BT Development Mentor Program Archives » tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2010-01-29 12:25 PM
in reply to: #2557055

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
Hey Tammy or anyone else in this group that is in the Milwaukee area plan on going to the expo this weekend? I'll be there tomorrow morning from early on til hopefully 330-4ish. If any of you are around gimme a call and maybe we can browse around for awhile together. 608 469 0967

2010-01-29 2:13 PM
in reply to: #2642742

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED

chasingkona - 2010-01-29 12:25 PM Hey Tammy or anyone else in this group that is in the Milwaukee area plan on going to the expo this weekend? I'll be there tomorrow morning from early on til hopefully 330-4ish. If any of you are around gimme a call and maybe we can browse around for awhile together. 608 469 0967

If you didn't check out the WI forum, here's some info for you -

2010-01-29 3:03 PM
in reply to: #2557055

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED

Ill be there.. I have to ride in the team TT at 2:30!


2010-01-29 7:46 PM
in reply to: #2643248

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED

tripletmom01 - 2010-01-29 3:03 PM

Ill be there.. I have to ride in the team TT at 2:30!

Please tell me that you won't have an emotional moment beforehand.

2010-01-29 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2643790

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED

1stTimeTri - 2010-01-29 7:46 PM

tripletmom01 - 2010-01-29 3:03 PM

Ill be there.. I have to ride in the team TT at 2:30!

Please tell me that you won't have an emotional moment beforehand.

I dont have emotional moments

2010-01-29 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2643798

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED

tripletmom01 - 2010-01-29 7:50 PM

1stTimeTri - 2010-01-29 7:46 PM

tripletmom01 - 2010-01-29 3:03 PM

Ill be there.. I have to ride in the team TT at 2:30!

Please tell me that you won't have an emotional moment beforehand.

I dont have emotional moments

Good luck tomorrow, Taminator!  EEEAAAWWW!!

2010-01-31 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2557055

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
It is a new month. Anybody have their feb. goals set yet?
2010-01-31 11:02 PM
in reply to: #2646365

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
wanna race - 2010-01-31 8:43 PM It is a new month. Anybody have their feb. goals set yet?

Feb. Goals

1.  swim 200m straight
2.  try and eat better (carried over from Jan.)
2010-02-01 6:15 AM
in reply to: #2557055

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED

Yes- it IS feb

My goal is to run again... I think I am almost healed.  I need to be smart about it and not get OOC

2010-02-01 8:08 AM
in reply to: #2646365

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North Chelmsford
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
wanna race - 2010-01-31 9:43 PM It is a new month. Anybody have their feb. goals set yet?

February Goals:
1.  More peach days that white days.
2.  Pay attention to my nutrition more
3.  Complete 200 miles on bike
     Complete 50 miles run/walk

Ok, so #3 might be a little high numbers wise, but if I complete 1&2, 3 might just fall into place.  Or at least close.
2010-02-01 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2557055

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED

1. Swim alot
2. Bike alot
3. Run alot

Train at each sport 3 times a week.

2010-02-01 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2647024

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Medina, MN
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
1. Keep following the plan, and get my run distances up to plan levels - 1 week down, 19 to go
2. Lose weight
3. Don't get injured

In other mildly exciting news, I used a whole bunch of Amazon gift certificates I'd saved up and purchased a Garmin Forerunner 310xt w/HRM over the weekend. Will be nice to know how far I've run, once it's not on a treadmill. I have a business trip to Florida early next week, so am hoping to test it out on a run outside while down there.
2010-02-01 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2557055

New user

Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
Well I have finished month one of the beginner sprint training program. I have no problem getting the running and biking in however found it very dificult to get to the pool. That will be my focus for February. WIth this being my first ever (sprint) triathlon does anyone have any estimates on times I should be focusing on for each section. I just wanted to make sure I am training hard enough and have times to shoot for. My biggest fear is being the last one to finish Frown.
2010-02-01 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2647448

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
Icandothis - 2010-02-01 12:05 PM

Well I have finished month one of the beginner sprint training program. I have no problem getting the running and biking in however found it very dificult to get to the pool. That will be my focus for February. WIth this being my first ever (sprint) triathlon does anyone have any estimates on times I should be focusing on for each section. I just wanted to make sure I am training hard enough and have times to shoot for. My biggest fear is being the last one to finish Frown.

Personally, I would not worry about what position you finish, including last. What you can do is check previous race results and see how people did. What you should do is make goals on how you would like to finish in each sport, not position, but in time or avg pace. That will give you better satisfaction then how you placed. Also, this will be easier to analyze your progress from race to race and setting new goals.
2010-02-01 6:23 PM
in reply to: #2646691

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
tripletmom01 - 2010-02-01 7:15 AM

Yes- it IS feb

My goal is to run again... I think I am almost healed.  I need to be smart about it and not get OOC

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Tammy!

