Other Resources Challenge Me! » The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge Rss Feed  
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2009-12-06 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
two reasons to move to Colorado....

persistent/consistent SUN...

persistent/consistent SNOW (at least in the mtns)


2009-12-06 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
a girl can dream......
2009-12-06 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
my dog.

shes sitting out on the deck enduring the twenty something degrees, so that she can bask in the sun!

a woman after my own heart.
2009-12-06 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
i banished 2 of the Wild Things to their rooms this morning for their griping and intentionally annoying one another (ive had my fill this entire weekend, and i was at my breaking point...)

at the time i thought it was good idea.

but now im 'banished' as well to the house 

 someone needs to be here to 'watch' them.

talk about SUCKTASTIC!

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-12-06 10:14 AM
2009-12-06 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2544888

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
skrtrnr - 2009-12-06 8:44 AM
kcarroll - 2009-12-06 6:54 AM Off to the kettlebell gym.  Yes, a gym dedicated to kettlebell training.  It's owned by a personal trainer friend and she is going to thrash me something good.  If you've never done a kettlebell workout, look for a qualified trainer.  If done wrong, can really hurt your back.  Done right, it is a kick a$$ workout.  Wish it was closer so I could go more often. 

i keep hearing about these kettleball workouts, KIM.  every where i go, people are talking about kettle ball...

and P90x and crossfit....

definately tell me/us more.

and WOW a gym dedicated JUST to kettle ball.

i just met a girl yesturday that goes to a gym dedicated JUST to crossfit.

glad it was kicka$$.

Stacie, I've heard great things about crossfit as well, but don't know much about it.  The gym I went to this morning is a Punch Kettlebell Gym.  Most of the training is kbs, but there is also lots of plyometric and core built into the workouts.  Occasional *circuit* session using bells, ropes etc.  Website for Art of Strength which founded Punch attached.  If you browse around the site, you'll get a feel for it.  Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a location near PGH.  But, it is easy enough to do at home once you are taught proper form.  If you are ever in NJ I'll take you to a class!  Val took special pleasure in shredding me today as it's been ages since I've been to class.  In a sick way, that does motivate me to get back there soon.

2009-12-06 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2544969

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
skrtrnr - 2009-12-06 10:41 AM ill be doin' the decorating later on....when we can do it up 'right'....fire in the fireplace.....christmas music on the surround sound.....hot chocolate and freshly baked cookies afterwards.

tis the season.

Let me know when to arrive!  I'm tall, so I'm good for hanging the *high* stuff.

2009-12-06 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2544970

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
skrtrnr - 2009-12-06 10:42 AM i was looking at snowshoes in the REI catalog.

has anyone done snowshoe running before?

Stacie, I LOVE to snow shoe!!!!  I got some two years ago for Christmas and love getting out there in the quiet early morning following a big snowfall.  In fact, I was hoping last night's snow was going to be a bit more substantial so I could go out today.  Too bad, we just got an inch or so.  I live off of a golf course and it is so much fun to *run* along the edge of the course (don't panic all you golfers, I stay at the edge.  No fairways or greens.) It is one TOUGH workout.  You should get enough snow in PGH to warrant having a pair in the garage.  And I do love REI.  One just opened down the road and I went on the Friday after T'giving.  They were giving away free shopping bags with gift cards inside and I got one for $50.  Yea!!!  I bought all kinds of warm stocking stuffers for the neices and nephews with it.
2009-12-06 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2544978

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
skrtrnr - 2009-12-06 10:48 AM i banished 2 of the Wild Things to their rooms this morning for their griping and intentionally annoying one another (ive had my fill this entire weekend, and i was at my breaking point...)

at the time it was good idea.

but now im 'banished' as well to the house 

 someone needs to be here to 'watch' them.

talk about SUCKTASTIC!

Sorry 'bout that.  Yell
2009-12-06 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
DH is home.

IM FREE!!!!!

i thought id swim and then do ST, but i think im gonna head to the Y early and get my ST session in BEFORE i meet my friend to swim....

[thanks KIM. ill be back to respond more later....]

2009-12-06 2:56 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
45 min ST session GRUNTING MEN GALORE.  oh yippy skippy.

ff up by a nice QUIET 1 mile continuous mile swim.

they're getting faster too.

2009-12-06 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2545208

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
skrtrnr - 2009-12-06 12:56 PM 45 min ST session GRUNTING MEN GALORE.  oh yippy skippy.

ff up by a nice QUIET 1 mile continuous mile swim.

they're getting faster too.


Nice workout Stacie! Sorry about all the gruntage at the Y

2009-12-06 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: ...
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2009-12-06 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2545209

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
iowagander - 2009-12-06 2:59 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-12-06 12:56 PM 45 min ST session GRUNTING MEN GALORE.  oh yippy skippy.

ff up by a nice QUIET 1 mile continuous mile swim.

they're getting faster too.


