BT Development Mentor Program Archives » IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed Rss Feed  
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2010-03-01 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi Steve...2 miles!  You are on your way!  Great job.   

 I admire you swimming in an outdoor pool with those temps.  I'm dreading getting into my indoor heated (supposedly) pool this evening. I admit it - I'm a cold water wimp. 



2010-03-01 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
2100 yrd tonight...  Just over 1 hour...  Boy did I push it...

2 x 100 free warm up

6 x 1 x 50 6 strokes per arm & 1 x 50 streamline kick only - both with zoomers

12 x 50 at 1:00 pace (hit between 58 and 1:02, last one pushed to 51)

4 x 50 kicking

6 x 50 at 1:00 pace (hit 1:02s with last on at 57)

2 x 50 kicking

2 x 50 free cool down
2010-03-02 10:53 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Got in a nice 6 mile bike ride.  3 loops around the neighborhood.

I am still having trouble with when to shift.  Being on a flat course, I find I only change gears when it feels like I am out pedalling my current gear, or when I need a rest so I downshift one.  Then I feel like I am spinning, so I shift again.  Used a total of 3 gears on the 3 loops.
2010-03-02 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Middletown, PA
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
hello all.  after a nice relaxing vacation in disney with the wife and kids i feel good again.  i'm ready to start training again.  i have to catch up on all the happenings here, but i'm easing back into my workouts.

Tues: 15 min Run
Wed: 25 min Bike
Thurs: 20 min Run
Fri: off
Sat: 50 min Bike
Sun: 15 min Run / 30 min Bike
Mon: off

12 weeks away from my first scheduled race. i'm a little unsure if i will hit my original finshing time goal, but i will be happy just to complete it at this point.  somethign to build on i suppose.
2010-03-02 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Welcome back Drew!  Glad  you are back with the group and training.

Hey Steve - Great swim workout!

As far as shifting.  Do you have a computer on your bike?  If not, you should consider getting one and then get one with cadence.  A computer with cadence will cost a little bit more, but worth it, I think.  If you are watching your cadence  it will help you with what gear to ride in.  And you don't have to be shifting all over the place if you don't need it.  If you are on a flat course you probably wouldn't be shifting much.  

2010-03-02 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed

There was an interesting discussion on training like you race.  They brought up nutrition and eating.  When I work out in the morning, I do not eat anything, even when doing the bike/swim workouts I did the last few weeks.  I would not eat until 10 AM or later.  On normal days I eat about 30 - 40 minutes after I work out.  However when I was racing, I would try and eat yogurt, a banana and some energy gel or gummies.  This seems like it is not the right thing to do anymore.  I am interested on your thoughts about eating before a Super Sprint/Sprint.   I also do not usually eat anything before any 5K races I run.

2010-03-03 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi Steve,
I believe that it's important to eat prior to training, especially in the AM. You're body has been fasting for...well since that last time you ate, could be up to 12 hours right?  You need energy.  Eat light, and give some time for digestion.  Or take a gel that is designed to be absorbed quickly.   I also always eat before races.  I will eat en route to the race and then I usually have a gel 15 minutes before going out.   If you have some nutrients in you, I think you will feel more energetic and have a better workout/race.  5k's and sprints are usually high intensity fast races.  Most people do not take in nutrition during those races, so it's important to have fuel in the tank, so to speak.  The" train like your race "  meaning nothing new on race day.  So try out different foods etc when training.  See how things sit in you,  how certain foods make you feel.  Don't decide to try the new food the day you race.  

Make sense?   What was the opinion during the discussion.

2010-03-04 11:54 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
You pretty much summed it up...  Nothing new on race day.  That was why the food issue came up.
2010-03-06 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Good swim last night... 2000 yds in an hour...  Pretty easy pace, but not much rest.

Ran Cheetah Chase 3K this morning..  24:45 doing 1 walk 2 jog.  Not bad, could do better.
2010-03-07 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Just shy of 9 mile bike today...

Where is everyone???????
2010-03-08 3:32 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Sorry I went MIA, had some life issues to deal with, still training, though didnt feel social for awhile. FINALLY was able to go outside and ride for 33 miles on saturday and a 4 mile outdoor run. 

