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2008-07-01 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1501756

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
gatjr33 - 2008-07-01 11:14 AM
carlacrews - 2008-07-01 8:36 AM

Where's Gat?  Anyone seen Gat?  OHHHHH out there?  We are all dying to know how your HIM went!

Sorry, did not mean to go MIA on everyone.  I posted a brief note earlier about my race.  I have updated my logs as well.  I will complete a detailed race report later for those of you interested in more detail.  My race did not quite go as planned, but they never do.  I guess that is the take away message for everyone.  Every race is different and things do not always go as planned.  Enjoy the accomplishment just the same.

Can't wait to read your RR

2008-07-01 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1501446

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

All that matters is that you keep coming back from the brink.  Maybe I am reading your message wrong, but are you suggesting that you are going to stop exercising for two weeks and that you are going to restrict calories for that same period in an attempt to drop 10 pounds?  I can certainly understand your frustration in that I too carry around a bit of extra weight.  However, do not get frustrated to the point that you stop exercising.  Modify your training if needed, but do not stop.

As for the other topic, I try to include my family in my training efforts and it does not happen much.  I train pretty much alone 99% of the time.

You are just one little decision from being back on the training path!!!

2008-07-01 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Gat - yes, the plan was to stop eating and walk briskly and do yoga. I'm not disciplined enough with food to workout and go hungry. Cause usually when I decide to stop eating, I'm a day away from a binge (not a literal one, but overeating).

I figured that losing weight would be better than a few more training sessions.

I'm not carrying around a little weight. I am 167 lb. and only 5'1" - and amazingly I'm 43% fat. Even those "before" women I read about in mags. aren't that high! Fortunately I am carrying a lot of muscle or I'd be a blimp.

I don't go above 2000 cals on training days, but I am peri-menopausal. I don't want to repeat my usual food craziness - so yesterday and today I've stuck with 1200 and an additional 400 cals for training. That is a thin peanut butter and banana sandwich an hour before working out and a heed electrolyte carb drink with some protein (makes a 150 cal. 4:1 ratio recovery drink).

Gat - thanks for your race story, shows that while you can get really strong, it's never easy.
2008-07-01 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Ct- thanks for the inspire. I like the BFL plan - started it but didn't follow through on the food plan. I love lifting weight - I'm built like a moose. It's easy to love what you're good at. Through tri's I'm forcing myself to get out and do the cardio that will help expose all my wonderful muscles.
Nothing like knowing you have to show up in public wearing spandex to get me out on a run.

I really believe I know what I need to know about food. I've been vegan, veggie, raw foods, still do only whole grains, know about low carb, high protein, BFL diet etc. For me it's the head thing about being able to accept a little hunger without freaking out. I'm finding that green drinks and healthy protein shakes are keeping my blood sugar on an even keel.

I'm jealous that you only have a little to lose, but I hear that the last few pounds can be the hardest!

Looking at my totals for last month was a real reality check. I feel like I do "all this training" and don't lose weight. Well, I don't do that much training. My hours were rather low. Mind you if I wasn't pushing myself to do tri's I'd probably be doing close to nothing, so this helps.

nite all,
2008-07-02 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1503056

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

MuscleMomma - 2008-07-01 9:18 PM Ct- thanks for the inspire. I like the BFL plan - started it but didn't follow through on the food plan. I love lifting weight - I'm built like a moose. It's easy to love what you're good at. Through tri's I'm forcing myself to get out and do the cardio that will help expose all my wonderful muscles. Nothing like knowing you have to show up in public wearing spandex to get me out on a run. I really believe I know what I need to know about food. I've been vegan, veggie, raw foods, still do only whole grains, know about low carb, high protein, BFL diet etc. For me it's the head thing about being able to accept a little hunger without freaking out. I'm finding that green drinks and healthy protein shakes are keeping my blood sugar on an even keel. I'm jealous that you only have a little to lose, but I hear that the last few pounds can be the hardest! Looking at my totals for last month was a real reality check. I feel like I do "all this training" and don't lose weight. Well, I don't do that much training. My hours were rather low. Mind you if I wasn't pushing myself to do tri's I'd probably be doing close to nothing, so this helps. nite all, MM

MM, You bring up a very interesting point and it is also a well told story.  There is a fine balancing act between training and managing calories.  With some, they feel the more then train, the more they can eat.  I am that way often.  However, the problem is that you tend to belileve that you are burning so many calories that you can eat whatever you would like.  This is just not the case.  There are weeks when I train plenty.  I then sometimes get on the scale at the end of the week and no movement or even worse I gain weight.  It is hard to find that balance.  I struggle with it often.  Just keep trying!!!!  The alternative, which you mention, is to do nothing or close to nothing.  I am not willing to go there, so I just keep trying! 


2008-07-02 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

I like the conversation on weight...I'm pretty lucky as I only have a little to loose. Last night I told my husband I was going to get buff and get abs...he said I wouldnt stick to it. GAME ON..I am so competitive with others and myself! I'll have to decide what my reward is!

