BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL! Rss Feed  
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2011-01-24 11:29 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
This week's goals:

Run 3x
Bike 3x
Strength train 2x

Swimming's out of the picture until I find a replacement pool or until Clemson fixes the pool  

2011-01-25 4:39 AM
in reply to: #3319590

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Stickyrunner01 - 2011-01-25 12:11 AM
DirkP - 2011-01-24 9:46 PM My weekly goals:
Run 18-20 miles
Bike 3 x on the trainer (60-ish miles)
Swim 3 x (6500-7000 yards)

This will be another tough week for me.  I have 2 swim meets this week and a Friday band practice.  Swim will be over soon but my youngest daughter has decided to run track this year at HS so I will have that to work around as the school year progresses.  I am not complaining, at least not a lot, my girls will only be young once and I have missed a lot of them growing up already.  I don't want to miss any more.

Looks like a great week! Hopefully everything will fall into place and let you get those workouts in!

Also, My dad was a runner when he was in HS and would always say when I was in HS that he wished he could get out there with me and run. He always said he would slow me down too much and didn't want to take away from my training, I always joked back and never thought too much about it. Now, looking back, I know it would have meant the world to him if I could have slowed down enough to let him enjoy a nice 2-3 mile jog with me. I'll always remember the meet when I ran my 10:19 junior year, because I never knew my dad's PR's from when he ran. I crossed the line, excited as ever... came over to him and he was very happy for me, but I could tell something wasn't quite right. He said something to the effect of, "well, now 2 of my 3 son's are faster than I was in HS. I guess I should have ran faster! But, hey, I get credit cause I ran on cinders!"

Dirk, enjoy her running. As a HS runner, she should have plenty of miles to share with you. Go for a jog with her. Talk. Running conversations are some of the most pure because there isn't enough breath to BS. You two will have great conversations.

I got a 45 min trainer ride in tonight 10 min w/u. 5 x (3 min off, 2 min) on with a 10 min c/d --> watched CARS while spinning, forgot how good that movie was

Very sound advice!  I appreciate what your saying and I hope that she and I will be able to go running.  as you might remember I get to swim with my oldest daughter from time to time and those are definitely memorable times.  We get to spend time together and she can teach the old man a thing or two about swimming in the process.

BTW, maybe you and your dad can still get a few runs in.
2011-01-25 4:44 AM
in reply to: #3319600

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Emmanem - 2011-01-25 12:29 AM This week's goals:

Run 3x
Bike 3x
Strength train 2x

Swimming's out of the picture until I find a replacement pool or until Clemson fixes the pool  

Whats wrong with the pool?

I just got done escalating my swim distance to my max for workouts.  I am at 4000 yards for one work out and I will probably keep the second swim at 3000-3500 with varying intensities.  I don't see the need to increase my distances for doing Oly's this year and possibly a HIM 2012 season.

2011-01-25 4:50 AM
in reply to: #3319701

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!

My goals for this week are:
1. Run 5x - approx. 25miles (slowly building to 35mpw over the next 2 months)
2. Swim 3x - approx. 4000-4500m
3. Get more sleep!

Edited by sicone 2011-01-25 4:50 AM
2011-01-25 6:16 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I'm looking at all of your goals for the week with awe and wonder.

I know they are your goals and I have my goals, but I just have to say, being a newbie in 2 out of 3 sports sucks.  I'm tired and not feeling well, so I need an attitude adjustment.  Cry  Oh, while I'm whining, I'm sick of winter.

That said, I'm going to put on my big girl panties, suck it up and go to work.  Thanks for letting me vent!
2011-01-25 7:35 AM
in reply to: #3319762

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
jfought - 2011-01-25 12:16 PM .....I know they are your goals and I have my goals, but I just have to say, being a newbie in 2 out of 3 sports sucks.  I'm tired and not feeling well, so I need an attitude adjustment.  Cry 

Last year was my first year in this sport and I was new to all 3 displines. If you look at my logs from then you'll see a very different set of figures compared to this year (also remember that I have slightly more time dedicated to running as I'm not cycling at the mo)

2011-01-25 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3319590

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Stickyrunner01 - 2011-01-24 11:11 PM
DirkP - 2011-01-24 9:46 PM My weekly goals:
Run 18-20 miles
Bike 3 x on the trainer (60-ish miles)
Swim 3 x (6500-7000 yards)

This will be another tough week for me.  I have 2 swim meets this week and a Friday band practice.  Swim will be over soon but my youngest daughter has decided to run track this year at HS so I will have that to work around as the school year progresses.  I am not complaining, at least not a lot, my girls will only be young once and I have missed a lot of them growing up already.  I don't want to miss any more.

Dirk, enjoy her running. As a HS runner, she should have plenty of miles to share with you. Go for a jog with her. Talk. Running conversations are some of the most pure because there isn't enough breath to BS. You two will have great conversations.

