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2010-01-29 10:04 PM
in reply to: #2574061


Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
That really sucks. Sorry to hear about what happened.

2010-01-30 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed


Just two quick questions:

1. What do you know about new technique of starting to walk  when you see water stations get all liquid you migh need and do full nutrition walking and keep it for 20'' more, then, again star @ pace for 7k (if you have 3 water stations for HM) looks like works better than just running all 21K. This comment came today while biking, btw, my longest ride ever 101Kms (60 miles)...but, with a tendon right knee injury!

2. I did my first session last Monday, about "immersion swimming technique" and I am wondering, if I really will be quite difficult to go "skating" in the water ... due to a very dfferent concept compared to when I started swimming 35 years ago!

Talk to you very soon!

"XTB" Xavi.

P.S: Tomorrow 18.6 k mountain half marathon....and my right knee is still hurting.

2010-01-30 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2643624

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Cozmo - 2010-01-30 8:17 AM

I am not a happy person right now. I went to a bike shop to get the Orbea fixed from the chain breaking off and a tune up.

When I went to pick it up today and they gave me a card of a Orlando police dective and told me they confiscated the bike. So it turns out the person I bought it from must have stolen it or bought it hot. Here is the ad I got it from

Now why I am really pissed is that the police also have my Bontrager Race Lite Wheelset (I just bought a new front tire last week), Ultegra SPD Pedals, and Vetta V100HR Computer. So my road bike (Trek 2300) is just a frame/drivetrain/brakes so I can't even bike at all.

So I have to wait till Monday to call the dective to see what it going to happen. I made the seller fill out a recipt and have his name / phone number / house where I bought it.

I just hope I get MY gear back and I'll be lucky if I get the money back.

This isn't a fun thing to happen for a college grad student with no job


That is a bittr pill to have to swallow ..
2010-01-30 4:56 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
so sorry about the bike, that is just a huge bummer.  Hopefully it will get sorted out quickly once the detectives are contacted and you'll get your wheels and pedals back.

I guess the good news is that someone somewhere, who probably never figured they would see their bike again, just had it found - I find that absolutely amazing.  Is there some database the bike store searches? 

As for the walking at water stop thing - I am one of those people who cannot (no matter the method) drink while they run - I am just not that coordinated.  I usually walk when I talk fluids during a race - however the short walk break in no way would be sufficient to allow me to recover enough to run 3 x something between my 5k and 10k pace (or even my 10k pace).  It seems to me that if you are running even a 10k pace (arguably slower than 7 k) you are running right at threshold level and it is very unlikely you could sustain that 2 more times. 

So, if I have your question right, yes, walk in the water breaks when you need to in order to get down the fluids, but don't plan on starting back up at much over your half marathon pace.

2010-01-30 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
That's horrible, Cozmo!  I really hope this gets sorted out.
2010-01-30 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2643463

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
garryowen96 - 2010-01-29 4:37 PM
Catalana - 2010-01-27 6:37 PM
Cat--there is actually an article on the BT website on calculating your lactate threshold heart rate and then a calculator that you can use to develop your target zones. The LTTH test is hard so make sure your legs are recovered before doing it. />

Thanks so much, this is super helpful.  I used my time trial threshold numbers and what was interesting is that my long ride/endurance HR is about 10-15  beats per minute below what I usually run for my long run.  I had heard that HR zones for biking were typically 10-15 below running HR, so this makes me feel confident that I am at least close to the correct zone for my rides.

I think one part of what freaked me out is that I put an indoor cadence/mph sensor on my bike and it is not (in hindsight) set correctly.  It was telling me for about 5 days of biking on my trainer that I was only riding about 11-12.5 mph.  I haven't biked enough to have any idea of speed, and I think that number really shot my confidence.  As I think back to my long rides last fall, I realized that even  easy casual rides were right around 15 mph, so that sensor must  be way off, but at the time it just made me think I was totally lame and way off in terms of my riding. 

My crabby bit for the day is my garmin is on the blink - the enter button seems to have gone completely bad - I'll need to send it in for repair (hopefully under the warranty).  I love love love my garmin, but am bummed it went bad so quickly (just over a year).


2010-01-30 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
A question for the women - what do you wear in a HIM?  I am thinking trishorts with a champion job bra - but the non-cotton kind.  Then I can just grab a jersey for the bike and run with or without a top depending on the weather. 