Nice workout Stacie! Sorry about all the gruntage at the Y

oh TOM.  it was soooo 'pervasive' and harkened back to the conversation that we had here on the thread...

at first it was annoying, but then after awhile it just became hysterically funny.

it was all i could do not to start laughing my azz off.  seriously.

at one point, one of the guys i was working out next to (a NON-grunter) looked at me and asked,

'so when you are you gonna start grunting?  its required you know.'

and i said, 'it must be' turning and visually pointing out all the grunters.

then i quickly added,

'i dont grunt, im a triathlete'

we had a good laugh.

it was a nice workout, inspite of.

again, im starting notice the FRUIT of my labors as far ST goes....definately seeing it the pool and even on my runs and cycling...its motivating.


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-12-06 3:39 PM
2009-12-06 3:29 PM
in reply to: #2545215

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2009-12-06 3:07 PM Howdy Ghoulies - just stopping by pre-shower after 2 hour cold mountain bike ride.  Just demolished some pancakes (wheat/blueberry mixture that I added more fresh frozen blueberries, oats, and honey to) - Yummy!!!!

I was dreaming about these the whole way up my hill on the way home - even had to hike a bike a little - dumb single speed bike!!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Off to shower before I freeze to death!


woo hoo for you.

warm up soon!
2009-12-06 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2544994

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
kcarroll - 2009-12-06 9:58 AM
skrtrnr - 2009-12-06 8:44 AM
kcarroll - 2009-12-06 6:54 AM Off to the kettlebell gym.  Yes, a gym dedicated to kettlebell training.  It's owned by a personal trainer friend and she is going to thrash me something good.  If you've never done a kettlebell workout, look for a qualified trainer.  If done wrong, can really hurt your back.  Done right, it is a kick a$$ workout.  Wish it was closer so I could go more often. 

i keep hearing about these kettleball workouts, KIM.  every where i go, people are talking about kettle ball...

and P90x and crossfit....

definately tell me/us more.

and WOW a gym dedicated JUST to kettle ball.

i just met a girl yesturday that goes to a gym dedicated JUST to crossfit.

glad it was kicka$$.

Stacie, I've heard great things about crossfit as well, but don't know much about it.  The gym I went to this morning is a Punch Kettlebell Gym.  Most of the training is kbs, but there is also lots of plyometric and core built into the workouts.  Occasional *circuit* session using bells, ropes etc.  Website for Art of Strength which founded Punch attached.  If you browse around the site, you'll get a feel for it.  Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a location near PGH.  But, it is easy enough to do at home once you are taught proper form.  If you are ever in NJ I'll take you to a class!  Val took special pleasure in shredding me today as it's been ages since I've been to class.  In a sick way, that does motivate me to get back there soon.


ill definatley have to chk out the link KIM.....the crossfit stuff is seriously bad azzed.  my friend was describing what she did in just ONE of her workout she did just this past week.  and she's no slouch and she said how hard it is....

hard scares me.

course i was the kid in school who couldnt do a single chin up or climb to the top of the rope. 

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-12-06 3:38 PM
2009-12-06 3:34 PM
in reply to: #2545006

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
kcarroll - 2009-12-06 10:09 AM
skrtrnr - 2009-12-06 10:42 AM i was looking at snowshoes in the REI catalog.

has anyone done snowshoe running before?

Stacie, I LOVE to snow shoe!!!!  I got some two years ago for Christmas and love getting out there in the quiet early morning following a big snowfall.  In fact, I was hoping last night's snow was going to be a bit more substantial so I could go out today.  Too bad, we just got an inch or so.  I live off of a golf course and it is so much fun to *run* along the edge of the course (don't panic all you golfers, I stay at the edge.  No fairways or greens.) It is one TOUGH workout.  You should get enough snow in PGH to warrant having a pair in the garage.  And I do love REI.  One just opened down the road and I went on the Friday after T'giving.  They were giving away free shopping bags with gift cards inside and I got one for $50.  Yea!!!  I bought all kinds of warm stocking stuffers for the neices and nephews with it.

im thinking if theres enough snow in NJ to snowshoe there surely will be enough snow here in Western PA.

how much needs to be on the ground before you head out, KIM??

i was thinking that it would be fun to do the rails to trails trail....there is a golf course close by my house though.  that might work.


you definately got me thinking.

and speaking of thinking, what were you thinking spending that REI gift card on someone else, you should have spent that money all on you     

REI is one of my happy places.  i love me REI.

ps.  what a great aunt you are. 

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-12-06 3:38 PM

2009-12-06 3:39 PM
in reply to: #2544973

Subject: ...
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2009-12-06 3:39 PM
in reply to: #2544826

washington state
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
iowagander - 2009-12-05 9:51 PM Well, it's about time to turn in tonight, but I thought I'd share my quote of the week with you guys for post #900.

On Wednesday night, my daughter and I were laying on the couch watching some cartoons before bed time and her head was on my belly. She sat up part way through the show and said "Dad your tummy isn't comfy anymore. It used to be nice and squishy!"

I explained to her that SHE was the one who said I used to be "too wumpy" and there's still enough cushion there to be comfy for her, and she finally agreed. Still, it's the most validating thing I've heard since I started getting back into shape this spring. I need to make sure I add that one to my quote book at work on Monday...

