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2011-02-23 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3368984

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Swimming PR YIPPEE
Did the bike intervals.  Having a problem with uploading the Garmin data tonight.  You can see it here.

I'll keep trying.  I was definitely tired.  RPE 8.  Did you pick 12 minute because of my normal pace?  It ended up to be 2 miles spin, 2 miles hard.

I feel like I'm peeling an ear of corn.  Someday this is all going to make sense.  Reading the yellow book, but I'm also in the middle of another book, so it's going slow.

2011-02-23 10:05 PM
in reply to: #3369715

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Subject: RE: Swimming PR YIPPEE

Yes, that's why I told you to go for twelve. You did it right, but obviously your performance declined as the ride progressed. Nothing to worry about, some are good some are not. That is the truth for us all, what I really worry about is execution, fitness comes naturally if you do your workouts right. I'm glad you're already reading the big book, it will change your life in many aspects, not only endurance training.
2011-02-24 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3259938

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Corpus Christi
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
2011-02-24 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3369732

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: What's Next
Today is a rest day.  Tomorrow I have a little time after work for a run or ride.  What do you suggest I do?
2011-02-24 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3370060

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
2011-02-24 3:46 PM
in reply to: #3370367

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Subject: RE: What's Next
jdiis - 2011-02-24 10:14 AM Today is a rest day.  Tomorrow I have a little time after work for a run or ride.  What do you suggest I do?

Run short, if you feel energetic run at a tempo pace but don't go long, it might set you up for a bad ride on Saturday. If you wish you can do it on the track. If you choose to do so warm up 4 laps, run 20 seconds very hard and rest for 40 and repeat four times, then 4 laps to cool down.

2011-02-24 6:12 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: Garmin Problem
Any idea why I can't upload my workout to BT.  It says its loading data like normal.  It stops at 14% or 32% and hangs up Internet Explorer.  The Garmin says transfer complete. 

I have rebooted my computer, but that didn't help.  Anyone else having a problem?
2011-02-24 10:35 PM
in reply to: #3371451

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Garmin Problem
Never mind, after 2 days of trying, it finally decided to upload.
2011-02-24 10:47 PM
in reply to: #3337491

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Just think, a few weeks ago we had winter and now we have spring.  Looks like you are enjoying your Garmin too!
2011-02-25 6:43 AM
in reply to: #3371742

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
jdiis - 2011-02-24 10:47 PM Just think, a few weeks ago we had winter and now we have spring.  Looks like you are enjoying your Garmin too!

Finally some decent weather! it was about time after such a horrid month. Keep an eye on hydration and remember that the body needs to replenish the four electrolytes too. It will be normal if you have signs of fatigue for the first few weeks in the heat. A good sign that you're acclimated is that your sweat will not be salty anymore, more like oily water; that is an indication of a high level of plasma in your blood.
2011-02-25 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3259938

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL

Yesterday was a rest day after the bike intervals the previous day.  I have a 2 hr window this afternoon, and a 4 hr window on Sunday.  Saturday I won't be able to workout at all. 

We had talked about a tempo run this afternoon, but you didn't want me to mess up my biking.  Since I have to take tomorrow off, should I ride again today and run on Sunday or vice versa?

2011-02-25 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3259938

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Run long today then, ride long on Sunday. Easy and keep the effort leveled all the way.
2011-02-25 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3371872

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
evillarroel - 2011-02-25 6:43 AM
jdiis - 2011-02-24 10:47 PM Just think, a few weeks ago we had winter and now we have spring.  Looks like you are enjoying your Garmin too!

Finally some decent weather! it was about time after such a horrid month. Keep an eye on hydration and remember that the body needs to replenish the four electrolytes too. It will be normal if you have signs of fatigue for the first few weeks in the heat. A good sign that you're acclimated is that your sweat will not be salty anymore, more like oily water; that is an indication of a high level of plasma in your blood.

Interesting, never thought of it like that.

Just finished reading 'Born to run' and I'm very impressed by our (human) genetic ability to cover long distances due to or sweating ability. Apparently we could run down any animal (with some serious traning of course) . We should happily embrace this sweating ting and marvel at this amazing gift nature provided us with... Wink 

Edited by markz 2011-02-25 3:30 PM
2011-02-25 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3372603

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
markz - 2011-02-25 12:53 PM
evillarroel - 2011-02-25 6:43 AM
jdiis - 2011-02-24 10:47 PM Just think, a few weeks ago we had winter and now we have spring.  Looks like you are enjoying your Garmin too!

