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2013-04-12 2:41 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Co Louth, Ireland
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
cheers guys - good to get all the advice as always and that I'm not doing too much damage!! Going to stay with the longer ride this week and see how I feel witha  full week of workouts next week and then decide if I'll keep them up. with regard to overtraiing I've been thining about that and the "recovery weeks" that are pencilled into the plan - they don't seem much like recovery weeks to me so might take them a bit easier!!!

2013-04-12 2:41 PM
in reply to: #4697473

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Co Louth, Ireland
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
PoleyPower - 2013-04-12 1:54 PM

Noob question. What is Z2?

In my simple terms Z2 refers to heart rate zones

Z1 is approx 50-60% of your max Heart Rate - burns mainly fat

Z2 is approx 60-70% of your max Heart Rate - burns mainly fat

Z3 is approx 70-80% of your max Heart Rate - burns mix of carbs and fats

Z4 is approx 80-90% of your max Heart Rate - burns mainly carbs

Z5 is approx 90-100% of your max Heart Rate - burns mainly carbs

The benefit of training in Z2 for IM training is that you train your body to use fat as a fuel and we all have more than enough to burn, whereas we store a limited amount of carbs. Its also easier on the body for recovery to train in this zone.

I've found it surprisingly difficult to train in Z2 as I feel I'm going so slow. My usual pace for a 20km run would be about 5min/km. Training in Z2 brings me to about 5.30-6.00/km. The whole idea (hopefully) is that you train slower to go faster for the same effort level - I'm slowly starting to see the benefits of this.

Can be frustrating at times as the HR monitor is constantly beeping to get me to slow down. I did a fast (for me!) 10km on Tue I think and my avg HR was 176 at 4.36/km  where on Thur a 17km avg was 149 @ 5.38/km. I couldn't have continued much more at the 10km pace but could have done a bit more at the slower pace. I also felt sorer and more tired after the10km than after the 17km and I wont be doing it again in a hurry!! It was just because I wanted to go for a run and not have to concentrate on keeping my HR in check!

Hope thats not made things even more confusing!! Anyone feel free to correct me as I'm still figuring all this out myself!!

2013-04-12 4:59 PM
in reply to: #4698246

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
How you explained it makes sense. I've always judged my pace by my lung function, that's what I do with my clients so I'm sure I'm doing over the Z2 speed. Thanks for explaining that to me. I hadn't heard of this system of exercise delineation.
2013-04-12 8:45 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
If you don't have a heart rate monitor you kind of look at it this way: zone 1 = super easy effort - about. 4 on a 10 scale of effort ----- Zone 2 = a slight bit tougher than z1 but you should still be able to go all day at that rate and hold a conversation while doing so. About a 6 on a a 10 scale. ----- Zone 3 = a bit tougher than z2 but not full out race pace. Kind of a grey zone in the middle. About a 7 on a 10 scale. ----- Zone 4 = race pace. About 8-9 on a 10 scale. ----- Zone 5 = 100% effort that can only be held for short bursts of time. 10 on a 10 scale of effort.
2013-04-14 8:50 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Well my name did not get selected through the Kona Lottery.  I would have had to really struggle to get ready for it, but thought what the hell, who knows my name might get drawn.  Chance and the good Lord decided this wasn't the year, so I guess I'll put in again next year and get 2 entries.Wink

On a more serious note, I decided yesterday to kind of say, "screw it" and just went back to working out.  12.75 mile bike yesterday after yard work, and got in a 2.5 mile run today.  So far so good, I'm starting to think, if it going to happen it's going to happen, whether or not I'm doing something.  What your motto Josh, Rather live one day as a Lion, then a lifetime as a Lamb.

2013-04-15 7:17 AM
in reply to: #4700014

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Question: Is their certain foods ya'll eat to curb hunger? Since I've ramped up the exercise I've been eating like I'm in puberty again. I'm 5"11 and 150 lbs so I'm already on the small side and getting smaller wouldn't help me out at all. I've upped the protein I eat, along with fiber to try not to devour everything in sight. I've added a bunch of carbs too to maintain my weight.

But what foods are good to hold off the hunger between meals?

