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2010-01-15 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Thanks for the great feedback and the references.

 I got a stick and doing stretches and taking a few days off.  Seems to be working. Tomorrow I'm going to start back running slow and short just to ease back into it.

As for stretching, I'm pretty consistent post-run not as much pre-run. I'm learning that pre-run stretching is much different I would call it more warm up.  I've been doing Yoga for a while but now I make sure I get in two days a week.  But what I'm realizing is that there is a gap in my stretching and Yoga practice for this IT area.  Now I do have a few good stretches and some good workout to strengthen my hip area I should be OK.

On the other hand, my elbow is getting worst.  I pushed through the pain during my workout and now I'm paying the price.  RICE is the approach I'm taking for now and some ibuprofen. 

My kids are leaving to return back to college in the next few day so it works out to me to take a couple of days to spend some  time with them.  Went to see Avatar 3D.  Amazing affects, but the plot line was fairly typical Holywood stuff.  Seemed like the Matrix but the body they went in were real and in another planet.

Edited by Jacklcm 2010-01-16 5:12 AM

2010-01-15 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2615215

Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Jacklcm - 2010-01-15 5:53 AM Hope the bike stuff works out for you.  If the Looks are working properly, they should hang down with front of the pedals pointing up so you can push the front of the cleat into the pedal and press down. 

You got that swim.  Just keep working at it.

Thanks Jack, today I really looked forward to head to the pool for the first time to see if I could improve some more today. Unfortunately I managed to cut myself pretty bad in my thumb right before I was heading to the pool. When I finally managed to get it to stop bleeding I realized that I would have to stay out of the pool today. So I did a good 40 min on the stationary bike instead. I can not wait until it warms up so I can use my new bike!

Edited by ncSwede 2010-01-15 8:12 PM
2010-01-16 2:20 AM
in reply to: #2615230

Surrey, BC
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Jacklcm - 2010-01-15 3:39 AM

Bad day for me Wednesday.

Had a new problem with my right leg running my friends says it sounds like IT band.  We ran hard for three miles in my running class, but it didn't hurt till the next day.  I wondering if it is because we run on a track so its always a counter clockwise run with right leg pushing through the turn.  I'm thinking that might be part of it.  Got a good stretch from a Yoga teacher after class Wednesday that might help.  You runners got any other ideas?

Also hurt my left elbow.  It had sharp pains during my swim and hurt bad the next day.  Almost felt like I was hyper-extending it. Seems like I was dropping my elbow in my stroke.

Took Thursday off.  Up early this morning and feeling better.  Its going to be over 50 in VA and I going to hit the bike.  Maybe today will be less painful.

I ran into a similar problem a couple of weeks ago and was forced to take 3 weeks off from running. I wasn't too happy about it but there was nothing I could have done so I decided to hit the pool a couple extra days during the week..

Just ease back into running once the leg starts to feel better but once you start to feel any pain STOP. Better to take time off than push through it and make is worse.
2010-01-18 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Man... my first day scheduled to start working out again and I'm sick as a dog
Campbells Chunky Chicken and Sausage gumbo is NOT my friend.
2010-01-18 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2620017

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Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Leegoocrap - 2010-01-18 12:04 PM Man... my first day scheduled to start working out again and I'm sick as a dog
Campbells Chunky Chicken and Sausage gumbo is NOT my friend.

That totally bites.  What did you  have planned?

MLK's birthday today so I took advantage of the holiday from work to get a long ride in (well long for me anyway).  I almost want to say that I'm seeing some incremental progress on the bike.  Went 80 mins on the trainer keeping the cadence up.
2010-01-18 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Long run this weekend, short bike and run today legs still fatigued. Sorry to hear about the illness, had the same thing happen to me last year. In the long run I think the week off helped though. Hope you feel better soon.

2010-01-19 12:36 AM
in reply to: #2620017

Surrey, BC
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Leegoocrap - 2010-01-18 12:04 PM

Man... my first day scheduled to start working out again and I'm sick as a dog
Campbells Chunky Chicken and Sausage gumbo is NOT my friend.

