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2012-01-20 6:22 AM
in reply to: #3998849

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
kruzmeister - 2012-01-19 5:37 AM

Hi everyone, hope you are all having a great training week.

I have a question about nutrition. Basically I was wondering what sort of complex carbs most of you eat? Also how long before or after training do you eat? I have found my energy levels fluctuating quite a bit and I am trying to find a nice balance between eating enough to sustain my workouts, but still staying in a negative calorie zone so I can keep losing weight (fat not muscle). At the moment I'm consuming anything from 1000 to 1500 calories a day. I mostly eat chicken and salad or cooked veggies, oatmeal, occasionally pasta or lasagne and if I need an energy boost I'll eat a protein or carb sports bar. I drink mostly water apart from Gatorade when I am replenishing my sodium/potassium levels after a session. I am particularly interested to hear from those of you who have done a half IM or IM event as to what you do on long training rides and runs (I find I get dehydrated very quickly whilst running). Do you take in extra calories during the workout on top of your normal daily requirement, or do you just factor the calories from gels/sports drinks/sports bars into your normal calorie intake? I know before when I was doing Taekwondo I found a high protein diet worked better for me and helped me keep my weight down, but that obviously isn't the case here because of the endurance factor. I still have 47 or so pounds to lose to get to my ideal weight so I'm reluctant to eat unnecessary calories. I'm thinking of actually cutting out all the "sports" calories and just becoming reliant on good clean basic food, at least until I get my weight down.

Any comments will be much appreciated! Thanks.

I can tell you what I do but whether it's right or not...?  It's taken me a lot of time playing around with it.  Personally - I work best with a diet that is low in carbs, lean protein and lots of fruits and veggies.  When I start eating carbs - I start gaining weight.  I have about 10 pounds to lose to be at a lean racing state but I'll settle to lose 5 - it's been tough and the motivation to lose that little extra wains quickly.

I workout in the mornings so during the week if I'm really hungry I'll have a banana and I drink water before hand.  For my long weekend workouts I'll have a substantial breakfast about an hour before - usually a whole grain cereal with some 1% milk, a piece of fruit.  Then I eat my carbs after my workout dependent on the length of my workout.  So if I work out during the week - a one hour run - I'll eat my cereal within an hour of that run.  On the weekends - if it's a 2 hour run, I'll eat my big breakfast within that 2hr post-workout period.  After that window I try to revert back to a low carb-lean protein diet. 

It's hard not to eat carbs with my dinner - my hubby and child like their meat and potato type meals.  I rarely eat pasta and so it's a treat when I do.  I eat a lot of different rices (brown, red, wild) and will even mix them.  I like quinoa which is also a good source of protein.  Barley cooked in a broth is a nice alternative to rice or pasta.  I love different types of beans and so will throw them in to a tomato sauce to serve over meat with veggies.

As for training.  Personally - I've learned that I need something every hour.  So I won't fuel for my shorter workouts but if I'm doing a long run of 2 hours I'll take a gel at the half way mark.  On long bike rides I'll have a banana or a gel every hour.  Sometimes I'll eat a Cliff bar on the bike or a granola bar.  But I find my body processes gels/bananas better than the heavier bars etc.  I try to stick to water on my workouts but will use the powdered Gatorade to make a diluted potion.  I'll use a mix of that with water on the bike.  A training friend of mine uses only clean foods for workouts (figs, fruit crackers etc) and it seems to work for her - I'm just too lazy.  I try to eat clean the rest of the time.

Without knowing your height/build etc. I would think 1000 calories is too low.  I don't think you should go below 1200 on a rest day.   It's a hard concept to grasp - the calories in/calories out - but I think you can have too big a deficit and your body won't lose weight.  It needs fuel to process and burn efficiently.  So in an off season - at 5'6" 140#s - I seem to maintain taking 1700 calories per day.  So I aim for around 1500 with a workout to lose.  During peak season I take in closer to 2000.

Not sure if that helps.  The cycling really seems like a test game to find out what works and what doesn't.

2012-01-21 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

John, thanks for the kind words and great job on the weight loss. I am sure you will reach sub 220 and beyond by race season.

Marcia, thanks for the reply and info it gave me something to think about. I've decided I am going to cut out all the sugary gels and sports bars etc and just eat clean food. I'm also going to cut back on the processed carbs for a bit and just stick with oatmeal, fish, chicken, veggies and fruit/yoghurt smoothies and see if that makes a difference. As you say it will be trial and error on the long bike rides and runs until I find what suits me. I'm definitely going to buy a fuel belt for running so I can carry some water and rehydrate as the need arises.

2012-01-22 7:49 AM
in reply to: #4003820

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
kruzmeister - 2012-01-21 8:33 PM

John, thanks for the kind words and great job on the weight loss. I am sure you will reach sub 220 and beyond by race season.

