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2010-05-09 7:09 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Oh - some observations that I made regarding heart rate while on my trainer. I think it is interesting:

2010-05-09 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Thanks James, for letting me know about the draft issue... couldn't quite tell whether "make public" meant outside of BT or within BT... now I know.  Anyway, it is now public... will fill in the times later. 

Thanks for the "never again" thoughts... I will be giving some thought over the next few weeks as to whether that was a "once-in-a-lifetime" or just a start.  Right now... well, let's just say you read my mind :-)  I promised myself before the race, however, to take some time to reflect on what direction training and goals would take post HIM.  There's alot to process regarding balance and overall life goals.  It's a good conversation to have with yourself now and then.

Now can't wait to hear about Mark's first ever Tri experience... that is a huge milestone!  Sending good thoughts his way right now :-)

Thanks again everyone... could not have done it without all the support from this group!!!!  

And last, but not least... happy Mom's Day!

Edited by juneapple 2010-05-09 8:30 AM
2010-05-09 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Incredible job- I didn't know that you went into this thing as cold as you did. I knew you were stretching a bit, but I didn't realize you hadn't ridden longer than 40 miles in quite some time.  Way to go!!!  Seriously, that's a hell of an accomplishment you just pulled off. 

It sounds as if it's a bit too early to be suggesting this, but I was going to propose an end of season HIM for the east coast members of Experior:  Beach 2 Battleship, Nov 13 down in Wilmington, NC.  Stu, that's only a few hours from you....Cool

Hope everyone has a nice Sunday.


2010-05-09 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2845850

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-05-08 9:06 AM
slow turtle - 2010-05-08 10:15 AM
TriGuyBri - 2010-05-07 11:54 PM Michael or any one else for that matter,

How much can I expect to lose if I sit back and not train the rest of this week.  I am in a recovery week anyway.  The reason is my right knee is bothering me some going up and down stairs and some just walking.  I think it is due to a change in where I have been running.  I started going back to a park to run with more hills and uneven ground (barkdust and grass in parts.  I think it has effected by knee.  I haven't changed much of anything else.  Anyway, my plan to to I am just to keep icing my knee and maybe some heat for the remainder of this weekend and see how it is on Monday.  I am four weeks out from my first Oly (three hard training weeks and a taper) and I rather be slower than not able to compete.  I could do it now if I had to, but my knee would be awefully sore at the end.


Based solely on my recent experience- I'd say play it safe. It's getter to miss a few days, or even a week, instead of 6 weeks of recovery.

x2.  I'd take this week off running and see what you can do next week.  Is biking OK?  If you can bike or swim or pool run then you'll lose almost zero run fitness over the course of a week off.

I had a knee surgery a while back with an ortho who works mostly with professional athletes and dancers, and he (and even more so his assistant, who is also a very talented runner) REALLY worked with me on how to distinguish pain that is truly serious from pain that is 'a natural part of recovery'.  One rule of thumb that he gave me is that if the pain forces you to change your gait, then it is probably 'bad pain'.  Another is that pain that lingers long after you are done (as opposed to going away 15-60 minutes after you are done) is probably 'bad pain'.

The guy I'm working with now (different guy -- he does hips not knees) says more or less the same thing (and chastised me for knowing better when clearly, last weekend, the pain was affecting my gait... yeah, I'm not always the best at applying what I know).

Anyway, short answer is, as Heidi says, better to heal up now and lose a week than to exacerbate it now and lose 6 weeks.

Have to admit the knee is feeling so much better.  I think I'll stick to my normal route of paved roads, sidewalks and the track.  I think the uneveness of the pathways, the trails and grass at the park conributed to my knee issues.  I'll may go for a ride the evning to see how it responds after.

Have a great Mother's Day all you Mom's!!!
2010-05-09 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2846809

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Stone Cutter - 2010-05-09 7:21 AM Stu,

Incredible job- I didn't know that you went into this thing as cold as you did. I knew you were stretching a bit, but I didn't realize you hadn't ridden longer than 40 miles in quite some time.  Way to go!!!  Seriously, that's a hell of an accomplishment you just pulled off. 