Im in the same situation ... Came home early from school last week to take care of my sick girlfriend and 2 days later I've got the flu/cold. That's what I get for being a good boyfriend... I just got over an injury and now this... Puts me a little bit off schedule but I'll make up for it once I get over this cold/flu.

Anybody interested or know somebody interested in a Sugoi biking jersey??

Edited by Lukasz 2010-01-19 12:42 AM
2010-01-19 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2620234

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
michwea - 2010-01-18 4:57 PM
Leegoocrap - 2010-01-18 12:04 PM Man... my first day scheduled to start working out again and I'm sick as a dog
Campbells Chunky Chicken and Sausage gumbo is NOT my friend.

That totally bites.  What did you  have planned?

MLK's birthday today so I took advantage of the holiday from work to get a long ride in (well long for me anyway).  I almost want to say that I'm seeing some incremental progress on the bike.  Went 80 mins on the trainer keeping the cadence up.

Had a 50min run and an hour long swim planned
Feeling a bit better today, might be back on the wagon!
2010-01-19 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2621125

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Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Leegoocrap - 2010-01-19 5:28 AM
michwea - 2010-01-18 4:57 PM
Leegoocrap - 2010-01-18 12:04 PM Man... my first day scheduled to start working out again and I'm sick as a dog
Campbells Chunky Chicken and Sausage gumbo is NOT my friend.

That totally bites.  What did you  have planned?

MLK's birthday today so I took advantage of the holiday from work to get a long ride in (well long for me anyway).  I almost want to say that I'm seeing some incremental progress on the bike.  Went 80 mins on the trainer keeping the cadence up.

Had a 50min run and an hour long swim planned
Feeling a bit better today, might be back on the wagon!

Glad to hear that you are doing better. 

So when you miss a workout--due to illness or something else, how do you proceed?  Just skip it and pick up with the next scheduled workout, try to squeeze the missed workout in, something else?  I travel for work a couple of times of month--but without any particular regularity or destination.  I try to get my scheduled workout in on the morning I'm set to travel, but it doesn't always work.  If it's a run workout, I usually take my shoes with me and run around the hotel or on the treadmill, but with bike workouts, that's more problematic. If I'm gone for a couple of days in a row, things get dicey.  I'm interested in knowing how you and others handle the inevitable lapses in training.
2010-01-19 11:48 AM
in reply to: #2556283

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
If I miss a day or two, I just let it slide. Starting to add in extra workouts is usually just not worth it.

3+ days... You need to start re-evaluating that weeks schedule. Try to get it re-set-up to where you get in your key workouts. Still basically stay on track though.

a week or more you need to take a step back in your schedule. You don't want to miss one week then jump your volume the next. Either re-do the week, or step back a week.

that's how I do it anyways.
2010-01-19 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
OK, so I still haven't even decided if I'm doing another race after my olympic or just going to 'retire' from the sport (as the 12 hour weeks are brutal for me mentally, but maybe they won't be as bad in the spring/summer?), but assuming I do continue I'll probably take the leap to 1/2 from Oly. Now that I'm on the back half of my current plan, I'd like to start thining about how my summer would shape up if I did take the leap.

Which of the following makes more sense:
Plan 1: Do my Oly, take 1 week off, 4 weeks of 4Xrunning, 2X swim/bike, do a 1/2Mary to set my PR, start 12 week Oly-1/2 IM Bridge plan.


Plan 2: Do my Oly, take 1 week off, 4 weeks of 4Xrunning, 2X swim/bike, do a 1/2M to set my PR, start 16 week 1/2 IM plan.


Plan 3: Do my Oly, take 1 week off, start 16 week 1/2 IM plan, do a 1/2M to set my PR midway through the plan. 

OR Other???

Basically, my goal would be about 6.5 hrs if I did it.

2010-01-20 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Chris (or anyone down in KY) - was thinking of doing the Taylorsville aquabike on the way home from the May Knoxville Rev 3 race.  Know anything about it?  Thoughts?  Comments?
2010-01-20 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2624470

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
carrie639 - 2010-01-20 2:23 PM Chris (or anyone down in KY) - was thinking of doing the Taylorsville aquabike on the way home from the May Knoxville Rev 3 race.  Know anything about it?  Thoughts?  Comments?

no.. haven't heard anything about it.