Finally some decent weather! it was about time after such a horrid month. Keep an eye on hydration and remember that the body needs to replenish the four electrolytes too. It will be normal if you have signs of fatigue for the first few weeks in the heat. A good sign that you're acclimated is that your sweat will not be salty anymore, more like oily water; that is an indication of a high level of plasma in your blood.

Interesting, never thought of it like that.

Just finished reading 'Born to run' and I'm very impressed by our (human) genetic ability to cover long distances due to or sweating ability. Apparently we could run down any animal (with some serious traning of course) . We should happily embrace this sweating ting and marvel at this amazing gift nature provided us with... Wink 

I read the book as well and actually one of the Dallas Running Club members is a Tarahumara Indian from the Copper Canyons in Mexico. The guy is about 60, runs a few 7 minute miles as a warm up and takes off graciously at a 5/5:30 pace to finish a lake loop (9.08mi) in less than 50 minutes.
2011-02-25 6:34 PM
in reply to: #3373007

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
evillarroel - 2011-02-25 4:25 PM
markz - 2011-02-25 12:53 PM
evillarroel - 2011-02-25 6:43 AM
jdiis - 2011-02-24 10:47 PM Just think, a few weeks ago we had winter and now we have spring.  Looks like you are enjoying your Garmin too!

Finally some decent weather! it was about time after such a horrid month. Keep an eye on hydration and remember that the body needs to replenish the four electrolytes too. It will be normal if you have signs of fatigue for the first few weeks in the heat. A good sign that you're acclimated is that your sweat will not be salty anymore, more like oily water; that is an indication of a high level of plasma in your blood.

Interesting, never thought of it like that.

Just finished reading 'Born to run' and I'm very impressed by our (human) genetic ability to cover long distances due to or sweating ability. Apparently we could run down any animal (with some serious traning of course) . We should happily embrace this sweating ting and marvel at this amazing gift nature provided us with... Wink 

I read the book as well and actually one of the Dallas Running Club members is a Tarahumara Indian from the Copper Canyons in Mexico. The guy is about 60, runs a few 7 minute miles as a warm up and takes off graciously at a 5/5:30 pace to finish a lake loop (9.08mi) in less than 50 minutes.

I really don't think my ancestors were running down animals Tarahumara style... or maybe I should start eatng tortillas con frijoles  and drink mucha cerveza. Oh and apargatas (simple sandals as my South American wife told me). Just running is not doing it...
2011-02-25 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3372404

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL

OK, long run completed.  I guess for me almost 7 miles is a long run, even if I walk for the first and last parts.

2011-02-25 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3373108

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
markz - 2011-02-25 6:34 PM
evillarroel - 2011-02-25 4:25 PM
markz - 2011-02-25 12:53 PM
evillarroel - 2011-02-25 6:43 AM
jdiis - 2011-02-24 10:47 PM Just think, a few weeks ago we had winter and now we have spring.  Looks like you are enjoying your Garmin too!

Finally some decent weather! it was about time after such a horrid month. Keep an eye on hydration and remember that the body needs to replenish the four electrolytes too. It will be normal if you have signs of fatigue for the first few weeks in the heat. A good sign that you're acclimated is that your sweat will not be salty anymore, more like oily water; that is an indication of a high level of plasma in your blood.

Interesting, never thought of it like that.

Just finished reading 'Born to run' and I'm very impressed by our (human) genetic ability to cover long distances due to or sweating ability. Apparently we could run down any animal (with some serious traning of course) . We should happily embrace this sweating ting and marvel at this amazing gift nature provided us with... Wink 

I read the book as well and actually one of the Dallas Running Club members is a Tarahumara Indian from the Copper Canyons in Mexico. The guy is about 60, runs a few 7 minute miles as a warm up and takes off graciously at a 5/5:30 pace to finish a lake loop (9.08mi) in less than 50 minutes.

I really don't think my ancestors were running down animals Tarahumara style... or maybe I should start eatng tortillas con frijoles  and drink mucha cerveza. Oh and apargatas (simple sandals as my South American wife told me). Just running is not doing it...

My ancestors were too busy drinking red wine and getting fat on spaguetti (on my mom's side) and too busy crying and complainting on my Spanish side. Not the best runner here neither.
2011-02-25 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3373150

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
jdiis - 2011-02-25 7:22 PM

OK, long run completed.  I guess for me almost 7 miles is a long run, even if I walk for the first and last parts.