I tried on some Tyr trishorts and they were not at all comfortable - the seams were super rough and cheap.  Any suggestions?  One of my friends swears by wearing regular bike shorts over trishorts for padding on the bike and pulling them off for the run - any other suggestions? 

Anyone familiar with Moving Comfort Lila Shimmels ?  I run in them all the time, although they are meant for biking - I am wondering if I could get away with wearing one under a wetsuit and them just having that on the whole time.

It is a wierd in between thing, the HIM.  In a full, most people change between each stage, and in an olympic it is short enough no one worries too much, but in a half, there seems to be no happy medium...

2010-01-30 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2644983

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Cat- I have 2XU shorts which are comfortable enough on my longest training rides last year, but I'm not sure they'd feel great after a HIM bike.  I had no issues running with them.
2010-02-01 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
How was January for everybody?

January's totals:
Bike:10h 13m 15s  - 152.6 Mi
Run:5h 31m 40s  - 25.7 Mi
Racquetball:1h 40m
Rock Climbing:                      20m

I plan on building up on my running and see if I can do some type of laps at the apartment complex pool. My school is actually building an indoor lap pool but it doesn't open until Fall.

I am still waiting on the detective to call me to see if I get my stuff...

Edited by Cozmo 2010-02-01 11:13 AM
2010-02-01 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Cozmo, I am really bummed for you on the bike scam!  Wow that ticks me off that people in this world pull that kind of stuff.

I had a business trip in Florida and spent a day with my parents and brother in Sarasota.  It was really nice to get outside to run.   It was 75 degrees but really windy as a storm was blowing in on Saturday.  I thought I had been maintaining some running fitness from my treadmill but after a 5 1/2 mile run at a 7:45 pace in the wind, I am still sore!  Do you guys think that real running is that different than a treadmill?  My swim this morning helped bring my lactic acid level down a little but my quads still hurt going up/down stairs.  Maybe this is part of getting old (43). 

Do you guys/gals experience the same soreness or is it just me?

By the way...we did 8x50 golf drill today and my combined time/strokes was a low of 70 and a high of 76.   My stroke count ranged from 23 to 26.
2010-02-01 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2647470

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Cozmo - 2010-02-01 9:12 AM
How was January for everybody?

January's totals:
Bike:10h 13m 15s  - 152.6 Mi
Run:5h 31m 40s  - 25.7 Mi
Racquetball:1h 40m
Rock Climbing:                      20m

I plan on building up on my running and see if I can do some type of laps at the apartment complex pool. My school is actually building an indoor lap pool but it doesn't open until Fall.

I am still waiting on the detective to call me to see if I get my stuff...

Sucks about the bike!!!!!!

My January....
January's totals:
Bike:18h 00m  - 347.88 Mi
Run:5h 31m 12s  - 25.3 Mi
Swim:6h 21m 04s  - 17550 Yd
Strength:5h 42m
Elliptical Training:31m
Go-Go Dancing:44m
Hiking:3h 25m
Home Improvement:8h 00m
P90X:3h 46m
Walking:3h 55m

2010-02-01 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2644158

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
xavi - 2010-01-30 5:51 AM


Just two quick questions:

1. What do you know about new technique of starting to walk  when you see water stations get all liquid you migh need and do full nutrition walking and keep it for 20'' more, then, again star @ pace for 7k (if you have 3 water stations for HM) looks like works better than just running all 21K. This comment came today while biking, btw, my longest ride ever 101Kms (60 miles)...but, with a tendon right knee injury!

2. I did my first session last Monday, about "immersion swimming technique" and I am wondering, if I really will be quite difficult to go "skating" in the water ... due to a very dfferent concept compared to when I started swimming 35 years ago!

Talk to you very soon!

"XTB" Xavi.

P.S: Tomorrow 18.6 k mountain half marathon....and my right knee is still hurting.

1- I walk for about 30 seconds to 1 minute through the aid stations.  I usually pick a point and say to myself "at that trash can or tree, I will start to run again."

