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2010-01-18 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2620321

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
LanierSpots - 2010-01-18 5:40 PM
>Phil, I like the way you refer to your day as light.   45 min run and 1500m in the pool.  LOL.  

Good evening everyone.
Ohhhh, yeah...I guess I should say 'ez' vs. light. The intensity was lower on the run (which equates to 10 minute miles for me) and the swim was not as long as most days where we go 2200 - 2600 and as much as 3,200. 1500m swim included a 300m warmup, 500m drill/swim by 50m; 500m kickboard/swim by 50m and then a 200m cool down. Let me tell you kicking with a kickboard is not easy for me...Phil

2010-01-18 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Training plans:So, I've been perusing many of your training logs and want to know if anyone is using a formal training plan? I notice quite a few differences in training, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but I'd like to understand what each of you have committed to and if you feel if you are still grasping at training straws so to speak....Do you have a 12-16 or 24 week plan? Would you benefit from a more formal but simple plan that helps you balance your s/b/r volume and intensity? Obviously the goal for all of us is to get to the finish line successfully. My coach Nicki and I are in the middle of a developing a comprehensive but easy to use 'training' guide and I would be interested in sharing our work with this group.If interested let me know. I'm hoping to have a mock up ready in two weeks and I would be willing to ship one to everyone here to give me some honest feedback. Phil
2010-01-18 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2620641

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
I would be VERY interested in that. Right now I'm doing the "couch -5K" plan and the "couch - cycling" plan. The cycling plan is 6 days a week, but I've been doing it every other day (on my running off days). Every time I'm at the Y to run or cycle I do strength training. I do my abs/back everyday and then I alternate my legs, arms, glutes/hips.  I know how to swim but I'm planning on taking swim lessons and joining the adult swim team at the Y in April. I'm hoping all of that gets me where I need to be by June 5th (my sprint tri). I guess that's my "plan" in a nutshell.  I can't wait to see what you guys come up with. 
2010-01-18 9:02 PM
in reply to: #2620641

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Phil, I would be interested in a training guide. Really interested. I'm spinning in circles here. I'm new to Tri. Really only been training for over a month or so. I have no idea what I'm doing, I just cycle, run and swim. Running is my weakest event, and hardest on my body. Cycling is my strongest, although I'm only a Cat 5 cyclist. I swam in the Marine Corps as a combat scout swimmer, so I'm comfortable in the water, just need yards and time to get my time back. Ran a 5k Saturday, very hilly and was a hard course for me. Been running 3-4 days per week for a month now and finished in 29:30. Thought I would do better, oh well. Feel like I need a plan, some direction. I often feel exhausted, work all day, single dad w/ 5-year-old daughter, and try to train. I run at work, cycle after work nearly everyday and started throwing in 500-1000 yard swims. My parents live down the road so I do have a sitter whenever I need. As a cyclist, I've been told, and pretty much believe it's ok to ride everyday. But while training for my first ever sprint Tri on March 21st, I'm finding it difficult to ride everyday. Like I'm doing to much. I need a schedule. Like in the weight room. I haven't lifted in 3-4 years, but it would be chest and tri's one day and back and bi's the next, and legs in between. With Tri, I'm so confused. My event is 60 days away and I want to do well, that's just how I am. And rest, what's a rest day? No really. I just turned 42, I know that's not old, even for endurance athletes, I just feel like I need more rest and recovery then when I was 20. Please help.... Anyone in the group with experience, I'm a good listener and can follow directions. Thank you.Semper Fi!
2010-01-18 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Thanks to everyone in the group. Since Phil let me in I've had nothing but great motivation and complements from several people. It's nice to share an interest with so many cool people, and thanks for welcoming me last week.Semper Fi!Scott
2010-01-18 9:40 PM
in reply to: #2620792

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Phil I know I won't do a Tri until probably early summer.  Why? because I really don't have access to a pool or lake until weather starts warming up, and I'm not about to try and complete a tri until I know I can complete the swim without drownding.  Like I said before have no fear of water but extent of my swiming is usually back to the boat from the end of a ski rope...  

