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2013-05-29 10:46 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by trigal38

Had some weird stuff with the mentor thread over the weekend. When I tried to open the group I could only get to page 4. Anyway, got frustrated and gave up but now all seems to be working again.

Trying to catch up!

I'm getting ready to sell my road bike. A friend of mine has been wanting me to sell ever since I bought the tri bike (2011). I've never loved that road bike like I should so I've decided to sell and shop for something I like better. I read threads about how people are so much more comfortable on their road bikes and climbing hills is easier but that is not the case for me. The only problem with this plan is I can't train on my tri bike for every training ride because it irritates my back and hip and I'm not really ready (don't have the funds) to purchase a new bike yet! I have a hybrid I can ride or spin class at the Y I guess. I'm also going to look into getting my fit adjusted to see if something can be done to help me with this hip/back pain I always get on the tri bike.

Speaking of bikes, I was going to take the back wheel off my tri bike over the weekend and give it all a good cleaning. The spring on the skewer has wrapped itself around inside where the wheel attaches and now we can't get my back wheel off. When we tried to pull the spring out it of course broke off so now we're stuck. So looks like I'll be taking it in to the shop! I hope I don't get a flat tire because I can't get the wheel off!

Ok, you should be fine training on your hybrid and spin bikes! Try to get in 30 minutes of hard riding on your tri bike each week though. Hopefully that's not long enough to bother your back or hip.

As for that's a totally optional piece of equipment. It just serves to push the 2 parts of the skewer apart from the frame to help facilitate a quick removal. Just a convenience factor. No need to go to the bike shop for that. The spring had probably been put on backwards. You want the big end toward the middle of the hub and the little end toward the outside of the hub. You probably had the little end inside which is why it was inside the drop-out.

And an expert fitter who will listen to your specific needs regarding your back and hip can be a big help for you. That problem may require a fit on your tri bike that's not aerodynamically optimal, of course. So don't let people tell you that you have a bad fit and that your fitter was stupid if you are riding pain free afterwards.
Here's a potentially important piece of advice...I assume your road bike currently does NOT cause you the back and hip problems. If your fitter can see and measure you on that bike first, then he will have a much better/easier time finding you the right position on your tri bike. So perhaps before you sell it??

2013-05-29 12:28 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by JeffY

Originally posted by strikyr

Thanks guys for the input on the shoes. I have almost 600 miles on my two pairs of Asic Kayanos that I rotate and I have no issues with them or with me. I will start slowly start phasing those out with the two new pairs of Asic Kayanos I have although the ones I'm using still look pretty darn good and feel pretty good too.

Will I'm not sure but I think I'm neutral. I am a forefront/mid foot striker when it comes to running and I have been using the Asic Kayanos. They are heavily cushioned shoes which is probably why I have not had any issues based on the my running style. At least I'm guessing that is the case. I have also tried in the past going with minimal cushioning and have used Nike Free's and Nike Ultra Lunar's but my feet hurt with the longer distances using those shoes. I could use those only if I kept my runs under 10 miles. Anything over that and my feet got really sore. I could probably use something between the Kayano and the Ultra Lunars but since I'm not having any issues I'm afraid to switch shoes at this point and try something else.

I don't track mileage to shoes, but estimated I might have as much as 1500 miles on the last pair of Nike Vomeros that I just retired. The uppers were falling apart which is the only reason I retired them. Now, being air soles, they didn't compress and lose cushioning like most shoes would. But I'm just saying that using a mileage number to tell you when shoes are worn out is just a convenient rule of thumb and it's like heart rate training zones! If YOU wear shoes out at 300, 500, 700 miles then you can use that number for your own reference but it won't apply to other runners directly. Neutral runners don't break down their shoes in a weird way and lighter runners don't wear out the EVA as quickly.

You could really rotate between shoes based on your run distances. You could use Nikes for your shorter runs and Kayanos for longer runs.

Good luck with your shoe choices!

Jeff thanks and I knew you had mentioned those Nike's with 1500 miles on them before. I think my Asics are in good shape and I could keep using them. I do have two new pairs which I'll start using and I'll start phasing out the old ones I have. Unfortunately for the Nike's the Lunar's are retried and they are yard shoes and my dog pretty much ate my Nike Free's. I may look at a less cushioned shoe after IM.
2013-05-29 6:00 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Huntertown, IN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

I am a pronator.  I wear Brook's Adrenalines (have worn 11s, 12s, and now 13s).  The running store in town says that they are the most popular shoe they sell.  I believe that is what they also fit Dirk with. 