Perfect, as you put it: RPE 5 I could talk the whole time. Noticed HR didn't go up so fast or so high. It must be working.

IT IS WORKING Jackie, start comparing with the first time you ran with the Garmin. Also, your HR comes back down when you started walking to the same level it was before you started running, indication of fitness AND correct pace. You are making big leaps in progress. Stay faithful and you will see a lot more. Wink
And btw, 7 miles is a long run for anybody.
Now get your well deserved rest!
2011-02-26 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3259938

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: Many Questions
Hi all!

I've been lurking for a while and the posts and answers have been helpful but I have a bunch of questions now. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Background: I ran my third Chicago marathon last October with not so good results partially due to the unseasonably warm weather and partially due to poor fitness. I ran the first 15 miles at about 11:30/mile and then everything just crashed. I finished in 5:52.

I've always wanted to get into triathlon and after taking some time off, I signed up for masters swim last December 1st. 
My first triathlon will be the South Shore Tri here in Chicago on July 24th.

Where Im at: I average about 12 miles per week running at about 11:30/miles, sometimes faster sometimes slower. This week will be 18 total and I'll settle in somewhere around 20 miles/week.
I swim pretty slowly at about 3:00/100 for a maximum of 300 meters so far (after 12 weeks of swimming)
I've been totally negligent on cycling but I have all the equipment I need there. (road bike

Questions: Am I swimming enough yards to improve/get faster at swimming? Right now, because I'm so slow, in an hour of masters swim I make it through an average of 1200m per session twice a week. I think I can get one more day in. Running I'm pretty comfortable with. How do I work in the cycling? I have an indoor trainer set up. I've been looking at the various plans but I'm thinking it's too early to start one? Oh...I know I need to lose weight. (215lb. 5'11") Ok. Enough of the rambling. HELP!

I forgot to add, I strength train 2-3 times per week in 30 min. sessions with a personal trainer since last November. 

Edited by baurryman 2011-02-26 10:38 AM
2011-02-26 3:58 PM
in reply to: #3373510

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Subject: RE: Many Questions
baurryman - 2011-02-26 10:34 AM Hi all!

I've been lurking for a while and the posts and answers have been helpful but I have a bunch of questions now. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Background: I ran my third Chicago marathon last October with not so good results partially due to the unseasonably warm weather and partially due to poor fitness. I ran the first 15 miles at about 11:30/mile and then everything just crashed. I finished in 5:52.

I've always wanted to get into triathlon and after taking some time off, I signed up for masters swim last December 1st. 
My first triathlon will be the South Shore Tri here in Chicago on July 24th.

Where Im at: I average about 12 miles per week running at about 11:30/miles, sometimes faster sometimes slower. This week will be 18 total and I'll settle in somewhere around 20 miles/week.
I swim pretty slowly at about 3:00/100 for a maximum of 300 meters so far (after 12 weeks of swimming)
I've been totally negligent on cycling but I have all the equipment I need there. (road bike

Questions: Am I swimming enough yards to improve/get faster at swimming? Right now, because I'm so slow, in an hour of masters swim I make it through an average of 1200m per session twice a week. I think I can get one more day in. Running I'm pretty comfortable with. How do I work in the cycling? I have an indoor trainer set up. I've been looking at the various plans but I'm thinking it's too early to start one? Oh...I know I need to lose weight. (215lb. 5'11") Ok. Enough of the rambling. HELP!

I forgot to add, I strength train 2-3 times per week in 30 min. sessions with a personal trainer since last November. 


I think that if you want to get good on the bike, you need to get on it! Granted that Chicago is cold this time of the year and the trainer is boring (to me at least). One way to make it fun is (if you have a gym membership) assisting to the spin classes. When the weather gets better you can start putting longer rides outside.
Like I have preached in this thread and to everyone I run across, long, low heart rate training is key to long term fitness and aerobic base with the added benefit of the weight loss that ocurrs when you fuel your workouts with fat. I see you have the tools (Garmin, bike and running shoes). Now you need to get some guidance and lots of patience. I highly recommend you purchase "The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing" by Phil Maffetone. It will help you to:
- Determine HR zones for your training.
- Make better choices for eating.
- Stay healthy.
- Injury free training.
Also, if you want me to, I can give you some feedback on your workouts and suggest to you what you should do next. Your training log is impecable, that shows commitment.
2011-02-26 5:30 PM
in reply to: #3373712