Are you doing the Oly or 1/2 in May?
I'm still on the fence, but leaning towards the 1/2.
2010-01-20 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2624578

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
I am doing the olympic.  This is my first race running (not an aquabike) and only my second year racing - so even this is ambitious for me.

I am driving down so was thinking of hitting the Taylorsville on the way back and do the aquabike.  I guess the bike is hilly, which sucks, but that is my weakness.
2010-01-20 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Today was the first swim I have scheduled to do over 500m continuous since my surgery. I was a bit worried, but fell into the zone about 300m in and cruised (albeit slower than I'd have enjoyed) the full 1000m no sweat, and more importantly, no pain... a good confidence boost. Now lets see if the shoulder comes back to bite me tomorrow morning.
2010-01-20 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2616495

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Cedar Rapids
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
I haven't been posting lately or even keeping track on my training log, but I have found that writing down my workouts in a journal is making me feel much more accounted for. For some reason it seems more dreadful to write down on paper that I didn't do a work out rather than just not log it on the computer. I have been following my BT training plan though and I think it seems to be working as I am starting to think this whole triathlon thing is a reality!

This morning I did flip turns with my swimming. So, I swam for like 25 min without stopping. Quite the accomplishment! The shocker is that I didn't feel out of breath at all and it was a bit meditating! This may have been my "click" day.

Biking is going to be my new weakness I think. With the winter in full force here, its a bit hard to get in any real training. However, everyone else in winter states are in the same boat. I don't have a trainer, so I will just continue on stationary bikes and hit the roads hard when spring decides to show up.

2010-01-20 9:51 PM
in reply to: #2625535

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Actually I thing the punishment to ourselves is worse when you look at the calendar and have days that re not colored (days off) or see how many in a row . . . talk about guilt
2010-01-20 9:54 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Thoughts from the group -

I was planning on doing a long bike about 30 miles on Saturday, but also need to do a 2-2.5 mile run.  Knowing they are out of order should I do the run first to make sure it is a quality one, then the bike, or do the order and hope I have a quality run?

Another question - When they say not to increase running by more than 10% per week, is that in time or mileage?

2010-01-20 9:59 PM
in reply to: #2625567

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
carrie639 - 2010-01-20 9:54 PM

Another question - When they say not to increase running by more than 10% per week, is that in time or mileage?

Miles. Unless your pace is getting much faster, should be pretty even with time & distance anyway.
2010-01-20 10:55 PM
in reply to: #2556283

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Hey everyone!

I'm back from my trip out to San Fran.  I did a lot of hiking and got in a couple of runs while I was out there.  Plus I got to see the bay and must say that the thought of swimming across it seems just a little intimidating right now.

Unfortunately I brought the California rain back with me, except it's freezing on everything here.  I was planning on ditching the treadmill for some outdoor running but I don't know if I'd trust myself even if I had my yaktrax on.  Good times!
2010-01-20 10:57 PM
in reply to: #2616495

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Jacklcm - 2010-01-15 4:24 PM Thanks for the great feedback and the references.

 I got a stick and doing stretches and taking a few days off.  Seems to be working. Tomorrow I'm going to start back running slow and short just to ease back into it.

As for stretching, I'm pretty consistent post-run not as much pre-run. I'm learning that pre-run stretching is much different I would call it more warm up.  I've been doing Yoga for a while but now I make sure I get in two days a week.  But what I'm realizing is that there is a gap in my stretching and Yoga practice for this IT area.  Now I do have a few good stretches and some good workout to strengthen my hip area I should be OK.

On the other hand, my elbow is getting worst.  I pushed through the pain during my workout and now I'm paying the price.  RICE is the approach I'm taking for now and some ibuprofen. 

My kids are leaving to return back to college in the next few day so it works out to me to take a couple of days to spend some  time with them.  Went to see Avatar 3D.  Amazing affects, but the plot line was fairly typical Holywood stuff.  Seemed like the Matrix but the body they went in were real and in another planet.

Hope the stretching and rest is working out for you! 

2010-01-20 11:04 PM
in reply to: #2621853

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Leegoocrap - 2010-01-19 11:48 AM If I miss a day or two, I just let it slide. Starting to add in extra workouts is usually just not worth it.