I got a 45 min trainer ride in tonight 10 min w/u. 5 x (3 min off, 2 min) on with a 10 min c/d --> watched CARS while spinning, forgot how good that movie was


Well I did it, I got out and rode my roadie  on sat morning!!! I only braved 10 miles in the sub 10F (wind was strong and ICY)  it was a good ride, but I could tell I haven't had a ride in a while (my bottom was SORE!!) anyways, I figure at least once a week on the road bike, shorter distances and I can tough it up in the cold!!

This week I am fighting a sinus thingy...ugh.  but yesterday I warmed up with a 30 min plyo stregnth training dvd then finished up a tempo run. this morning, I could not get out of bed feeling better now, just not sure if I'll be able to make up the missed work out. tonight should be 2500 yrd swim if the y got the heater fixed on the pool (yesterday it was down to the high 60s but dropping and avg of 5 degrees a day)

seren congrats on your first winter tri!!! can't wait to see the RR as well!!!
2011-01-25 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Can I cry?  I just spent almost 2 hours on the race report and as I was saving it my computer came back with an error message.    That'll teach me not to copy it over to a word doc.   Well I think I'm gonna go for a run to clear the slate and I will start over again this afternoon!  I had pictures and everything!
2011-01-25 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
2011-01-25 2:46 PM
in reply to: #3319701

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
DirkP - 2011-01-25 5:44 AM
Emmanem - 2011-01-25 12:29 AM This week's goals:

Run 3x
Bike 3x
Strength train 2x

Swimming's out of the picture until I find a replacement pool or until Clemson fixes the pool  

Whats wrong with the pool?

I just got done escalating my swim distance to my max for workouts.  I am at 4000 yards for one work out and I will probably keep the second swim at 3000-3500 with varying intensities.  I don't see the need to increase my distances for doing Oly's this year and possibly a HIM 2012 season.

Apparently a pipe burst over Christmas break.  This was supposed to be fixed by yesterday but when they fixed the initial leak they found more.  They're not sure when it's going to be fixed. 
2011-01-25 5:44 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
My goals this week is to simply get back on track. Follow my run coach's plan - get on the trainer twice - strength train twice and figure out how to fit a yoga class in

2011-01-26 8:56 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!

Thanks for the RR.  I LOVE the story about the mishap on the ski hill :-)  I really do think pictures would have been great.  

I can't even imagine how hard it must be to bike in the snow/slush.  Way to get out there and try something new!

2011-01-26 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Looks like I missed an entire page of posting! Wow, ya'll have been busy!

Emmanem - 2011-01-25 12:29 AM This week's goals:

Run 3x, Bike 3x, Strength train 2x

Swimming's out of the picture until I find a replacement pool or until Clemson fixes the pool  

Great goals! Hopefully they get that pipe all fixed up before long!
sicone - 2011-01-25 5:50 AM

My goals for this week are:
1. Run 5x - approx. 25miles (slowly building to 35mpw over the next 2 months)
2. Swim 3x - approx. 4000-4500m
3. Get more sleep!

I especially like #3! Sleep is great! Good Goals!

jfought - 2011-01-25 7:16 AM I'm looking at all of your goals for the week with awe and wonder.

I know they are your goals and I have my goals, but I just have to say, being a newbie in 2 out of 3 sports sucks.  I'm tired and not feeling well, so I need an attitude adjustment.  Cry  Oh, while I'm whining, I'm sick of winter.

That said, I'm going to put on my big girl panties, suck it up and go to work.  Thanks for letting me vent!

Sounds like someone has the winter blues! We all started somewhere!

dreaming80 - 2011-01-25 10:39 AM

Well I did it, I got out and rode my roadie  on sat morning!!! I only braved 10 miles in the sub 10F (wind was strong and ICY)  it was a good ride, but I could tell I haven't had a ride in a while (my bottom was SORE!!) anyways, I figure at least once a week on the road bike, shorter distances and I can tough it up in the cold!!

This week I am fighting a sinus thingy...ugh.  but yesterday I warmed up with a 30 min plyo stregnth training dvd then finished up a tempo run. this morning, I could not get out of bed feeling better now, just not sure if I'll be able to make up the missed work out. tonight should be 2500 yrd swim if the y got the heater fixed on the pool (yesterday it was down to the high 60s but dropping and avg of 5 degrees a day)

10* BRRRR! Hopefully the sinus' are getting better! Also, what is it with everyone's pools? They seem to all be breaking down!

Seren - 2011-01-25 3:02 PM OK folks.  after a second attempt I got the RR done!

Great report, Congrats on the finish! Sounds like it was a good, and tough, time!

Seren - 2011-01-25 6:44 PM My goals this week is to simply get back on track. Follow my run coach's plan - get on the trainer twice - strength train twice and figure out how to fit a yoga class in

Simple goals are sometimes the best! Good luck!