2- I took the Total Immersion clinic and found that I didn't get faster, just a little more efficient.  I should do more of the drills again, they really do help!
2010-02-01 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Cat- For my HIMs I just wear tri shorts and tri top.  I use DeSoto shorts.  Even during my IMs I only bike in tri shorts, as I do ALL of my riding in tri shorts.  Bike shorts have too much padding for me now.
2010-02-01 12:27 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

Which DeSoto shorts do you like?  Cat
2010-02-01 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Not sure about running, but I think I had a similar experience on the bike this week.  On Saturday I did my first outside ride in over a month.  On the trainer I had gotten up to rides over 3 hours (avg 17mph).  I did a 2 hour bike ride (avg 18 mph), and I was sure sore on Sunday.  I was discouraged that my bike trainer work thus didn't seem as tough, nor did it improve my speed as much as I was hoping.

So it seemed that the trainer is easier than outside.
2010-02-01 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Here's my January.  December was my first real month of getting regular Tri workouts in, and January was exciting for me to get lots of base in.  All month I was increasing my long run and long bike to do the actual HIM estimated time.  So the last week of January I did workouts where I covered the HIM, including swimming 42 laps in a row one day.

Unfortunately, I failed the Peaches challenge, and only got 29/31 peaches.  Those 2 days were due to work traveling.

January's totals:
Bike:20h 31m 46s  - 350.61 Mi
Run:12h 38m 37s  - 86.13 Mi
Swim:7h 02m 10s  - 19000 Yd
Pilates:2h 00m
Walking:2h 02m 26s

2010-02-01 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2647717

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
bartimaeus - 2010-02-01 11:28 AM Bret
Not sure about running, but I think I had a similar experience on the bike this week.  On Saturday I did my first outside ride in over a month.  On the trainer I had gotten up to rides over 3 hours (avg 17mph).  I did a 2 hour bike ride (avg 18 mph), and I was sure sore on Sunday.  I was discouraged that my bike trainer work thus didn't seem as tough, nor did it improve my speed as much as I was hoping.

So it seemed that the trainer is easier than outside.

Are you just riding the trainer or doyou have specific workouts and goals?  Trainers are great but you can get used to riding at an Easy intensity.  Varying the workout with hard intervals (be honest too about what is hard) on trainers should increase your bike power much more than road rides.
2010-02-01 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

I've mostly been doing long ride, so my goals have been just to get them done, and stay at a high RPM (95,96).  Those average 17mph.  On my shorter ones (1 hour), i've tried stuff like getting high 90's RPM, and one's where I try to average over 19mph.  Then other days are just recovery.

But, no, I don't have a well designed bike trainer workout schedule.  I was just trying to get the volume to start.  Now that I've done that, it's a blank slate.  I've got till 3rd week of March before I start a 20 Week til HIM plan.

2010-02-01 4:30 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
I went to the sports med doctor tonight.  He's awesome, he is a five time ironman triathlete.

He saw a stress fracture in my back that my other doctor had missed.  It looks like it's been there for a while.  I'm scheduled for an MRI this week. 

It hurts really badly still, but I now feel hopeful about my recovery.

Edited by GotTorque? 2010-02-01 4:30 PM
2010-02-01 6:06 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Hey Everyone...Hope you all had a great weekend.  I did my second 50 miler on the bike on Friday - this time with the right fuel and hydration, and it made all the difference.  Much better than the first 50 miler (which was a near-death experience).  My head felt back to normal in about 5 minutes instead of the 90 minutes it took the first time.

Then, Saturday I did the longest run I've ever done - 10 miles.  The last 2 miles were pretty tough because my quads were shot from the bike ride the day before, and they were tightening up real bad.  I think it was a bad idea to do the long bike ride the day before the long run.  But, my goal was 10 miles, and I did 10 miles.  Boy did I need Sunday (my rest day) to come.

January's totals:
Bike:17h 53m  - 303.2 Mi
Run:10h 24m 30s  - 72.09 Mi
Swim:8h 43m 35s  - 20000 Yd
Foam Roller:10h 00m
Yoga:2h 15m

2010-02-01 6:22 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

Question about the bike...For my first few rides, I averaged 16 mph.  I wasn't trying to kill it, but I wasn't going easy either.  I felt pretty good about this and expected my averages to improve significantly after building some endurance and muscle power on the bike, especially because I planned to push it harder after getting thru that initial "break in" period.

