Other Resources Challenge Me! » The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!! Rss Feed  
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2011-06-07 2:56 PM
in reply to: #3537460

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
iowagander - 2011-06-07 2:37 PM
ironannekidd - 2011-06-07 12:00 PM

iowagander - 2011-06-07 2:49 PM The pain is over. Time to run!

Need help changing?


Sorry I missed the offer! However, if you know anyone who's good at washing backs I'll be in the shower in the next 15 minutes or so.

Bath Tub or  Shower 2 

2011-06-07 2:57 PM
in reply to: #3526982

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
 Bath Tub TOPPAGE!!!

2011-06-07 2:58 PM
in reply to: #3537508

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
kns57 - 2011-06-07 12:56 PM   
iowagander - 2011-06-07 2:37 PM
ironannekidd - 2011-06-07 12:00 PM

iowagander - 2011-06-07 2:49 PM The pain is over. Time to run!

Need help changing?


Sorry I missed the offer! However, if you know anyone who's good at washing backs I'll be in the shower in the next 15 minutes or so.

Bath Tub or  Shower 2 

The graphics on this don't come through due to my network's security settings, but it's a stand-up shower about 4x4

2011-06-07 2:59 PM
in reply to: #3537499

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
kns57 - 2011-06-07 1:54 PM
givemashot - 2011-06-07 2:14 PM

Thought I'd stop by and say hi.

I logged in to the registration site we're using for the tri coming up on the 18th (I'm in charge of registration), and all of thr tshirt sizes are missing. I set up the regstration page in January, I KNOW I had the question for tshirt size on there. But apparently it's not on there now. Ugh. The RD wants to order shirts, like, yesterday. I don't dare tell her right now, she'll completely stress out, and she's a good friend. The tech department is getting back to me on a solution...eventually. I have a feeling I will be making lots of phone calls later today and tomorrow.  


So how's everyone else?

What a bummer.  If people have been giving emails, maybe there is a way to do a mass email alert.


Yes there is, and I will definitely do that! But, people don't always see their emails very quickly, and I'll need tshirt sizes PRONTO. So, I'm sure I'll be making a bunch of calls. No biggie, just a pain in the hiney. 


How are you, Kendra? I rode with Heather this morning--she is getting even faster on the bike (as if she was slow to begin with! LOL). 

2011-06-07 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3537510

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
iowagander - 2011-06-07 1:58 PM
kns57 - 2011-06-07 12:56 PM   
iowagander - 2011-06-07 2:37 PM
ironannekidd - 2011-06-07 12:00 PM

iowagander - 2011-06-07 2:49 PM The pain is over. Time to run!

Need help changing?


Sorry I missed the offer! However, if you know anyone who's good at washing backs I'll be in the shower in the next 15 minutes or so.

Bath Tub or  Shower 2 

The graphics on this don't come through due to my network's security settings, but it's a stand-up shower about 4x4

Tom, you'll have to check them when you get home, They are very cute smileys. 

2011-06-07 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3537518

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
givemashot - 2011-06-07 3:01 PM
iowagander - 2011-06-07 1:58 PM
kns57 - 2011-06-07 12:56 PM   
iowagander - 2011-06-07 2:37 PM
ironannekidd - 2011-06-07 12:00 PM

iowagander - 2011-06-07 2:49 PM The pain is over. Time to run!

Need help changing?


Sorry I missed the offer! However, if you know anyone who's good at washing backs I'll be in the shower in the next 15 minutes or so.

Bath Tub or  Shower 2 

The graphics on this don't come through due to my network's security settings, but it's a stand-up shower about 4x4

Tom, you'll have to check them when you get home, They are very cute smileys. 

I guess it is the second one, although I would think the first one would be more fun. 

2011-06-07 3:23 PM
in reply to: #3526982

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!


I go away for a bit, you show up and everyone is washing backs!

2011-06-07 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3537428

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
givemashot - 2011-06-07 3:14 PM

Thought I'd stop by and say hi.

I logged in to the registration site we're using for the tri coming up on the 18th (I'm in charge of registration), and all of thr tshirt sizes are missing. I set up the regstration page in January, I KNOW I had the question for tshirt size on there. But apparently it's not on there now. Ugh. The RD wants to order shirts, like, yesterday. I don't dare tell her right now, she'll completely stress out, and she's a good friend. The tech department is getting back to me on a solution...eventually. I have a feeling I will be making lots of phone calls later today and tomorrow.  