Looks like this group is down to just one.  EEK, well maybe it will come back to life.

2010-03-08 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
I hope so...  Glad to have you back...

Felt tired so skipped jog this morning, but swam 2200 yds tonight....
2010-03-08 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Thanks Steve,

Whats your race schedule look like this year?

We were in Gordos group, this group, so next time they have a mentor group, we should go there together as well

9 mile time trial on the bike, short but still hurt like a SOB
2010-03-09 7:13 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed

I have paid for a Tri-Clinic in May to get ready for the Pineapple Man on June 6.  1/4 mile, 15 mile, 3.1.

I am still toying with driving over and registering day of for a super sprint on March 27.

There is a local Tri 1/4, 12 mile, 3.1 on April 18 that I am triing to decide on.

Will look to get in at least 1 in August, summer looks very busy.

I was hurting a lot this morning from swimming, so I stretched instead of biking.  I may try to get something in tonight after I get home from work.

2010-03-09 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi guys!

Yeah, it's getting a bit lonely here, but nice to have a couple of people to chat with.  Steve, what's the clinic about in May.

2010-03-10 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
It is a Tri-camp...  I signed up as an intermediate which means it is really just 4 supervised practices on the course the 4 Saturdays prior to the race.  they do provide a 2 month training calendar to help if you are not on a plan.

I have a possible conflict with the first since my daughter is graduating college that day.

I am having a real hard time sleeping again, so having a rough time getting up to exercise in the morning.  good thing swimming is at night....  I need to get back off caffine, it is the probable cause....

Mamogram today, trying to figure out tenderness in the breast area.

Edited by otter_sh 2010-03-10 7:05 AM

2010-03-10 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Mammograms suck.....  They hurt....

Nothing but normal tissue, lumps, etc that are causing the pain.

2000 yd swim tonight.
2010-03-11 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi Steve,
Glad the mamo came back fine.  I can't even imagine how a man can get one.   I've had three.  I find them uncomfortable, but tolerable.
 And congrats on the college graduation. Will she be returning home to the nest?  Come August our nest will be empty as  our younger son is off to school.  Lucky us, we will have 2 tuitions (one out of state and one private- argg!)  
2010-03-11 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
I have 1 graduating College (private)
           1 Junior in college (state)
           1 Graduating private HS
           1 Sophomore private HS

So we have had a long time of payments for private school K-12 and then helping some in Colleges.

Sarah has said she would like to come home to live if she can find a job, as an Elementary Education Major, she needs a school opening.
2010-03-12 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Rainy yucky day...  Ended up doing 30 minutes of hills on elliptical 2 minutes 70 RPM / 1 minute 40 RPM
2010-03-13 5:38 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Great Weather day...  Did too much..  Even hurts to type.

12+ mile bike ride before swimming.
1600 yds swimming
2+ mile ride home

Chain saw repair pulls for 1 hour

Chain sawing once fixed for 45 minutes

Grocery shopping with $400 worth of food, got heavy at the end....

Will probably sleep good tonight...

2010-03-13 7:16 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
That's quite a day!  I'm sure you will sleep well. We loose an hour though. 

Glad the weather was good for you.  We had a beautiful week, although somewhat rainy, the sun did come out periodically and the temps were in the 50's!  Break out the shorts!  The rain was good because it helped melt and clear away all the yucky, dirty snow and salt.  The forest trail is back in action now.  Yeah!  No more running on the street. 
Of course now that the weekend is here, winter is back with temps in the low 40's, icy rain and a wicked wind.  The weather better improve by tomorrow mid day as I am scheduled to run 18 miles.  If it's like today....don't even want to think about it.

How's the running coming along.

2010-03-14 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Sluggish...  not wanting to get up because sore from swimming.
2010-03-15 6:42 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Saturday - 40 mile bike ride in the rain, I loved it, never felt cold.  It is nice to finally get some base miles outdoors.

Sunday - 2 mile outdoor run, nothing to write home about. 

I am not use to this day light saving thing, in Arizona, they dont have it, never had to worry about it, now its a pain. So tired.

2010-03-15 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Yeah, it does take the body a few days to get used to the daylight savings thing.  It really hits you about 2 days later. I figure it's an extra cup of coffee day tomorrow.

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