2011-01-26 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Mid-week check in...

How is everyone progressing on their goals?

For me, I have accomplished 3 out of my 5 runs (13.6 out of 18-20), and (so far) 1 out of 2-3 trainers rides. Another will follow tonight.

Run frequency - 60%
Run Volume - 75.6% (18), 68% (20)
Bike frequency - 50% (2), 33% (3)

Seeing how much I've accomplished so far this week, I might try to get to the pool tomorrow evening If I don't end up working.
2011-01-26 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3323335

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I am doing decent for completing my weekly goals but I am about blown up right now.  I have gotten about 6 hours sleep the past few nights and I am waking up 15-30 minutes before my alarm goes off.  I hate when this happens but i know it goes in cycles. 

I got a 5 mile run in tonight and was considering a trainer ride too but I am going skip it since I am shot.  I hope to be able to get it in tomorrow night but I have a swim meet to go to first so I am not going to commit just yet.  If I don't do it tomorrow night I may try to do all three disciplines on Friday at a lower intensity.

2011-01-27 4:58 AM
in reply to: #3323335

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Stickyrunner01 - 2011-01-26 10:45 PM Mid-week check in...
How is everyone progressing on their goals?

Running - 3 out of 5 runs completed (16.4 of 25miles) with the last 2 runs scheduled for Friday and Sunday, so still on target
Swimming - 1 of 3 swims (1600m of 4000m) with another swim tonight and the last on Sunday. Should hit my target if I manage to get to the pool on Sunday.
Sleep - Monday and Tuesday were not great, but since then it's been good

2011-01-27 6:23 AM
in reply to: #3323335

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Stickyrunner01 - 2011-01-26 5:45 PM Mid-week check in...

How is everyone progressing on their goals?

3 Swims - Done
1 Bike done, other one will be tomorrow morning
1 Run done, will run tomorrow morning (brick)  May not get the 3rd run in.

Have been the extra stretches and exercises prescribed by my chiropractor.  Working on my sore lower back. 

Bells Brewery for their Hopslam--Done  (Brought a case home, but must share with hubby)
2011-01-27 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!

Ok all, this might sound silly, but if you look at my sig line I already did it. I was wondering if we could all put our names on our sig line, I am having a heck of a time remember first names !! anyways, it would help me out and maybe help everyone else too? lol

Dirk & Sicone, My problem this week has been sleep related as well. These issues normally tend to work themselves out but it is taking every ounce of will power to drag myself out of bed every morning.

Stickyrunner- good job on the runs! sounds like you need to get some swims in

Jayne- do you do much core work during the week? My brother has just started training with me. He had some minor lower back issues last week and just got the all clear from the chiro last night. But one thing I had mentioned to him is the core work! While I was doing INSANITY one thing mentioned over and over is holding the abs in to protect the lower back. Right now I am squeezing in a 15 min cardio abs video after my runs and then stretching. I'm not going to lie, I'm just trying to get rid of a "baby" belly but the incidental benefit is stronger core!! Just a thought! Good job getting out there and training (and playing at the brewery!) this week!

As for me, I have actually woke up/got out of my warm and cozy bed 3 out of the 4 mornings I had planned!!!!

3 out of 5 runs done

2 out of 4 swims done

1 out of 2 bikes done

One swim tonight and one on sunday afternoon.

another long run on saturday then a short hill work on sunday

going to try to get a bike in on saturday as well.

I did have a swimming breakthrough last night! Swam my first mile nonstop!! AFter a nice warm up and some drills, I was going to do a ladder up then back down, but I just felt like I should keep on going, so I did! I felt good too when I was done, I could have gone further but wednesday nights are busy and I only have an hour to swim!! Just 5 months ago I could barely swim 50 yrds without dying!!! WOOT HOOT! Now if only I could find my biking breakthrough

A question? What kind of nutrition plan do you guys follow?

2011-01-27 11:13 AM
in reply to: #3324305

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
dreaming80 - 2011-01-27 2:58 PM

A question? What kind of nutrition plan do you guys follow?

At the risk of annoying some people, my weight has never really been an issue for me and it hasn't changed in the last 20 or so years so I don't follow any nutrition plan at the moment apart from generally eating sensibly (with the occasional treat thrown in, but that happens less and less).
Once I start training for longer distance races (HIM's, IM's), then I will start to take my nutrition more seriously.
2011-01-27 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
2 out of 3 runs complete
1 of 3 bike complete
1 of 2 strength complete

Got another full day of school and work today then my weekend officially starts at 7  
2011-01-27 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3324305

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
dreaming80 - 2011-01-27 9:58 AM

A question? What kind of nutrition plan do you guys follow?