I have been very focused on my running and biking, mainly running . I registered for  5k next month.  I'll probably do a longer race, maybe a 10K a month or so after The 5k. I May even look into a Bike Tour event or a DU if I can find one in the area.  As far as formal plans I have just been rotating running, biking & upper body workouts to allow recovery between each.  I'll swim when the pool at the country club opens up late spring.  I would be interested In seeing your training plan it would be a great resource for sure.  

2010-01-18 10:53 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!


I saw you said you are a single father and it made me think of a GREAT book I just got finished with.  "KNOW REGRETS"  it is about a 40 year old single dad with 2 kids that is a Triathalete and his journey to the IRONMAN.. It is a fiction story written by a guy that is a Triathalete but the book is very motivational and a great read.  Here is the link on Amazon

I cheated I loaded it on my Kindle and listend to it with the text to speach function.

It seems that we all are working on overcoming our weak points and beating our deamons.  I'll share that the biggest Deamon for me in this whole thing is running & why running has become that.  In the Marines I never completed a PFT run 3miles in over 20:00  most of my times were in the 19:00 range.  Best ever was a 17:56 after I had been running alot with a couple of other marines at lunch every day for about 6 months. Last few year I was in the Marines I also did alot of Martial arts. After getting out I really focused on Martial arts and did alot of amature full contact kickboxing.  Job life and all changed and I just slowly got burnt out and quit.  Over the years that followed I would gain some weight and become a coutch spud and when my britches got to fitting tight I'd take my @$$ out and start running again. I do a few easy 3 mile runs to let my body get use to running again then be ripping off 25 minute 3 mile training runs.
Through the years I'd do a 5k here and there and usualy finish in the 21:00 to 22:00 range with minimal training just a month or two of runing before the race. 
I was running fairly steady up until end of 2006 even started doing some longer distance. I ran 1/2 marathon distance few times. 
In 2007 I took a job working out of state 10 days out 4 days home but 2 of the home days were travel to and from.  To shorten the story a bit I basicaly did a SUPERSIZE me for a year but not just Mc Donalds I mixed all the fastfood joints with healthy stiff like Pizza, Mexican food, 14oz stakes you get the picture LOL!! 
I get done with this job and in 2008 Say well time to start running again and get all this weight off..  So, I started eating right and running BUT HOLY $H!T I can't even run 3 miles It was killing me  to complete 2 miles.  Now this was a serous blow to my ego, Hell yea I'm 40 now but I have alway been able to do 3 miles.  Yea yea yea I say I know it is all this extra @$$ im hauling..  So I persist and over time loose about 20 pounds.  Guess what I finally got to where I could run 3 miles again, in 45 (insert dirty word) minutes.  On a cool morning I went for a run and at the 2 mile mark I was really having problems breathing, I all of the sudden spit up BLOOD!  Ok this scared the (Insert another dirty word) out of me, all kinds of stuff went through my head.  Next day I was at the Doctor and he did a chest x-ray and said I was ok but have "Exercised induced Asthma" WTF, Asthma how the hell do you just get damn asthma???   Anyway he gave me a Short term inhaler and it helped but I still could not breath like I use to be able to.  I some what let this beat me for a while and just ran couple of miles 2 to 3 times a week.  Back at the first of November I saw a IRONMAN on TV and said to my self If these guys can do a damn Ironman with all that adversity I should be able to get my run times back in the 25:00 5K range.  So I started ramping up millage longest run so far has been 8 miles and doing RUN/Walk If i need to catch my breath.  I think it was last week I got a longterm inhailer after discussing my issues with my doctor and so far It is great.  I now blieve My preavious ability is something I can get back now I'll just have to work to earn it back & I'll NEVER take it for granit again like I use to. 

So the reason The RUN is MY DEAMON is because unlike biking and swiming in which I have no PR,  baseline, or expectations,  I am continually chasing the deamon of My past RUNS!!!

Even if it takes a year or more I'll catch it and hope all you guys are runing with me.  With persistance and guts we can all beat out deamons and reach our GOALS!!!

Now Lets ROLL!!