It sounds as if it's a bit too early to be suggesting this, but I was going to propose an end of season HIM for the east coast members of Experior:  Beach 2 Battleship, Nov 13 down in Wilmington, NC.  Stu, that's only a few hours from you....Cool

Hope everyone has a nice Sunday.


Great job Stu.  Way to push through it.  I cna't wait to read you race report.  I hope to do my first HIM in a year or two and I can learn so much from your races.
2010-05-09 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Beach 2 Battleship in November sounds interesting............


2010-05-09 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2846692

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
microspawn - 2010-05-09 8:03 AM
juneapple - 2010-05-08 8:53 PM Here's the draft of the race report.  I think you can all see it while still in draft mode.  Will have to fill in times after results are available.

Oops - we can't see the draft race report but good job. It is a tough distance and you made it!!! I think everytime I have done a half iron distance race (twice) I actually say "Never again" when I finish. This year it was caught on video. But the pain and effort soon vanish and you want to do it again! You want to get faster!

x2.  I'm already looking forward to the next one.  The HIM distance is addictive, for me at least.  As long as I can maintain focus with regard to family and job, I'll keep doing it.
2010-05-09 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2846809

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Stone Cutter - 2010-05-09 10:21 AM Stu,

Incredible job- I didn't know that you went into this thing as cold as you did. I knew you were stretching a bit, but I didn't realize you hadn't ridden longer than 40 miles in quite some time.  Way to go!!!  Seriously, that's a hell of an accomplishment you just pulled off. 

It sounds as if it's a bit too early to be suggesting this, but I was going to propose an end of season HIM for the east coast members of Experior:  Beach 2 Battleship, Nov 13 down in Wilmington, NC.  Stu, that's only a few hours from you....Cool

Hope everyone has a nice Sunday.


Hey, did you read my mind???

Seriously, I've been thinking about B2B recently.  I'm already signed up for Myrtle Beach (in early October), and that's definitely my 'A' race for the year, especially as my 'other' A race was sort of messed up.  But I was also considering a last hurrah for the year at B2B.  I like Wilmington -- my sister used to live there, so I'm a little familiar with it.  And I've heard great things about B2B.

I'll definitely keep it on my 'maybe' list.  Right now, I've got to focus on getting back!

Edited by Experior 2010-05-09 1:53 PM
2010-05-09 2:07 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Nice report, Stu.  Gutting it out through tough conditions is never easy.  Sounds like you did a good job of it though, especially for your first one.

And yes, making you run past the finish line before you are actually finished is a particularly cruel form of torture.  They did the same thing at IMKY and it was HARD to head out on that second loop.  I think that their making you run past the finish line TWO times just might qualify as cruel and unusual!

2010-05-09 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2847044

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
B2B looks like a cool race. I am not a strong swimmer so getting the push from the swim is interesting. A guy I met at IM-LOU (he was 28th overall) did the 1/2 last year and finished 3rd (but led the whole race). His blog :

And yes, seeing the finish line and hearing the poeple and then starting the second loop was crazy hard at IM-LOU...
2010-05-09 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: I'm moving to San Diego

First, the good news.

I successfully finished my first “athon” and met my goal (finish strong with a smile on my face and not last in my AG).  More on the new name of the event in a minute.

Now the bad news.

I spent most of the run thinking of how to summarize my experience and decided to go with a top 10 list:

Top 10 reasons I will never forget my first ‘athon’

10. When I woke up at 5:00, the thermometer read 39.

9. The air temp at the start of the race was 42.

8. Though the water temp was 20 degrees warmer, it was still just 62.

7. There was a 40 mph wind blowing right to left (when facing the water).

6. Said wind raised quite a chop and moderate white caps.

5. The final stretch of the run was along the top of the retaining wall of the reservoir (30 feet above the water and wide open) and was perpendicular to the wind.  To stay on my feet, I had to lean about 10 degrees to my left.

4. The buoys, though stationed at quarter mile distances just prior to the race, were moving left and away from the beach at about 5 yards per minute.

3. My ‘warmup’ swim prior to the start of the race left me chilled to the bone.

2. The third wave of swimmers ended up swimming at least one half of a mile as they were chasing a moving target.  They then had a heck of a time after circling the buoy, as they had to turn into the wind and swim against the chop.