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Many Questions
evillarroel - 2011-02-26 3:58 PM


I think that if you want to get good on the bike, you need to get on it! Granted that Chicago is cold this time of the year and the trainer is boring (to me at least). One way to make it fun is (if you have a gym membership) assisting to the spin classes. When the weather gets better you can start putting longer rides outside.
Like I have preached in this thread and to everyone I run across, long, low heart rate training is key to long term fitness and aerobic base with the added benefit of the weight loss that ocurrs when you fuel your workouts with fat. I see you have the tools (Garmin, bike and running shoes). Now you need to get some guidance and lots of patience. I highly recommend you purchase "The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing" by Phil Maffetone. It will help you to:
- Determine HR zones for your training.
- Make better choices for eating.
- Stay healthy.
- Injury free training.
Also, if you want me to, I can give you some feedback on your workouts and suggest to you what you should do next. Your training log is impecable, that shows commitment.
Thanks Ernesto,I would be interested in your feedback and suggestions for training. I'll pickup the MAF book within the next few days. I have'nt uploaded yet but today was a 6 mile slow ( I think) run. Avg. Pace 11:38, Avg heart rate 147 (78%).

2011-02-26 6:40 PM
in reply to: #3371191

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Corpus Christi
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Ernesto, Thanks for your reply, you are right that night i was kinda gettin burned out on runnin the same ole path, so i changed it up and thought it would be a good idea to interval every mile.  I totally went off the plan, Its so HARD!  I just wanted to be fast.....grrr well today was alot different taken it easy.  I have a race coming up in 3 weeks so im kinda gettin anxious.  Its a B race for me but I really want to do good on this sprint.  But yeah its starting to get toasty around here whew!

2011-02-26 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Hey Barry,

Good to see someone who knows 'my hood'. I lived in Chicago for over 5 years and virtually all my long runs (and rides) were done on the lakefront path, sometimes South to Jackson Park, sometimes North to Navy Pier or Foster. I have also done 2 marathons in Chicago, few Olympic Chicago Triathlons and some other ones in Wisconsin. If you have enough guts to do the marathon in Chicago, the South Shore Tri will be a breeze, just do the swim in the wetsuit, that lake can be cold (you will also float much, much better)...
Have fun training, get on that bike or put it on the trainer, get used to it and you will do fine.

Edited by markz 2011-02-27 2:58 AM
2011-02-27 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3373832

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
tizon - 2011-02-26 6:40 PM Ernesto, Thanks for your reply, you are right that night i was kinda gettin burned out on runnin the same ole path, so i changed it up and thought it would be a good idea to interval every mile.  I totally went off the plan, Its so HARD!  I just wanted to be fast.....grrr well today was alot different taken it easy.  I have a race coming up in 3 weeks so im kinda gettin anxious.  Its a B race for me but I really want to do good on this sprint.  But yeah its starting to get toasty around here whew!

The way to "learn" your body how to go fast is short intervals, I'm not against going fast, it just has to be done for a short period at very high intensities.
Try this one: Warm up running easy 15 minutes, run 1 minute hard, 2 minutes rest (you can even slow down to a walk), repeat four times and then jog easy for another fifteen.
At the end of the workout you'll be exhausted BUT you'll bounce back in one day. If you do one mile intervals you'll burn yourself up and tax your body for days.
2011-02-27 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3373913

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
markz - 2011-02-26 8:28 PM Hey Barry,

Good to see someone who knows 'my hood'. I lived in Chicago for over 5 years and virtually all my long runs (and rides) were done on the lakefront path, sometimes South to Jackson Park, sometimes North to Navy Pier or Foster. I have also done 2 marathons in Chicago, few Olympic Chicago Triathlons and some other ones in Wisconsin. If you have enough guts to do the marathon in Chicago, the South Shore Tri will be a breeze, just do the swim in the wetsuit, that lake can be cold (you will also float much, much better)...
Have fun training, get on that bike or put it on the trainer, get used to it and you will do fine.

Thanks for the encouragement Mark. The lakefront path here is under quite a bit of renovation from downtown south to about 47th. street. I think some of the north end is also but I haven't been down that way in a while. I'm thinking about signing up for the Chicago Triathlon this year.(sprint, of course) It's a month after the South Shore tri.
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