MM - Should we try to get a group going on here not only working out, but also eating well. I am going to go based on the Body for Life for women.  I even read it ...which is uncommon for ADHD people like me! I know "why" I want it.  It also relates to why I do Tris'. I do Tri's for my competitive side, but really a lot has to do with being in great shape. Being in great shape is probably my #1 priority being competitive in races is #2. I've come to realize I can't win everything...urh!!!!

One thing about the balance on food is that working out does make me WAY hungrier. Those weeks were I gave my MOJO away I wasn't even hungry.

 My challenge is lifting. I do not enjoy it, but I want the looks of doing it. MMMM>..can I buy it! I better learn to like it!  I am going to commit to lifting...even if it means I do not run 3x a week.

Okay....that's my ramblings for the hour. I am suppose to be riding with the heavy hitters tonight, but it looks kind of windy...I may be a wimp!


2008-07-02 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
ok guys, since we are on the subject of weight here is my problem. I am in a healthy weight range and don't really want to lose more than 5 pounds, however I would like to change my body composition. In other words I want more muscle than what I have. Just bear in mind I have had 2 c-sections and it has been very difficult toning my abs and legs.

Anybody else have this problem? Or better does anyone have a solution?

2008-07-02 9:57 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed




2008-07-02 10:07 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

I am of course in.

Jana - I'm in the same boat as you. Most people say I don't need to loose weight...but I have high expectations for this soon to be 35 year old body! Like..I'd like to look like a 21 year old! With a few exceptions since I've had kids.

Sounds like we all have different goals which is good. I do think a combo would be good.


2008-07-02 10:18 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
I'm in!! I think it's a great idea. The more structured and visible the goals the easier to stay the course, or see where you're slipping.

Ctnord - I'm always into talking about eating healthy - just happen to have some wheatgrass waiting to be juiced as I type!

Jana - if you want muscles you've got to lift weights. You can do some now, but it could be a good idea for the off season. BFL which Ctnord mentioned would be a good place to get an idea of the different ways to pump iron. Personally I love it, but it doesn't burn the fat! How long ago were your c-sections? I always used my kids as my excuse for my fat, and I'd hate it when the cardio instructor would waltz in with her great bod and her infant! 'Cause they were all young...had my c-sections at 39 and 40.
I'd still like to blame my kids for my weight, but from a scene in a sitcom - when a woman said her weight was from having a child she was told "your kid is 7, unless you ate him, you're just fat"

Did my first brick today - 75 min. bike/ 11 min. run. It felt good.


Edited by MuscleMomma 2008-07-02 10:23 PM
2008-07-03 8:25 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Well at 1200 cals a day plus 400-500cals on training days the weights coming off! Only down sides are I have to really plan the day ahead of time and it's hard to go to sleep. Surprised at how often I used carbs to get drowsy. Two or three triscuits seems to do the trick.

I'm off to a Buddhist family retreat until Sunday night.

Will be thinking about team Gat as I sneak some runs in.


2008-07-03 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
I'm in for the challenge!

As you can tell from my logs I have been trying to strength train 2-3 times per week. I have a set of 5lb and 8lb dumbbells. I need to get a set of 10lbs because it has become too easy. I tend to lose weight on my upper body before my lower body.

I had my kids at a young age 21 and 23. I am 27 now. Height 5' 5 and weight between 123-125.
2008-07-03 9:08 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
What is everyone's plans for the long weekend?

Mine are

Thursday: Swim 31 minutes
Friday: Bike 1hour and 14 minutes
Saturday: First open water swim planning on 39 minutes
Sunday: 4mile run

Also I start my bricks next week. Any advice is welcome.
2008-07-03 11:18 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

My weekend is FILLED with family stuff so I am  just going to try and squeeze in anything I can...nothing "planned" technically other than trying to find some time for something.

 I did get in a small run this morning before work though.

2008-07-03 12:02 PM
in reply to: #1505574

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Jana - if you want muscles you've got to lift weights. You can do some now, but it could be a good idea for the off season. BFL which Ctnord mentioned would be a good place to get an idea of the different ways to pump iron. Personally I love it, but it doesn't burn the fat!

Well, actually it does!!!  I am a strong proponent of lifting.  I know there are others that would say that triathletes do not need to lift.  I am not your typical triathlete.  I am a former football/basketball player that has lifted my entire life.  I feel good when I lift a couple times a week and even better when I do some good core workouts.  Building toneness or lean muscle mass is important to the body.  Muscle burns more calories than fat or than not having muscle.  While I am not looking for "beach muscles", I do want to be strong enough to swim, bike and run well or as best I can.  So there is a place in your training for strentgh/core training and it will help to burn calories.  So do it!!



2008-07-03 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1506040

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

jana0317 - 2008-07-03 9:08 AM What is everyone's plans for the long weekend?