And the number 1 reason:

1. My swim was canceled after the local fire and rescue’s support boat sank in the rough waters.  Yes, the guys out there to save me needed saving.

Even before they canceled the swim for the final three groups, I had decided not to swim.  It didn’t look safe and the distance was growing by the minute.  I may need to look for a pool swim… Smile

The rest of us then ran to the transition area, changed, and took off on our bikes.  At 42 degrees and the strong wind, my feet were numb for the whole ride.  When I returned to the dismount area, I could barely walk to my spot.  It wasn’t until the second mile of the run before I could feel my feet again.  I ran with my tri shirt, long-sleeve shirt, and microfleece jacket and still never warmed up or broke a sweat.

Despite the challenges, I enjoyed my first ‘athon’  - not quite a tri or a du (run, bike, run).  I’ll write up my full race report tomorrow after the times are posted.  Thanks again for all of your support. 

- Mark

2010-05-09 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Wow- sounds like absolutely miserable race this early May or March?!  That boat sinking may have been a stroke of luck (assuming no one was hurt) - I can't imagine how unpleasant of a swim that would have been.  Even with a wetsuit...42 degrees air temp and whitecaps? No thanks.

Hopefully they had hot chocolate at the finish line for you.   Looking forward to your race report.

2010-05-09 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Mark-That sounds like a crazy race! I'll stick to the races that have the swim in small lakes.
Congrats on finishing it.

I'm curious, how do they adjust every one's time to make it even for those wh swam and those who didn't?
2010-05-09 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2846869

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
slornow - 2010-05-09 10:36 AM

Beach 2 Battleship in November sounds interesting............


Indeed.  I'm getting mighty close to pulling the trigger on this race.

2010-05-09 10:46 PM
in reply to: #2847383

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: I'm moving to San Diego
Mark, I'm speechless. I'm humbled by your (and your fellow racers') fortitude.  Unbelievable.  I've posted a link to your post on our HIM's race talk.  We had been complaining about the conditions.... they look pretty good now compared to what you overcame.  Wow.

Congrats on your first "alon"  - certainly memorable!  And best of all, when people are at a race complaining about the chop in the water, you can always bring out your, "and then the boat sank" story... which should put an end to that discussion... lol!


Edited by juneapple 2010-05-09 10:47 PM
2010-05-10 5:37 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Crazy swim conditions, Mark!  I was looking at the results and wondering why there was a 'bike-run' division!  Yeah, the "And then the boat sank" line will be one to use in the future...

On B2B:  Despite my hatred of cold conditions (yes, I grew up in northern Wisconsin, and yes, living in the South has wiped the memory of it out of me), I am likely for this race.  However, I'm not plunking any money down for anything until I know for sure that I'm fully back into training.  I visit the doctor again today, hopefully to get the OK to swim.

Have a great day everyone.

2010-05-10 5:38 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Mark-WOW! Those are some nasty conditions-way t?o?? ?h?a?n?g? ?i?n? ?t?h?e?r?e?.


2010-05-10 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: I'm moving to San Diego
2010-05-10 6:47 PM
in reply to: #2848623

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Subject: RE: I'm moving to San Diego
Mark,  I like your new profile image. Ha!!

2010-05-10 10:30 PM
in reply to: #2848623

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: I'm moving to San Diego
Hey Mark, congrats again on your performance... enjoyed reading your race report and the news reports.  But I have to admit my favorite quote was from the race description of the swim...

"The swim takes place in the Hopkinton reservoir - clean, spacious, scenic and calm."
2010-05-11 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Swam this morning. Bike this afternoon. Lovin the new road bike! My butt not so much. Already have a saddle sore in an unspeakable place. : O

About the bike, because of the "sore spot" I'm easing into the bike time. Here is my concern, I do not seem to be getting as good a workout as I do in an indoor class or even the beat up hybrid I was using. Is ther just a learning curve on what gears to use and what routes to ride? I did hills on one route, but found out that as much work as it took to get up the hill, there was very little work on the backside. Overall it just was not very tough.