So how's everyone else?

WOW, that is a bummer. That is a bunch of calls. Everyone will remember you though when they show up. You'll be the nice lady that spoke to them all.

2011-06-07 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3537541

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
kns57 - 2011-06-07 4:13 PM
givemashot - 2011-06-07 3:01 PM
iowagander - 2011-06-07 1:58 PM
kns57 - 2011-06-07 12:56 PM   
iowagander - 2011-06-07 2:37 PM
ironannekidd - 2011-06-07 12:00 PM

iowagander - 2011-06-07 2:49 PM The pain is over. Time to run!

Need help changing?


Sorry I missed the offer! However, if you know anyone who's good at washing backs I'll be in the shower in the next 15 minutes or so.

Bath Tub or  Shower 2 

The graphics on this don't come through due to my network's security settings, but it's a stand-up shower about 4x4

Tom, you'll have to check them when you get home, They are very cute smileys. 

I guess it is the second one, although I would think the first one would be more fun. 


2011-06-07 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3526982

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!

How about a Janurary or February Ghoulie Pile?





2011-06-07 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3526982

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!

I am off. I have another meeting tonight. This one, at least is at the top of Chimney Rock State park. There may even be some adult beverages available.

Talk to you all later.

We should do a winter Ghoulie pile somewhere.

2011-06-07 3:59 PM
in reply to: #3537587

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
ceilidh - 2011-06-07 1:43 PM

How about a Janurary or February Ghoulie Pile?







Not sure if I could swing a trip all the way to Florida, but I love the idea. My only potential scheduling conflict that month is my son's birthday in the middle of the month. I'm curious to hear what others here think...

Edited by iowagander 2011-06-07 4:14 PM
2011-06-07 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3526982

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!

Speaking of races, the dirty bass turds at my bike shop went and designed and organized the race I've been wanting to do if I were an RD.

The bike course will pass within about 200 feet of my front door, and the local Olympic Training Center is at about the half-way mark of the run. Frankly, I'm not very comfortable with the idea of a 1500M swim, but I need something to work toward. I think I need to go to the LBS today and talk with the guys...

Edited by iowagander 2011-06-07 4:12 PM
2011-06-07 4:12 PM
in reply to: #3537587

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
ceilidh - 2011-06-07 2:43 PM

How about a Janurary or February Ghoulie Pile?






I will not be able to come this year Especially all the way out to Florida...dang psych rotation...and there are no stats in January...and psych has call...

2011-06-07 6:44 PM
in reply to: #3526982

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!

Evening Ghouligans. I can't believe I missed Katie, Tom, and Jules!!!! WTH???? I've slowly been getting back into a training groove and was feeling optimistic. Then this morning I tripped on my way from the pool to the locker room and appear to have broken my middle toe.**&^**%^&*&^. That's all I have to say. Other than I guess I'm going to be swimming a bit more than planned the next week or two. Ordinarily I wouldn't mind, but I'm inches away from sucking it up and fund raising to run NYC. I've GOT to start running.


Hi TOM, KATIE and JULES!!!! And all the rest of the fantabulous GHOULS!

2011-06-08 12:46 AM
in reply to: #3526982

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
OK Ghoulies, I am very seriously considering this Oly race in October. My only question for you guys - do I have time to get up to race-shape for a 1500m swim? That's easily my weakest area and it's always hard for me to make time for the pool. I'm much more nervous about that than the hilly bike/run. If any of you have thoughts, I'm all ears...

2011-06-08 4:59 AM
in reply to: #3526982

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!

Good morning Ghoulies!

It is going to be a long 10 hour day today.

Tom - YES. You have plenty of time. Get in the pool! LOTS!

Kim - Sorry to hear about the toe. Maybe Tom could come swim with you the next 2-3 weeks.

2011-06-08 5:05 AM
in reply to: #3526982

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!

In case you guys haven't figured it out yet, there is never a dull moment around my house.

My son is 11. In a lot of ways, he is me. In a few ways, he is also his father. He is a 70 year old man trapped in an 11 year olds body (my husband is not 70, just wanted to make that clear). He is afraid to try new things. I think he lacks self confidence. He has been bullied at school. All of those sorts of not so good things.