Marcia, thanks for the reply and info it gave me something to think about. I've decided I am going to cut out all the sugary gels and sports bars etc and just eat clean food. I'm also going to cut back on the processed carbs for a bit and just stick with oatmeal, fish, chicken, veggies and fruit/yoghurt smoothies and see if that makes a difference. As you say it will be trial and error on the long bike rides and runs until I find what suits me. I'm definitely going to buy a fuel belt for running so I can carry some water and rehydrate as the need arises.

Really the answer that no one likes to hear is, "count your calorie intake".  It's a pain, it takes time, you have to plan meals, etc., etc.  Then it's trial and error.  I've been using BT's nutrition for and last few weeks and I have to say it's held true.  You just have to be careful you select the correct foods from their list or make your own "custom" foods.  Others have entered foods you pick from and many I find are not correct.  Note: Works best with a heart monitor to calculate calories burned or else BT uses general numbers and not specific.

Always shoot for a balanced diet of plain, natural, fresh foods.  If you cut carbs to drop weight your body has to work harder for energy and it's not productive.  If you eat high protein there's no way of knowing just how much your body is using and all extra protein is just converted and stored as fat.  Balance!

Here's a book by Bob Seebohar (thanks Roger) on nutrition for endurance athletes.  It's a small paper back and explains exactly how to figure your carb and calorie intake depending on your weight and your current training period.  Only $10 and it covers all the questions I've read in our group thread.

I'm from a weight lifting back ground and I'm a "hard gainer" so I'm used to lots of calories (up to eight small meals a day, 3000 calories) but I've really had to change up my carb/prot/fat percentages for endurance sports.  It's been a learning curve to say the least.  But the balance "no thrills" diet still rules.  Leave out all that sugary side junk and processed foods until you need to supplement.

Example, if you told me I would have needed 3200 - 3700 calories per day during my peak this last week I would have said you're nuts!  I would have increased my body fat % by several pounds.  But that's what BT nutrition suggested and that's what I did.  I've haven't varied one full pound all week.  But, I needed to keep a 70/15/15 split for energy.  It's not easy getting 70% carbs and keeping fat down around 20%.  Not when you have two teens ordering pizza all the time!!

You guys wanting to drop a few, I understand completely, -40 myself.  But you can do it and keep up energy levels for sports.  Keep posting your goals!  Keep them in front of you and you'll be posting your success!

Edit: I didn't meet the 3700 calorie mark by 1000 calories on the day of my long endurance run and lost 2.5 pounds the next day.

Edited by HelmoAlkou 2012-01-22 7:52 AM
2012-01-23 4:52 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Ok, is this weird or what?

I did a very intense workout with my tri group-spin on trainers, 1 1/2 hr, brick on Sat. am.

Yesterday I noticed my jaws felt weird during that night at work, then when I woke up in the afternoon they hurt really bad. I could not eat without severe pain. The only thing I can figure out is that I must have been clenching my teeth during the workout. I am eating soft foods because it hurts to chew.

Very weird.

Hope you all are having great workouts but maybe not like mine.


2012-01-23 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone. Hope you all had a great weekend minus the jaw issues. I find myself doing that during hard efforts, and it stays sore for a few days, but nothing that extreme. Anywyas, I had a pretty good race last weekend. It was the hilliest run I have ever done and 4 miles of it was on gravel, which I wasn't expecting. I was severely undertrained and was just there for fun. It ended up being 13.4 mile run since there was a funeral going on near the finish, so we had a last minute reroute that added and extra quarter mile on. Ended up at 1:43:17 which is about 7:43/mile. Thanksfor all of the inspires, and my 2012 season is off to a good start. Today I start my 30 week IM training. 20 weeks will take me up to Kansas 70.3 and 10 weeks more I will be ready for IM Louisville. Keep up the good work everyone.
2012-01-23 3:18 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Congrats Jon!  Sounds like a great time.  Also sounds like something that would happen to me, a funeral changing your route!  Good luck kicking off your HIM training.

Ouch Jan!  I've notice I clinch a little as well but nothing like that.  Maybe get you a mouth piece while you teach yourself to relax more, like one of those you sleep in?  Just a thought.

2012-01-23 5:11 PM
in reply to: #4005371

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Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Nice job Jon.  that's a helluva time and something I will most likely never attain.  Swam my first 1,500m last week, though, so feeling pretty full of myself.  I gotta be the slowest swimmer in the county.


2012-01-23 8:26 PM
in reply to: #4006823

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Lees Summit
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
jrhesq - 2012-01-23 5:11 PM

Nice job Jon.  that's a helluva time and something I will most likely never attain.  Swam my first 1,500m last week, though, so feeling pretty full of myself.  I gotta be the slowest swimmer in the county.