2010-05-12 12:04 AM
in reply to: #2848623

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Subject: RE: I'm moving to San Diego

Yes, very tough first one.  Your next race, whenever and whereever it is will feel totally different and hopefully much more enjoyable.  That is one incredible race day.!!!
2010-05-12 12:20 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Have continued to ice the knee.  I swam on Monday evening and had a great swim workout.  For my 100 intervals at VO2 Max Intensity I was swimming 100's between 1:29 and 1:31.  I did 7 of these for a portion of my main set.  Felt real good.

Biked this evening for a little over an hour while doing 2x14 min tempo rides at about 8-8.5 RPE; probabaly went a little harder than that.  Could feel the knee some when I stood up after stop lights. 

I am going to run tomorrow morning at the High School track and will be doing a 24 min tempo run at 8:37 - 9:02 pace (Threshold Intensity for me); we'll see how it goes.  I am suspecting it will be OK. 

Thursday evening a local Physical Therapist who is a Tri Club member will be holding a run clinic and talking about running and injury prevention.  They will be evaluating our gait and form on a treadmill as well as outside and providing some form improvement to work on.  It will be nice to have someone look over my form and provide some tips to become a better and faster runner.  I have 10 + long run coming up on Saturday so I may try some of it out during a portion of the run.

Then comes friday.  Our tri club is going to try to get (depends on the water temperature)  into the local reservoir for an OWS.  I went ahead and rented a longsleeve wetsuit and purchased some 3mm neoprene socks and some gloves from the local scuba shop.  Rather feel comfortable than suffer.  First OWS of the season.  Want to get 3 or 4 OWS in before June 6th Oly. 

That's it for now. Happy training.  If I get any good tips or ideas from the run clinic I'll pass them on.
2010-05-12 6:23 AM
in reply to: #2852846

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-05-11 9:23 PM Swam this morning. Bike this afternoon. Lovin the new road bike! My butt not so much. Already have a saddle sore in an unspeakable place. : O

About the bike, because of the "sore spot" I'm easing into the bike time. Here is my concern, I do not seem to be getting as good a workout as I do in an indoor class or even the beat up hybrid I was using. Is ther just a learning curve on what gears to use and what routes to ride? I did hills on one route, but found out that as much work as it took to get up the hill, there was very little work on the backside. Overall it just was not very tough.


Hey Phil, it sounds like your new bike is a sweet machine and it requires way less output to maintain a particular speed than your old 'beater' hybrid.  To get more of a workout you can bump up your cadence or perhaps try maintaining your current cadence in a higher gear.  Just be careful about trying to mash a high gear if you have knee problems. Ride just slightly harder and you will feel it, but use good judgment - don't go too far, too fast, too soon. 

2010-05-12 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2853008

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
TriGuyBri - 2010-05-12 1:20 AM Have continued to ice the knee.  I swam on Monday evening and had a great swim workout.  For my 100 intervals at VO2 Max Intensity I was swimming 100's between 1:29 and 1:31.  I did 7 of these for a portion of my main set.  Felt real good.

Biked this evening for a little over an hour while doing 2x14 min tempo rides at about 8-8.5 RPE; probabaly went a little harder than that.  Could feel the knee some when I stood up after stop lights. 

I am going to run tomorrow morning at the High School track and will be doing a 24 min tempo run at 8:37 - 9:02 pace (Threshold Intensity for me); we'll see how it goes.  I am suspecting it will be OK. 

Thursday evening a local Physical Therapist who is a Tri Club member will be holding a run clinic and talking about running and injury prevention.  They will be evaluating our gait and form on a treadmill as well as outside and providing some form improvement to work on.  It will be nice to have someone look over my form and provide some tips to become a better and faster runner.  I have 10 + long run coming up on Saturday so I may try some of it out during a portion of the run.

Then comes friday.  Our tri club is going to try to get (depends on the water temperature)  into the local reservoir for an OWS.  I went ahead and rented a longsleeve wetsuit and purchased some 3mm neoprene socks and some gloves from the local scuba shop.  Rather feel comfortable than suffer.  First OWS of the season.  Want to get 3 or 4 OWS in before June 6th Oly. 

That's it for now. Happy training.  If I get any good tips or ideas from the run clinic I'll pass them on.

Sounds like a great week!  I love OWS.  Have a good one!
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