For a general all around plan I have been following The ZOne diet and it has worked well for me.   I do increase carbs with any workout over 1hr - 1:30 hr and my calories do go up and down according to the workout but I always fall back to the zone!

2011-01-27 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3324305

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
dreaming80 - 2011-01-27 9:58 AM

A question? What kind of nutrition plan do you guys follow?

I don't really "follow" a plan as I generally speaking have pretty good eating habits (generally speaking being the keywords!!!!!! haha!)  Anyway, as of late, I have really been trying to focus on getting lots of fruits and veggies in.  For the past week or so, I have been writing down what I eat, and found that I generally have been getting 6-7 servings of fruits and veggies.  Of course this is not bad, but I decided to try to make it a goal to get at least 10 in.  (I don't have a particular reason for choosing 10, it was just a whole number.)  Another thing I was specifically looking at is my calcium intake.  When I was growing up, I had milk with almost all meals, but after college, that kinda stopped, and I wasn't sure if I was always getting enough.  I found I was usually getting in about 2/3 the recommended intake, so I'm also trying to get in the 100%, at least.  (which actually isn't too difficult, just add cheese! )

In terms of becoming a healthier person overall, it's always about the lifestyle change, not just going extreme and cutting something out completely, which just increases the likelihood of failure.  So I think it helps to create small goals, maybe one week at a time.  Perhaps start with focusing on trying to eat xx servings of fruits and veggies one week, focusing on getting a solid healthy breakfast the next week, etc.  It's about being able to implement changes to your eating habits for life, right?  Little steps.

A side note, going back to my "generally speaking," my FAVORITE ice cream is Edy's LIMITED EDITION (this is important) girl scouts thin mints ice cream.  Because it's limited edition, it only comes out for a few months per year, and I very much look forward to it.  It just came out recently, and I was sooooooooooooo excited!!!!!  Thin mints are also my favorite girl scouts cookies.

2011-01-28 6:07 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Well, I'm sick.  My body is rebelling and there's nothing I can do about it!  I got 9 hrs of sleep last night, skipped my run/bike brick this morning, and I'm going to take this afternoon off work and just rest.  ARRRRRRRRG!  I hate it when this happens.  Thank (insert deity of choice) it's Friday.
2011-01-28 6:31 AM
in reply to: #3324305

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
dreaming80 - 2011-01-27 9:58 AM

A question? What kind of nutrition plan do you guys follow?

I am with Samantha here in most ways.  I eat decent most of the time but there are plenty of times where decent is nowhere near what I am eating.  I eat too much junk overall and I need to cut it way back.  That has always been a weakness of mine.  I agree that trying to cut something completely out is setting yourself up for failure and I never have tried to do that.  I have, several times, cut way back on the junk but it seems I always return but more times than not I am able to keep it a lower level than before.

I get some fruits and veggies most days and I ALWAYS have milk, especially on harder training days.  The additional protein can make a world of difference in recovery.  I started drinking Muscle Milk while training for my marathon last year and I know that made a difference in the way I was able to keep some of my training going.


I am planning a huge day of training today and then back to my usual weekend routine.  I am going for a swim in a few minutes then a 9 mile run and an hour trainer ride if I can stand it.  I will space these out throughout the day to avoid collapsing at the end but I missed my mid week bike and I want to keep it up there.  The rest of my weekend plans are 1.5 hr ride and  2 mile run tomorrow and 5 mile run and 1 hr ride Sunday.  We'll see how my legs hold up.

Paste this into your log somewhere.  I have placed it in my notes down on the right side of the page a bit.  You can check it in my logs if you like. 

Tom - Stickyrunner01
Emma - Emmanem
Ryan - Lastwachter
Jessica - Dreaming80
Seth - Smack
Shirley - Zhirley
Angela - music3196
Samantha - michgirlsk
Stavros - sicone
Adam - blinddave
Seren - seren
Carrie Tate - spottedcow
Rob - roserc
dave - dhopman
Jayne - jfought
Tom - ladlehaus

Edited by DirkP 2011-01-28 6:35 AM
2011-01-28 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3324661

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Friday, will go for a run in a mo when Ive let my lunch go down, this week Ive been swimming and done a couple of runs still need to fix my bike tho

cant believe its been 25 years since the Challenger disaster..

sicone - 2011-01-27 5:13 PM
dreaming80 - 2011-01-27 2:58 PM

A question? What kind of nutrition plan do you guys follow?

At the risk of annoying some people, my weight has never really been an issue for me and it hasn't changed in the last 20 or so years so I don't follow any nutrition plan at the moment apart from generally eating sensibly (with the occasional treat thrown in, but that happens less and less).
Once I start training for longer distance races (HIM's, IM's), then I will start to take my nutrition more seriously.

what about your flabby elbows
worry about your weight on the night before you turn 40  :P you know you will wake up fat
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