Congrats on the 1500 yards. But, no you are not the slowest swimmer in the country. I got that title. I would make a tug boat look fast. My swimming style would be best be descrbed as a rock having seizures in the water.
2012-01-24 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Ran a half marathon for the first time, will post to log once garmin upload

1:56:10 :D:D:D and i felt great the whole way smiling and loving it i guess last weeks few hours put in helped me alot

2012-01-24 1:51 PM
in reply to: #4007880

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
jaelinfunk - 2012-01-24 9:44 AM

Ran a half marathon for the first time, will post to log once garmin upload

1:56:10 :D:D:D and i felt great the whole way smiling and loving it i guess last weeks few hours put in helped me alot

NICE!  I'm running my first half this Saturday!  My goal is under 2hrs, you made that!!  Congrats Jaelin!

2012-01-24 1:53 PM
in reply to: #4007880

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Extreme Veteran
Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
jaelinfunk - 2012-01-24 9:44 AM

Ran a half marathon for the first time, will post to log once garmin upload

1:56:10 :D:D:D and i felt great the whole way smiling and loving it i guess last weeks few hours put in helped me alot

Nice work. Your improvement over the last few weeks is very impressive.

2012-01-24 4:34 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Good luck with the IM training Jon and congrats on the HM Jaelin!

Also good luck with the HM this weekend Monty.

Thanks for those who offered comments/advice re the nutrition question.

I hope everyone has a great training week!

2012-01-24 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Prairie Village, Kansas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Nice job Jaelin.  I did my first HM in october, and felt great till the last mile.  Then I felt like I was dragging a car... But great job!

Had my first swim in over 4 months yesterday.  Let's just say the swim fitness is gone... Good thing the swim is the shortest leg!

2012-01-24 9:34 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Hey everybody, hope training is going well for everybody. This time of year is really hard to stay on track and keep motivated. Having to run on the treadmill, or ride on the trainer does get monotonous. Some people may not even have a place to swim in the winter which would be terrible. Just know that inevitably spring will be here before we know it, and those who did not work on their engine over the winter will definitely feel it come race season. Remember consistency is the key, and it will pay off big come race season.

I thought I would throw out a new topic tonight, transitions. What do you bring into transition and why. Many people lose a lot of time in transition for no good reason. This is the one place you can be as fast as the pros! Remember the clock is still ticking weather you are moving or not. Does anybody have any transition secrets? Do you use the same set up for all distances? Are you a minimalist, or do you bring the kitchen sink, or somewhere in between. Some of you may not know what to bring into transition with you and that's ok. Ask your questions and leave your comments here. Looking forward to hearing some of your thoughts.

Here's my typical transition: T1, running into T1 I've got my goggles on my head with the top of my wetsuit already off and pulled down to my waist if it was a wesuit legal swim. If not, then my cap and goggles are already off. If the suit is on, when I arrive at my bike, I strip it off the rest of the way and throw it down under my bike. I have a small towel to stand on and dry my feet, but don't waste a lot of time drying them. If doing a HIM or IM I wear bike shorts over my tri suit for comfort. I do wear socks, so that's the most time consuming part of my transition. Donn sunglasses and my helmet which are usually on my handlebars. If a HIM or IM, two bottles one with Gatorade/carbo pro mix and one with just water. Gels taped to the top tube as needed. If a sprint or Oly, one bottle only with Gatorade/carbo pro mix. I also don't clip my shoes on my bike, so I put them on and run in them to the mount line. Also no gloves for sprint or oly, not needed and saves time. T2, run to the rack and rack my bike. Shoes come off, bike shorts come off (if on), helmet off. Running shoes with yankz so I don't have to tie them, just slip them on. Don't carry anything unless HIM or IM, in which case I will carry some EFS in one hand and take from the aid stations. I think that's pretty much it. Pretty simple and fairly fast.


2012-01-25 7:32 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Lees Summit
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
If its a sprint, I go with the minimilist approach. Just Bike shoes, sunglasses, a towel, racebelt, 1 gel after the swim, and 1 gel after the bike. I don't put a lot of thought into it until the night before. I worked on getting on the bike with the shoes attached to the pedels. Its not a flying leap on or off the bike, but sort of a modified leap.

A half-iron, I pack a lot and I don't rush as much in the sprint.

A full-iron, I pack the kitchen sink, and I take my time in the transitions. I talked to my brother after the bike for a couple of minutes before I took off on the marathon. It helped me get in the right frame of mind and rested before I took off.

2012-01-26 3:02 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Hey gang!

Congrats to Jon and Jaelin on your races! Awesome, great job.

Monty, I may try the mouthpiece idea if the jaw pain occurs again. Monday night I just rode trying to relax my jaws but just ended up with my mouth hanging open looking like "duh". The leader has added "relax jaws" to other form reminders during the spin and looks at me.

