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2009-09-27 7:57 AM
in reply to: #2428173

Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC

Daremo - 2009-09-27 7:39 AM I noticed when I got home ....... my shirt syas 189 miles and New England on it!!

Aw, that sucks! I just double checked mine, but mine says Washington DC and 196 miles (even though the course was actually 199.3, but that was only after they rerouted it again at the last minute, probably after the shirts were printed). They must have had a few of the New England ones accidentally mixed in - the NE race occurred recently.

Hope your team had fun - I guess mine did. Not sure I'd ever do it again, and if I did, I DEFINITELY would not be team captain.

2009-09-27 11:31 AM
in reply to: #2174013

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Woo hoo!! That was awesome guys!

Our team was great - who knew "internet friends" could be such interesting and entertaining people

Van 1 was full of superstars who stepped up to the challenge when we had a morning-of-the-race no-show
Van 2 was smokin' their legs and knocked off time from our projected pace by every major exchange to help with the extra challenge van 1 was undertaking.

Overall it took us around 28:35 to cover 199.3 miles from Cumberland, MD to RFK Stadium in DC!!

Thanks to a wonderful team - you all made my job easy

Same time next year????

P.S.  I just woke up from a nice 13 hour night of sleep... mmm...  sleep.
2009-09-27 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Rangar 2009 - most memorable moments:

  • Josh mooning the van on his first leg
  • Andy "chasing rabbits".
  • Jessica running through downtown DC in some of the most ghetto of neighborhoods.
  • Steve's chessie cat smile as he says "She's mine!" while Kim incessantly calls every other driver on the road a douche-bag and calls the volunteers out for doing a hands in pocket, pull up my pants "ball-itch".
  • Cheering Ross on five times in one leg because he kept blowing past the van as we sat in traffic.
  • Getting called out for being a spreadsheet dork and giving my mom updates on the race.
  • Talks of pace-booty and witnessing the live-action rating process.
  • The look on the pizza hut lady's face as we took a group poop trip to use their bathroom after deciding we didn't want to add to the way-to-full porta-potties at the exchange point.
  • Being so acclimated to the smell of human funk that you only smell it for a brief second as you open the van doors.
  • Stealing bananas off "Captain Awesome's" van and having them wave the bananas at us in anger as they stole them back.

Anyone have anything else to add to the list??
2009-09-27 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2428407

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Extreme Veteran
Alexandria, VA
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Nice bullet list there, Christy, gonna be tough to add to that.

My list is a little shorter, but I will try to maintain formatting:

  • Eddie begging for a bottle of water to take with her for another two mile run down the trail... when all she had to do was give Rick the bracelet, and stop.
  • Rick getting us to the start line 30 minutes early, when we were about 10 minutes late leaving his place.
  • Jimmy talking about doing interval sprints downhill, because it was too steep to try and run down slowly.
  • Rick ran into the first exchange on his back to back, and the volunteer called out our team number, so we all rushed around to cheer him on, but none of us stepped into the box. 
  • Karen having to run by a creepy guy on her night leg... or more over, everybody in the van saying that it would suck to run past that guy, as we drove by him.
  • Realizing we might all be starting to get a little tired as we sat at the 13 exchange, counting on fingers, trying to decide whether or not the major exchange was 12 or 13.
I think that was about all that was noteworthy for the second van, we spent the rest of the time sleeping, or trying to sleep.

Otherwise, thanks to everybody for making this team great, and special shouts to Christy for doing a great job on putting this whole thing together. I am all in for next year, It can only get  better.

2009-09-27 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Best picture I took during the race:

(Josh Shirt.JPG)

Josh Shirt.JPG (63KB - 15 downloads)
2009-09-27 4:22 PM
in reply to: #2428448

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
SCamp07 - 2009-09-27 3:00 PM Best picture I took during the race:

Agreed! I like how Jimmy is putting on the brakes too since he came FLYING down that hill before Josh took off.

Sweet tid-bits from van 1   I think given how awesome our team was and how much fun we all had, there will be def be another MD BT team for next year Smile.. and Josh already has the team theme picked out...

Edited by dolelicious 2009-09-27 4:28 PM

2009-09-27 7:16 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Awesome list Thanks guys - I had an amazing time. Totally worth driving down from DC after work for!! And, that was some of my fastest running recently, which is just icing on the cake

And yes Christy - it is ironic that the whitest girl on the team had to run 7 miles down North Capital street. Just gave me a little extra reason to run faster!

Oh and, I too didn't think the van smelled that bad at the time... When Mark was helping me get my bag out, he said "Wow, smells a little funky in here." Hahaha...

Edited by ThatGirl 2009-09-27 7:16 PM
2009-09-27 8:29 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
I posted all of my pictures on my FB page:


You forgot to mention the Q&A session on massage therapy. That conversation made the drive up fly by.

Edited by SCamp07 2009-09-27 8:31 PM
2009-09-28 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2174013

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
My biggest lesson learned?

Don't take your heart medication before you start a double leg and expect to have a good run ........ first portion (which would have been Luis' leg) I ran 4.1 miles in 27:33 ........ by then the drug kicked in and the next 4.8 miles of the double I ran in like 38 minutes.  It sucked horribly and it was not even that hilly.

So on my next leg I didn't take it until AFTER I finished it.  I ran that one slower but it was also almost all up hill and I still caught 3 people and felt better.
2009-09-28 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Extreme Veteran
Alexandria, VA
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
If we're doing lessons learned, my primary lesson would be not to leave your primary gear bag in DC. A checklist doesn't do much good, if you forget to bring the bag you used to check everything off.
2009-09-28 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2429876

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
strates - 2009-09-28 1:14 PM If we're doing lessons learned, my primary lesson would be not to leave your primary gear bag in DC. A checklist doesn't do much good, if you forget to bring the bag you used to check everything off.