Semper Fi

Edited by SAWFISH50 2010-01-18 11:04 PM
2010-01-18 11:52 PM
in reply to: #2620927

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Sawfish50, you are so awesome dude. I've never heard of this book but I love to read and will start looking for a copy tomorrow. I'll look at Borders first then go through Amazon if I have to. I needed that tonight, really.Semper Fidelis Hard Charger
2010-01-19 12:08 AM
in reply to: #2620927

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
William, thanks again about the book. Isn't it strange how things work. Thanks man. Also, I have demons as well. I believe all men in their early 40's do. Especially former Marines. That 14 oz. steak sure sounds good right now. Take care Bro.Semper Fi!
2010-01-19 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!

So I have a dumb question.  What are the usual time cutoffs for the swim,bike, run for a Half Ironman?

The HIM I am signed up for has this schedule

Start 6:10 (Who knows what time I would actually start)

9:20 - swim cutoff

12:30 - bike cut off

4:00 - Finish run

So by that schedule, the longest you can swim is about 3 hours.  Is that right?

Just curious

2010-01-19 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Thanks all for the input...yes, demons exist everywhere.....what's great about them is that they are MADE to be conqured.

Today was just a 60 minute spin class for me....

also, thanks to everyone for posting regarding their training plans....I should have something ready in as little as 2 weeks...I'll post about it when the time comes...

I truly believe you need to have a plan to be successful!


2010-01-19 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2620657

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
momtolucylilly - 2010-01-18 8:49 PM I would be VERY interested in that. Right now I'm doing the "couch -5K" plan and the "couch - cycling" plan. The cycling plan is 6 days a week, but I've been doing it every other day (on my running off days). Every time I'm at the Y to run or cycle I do strength training. I do my abs/back everyday and then I alternate my legs, arms, glutes/hips.  I know how to swim but I'm planning on taking swim lessons and joining the adult swim team at the Y in April. I'm hoping all of that gets me where I need to be by June 5th (my sprint tri). I guess that's my "plan" in a nutshell.  I can't wait to see what you guys come up with. 

thanks Amy! I should have something to send you in about 2 weeks...sounds like you are making some progress already in building your 'base' of fitness......the program we are designing is meant to ensure success by doing the 'right' workouts at the right time, and you won't need a PHD to figure out what to do!

so, if your date is June 5th you have just about 20 weeks to get ready! Thats a good amount of time. No sweat.  

Our program will be designed for the Sprint/Oly/H.I.M. athlete that has from 12/16/24 weeks until race day.

I'm very excited about it and hope to share it with everyone at some point. It really simplifies the training and helps ease the anxiety.


2010-01-19 11:41 AM
in reply to: #2621520

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
I have no idea Ryan. I'll try and do some research and help you out. Do all olympic events use the same rule w/cutoff times? Or are some events different that others? I would post a new thread on that and I bet you would get your answer. The sprint I'm doing is 825 yard swim and I've been reading from people who are also doing sprints but only swimming 225 yards. I'm still learning, if I find out I'll let you know. Post a new thread. Cool man, later.
2010-01-19 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Ryan & Phil, Thanks for the birthday wishes, appreciate it.

After a day's rest, back at it today. Did 20 mins on exercise bike & 20 mins on dreadmill. Tried to keep it light to have moderately fresh legs for the pool tonite.

Swimming is my weakness. Never swam as a child. Started lessons in Sept. 1st class learned a "starfish". My young son later told me the name of the maneuver. That is how green i am/was. Anyway I am plugging away at it, with uncertain results, but keep going. Starting next round of lessons tonite. Not sure if I will be ready for open water by spring, but I'm trying. I hear the wetsuit may save me because of the bouyancy factor. I hope so!!! This will remain to be seen.

Anyway gotta have some dinner & then off to meet my nemesis!!!!RichardPS. I wish this was as easy as the run & bike!!!!
2010-01-19 3:46 PM
in reply to: #2621520

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
LanierSpots - 2010-01-19 11:52 AM

So I have a dumb question.  What are the usual time cutoffs for the swim,bike, run for a Half Ironman?

The HIM I am signed up for has this schedule

Start 6:10 (Who knows what time I would actually start)

9:20 - swim cutoff

12:30 - bike cut off

4:00 - Finish run

So by that schedule, the longest you can swim is about 3 hours.  Is that right?

Just curious

Yes, these are cut-offs. generally, if you are not at the next checkpoint at the required time, your race is over. You will not be permitted to continue.