I have only done 2 OLY tri's so transition is something I need to practice so that helps, thanks Roger. Both were not wetsuit legal so no wetsuit to deal with. I had an added problem in that I have to wear medical support hose at all times due to severe varicose veins and swelling in my legs so I wear them during the races. Sand got inside the hose both time and rubbed blood blisters between my toes. I tried the sleeves but they do not provide enough support. I put a small towel and extra water bottle to rinse my feet but not too helpful if the sand is inside. Otherwise I do the same as you. I would never think about leaving my swim cap and goggles on my head if wetsuit on. I imagine it is easier to take the top of your wetsuit down without them in your hand. I ripped them off the minute I got out of the water. I imagine I will run into that issue this year since I will probably have a wetsuit legal swim.

I have a few questions about transition. Where do you set up your transition towel and stuff? I saw some people to the back of their bike, some to the front and does it depend which side? I put mine to the front both times but the last one when I got there in the morning the person next to me had put her stuff right next to mine and the person on the other side had theirs between our was so crowded.

Also, my husband got me a transition bag for my birthday. Do you bring that in the morning? Where do you put it during the race? It is a very nice one and I don't want anybody to steal it.

That's all for now!

Best to everyone!


2012-01-26 9:04 PM
in reply to: #4007880

Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
jaelinfunk - 2012-01-24 9:44 AM

Ran a half marathon for the first time, will post to log once garmin upload

1:56:10 :D:D:D and i felt great the whole way smiling and loving it i guess last weeks few hours put in helped me alot


Outstanding Jaelin.  That is awesome!

2012-01-27 5:49 AM
in reply to: #4011558

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Jan, I usually set up my gear to the side of my bike but it largely depends upon how crowded the area is.  Get there early and choose your spot.  I also wouldn't worry about anyone swiping your bag - never heard of anyone stealing anything from transition area.  Criminal types aren't generally hanging around a tri event looking to score schwag.  Having said that, you could always set up your area then return the bag to your vehicle.

All these half-marathoners in the group are making me rethink my decision not to run one this spring.  My 86 mile Fondo ride in May has been shelved due to a family conflict so maybe I'll run the St. Louis Half in April.


2012-01-27 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Leaving the house to pick up my new Cannondale Slice 5 and go through the fitting!  Everyone have a great weekend.

P.S. I like the T1 & T2 topic, keep the suggestions coming!

2012-01-27 8:26 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

bonked today for the first time in months. Ran outa powdered gatoraid and just had all water on my 2hour~ ride (with a 1.25 hour swim in the middle) didn't bring anything to eat, and didn't eat a good breakfast, I felt it the last 10miles on the way home .

But on the way out there, PR'ed my 10k bike by alot. 14:41 average pace of 25.33 Mph

now if i can just double that distance at that pace I may be able to make up for my terrible swim time at this sprint tri and have a chance at winning :D. Race is one week from sunday and I am pumped and ready to go

2012-01-27 8:33 PM
in reply to: #4013843

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Lees Summit
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
congrats on the new ride.

2012-01-27 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Lees Summit
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
I hate traveling. Its not conducive to training. I traveled on Thursday morning, meetings until about 6. Then the social stuff that you have to do. I get back to the room, flush some emails, and then its time for bed. Got up this morning, caught the early flight, and then went right to the office until 3pm. So no training on Thursday or Friday. I'll get a swim in the morning, and then maybe some time on the trainer on Saturday afternoon. Then a 5k on Sunday.

2012-01-28 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

First tri 1 week from tomorrow and I have a few questions

1. What should I look at / do with my bike the days before, what kind of minor tuneups should I check besides air obviously

2. Any kind of nutrrition on such a short tri ? (400m swim, 20k bike, 4k run) if so what do you think

3. any other advice you have for me :D pacing? or anything of that nature

I was gonna wear a pair of tri shorts whole time, swim cap goggles go into T1 shoes on bike (i already leave them on my bike so not a problem)  helmet on, glasses in helmet once i start moving, no gloves, tri top on in T1 if i can't do it shirtless and just throw on running shoes and a visor in T2 and get going

2012-01-28 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Good luck next week. You don't need nutrition on that short of a race, especially if you haven't practiced with it. I would probably tape one gel on my bike jut in case. I would wear the top in the swim if you have to wear one. Trying to put a tri top on wet is very difficult. Other than that, just remember you are there to have fun. Have a plan A, but be prepared to go to plan B.
2012-01-28 5:22 PM
in reply to: #4016120

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
X2 -I agree with Jon. No nutrition needed on a sprint, maybe some water, gatorade if it's hot, on the bike, otherwise use the aid station water on the run. Also, as he said put your tri top on before the swim. If you don't have a tri specific top, and you have to have a top, put on a loose fitting T shirt in T1 with your number already pinned on it, or have it on your race belt to put on in T1. Pacing should be just about red-lined througout the distance. Not much slow twitching going on, it's not called a sprint for nothing.
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