I could see that being a problem. You guys seemed to handle everything okay though.

2009-09-28 3:34 PM
in reply to: #2429876

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
strates - 2009-09-28 1:14 PM If we're doing lessons learned, my primary lesson would be not to leave your primary gear bag in DC. A checklist doesn't do much good, if you forget to bring the bag you used to check everything off.

Ouch.  Thank goodness this didn't happen to Christy.  She would have had a heart attack.
2009-09-28 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2429923

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Extreme Veteran
Alexandria, VA
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
SCamp07 - 2009-09-28 1:34 PM
strates - 2009-09-28 1:14 PM If we're doing lessons learned, my primary lesson would be not to leave your primary gear bag in DC. A checklist doesn't do much good, if you forget to bring the bag you used to check everything off.

I could see that being a problem. You guys seemed to handle everything okay though.

Lets just say there was a great deal of sharing going on. It did work out in the end though.
2009-09-28 9:01 PM
in reply to: #2428787

New user

Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
And yes Christy - it is ironic that the whitest girl on the team had to run 7 miles down North Capital street. Just gave me a little extra reason to run faster!

Couldn't let this one go: there are *maybe* 4 or 5 sketchy blocks between Rhode Island and Union Station, the rest of that last leg was through some really pretty parts of DC if you take the time to look around. Those neighborhoods are waaaayyyy "whiter" than you think (and given that you literally ran right past our house across from the cemetery I'll try not to take offense or read more into that statement).

Glad everybody had a good time; it was our second go 'round at DC Ragnar. Have to say I preferred last year's route down parts of the canal path, but I guess a lot of teams complained about how isolated and dark the trail was. To me that is part of the draw: the isolation of a long, hard leg with nothing but a headlamp and your thoughts. Better that than sharing no-shoulder country roads with drunk drivers at 2:00 on a Saturday morning!
2009-09-29 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2174013

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
I agree I would have MUCH rather run on the trail more.  Cars at night on dark windy roads with no shoulders is definitely more dangerous.  Might be less spooky, but we don't need protection from imagined dangers.  We need protection from steel and horesepower.  It's also MUCH easier to do a bike pacer on the C&O canal towpath than it would be on several of the windy mountain roads I was on.

As someone who has been on North Capitol Street many times during the day and night (my wife's office was there for several years), I can see why Jess would feel a bit intimidated running through there.  No offense intended - perhaps that's the 4-5 blocks you referenced - but I'm a 200+ pound dude who regularly walks through NW DC at night and I don't like North Capitol at all.
2009-09-29 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2431533

Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC

JoshKaptur - 2009-09-29 9:24 AM I agree I would have MUCH rather run on the trail more.  Cars at night on dark windy roads with no shoulders is definitely more dangerous.  Might be less spooky, but we don't need protection from imagined dangers.  We need protection from steel and horesepower.  It's also MUCH easier to do a bike pacer on the C&O canal towpath than it would be on several of the windy mountain roads I was on.

As someone who has been on North Capitol Street many times during the day and night (my wife's office was there for several years), I can see why Jess would feel a bit intimidated running through there.  No offense intended - perhaps that's the 4-5 blocks you referenced - but I'm a 200+ pound dude who regularly walks through NW DC at night and I don't like North Capitol at all.

x2. I'm a tiny white girl and I had to run that last leg, and there were a lot of shady characters wandering/staggering around by the street corners. I had a few men yell things or make weird noises to try to freak me out, I guess, as I ran by. Who's to say some idiot thug wouldn't try something just for "fun", even if they didn't really mean to hurt me? So no, I didn't exactly feel safe in some of the sections on that route. 

2009-09-29 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Is there an official results page at all?  Couldn't find one ....
2009-09-29 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2432385

Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC

Daremo - 2009-09-29 2:37 PM Is there an official results page at all?  Couldn't find one ....

Yeah, but the results aren't posted yet.

2009-09-29 4:30 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Extreme Veteran
Alexandria, VA
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Results are up... sorta. Only 28 teams listed so far, and we would slot in somewhere in the top 5... Hopefully more is coming.

ETA: Looks like they are updating them currently, just refreshed and more teams showed up. The Poo flingers finished about an hour before us, It appears.

Edited by strates 2009-09-29 4:32 PM
2009-09-29 6:48 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Very cool team:
Freaky Fast24:40:49
Dirty Dozen27:02:06
Captain Awesome and His Big Bag of Monkeys27:32:02
Medicine's Our Business, Our Speed Will Give You Strabismus27:43:19
Live Free or Tri Harder28:36:46
Rubber Soles28:45:46
Vamos DC28:53:55
70's Gym Class All-Stars29:09:32
2009-09-29 6:55 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Extreme Veteran
Alexandria, VA
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Looks like we settled in at 29th overall, 7th open male team. Great results overall. Perhaps next year we can shave off a couple hours. Winning team averaged about 6:48 a mile, we were around 8:36.

2009-09-29 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2433001

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Nice work everyone!  That rocks!

Damn monkeys ........
2009-09-30 6:42 AM
in reply to: #2174013

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Hahahaha - poo flingers!

poo flingers and MMA team will eat my dust next year.
2009-09-30 6:46 AM
in reply to: #2174013

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
How 'bout the 2 second difference between the first two open female teams!





Chicks from the Sticks



Team Lava- Not so fast but pretty damn hot!


The Agony of da-Feet wins my award for cool team name.
2009-09-30 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2174013

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
We rocked that course!  Although, next year, we will spank those monkeys - vengeance will be ours!!!  And the reward for said spanking should be that they have to hand over their bananas

Oh, and we were considered "male" because we didn't have at least 6 women.

Edited by dolelicious 2009-09-30 7:35 AM
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