2010-01-19 10:05 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Had a wonderful swim tonight. It's raining here in Tucson and I love it. Tucson averages 11 inches of rain annually. I rode early this morning in a light rain, it was so awesome, we need it so bad. As I swam my 1,000 yards tonight the sun was setting and the rain clouds turned this beautiful purple, orange and pink. Every time I took my breath on the right side I was in awe at the beautiful colors. I am so grateful for what I have. Thank You, Thank You for my wonderful life.

2010-01-19 10:19 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Glad you had a great workout sounds like it was pretty warm there today also. 

In Houston the weather was great tonight.. I got home from taking my son to gymnastics at 8:00 pm and quickly changed and ran an easy 4 miles. It was 70deg 79% humidity and I loved it.  Did I mention I hate Cold weather.  So I enjoyed this unseasonably warm night time run. Lungs felt great warm air is much easier on asthma...

Edited by SAWFISH50 2010-01-19 10:21 PM
2010-01-19 10:23 PM
in reply to: #2557655

Dolores, CO
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!

My training seems to be hit and miss although i try to alt run and bike days with a rest day mixed in and hit the pool when I can on bike days(cann't really swim just plow for a couple of lengths). But with travel for work it makes staying on track a little challenging. I also try to get a deep tissue massage about once a month which really help with recovery.

Did 25 miles on the MTB on the trainer today. 

2010-01-20 6:36 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Going to try and get caught up with the group this afternoon. I had 150 meetings at work yesterday and since the weather was soooooo nice here for a change, I altered my schedule and got back out on the bike for almost two hours. Biking is so much more fun when you are actually moving....

Got up early this morning and got in a 5K. I am 17 weeks away from the HIM now and I really think its time to see where I am on my times so I know how to build. I ran the 5K this morning in 27.32. Not bad for a fat boy. I am no small guy. I really think it could have been better. I started off a little slower not knowing how my legs, which are toast right now, would do after doing almost 50 miles on the bike the last two afternoons. I really think it could have been under 27 but it is what it is. I will see where I can go from here with it. I believe I will use the walk/run method in my HIM and probably even in the half marathon in late March.. I ran the full 5k this morning. I sprinted (for me) the last .3 which got my heart rate up to 175.

I have a long run (for me) in the schedule for this Saturday. I will swim tomorrow and Yoga tomorrow night. Rest on Friday..You guys have a great day and I hope your training is going well..Ryan

Edited by LanierSpots 2010-01-20 6:36 AM

2010-01-20 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2623222

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Berkeley Heights
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Masi 68 - 2010-01-19 11:05 PM Had a wonderful swim tonight. It's raining here in Tucson and I love it. Tucson averages 11 inches of rain annually. I rode early this morning in a light rain, it was so awesome, we need it so bad. As I swam my 1,000 yards tonight the sun was setting and the rain clouds turned this beautiful purple, orange and pink. Every time I took my breath on the right side I was in awe at the beautiful colors. I am so grateful for what I have. Thank You, Thank You for my wonderful life


That must be a great scene!  I'm jealous.  I got up today for my swim and it was 22 degrees.  Then I went to the pool and got to look at white walls and wonder to myself....has it been this long since I was in the pool?  Apparently so, since I noticed a man in probably his 80's lapping me!

Edited by broonsy 2010-01-20 7:56 AM
2010-01-20 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2623565

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
I hear ya' Phil. I grew up in Chicago and really detest cold weather. Sure, it was great as a kid. But not any more, for me at least. Oh, and don't feel bad. I ran my first 5K on Saturday. Finished in 29:30. Miraculously, I placed 3rd in my age group 40-44. At the awards ceremony a man 72-years old picked up his medal, for 1st place of course in his age group and I remember him passing me. Anyway I forget his actual time but it was 26:00 something. I was amazed and happy for him at the same time. It really motivated me though. Take care, nice meeting you.

2010-01-20 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2623436

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
LanierSpots - 2010-01-20 6:36 AMGoing to try and get caught up with the group this afternoon. I had 150 meetings at work yesterday and since the weather was soooooo nice here for a change, I altered my schedule and got back out on the bike for almost two hours. Biking is so much more fun when you are actually moving....