My plans involve a long ride to Penn State for my daughter's AAU basketball tournament.  I have no idea what type of training I will get in.  I will do what I can to squeeze some in though.  I will touch base with everyone upon returning next Tuesday.

Train hard and have fun!!

2008-07-03 12:06 PM
in reply to: #1370022

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

I see that there is some talk about a challenge.  I think we should all give it some thought over the long weekend and see if we can come up with something.  I certainly could use a little extra motivation to lose a few pounds during July, and a little extra push on the training front would be nice as well.

Enjoy the holiday!!!

2008-07-03 9:10 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

My plans involve working at our first Tour De Plymouth which my bike club is sponsoring. We have two distances with the longer being 60+ miles. We are hoping for a good turn out. Timing is good with Ragbrai at the end of July.

I am on vacation for the next week! Yahoo...going about an hour away to a lake/slash waterpark hotel. Nothing major, but it will be fun. I will be swimming and running for sure!

Have a great long weekend...keep it safe!


2008-07-06 11:16 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

All right I have given this challenge idea some thought and this is what I have come up with…everyone who wants to participate sets goals in the following 4 categories for the next four weeks. 

  • Run (distance or time training)
  • Swim (distance or time training)
  • Bike (distance or time training)
  • Weightloss (total loss or percent of weight lost)

You can mix and match distance or time training for your goals it does not matter, and I know not everyone is trying to lose a ton of weight (not me) but surely you wouldn’t mind dropping 1-2 lbs or just sub in another form of workout goal (strength, core, abs etc...).

The fifth category will be for the number of inspires given to the other people in the challenge with a goal of 3 (subject to vote) per week per person.

Each category is equally weighted at 2 points each for meeting your goal.  If you exceed your goal you can get a little more, if not, you get a little less.

Hit all of your goals and get a total of TEN points, exceed them and the sky is the limit…. highest points wins. (But we all win by participating)

Now of course you have to set your own goals appropriately, but that is not an issue cause you can only cheat yourself.

How do we track all of this you ask???? Well I have already created a spreadsheet that will do all of it for us. 

All that is left is for everyone to chime in his or her thoughts, pick a start date (I vote ASAP) and let the games begin!!!

2008-07-07 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1511012

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Here are my goals I am going to strive for:

Running 35 miles
Swim 11000 yards
Bike 100 miles (this will be hard for me)
Weightloss 2.5% - basically down to 121

I will go for 3 inspires per week per person. Not sure what the subject to vote means though.

Let me know when to start!

BTW, great challenge!
2008-07-07 7:03 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

The "subject to vote" was referring to if everyone thinks the three inspires per week per participant is a good amount.

 I have to come up with my goals, yours look great.

2008-07-08 8:52 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
I say we can start July 1st...if you've slacked during the beginning of the month (that would include me), you have a little more work to do  Any inspires are great, would be nice to make sure and hit everyone up with a couple per week.  I think my goal will consist of beating all of the times and milages for June.  That should make me push a little harder on each workout, no matter what I'm doing.
2008-07-08 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
I just did my first swim-bike brick. Great news is that I swam 550 yards straight in 13 minutes without stopping. Bad news is when I got out of the pool I got a splitting headache and was dizzy. My bike ride really suffered.

Any suggestions on how to eliminate this problem?

Since last Friday I have been coming down with fevers at night. I don't know why. I laid off training for Saturday and Sunday, but last night it came back after training. Has anyone ever experienced this?


2008-07-08 10:24 AM
in reply to: #1513967

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

jana0317 - 2008-07-08 8:55 AM I just did my first swim-bike brick. Great news is that I swam 550 yards straight in 13 minutes without stopping. Bad news is when I got out of the pool I got a splitting headache and was dizzy. My bike ride really suffered. Any suggestions on how to eliminate this problem? Since last Friday I have been coming down with fevers at night. I don't know why. I laid off training for Saturday and Sunday, but last night it came back after training. Has anyone ever experienced this? Thanks, Jana

Congrats on the brick...I always feel so accomplished when I do one. 

When I'm done swimming, I take about 10 sec. to stand up and focus on an object about 25 yards away.  It helps my equilibreum (sp?) get back in check before I take off to do whatever's next.

Don't know about those fevers.  The only time I've ever felt like that, I had a kiddo about 8 months later.

Edited by carlacrews 2008-07-08 10:25 AM
2008-07-08 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
I'm baaacck!
I don't know why I resist working out. Once I get going I usually am so happy to be doing it. It's hot and muggy here, so I went to the gym. Alternated between stairclimber and heavy upper body workout.

Carla - I like the idea of checking June totals. It will help me be realistic about my goals.

Jana - if you were in New England I'd say get a test for lyme. Don't know what you've got there. With transitions I've heard that you want to get ready - not sprint out of the last activity. So biking you spin in a lower gear (to flush out lactic acid?). Maybe your last lap could be at an easier pace. You wouldn't lose much time, but might help.

John - love the challenge idea, have to go back and see about the goals. We pick anywhere from one to all five? Think everyone should do the inspire ones.

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