That is so great!  One to remember for sure!
2009-12-06 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2544994

Subject: ...
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2009-12-06 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2545244

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2009-12-06 3:39 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-12-06 10:44 AM two reasons to move to Colorado....

persistent/consistent SUN...

persistent/consistent SNOW (at least in the mtns)


You forgot reason #1 - I am from there Cool

all the more reason, MR GRAVES.

[and how in the heck did i miss that detail about your life story????   no WONDER i like you SOOOO much]

2009-12-06 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2545237

Subject: ...
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2009-12-06 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: ...
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2009-12-06 3:42 PM
in reply to: #2545249

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2009-12-06 3:40 PM
kcarroll - 2009-12-06 10:58 AM
skrtrnr - 2009-12-06 8:44 AM
kcarroll - 2009-12-06 6:54 AM Off to the kettlebell gym.  Yes, a gym dedicated to kettlebell training.  It's owned by a personal trainer friend and she is going to thrash me something good.  If you've never done a kettlebell workout, look for a qualified trainer.  If done wrong, can really hurt your back.  Done right, it is a kick a$$ workout.  Wish it was closer so I could go more often. 

i keep hearing about these kettleball workouts, KIM.  every where i go, people are talking about kettle ball...

and P90x and crossfit....

definately tell me/us more.

and WOW a gym dedicated JUST to kettle ball.

i just met a girl yesturday that goes to a gym dedicated JUST to crossfit.

glad it was kicka$$.

Stacie, I've heard great things about crossfit as well, but don't know much about it.  The gym I went to this morning is a Punch Kettlebell Gym.  Most of the training is kbs, but there is also lots of plyometric and core built into the workouts.  Occasional *circuit* session using bells, ropes etc.  Website for Art of Strength which founded Punch attached.  If you browse around the site, you'll get a feel for it.  Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a location near PGH.  But, it is easy enough to do at home once you are taught proper form.  If you are ever in NJ I'll take you to a class!  Val took special pleasure in shredding me today as it's been ages since I've been to class.  In a sick way, that does motivate me to get back there soon.


I want to come along also - the next time I am in NJ I am looking you up Kim and you can laugh as I die doing one of those workouts!  They are awesome!

dying doing a workout is not my idea of good time, buuuuuuuut.....

watching DORKFACE die while doing a workout.

were talking GOOD TIMES there.

headin' to NJ.
2009-12-06 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2545252

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2009-12-06 3:41 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-12-06 4:29 PM
wgraves7582 - 2009-12-06 3:07 PM Howdy Ghoulies - just stopping by pre-shower after 2 hour cold mountain bike ride.  Just demolished some pancakes (wheat/blueberry mixture that I added more fresh frozen blueberries, oats, and honey to) - Yummy!!!!

I was dreaming about these the whole way up my hill on the way home - even had to hike a bike a little - dumb single speed bike!!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Off to shower before I freeze to death!


woo hoo for you.

warm up soon!

Thanks Queen.  All better now that I ate those yummy pancakes and showered!

a full tummy of uber yummy pancakes + a hot shower = all better.

sure are!

2009-12-06 3:45 PM
in reply to: #2545254

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
skrtrnr - 2009-12-06 3:42 PM
wgraves7582 - 2009-12-06 3:40 PM
kcarroll - 2009-12-06 10:58 AM
skrtrnr - 2009-12-06 8:44 AM
kcarroll - 2009-12-06 6:54 AM Off to the kettlebell gym.  Yes, a gym dedicated to kettlebell training.  It's owned by a personal trainer friend and she is going to thrash me something good.  If you've never done a kettlebell workout, look for a qualified trainer.  If done wrong, can really hurt your back.  Done right, it is a kick a$$ workout.  Wish it was closer so I could go more often. 

i keep hearing about these kettleball workouts, KIM.  every where i go, people are talking about kettle ball...

and P90x and crossfit....

definately tell me/us more.

and WOW a gym dedicated JUST to kettle ball.

i just met a girl yesturday that goes to a gym dedicated JUST to crossfit.

glad it was kicka$$.

Stacie, I've heard great things about crossfit as well, but don't know much about it.  The gym I went to this morning is a Punch Kettlebell Gym.  Most of the training is kbs, but there is also lots of plyometric and core built into the workouts.  Occasional *circuit* session using bells, ropes etc.  Website for Art of Strength which founded Punch attached.  If you browse around the site, you'll get a feel for it.  Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a location near PGH.  But, it is easy enough to do at home once you are taught proper form.  If you are ever in NJ I'll take you to a class!  Val took special pleasure in shredding me today as it's been ages since I've been to class.  In a sick way, that does motivate me to get back there soon.


I want to come along also - the next time I am in NJ I am looking you up Kim and you can laugh as I die doing one of those workouts!  They are awesome!

dying doing a workout is not my idea of good time, buuuuuuuut.....

watching DORKFACE die while doing a workout.

were talking GOOD TIMES there.

headin' to NJ.

DIE in the metaphorical sense.

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