
2010-11-30 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3230003

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

furiousferret - 2010-11-30 9:45 AM
Fred Doucette - 2010-11-29 6:02 PM
furiousferret - 2010-11-25 10:22 PM

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Yes I did!

I also changed my screen name. I have the belief that posting under your real name actually tempers ones comments on a public forum as it makes you take more direct ownership of your statements.

Had a great run today and am getting back into swimming.

How is everyone else doing?

Training is going slow but I think I have my calf issues fixed (knock on wood) but I have to really be super conservative coming back; 45 minutes on the bike and 15 minutes on the run is all I can / should do right now.

I'm having a hard time swimming right now.  My pool is outdoors (heated) but its been between 35-55 degrees during Masters swim hours and I hate the cold!  Its been abnormally cold out here

I noticed that it has been cool.  I am planning on returning out there next week for 10 days or so and planning to do the bike shop century on the 11th.  Looks like unless it changes, I need to pack some cold weather riding gear!

As far as your schedule, I didn't do a HIM before my first IM.  I don't think it is necessary, but others may disagree. 

2010-11-30 12:07 PM
in reply to: #3229599

Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Fred Doucette - 2010-11-29 6:02 PM
furiousferret - 2010-11-25 10:22 PM

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Yes I did!

I also changed my screen name. I have the belief that posting under your real name actually tempers ones comments on a public forum as it makes you take more direct ownership of your statements.

Had a great run today and am getting back into swimming.

How is everyone else doing?

I have my marathon coming up this Sunday! Well into the taper now, I have two short runs and a short bike ride this week and my husband and I head to Sacramento on Saturday to hit the Expo. I'm excited for the race and am looking forward to a few weeks of offseason in December once the marathon is over.
2010-11-30 4:55 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: ...
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2010-11-30 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3230017

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
furiousferret - 2010-11-30 8:54 AM I've made my tenative race schedule for next year.

April - Sprint
May - Oly
June - Sprint, maybe Oly if I can get in (Tempe Tri)
Nov - IMAZ

I also plan on doing a few TT's after I get my bike.

It almost seems like everyone does a half prior to thier IM but I would rather ensure my body is ready and all my long runs and rides are controlled training sesssions.  What do you guys think?

Glad to hear your calf is healing up.  Looks like a good build toward your IM.  My only comment would be that you have a big gap, currently June til November without any other events.

I am planning on doing another HIM prior to my IM for a couple of reasons.  It gives me another big event to train for prior to the IM.  As you are already aware getting ready for an IM is a long process which can easily lead to burnout.  This gives me another substantial event to train for and help break up the season a bit.  Additionally the HIM helps to test my fitness, nutrition etc prior to the IM and gives me an opportunity to modify training a bit as well.

 I realize I could do structured long runs and rides in training to simulate a HIM, but I would tend not to push myself as much in training and during the evolution.  For whatever reason race events are totally different even when doing the exact same mileage I do in training.  Might be nerves, the energy of the crowd or how other competitors make you push a little harder.  But for me it is really difficult to simulate a race. However if you are concerned with injury or pushing to hard it might be wise to lay low until the IM. 
2010-11-30 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3231132

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Fred Doucette - 2010-11-30 4:55 PM Good luck with the marathon Margot!

X2!   Have a great race.
2010-11-30 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3229599

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Fred Doucette - 2010-11-29 8:02 PM
furiousferret - 2010-11-25 10:22 PM

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Yes I did!

I also changed my screen name. I have the belief that posting under your real name actually tempers ones comments on a public forum as it makes you take more direct ownership of your statements.

Had a great run today and am getting back into swimming.

How is everyone else doing?


Fred, and I thought you changed your screen name because MSU finally defeated PSU at home  It was a good game and I was glad to hear that Joe Pa will be returning. 

I have been hitting the pool lately.  Doing a lot of drill work and intervals instead of my more traditional workout.  I have been swimming with a coworker who is a former college swimmer and he is kicking my behind, in a good way.  Looking into getting back on the bike trainer for some interval work over the winter.