Well, I've done about 15 rides now (distances between 15 and 50 miles), and it seems that no matter what I do, I average 16 mph, whether I do 30 miles or 50 miles, it’s the same.  This seems strange to me.  I don't really know what a realistic expectation is, but I was hoping to get to that 18-20mph average that seems common among the strong athletes.  I consider myself young and athletic, and I've been disappointed with the last few rides because I'm starting to doubt I'll ever get any faster.

My experience in other sports (and strength training) is that the big muscles, like quads, hamstrings, and glut majors get strong fairly quickly and a person tends to see some nice immediate results.  So this was my expectation for the bike, but so far I’ve been surprised.

In fairness to myself, I averaged 17.5 mph on my 20 miler this morning, so maybe I’m getting better.  I’m just worried that on the day of the HIM, I’ll have to go 12 mph to leave enough in the legs for the run…which would make for a very long bike time.

Are my results typical?  Can I expect it to get better with more rides?  Do you think it’s a mental block I have?  I know that happens sometimes to runners who just get used to a certain pace regardless of the distance.

2010-02-01 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2647470

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Cozmo - 2010-02-01 11:12 AM
How was January for everybody?

January's totals:
Bike:10h 13m 15s  - 152.6 Mi
Run:5h 31m 40s  - 25.7 Mi
Racquetball:1h 40m
Rock Climbing:                      20m

I plan on building up on my running and see if I can do some type of laps at the apartment complex pool. My school is actually building an indoor lap pool but it doesn't open until Fall.

I am still waiting on the detective to call me to see if I get my stuff...

Here is mine:  
Bike:  13h 40m
Run: 12h 27m
Swim:  7h 13 m

There is a bit of strength training and other random stuff in there, but I don't log it.

I had this cool thing happen with swimming this week where I felt like all of a sudden my back was helping with my swimming - before I felt like my entire catch came from my arms and shoulders, but now I feel like I am using my back, in my shoulder blade and between shoulder blade area.  I am not going any faster, or only a little bit- I'm still really slow, but it definitely feels somewhat easier.  But I can't always seem to get that feeling, so I am guessing it is just one of those things that will come more with experience.

I have just over a week until my "official" training 20 week HIM training program starts.  I am feeling happy with my base, - I am starting to get some confidence that if I can stay healthy and do the training, I can really actually do this.
2010-02-01 7:16 PM
in reply to: #2648416

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
GotTorque? - 2010-02-01 4:30 PM I went to the sports med doctor tonight.  He's awesome, he is a five time ironman triathlete.

He saw a stress fracture in my back that my other doctor had missed.  It looks like it's been there for a while.  I'm scheduled for an MRI this week. 

It hurts really badly still, but I now feel hopeful about my recovery.

Oh my, I am so glad you saw someone who figured out the probable issue.   While a stress fracture stinks, at least there is a reason for what you've been feeling and hopefully it will heal quickly.

Glad you found a doc you like.

2010-02-01 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2647604

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
AbbieR - 2010-02-01 11:46 AM Cat- For my HIMs I just wear tri shorts and tri top.  I use DeSoto shorts.  Even during my IMs I only bike in tri shorts, as I do ALL of my riding in tri shorts.  Bike shorts have too much padding for me now.

Yet another clothing question - do the tri tops have built in support, or do you wear the sports bra of your choice underneath?

2010-02-01 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Fort Collins, CO
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Hey everyone. . .thought I'd comment on a few posts and drop my totals for the month.

Pedals: I have a strong preference for Speedplay pedals. I like the fact that you have a great deal of float, particularly given the fact that I have a reconstructed ACL. The other bonus is you have 2 sided entry.

Cozmo: that B L O W S! I really hope you get your components back.

Treadmill vs. Outside: I think running outside can be more fatiguing particularly if you are on hilly terrain. That said I'm trying my best to Chi run, which is supposed to make running anywhere effortless. I don't think I had my Chi on during my 14.5 mile run on Saturday though.

January's totals:
Bike:30h 21m 27s  - 545.5 Mi
Run:14h 15m 14s  - 98 Mi
Swim:5h 54m  - 18377.87 Yd

I crashed yesterday on my TT bike, primarily due to my own stupidity and a soft road shoulder. Luckily my bike landed on top of me after I went over the handle bars and wasn't damaged. I'm a wee bit sore though, and I've got a couple of nice bruise/road rash combo's on my hip and shoulder.

Off to the pool. . .have a great week everyone.
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