My goals are:
 1. maintain the volumes I worked up to in Jan
 2. figure out a way to fit a rest day in while still reaching goal 1!

  - Jules (changed my username, but it's still me)
2010-02-01 10:43 PM
in reply to: #2557055

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
Well Jan was a great month for me. I was able to get some good time in the saddle, get back into running, and eat well and my body feels great and very refreshed and rested. I was hoping to be back in the pool by now but that is something that will just have to let nature take its course to get back to 100 percent.

My Feb goals:
1. Increase my volume in the saddle and in my runners
2. Have good preperation and be ready to start HM training by the end of the month]
3. Train smart, each and every workout has a purpose, no garbage miles.

Feb is a short month so lets all have a good solid 4 weeks!

2010-02-02 12:02 AM
in reply to: #2557055

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
I already accomplished goal #1 for this month (200m swim non-stop) haha.  I actually did 300m in 6:45 which I know is slow but it makes me happy.  So now I'm going to bump it up to 600m by the end of the month.

The bike and run are my strongest disciplines so I figure I'll make up for most of the time there.  My progression is better than what I thought it was going to be.  This stuff is pretty cool haha!
2010-02-02 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2557055

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
I had a GREAT swim last night. This was day 1 of week 4 for the 0 to 1 mile swim program, which starts with 600m with no stops. I think I did a negative split as I got warmer and noticed that my breathing was very controlled I upped the pace, actualy it was more of upped the power in each stroke which in turn reduced my stroke count per lap. It felt like everything was aligned, and my swim fitness hit a new high. I felt awesome. I checked my time after the 600m and had avg 1:55/100m, I didn't miss count my laps this time well I don't think I did.

My Feb goals are continue my swim program (it's working for me), increase core workouts (2x/week) and stick with my running plan. No bike yet for me, still getting use to waking up early, but getting there because I'm starting to wake up at 5am naturaly, but still need my sleep as I still have hard time getting to bed early. I'm not too worried about my bike because I'm only doing sprints this year.

2010-02-03 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2557055

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
The weather in Corpus Christi, TX sucks!!  Looks like another day on the treadmill......South Texas isn't suppose to have bad weather last this long.  Where is the sun?!!
2010-02-03 3:43 PM
in reply to: #2653187

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
I hear ya. Weather sucks here and we are going to have another wave hit this weekend. I'm just 10 hours north of your location.
2010-02-04 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2653193

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Medina, MN
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
You guys in Texas complaining about the weather really break my heart. I'll keep reminding myself of your misfortune as I shovel my driveway tomorrow.

Quick question - how often do you all replace your running shoes? I bought my current shoes in late 2008, but my slacker period in 2009 means that they only have about 150 miles of actual running in them. I know that normally shoes are supposed to last 200+ miles, even for bigger guys like me. However, does the age of the shoe mess it up at all? I'm wondering if my shoes are possibly part of the reason my knees ache, or if it's more likely just ramping up mileage and weighing too much.... Any opinions would be appreciated.

2010-02-04 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2557055

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED

lol- yes its like 30 out and Im thinking its beautiful

I replace my shoes when things start to hurt..usually my lower back or my knees.... usually 3-400 miles.

Idont think it will matter if your shoes are old- as long as they werent worn they should be OK.

2010-02-04 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2557055

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
haha, we'll be complaining again once it's over 100
2010-02-04 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2655286

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Medina, MN
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
tripletmom01 - 2010-02-04 1:30 PM

lol- yes its like 30 out and Im thinking its beautiful

I replace my shoes when things start to hurt..usually my lower back or my knees.... usually 3-400 miles.

Idont think it will matter if your shoes are old- as long as they werent worn they should be OK.

Maybe I'll have to try getting a new pair of shoes and rotating them in and see if I notice a difference... thanks.
2010-02-04 5:23 PM
in reply to: #2655054

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - CLOSED
MLJ - 2010-02-04 12:42 PM

You guys in Texas complaining about the weather really break my heart. I'll keep reminding myself of your misfortune as I shovel my driveway tomorrow.

Quick question - how often do you all replace your running shoes? I bought my current shoes in late 2008, but my slacker period in 2009 means that they only have about 150 miles of actual running in them. I know that normally shoes are supposed to last 200+ miles, even for bigger guys like me. However, does the age of the shoe mess it up at all? I'm wondering if my shoes are possibly part of the reason my knees ache, or if it's more likely just ramping up mileage and weighing too much.... Any opinions would be appreciated.

Please do not get me confused with texas. I live in Oklahoma.
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