There is a Jiu Jitsu school about 25 minutes from our house. I looked them up online, emailed the people there, and took him for a free introductory class. Along with the Jiu Jitsu, they teach self confidence, teamwork, how to deal with peer pressure, how to deal with bullies, all of that GOOD stuff. I knew he was scared to go, but I took him, and I was really hoping he would like it. For days I've been saying to him to just give it a chance. He only had to do it for the summer, then when soccer starts up if he wanted to quit he could.

We went last night. The people were very friendly. They even gave him a gi to wear for class. HE DID GREAT! I was so excited while I was sitting there watching him. I knew he was enjoying it. I didn't even get to ask him, as soon as he was done he told me he wanted to come back so I registered him before we left. I really think this will do good things for him.

I'll try to get some pictures to post sometime.

I am a bit worried though. A few more classes and I'm going to be in real trouble when we wrestle!

2011-06-08 5:55 AM
in reply to: #3526982

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!

Tom YES you will have time.

Kim. Sorry about the toe. I shouldn't have asked you to give me a kick. Sorry. I will bring you margaritas while you recover.

Anne, Fantasitc about your son. I hope he keeps enjoying it. You are probably going to have to get used to loosing wrestling matches from now on.

2011-06-08 5:57 AM
in reply to: #3526982

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!

Just another day here. No complaints.... but it is early.Wink

2011-06-08 5:59 AM
in reply to: #3526982

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!

How about a ghoulie pile another time or place?

November and Jan/ Feb/ March are best for me. Any other time and I am dealing with Pine Gables/ Mom or holidays. The west coast is tough cause of cost but it is all relative.

What does everyone else think?

2011-06-08 6:05 AM
in reply to: #3538301

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
ceilidh - 2011-06-08 6:55 AM

Tom YES you will have time.

Kim. Sorry about the toe. I shouldn't have asked you to give me a kick. Sorry. I will bring you margaritas while you recover.

Anne, Fantasitc about your son. I hope he keeps enjoying it. You are probably going to have to get used to loosing wrestling matches from now on.

I knew I was eventually going to lose to him. He is almost my size now, and is getting stronger, and he is only 11!

I paid attention to what they were doing last night, then I had to be his subject when we got home so he could show his dad and sister. Oh joy.   He took it easy on his mom though.


2011-06-08 6:07 AM
in reply to: #3538305

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
ceilidh - 2011-06-08 6:59 AM

How about a ghoulie pile another time or place?

November and Jan/ Feb/ March are best for me. Any other time and I am dealing with Pine Gables/ Mom or holidays. The west coast is tough cause of cost but it is all relative.

What does everyone else think?

The winter is better for me, too. And my preference would be east coast, but I'm bendy flexible.

2011-06-08 6:14 AM
in reply to: #3538307

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
ironannekidd - 2011-06-08 7:05 AM
ceilidh - 2011-06-08 6:55 AM

Tom YES you will have time.

Kim. Sorry about the toe. I shouldn't have asked you to give me a kick. Sorry. I will bring you margaritas while you recover.

Anne, Fantasitc about your son. I hope he keeps enjoying it. You are probably going to have to get used to loosing wrestling matches from now on.

I knew I was eventually going to lose to him. He is almost my size now, and is getting stronger, and he is only 11!

I paid attention to what they were doing last night, then I had to be his subject when we got home so he could show his dad and sister. Oh joy.   He took it easy on his mom though.


Nice kid!

2011-06-08 6:17 AM
in reply to: #3538309

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are swimmin' like the fishies in June!!!
ironannekidd - 2011-06-08 7:07 AM
ceilidh - 2011-06-08 6:59 AM

How about a ghoulie pile another time or place?

November and Jan/ Feb/ March are best for me. Any other time and I am dealing with Pine Gables/ Mom or holidays. The west coast is tough cause of cost but it is all relative.

What does everyone else think?

The winter is better for me, too. And my preference would be east coast, but I'm bendy flexible.

A lot will depend on whether I lose my job due to the budget cuts. The current NC (and fed) political system is not good for those of us in environmental regulatory positions. NC is looking like it is eliminating about 1900 jobs in the department I work for. Money is still tight so budget travel is gonna be a must.

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