2010-12-01 4:22 AM
in reply to: #3230538

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

calimavs - 2010-11-30 1:07 PM
Fred Doucette - 2010-11-29 6:02 PM
furiousferret - 2010-11-25 10:22 PM

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Yes I did!

I also changed my screen name. I have the belief that posting under your real name actually tempers ones comments on a public forum as it makes you take more direct ownership of your statements.

Had a great run today and am getting back into swimming.

How is everyone else doing?

I have my marathon coming up this Sunday! Well into the taper now, I have two short runs and a short bike ride this week and my husband and I head to Sacramento on Saturday to hit the Expo. I'm excited for the race and am looking forward to a few weeks of offseason in December once the marathon is over.

Good luck and have fun with your race Margot!!

2010-12-01 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
My race schedule so far for 2011 is PF Chang's 1/2 marathon on Jan 16th...Marquee 1/2 Iron Distance tri on April 10th and Soma 1/2 Iron Distance tri in October. I'll probably add a Oly in March as a tune up for my 1/2 and maybe one in Sept also. I'll sign up for IMAZ in Nov for 2012. I guess I'm a planner.

Margot...have a great race this weekend.

Fred...I can see your point on the screen name. So much stuff on the internet is anonymous and I don't always think that's a good thing.

Ken...glad you're getting back to things after IMFL. Sounds like you have a good plan for 2011.

Pete...happy to hear that you're back to doing something exercise wise. You'll be ready for IMAZ and I'll be there cheering for you. There is a 1/2 in Tempe at the IMAZ site in Oct. It's called SOMA and it's put on by Red Rock Co.

I'm back on a 1/2 IM training plan and I feel like I have a purpose again. The last 4 months have been weird without a plan to go off of.
2010-12-03 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
It's great to hear all the positive stuff people have going on - good luck Margot!

I have surgery on 12/28.  I'm buying myself mesh for Christmas.  Doc "thinks" it's a hernia.  The lack of a solid "Yes, this IS what the pain is from" from the four folks that I've seen about it doesn't satisfy me, but c'est la vie.  I can't think about a tri season until I get to June according to the doctor. Boo!

So, any suggestions for what to do for a full week when I can't walk???? Now that all the video stores have gone out of business I don't know what people do to rent videos!


Have a great weekend everyone!
2010-12-03 3:54 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: ...
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2010-12-04 3:48 PM
in reply to: #3235853

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

WittyCityGirl - 2010-12-03 3:42 PM It's great to hear all the positive stuff people have going on - good luck Margot!

I have surgery on 12/28.  I'm buying myself mesh for Christmas.  Doc "thinks" it's a hernia.  The lack of a solid "Yes, this IS what the pain is from" from the four folks that I've seen about it doesn't satisfy me, but c'est la vie.  I can't think about a tri season until I get to June according to the doctor. Boo!

So, any suggestions for what to do for a full week when I can't walk???? Now that all the video stores have gone out of business I don't know what people do to rent videos!


Have a great weekend everyone!

You can either go to Wegmans and get the red box movies, ask Santa to be nice and bring some you really like or there is always Netflix! 

I hope everything goes well with the surgery and it solves your problem!!

2010-12-04 9:33 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Thanks guys.  Dr says it can't get worse. Famous last words, right?  Dude, has anyone looked around BT and read people's blogs lately? I can't freaking believe how many people are sick and/or injured right now!!!

DreamChaser posted a really good link today about "fit" vs "healthy", I highly recommend reading it! 
2010-12-05 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Hi All,
I wanted to share this article with you as I know it will touch everyone here.

I have had the "crud" for the past week but I think I have turned the corner.

I hope everyone is staying healthy!
2010-12-06 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

I hope everyone that is either injured or sick heals and recovers quickly! (I did put on a mask before coming in here! )

Congratulations to Margot on her marathon!!

2010-12-06 12:12 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Thanks Ken! I'll write up a race report soon and post a link to it here. The short version that is that the race was the hardest thing I've ever done but so rewarding!
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