2013-04-15 8:16 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

I like to eat oranges - quick, easy, and good for you.  I also snack on sunflower seeds to keep from eating more, but then you have the sodium issue with them because I have to have the salty, seasoned ones.

Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2013-04-15 8:17 AM
2013-04-15 8:40 PM
in reply to: #4700257

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
PoleyPower - 2013-04-15 7:17 AM

Question: Is their certain foods ya'll eat to curb hunger? Since I've ramped up the exercise I've been eating like I'm in puberty again. I'm 5"11 and 150 lbs so I'm already on the small side and getting smaller wouldn't help me out at all. I've upped the protein I eat, along with fiber to try not to devour everything in sight. I've added a bunch of carbs too to maintain my weight.

But what foods are good to hold off the hunger between meals?

I just pretty much eat everything in sight seriously though... I eat nuts with raisins before I swim, and usually for lunch I eat avocado sandwiches. I read a very interesting book by Rich Roll called Finding Ultra. It is the story of his trip from overweight fast food eater, to a vegan 2 time Ultrman. You may not want to go vegan, and neither did I, but I did implement some of the vegetarian things that he lays out in the book, and I was thoroughly impressed with how I was able to not feel like I was starving all the time. It's a good read, with lots of valuable nutritional info.
2013-04-15 8:45 PM
in reply to: #4700257

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
PoleyPower - 2013-04-15 7:17 AM

Question: Is their certain foods ya'll eat to curb hunger? Since I've ramped up the exercise I've been eating like I'm in puberty again. I'm 5"11 and 150 lbs so I'm already on the small side and getting smaller wouldn't help me out at all. I've upped the protein I eat, along with fiber to try not to devour everything in sight. I've added a bunch of carbs too to maintain my weight.

But what foods are good to hold off the hunger between meals?

By The Way... I wish I had that 6' -150lb problem... I'm 6' and my leanest race weight ever (at 8% Body fat) was 181 lbs. I could knock off a minute per mile on my run if I could loose 30 more pounds
2013-04-16 7:30 AM
in reply to: #4701830

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Considering 8-19% body fat is considered healthy range, I wouldn't worry about trying to get lower. You're a stud anyways.

Thanks for the feed back

2013-04-17 7:42 PM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Hello everyone. Just wanted to say I'm still here. Been training but just not posting. I am running a 5k with my 9 year old son this Friday. My next tri is on May 5. I have been taking it easy because of the knee issue. Still sore so I got down a little. I've been swimming more and biking. I've slacked a little on the running since the Crescent City Classic but I'm getting back into it.

2013-04-17 8:49 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Glad to hear from you Sal and that you're still going at it.  How awesome is that going to be to complete that 5K with your son, which is a memory I am sure he will always have.  Way to be a Great Father, yall have fun and keep at it.
2013-04-18 9:53 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Great evening for me.  Daughter was inducted into the National Elementary Honor Society tonight, and then I got home and managed to get in a ten mile ride. 
2013-04-19 7:38 AM
in reply to: #4706577

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Sal, sorry to hear about your knee still bothering you. Glad your staying active and working around it.

Grats on the NEHS induction. I'm sure you're a proud Dad!

I've got a stomach bug floating around the family and we can't seem to not re-contaminate each other. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things soon.

2013-04-21 4:05 PM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Ran my fastest 5k to date in 24:55. Knee must be getting better.
2013-04-21 9:38 PM
in reply to: #4709051

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Sal Hontiveros - 2013-04-21 4:05 PMRan my fastest 5k to date in 24:55. Knee must be getting better.
Very nice!

2013-04-22 6:42 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Great 5K Sal, I wish I could post a time like that.  I look fast, but that doesn't slow the clock down.Wink
2013-04-23 2:43 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Co Louth, Ireland
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Great run Sal - it'll keep coming down for you too! !
2013-04-23 4:07 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Well with the weather the way it has been this spring in the midwest, I haven't spent much time outdoor training so far.  So with that said, I have spent a lot of time in the pool. 


I am not such a fast runner, so there isn't a ton of advice I can give to help everyone out on that, but I am a fast swimmer, so I want to help where I can.  Let's have a discussion to see if there is anyway we can shave a little time off everyone's swim pace.