Got up early this morning and got in a 5K. I am 17 weeks away from the HIM now and I really think its time to see where I am on my times so I know how to build. I ran the 5K this morning in 27.32. Not bad for a fat boy. I am no small guy. I really think it could have been better. I started off a little slower not knowing how my legs, which are toast right now, would do after doing almost 50 miles on the bike the last two afternoons. I really think it could have been under 27 but it is what it is. I will see where I can go from here with it. I believe I will use the walk/run method in my HIM and probably even in the half marathon in late March.. I ran the full 5k this morning. I sprinted (for me) the last .3 which got my heart rate up to 175.

I have a long run (for me) in the schedule for this Saturday. I will swim tomorrow and Yoga tomorrow night. Rest on Friday..You guys have a great day and I hope your training is going well..Ryan

Ryan That is a good time especialy given you are getting into shape & not at the end of a peak training cycle. Good work!! I noticed in the workout logs if you go down to other sports and click the puldown menu for other sports Fishing is in there. Lets design a fishing workout say... 20 minutes of deep cranking. 20 minuets of draging a carolina rig then a 20 minute cool down fliping Sinko's into the shallow brush. LOL!!! Let me know if you think we need to modify the workout... I guess you could swim laps around the boat every 10th cast???
2010-01-20 12:19 PM
in reply to: #2623436

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
LanierSpots - 2010-01-20 7:36 AM Going to try and get caught up with the group this afternoon. I had 150 meetings at work yesterday and since the weather was soooooo nice here for a change, I altered my schedule and got back out on the bike for almost two hours. Biking is so much more fun when you are actually moving....

Got up early this morning and got in a 5K. I am 17 weeks away from the HIM now and I really think its time to see where I am on my times so I know how to build. I ran the 5K this morning in 27.32. Not bad for a fat boy. I am no small guy. I really think it could have been better. I started off a little slower not knowing how my legs, which are toast right now, would do after doing almost 50 miles on the bike the last two afternoons. I really think it could have been under 27 but it is what it is. I will see where I can go from here with it. I believe I will use the walk/run method in my HIM and probably even in the half marathon in late March.. I ran the full 5k this morning. I sprinted (for me) the last .3 which got my heart rate up to 175.

I have a long run (for me) in the schedule for this Saturday. I will swim tomorrow and Yoga tomorrow night. Rest on Friday..You guys have a great day and I hope your training is going well..Ryan

What's with the apologies Ryan?  A long run is a long run no matter who does it.  Its designed to gently stress the system and prepare you to run even longer. 

2010-01-20 4:39 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
I had a good training day today.

Legs have been a little tired lately, especially with the mileage building on my Sunday long runs.

Anyway, did 20 mins on exercise bike & then11.4k run on dreadmill. Held a slightly faster than usual pace for half hour & the started increasing pace & held pace.

Felt like a clydesdale cheetah today (god forbid, there be such an animal!!!)

Hope everyone else is well.


Edited by GoGoGo 2010-01-20 4:40 PM
2010-01-20 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2624300

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
bwingate - 2010-01-20 1:19 PM
LanierSpots - 2010-01-20 7:36 AM Going to try and get caught up with the group this afternoon. I had 150 meetings at work yesterday and since the weather was soooooo nice here for a change, I altered my schedule and got back out on the bike for almost two hours. Biking is so much more fun when you are actually moving....

Got up early this morning and got in a 5K. I am 17 weeks away from the HIM now and I really think its time to see where I am on my times so I know how to build. I ran the 5K this morning in 27.32. Not bad for a fat boy. I am no small guy. I really think it could have been better. I started off a little slower not knowing how my legs, which are toast right now, would do after doing almost 50 miles on the bike the last two afternoons. I really think it could have been under 27 but it is what it is. I will see where I can go from here with it. I believe I will use the walk/run method in my HIM and probably even in the half marathon in late March.. I ran the full 5k this morning. I sprinted (for me) the last .3 which got my heart rate up to 175.

I have a long run (for me) in the schedule for this Saturday. I will swim tomorrow and Yoga tomorrow night. Rest on Friday..You guys have a great day and I hope your training is going well..Ryan

What's with the apologies Ryan?  A long run is a long run no matter who does it.  Its designed to gently stress the system and prepare you to run even longer. 

Ryan...what is your goal for the long run? Time or distance? Do you wear a heart rate monitor?

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