3+ days... You need to start re-evaluating that weeks schedule. Try to get it re-set-up to where you get in your key workouts. Still basically stay on track though.

a week or more you need to take a step back in your schedule. You don't want to miss one week then jump your volume the next. Either re-do the week, or step back a week.

that's how I do it anyways.

This is pretty much the exact same way that I look at it.  If you miss a day or two there is really no sense in trying to make it up unless you have a scheduled rest day later in the week that you can fill with a workout.  A training plan is usually spaced out/scheduled for a certain reason and trying to make up a workout can more stress to the body than necessary.  It's best to just let it go and attack the next day as normal.

If you miss more than a few days you may want to look at what workouts you missed and determine if you would be better served getting in one of those in place of a later workout in the week.
2010-01-20 11:15 PM
in reply to: #2622426

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
randomguymike - 2010-01-19 2:37 PM OK, so I still haven't even decided if I'm doing another race after my olympic or just going to 'retire' from the sport (as the 12 hour weeks are brutal for me mentally, but maybe they won't be as bad in the spring/summer?), but assuming I do continue I'll probably take the leap to 1/2 from Oly. Now that I'm on the back half of my current plan, I'd like to start thining about how my summer would shape up if I did take the leap.

Which of the following makes more sense:
Plan 1: Do my Oly, take 1 week off, 4 weeks of 4Xrunning, 2X swim/bike, do a 1/2Mary to set my PR, start 12 week Oly-1/2 IM Bridge plan.


Plan 2: Do my Oly, take 1 week off, 4 weeks of 4Xrunning, 2X swim/bike, do a 1/2M to set my PR, start 16 week 1/2 IM plan.


Plan 3: Do my Oly, take 1 week off, start 16 week 1/2 IM plan, do a 1/2M to set my PR midway through the plan. 

OR Other???

Basically, my goal would be about 6.5 hrs if I did it.

This may be dependent on your reasoning for running the 1/2M.  Are you running this for fun?  To set your best possible PR?  Or to see if you can handle the distance?

The reason I ask is that it is not necessary to run a standalone HM before tackling a HIM.  In fact that time required for taper and recovery may not fit well into a HIM training schedule and you may be better served just getting in the long runs.

That said, just off hand I would recommend option 2 based solely on the fact that it gives you the most time to prepare for your HIM, 20 wks as opposed to 16 wks in the other two.  The jump from Oly to HIM is quite large and you are going to be benefited by getting in as much time in the saddle as possible.  A HIM will be about 50% biking and most poor HIM runs are due to weak bike fitness.  So use that extra 4 weeks to get some more time in the saddle. 
2010-01-20 11:17 PM
in reply to: #2625065

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Leegoocrap - 2010-01-20 5:29 PM Today was the first swim I have scheduled to do over 500m continuous since my surgery. I was a bit worried, but fell into the zone about 300m in and cruised (albeit slower than I'd have enjoyed) the full 1000m no sweat, and more importantly, no pain... a good confidence boost. Now lets see if the shoulder comes back to bite me tomorrow morning.

That's got to make you happy.  Hope you continue to stay pain free!
2010-01-20 11:20 PM
in reply to: #2625535

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Group - FULL!!
Amber871 - 2010-01-20 9:39 PM I haven't been posting lately or even keeping track on my training log, but I have found that writing down my workouts in a journal is making me feel much more accounted for. For some reason it seems more dreadful to write down on paper that I didn't do a work out rather than just not log it on the computer. I have been following my BT training plan though and I think it seems to be working as I am starting to think this whole triathlon thing is a reality!

This morning I did flip turns with my swimming. So, I swam for like 25 min without stopping. Quite the accomplishment! The shocker is that I didn't feel out of breath at all and it was a bit meditating! This may have been my "click" day.

Biking is going to be my new weakness I think. With the winter in full force here, its a bit hard to get in any real training. However, everyone else in winter states are in the same boat. I don't have a trainer, so I will just continue on stationary bikes and hit the roads hard when spring decides to show up.

Congrats on the great swim workout!

The good news is January is almost over and February is a short month.  Before you know it it will be March and signs of spring will start emerging.  At least that's what I keep telling myself  
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