Below are a couple of links to a short ladder swim I did last week.  It was not a speed workout, so the average pace was 1:35 / 100 yds. (btw, my flip turns suck - so disregard those)  No flipturns in a triathlon so I don't care.

Here is a link to the video.

Below is a link to my garmin upload so you can see the number of strokes, as well as the lap times.

Let's start a discussion about what I am doing right and what I am doing wrong.  How can I get more speed with less effort?

ok, go.

Edited by discipleguideservice 2013-04-23 4:09 PM
2013-04-23 4:41 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Co Louth, Ireland
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
will have a look at the videos tomorrow but 1-35/100 and thats not a speed session - I'm screwedSurprised! I don't think I'd do that going flat out!!
2013-04-23 5:38 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Josh, nice idea but I would have to know proper swim techinque and not look at your easy pace as really good before I attempted to critque. Since you asked I'll have a go at it for what it's worth. You could probably benefit from a more steady kick like when doing a kick drill, but then again I sisscor kick and never do kick drills.  I guess the one thing that looked really odd to me (might be my lack of knowledge) was how far you rotated and almost flared out at your hip.  I know to rotate, but it appeared that you might be over rotating at times.  It looked some times like you were almost J shaped, which to me would appear to add drag and slow your speed.  Once again I don't really know a thing about correct form and am slow, but figured I'd give it a go and maybe end up learning something.   

It's funny that you posted this becuase after last night I was going to post how big of a difference wearing Jammer's is over normal swim trunks.  I swam 2500 yards last night with over 4 minutes of break time and still came in under 2:00 min / 100 average, which for me was really good, and the only difference was the Jammers instead of trunks.  I actually felt like I had swam less than normal and was able to log a good workout (will log tonight).

2013-04-23 7:45 PM
in reply to: #4712426

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

No kidding, you have an awesome pace. And I'm totally jealous of the kick/turn/flippy thing. I've been nervous about trying thinking I'm going to give myself a concussion.

Outside the obvious of removing the other swimmer and adding a propeller to your butt to increase speed you look really good.

Totally amateur opinion so please shoot it down if you think there are bad ideas.
You could decrease your drag if you try to increase the strokes between breathing. It might cause you to have to do contralateral breathes which (supposedly) causes you to go slower but will also decrease the the amount of drifting which is more important in racing than the pool, ie swim a shorter distance.

You have a distal kick from the knees which doesn't provide a lot of power. Keeping your knees loosely extended but kicking from your hips will generate more power and save your quads for the run. You do an excellent job of keeping your toes pointed as well as keeping your ankles close together streamlining your swim.

You do have a lot of rotation in your hips and low back but I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I could argue it either way. I can tell you that you rotate to your right more than your left.
You also do a good job at your hand entry and exit. The stroke in the water appears to be solid as well.

2013-04-23 9:21 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Good observations everyone. Let me first say that I am not trying to brag in any way about my speed. Swimming is my strong suit, and it is impressive looking on paper but no race is won or lost in the swim. So if you swim a 2:00 / 100 yds or even a 2:30 you may still very well beat me quite badly at the finish line, because I don't run fast, and that, in my opinion, is where races are won and lost. My intent here is to make an attempt at helping you guys figure out how to get yourself faster.
2013-04-23 9:38 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
So, the things I have been doing right: 1- good rotation of shoulders. 2- good long stroke, pushing all the way past my waist with my stroke 3- good front quadrant technique ( this is where I try to keep your front hand gliding in front until your other hand passes your head - essentially switching hands in front of my head at all times). ------------ things that could make me faster: 1-byladderal breathing (but I never race like that, I always breath every stroke on my right side). 2- hip rotation looks TOO exaggerated. Some hip rotation is good, but looks like I have a little too much to keep good hydrodynamics. -------- Things that make not much difference in my swim, but will later in the race. Less kick is better. Kick should start in your core, and ripple down your leg, but you don't want to tire your kegs out, so I just don't kick much. Even when I do, it's not any faster. Unfortunately my scissor styl kick looks to be slowing me down a bit... I'll be working on that.
2013-04-24 8:24 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Staying with the Swim topic,

I went and did my swim this morning and when I logged it I noticed that this month alone I have logged as many yards as I did all of last year.Surprised 

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