I also like New Balance 1223s, but I haven't tried their newer versions of this model. 



2013-05-29 6:00 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Hey all....sorry, I'm the worst (what else is new?). My right eye is still showing double vision and the surgeon said to try my best not to push the time on the computer. I'm on the darn thing all day because of work, so I'm staying off at night. I miss you all. Please give me some slack, this is very frustrating to me. I'll do my best to catch up when I can.
2013-05-29 6:11 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Huntertown, IN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by mambos
Originally posted by abergdol

I’m catching up on BT while the baby naps.

Warren, I appreciate your comments on recovering from races.  I’ve always tried running again right away, and it’s always felt so off and probably delayed my recovery.  I’ll definitely try out your strategy next time.

Jen, congrats on your Tough Mudder race.  Looks like a fun time!  Great pic too!

Jonathan, I hope you are all back to normal after your Lasik procedure.  Way to keep up with your training!

Dirk, if you want to try some new beer, come over to our house for dinner.  Ryan makes his own!  Seriously, you and Brenda and your spouses should come over sometime.

Tony, I generally plan to wear my shoes for about 500 miles, but I try to be very aware of when things start feeling off.  I have one pair that I could tell had worn out its lifespan at just under 500 miles, but another pair made it to a solid 700 miles until that point.  I am trying to break in one pair of shoes while I still have some mileage left in another pair so that I don’t have to do all of my runs in new shoes.

Feel better, Jeff!  We are all worried about you.

Nice swim, Will!  It sounds like you are definitely on track to do an IM.

Does anyone know what the latest is on the mobile site or the BT app?  I haven’t been able to log any of my workouts from my phone like I used to be able to. 

It’s been raining here all day, and the Y is closed.  I’m trying to figure out how to get in a decent workout without being miserable. 


Have you tried the phone app recently? I was finally able to get on it today and successfully log my swim work out! I think they may have fixed the bugs over the weekend! Before today all it did was lock up, especially when I tried to access the planned section, today no problems!

Thanks!  Yes, it looks like it is finally back to working.  I'm not sure what the issue was before. 

2013-05-29 9:00 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

I just got some ART for my hip today and wow, it feels much better. I think I should be able to manage one solid ride a week on the tri bike. I've been on it for almost every ride since March which I knew would be too much. The road bike is officially sold and off to live with it's new owner so no fit help there. I wish I would have seen this reply earlier! Now I get to start looking for something new though.

The issue with the spring on my tri bike is part of it is still stuck because it broke off and now we can't get the wheel off. So if I get a flat out on the road somewhere I am stuck. We tried squirting a bunch of lube in there but it is not giving at all for us. My husband is afraid if we keep messing with it we will break something or hurt the bike so he wants me to just take it to the shop.

Jeff how are you feeling this week?

2013-05-29 9:01 PM
in reply to: jgerbodegrant

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Thanks for checking in. I've been wondering how you are doing!
2013-05-30 4:39 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by JonnyVero
Originally posted by RunningYogini My poor little munchkin has been puking all morning. Frown  We are going to spend the day watching cartoons and sleeping.  Maybe I can get caught up with our thread, too.

I hope your little one recovers quickly. Sick kiddo days are always tough.
As for weather where I am at, this is one of those days of the year when everyone is jealous of me. Today's forecast is for 81 degrees and only 25% humidity this afternoon. This weekend however the forcast is 99 for Saturday and Sunday and 100 for Monday. At least it's a relatively dry heat.

Yes!  With 25% humidity nearly everyone can be jealous of you!  Maybe even hateful toward youWink  However, you can keep the 100 even with the low humidity.  I say that knowing that one day soon I would take that high temp and low humidity when we're faced with mid 90's and 85% humidity.

2013-05-30 6:15 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
We are so lucky to have our running store. The owner put on a seminar last night on how to race 1 mile. A little background on him, he is the Canadian World record holder of the mile, 4X NCAA national champ, been to the olympics 3 X w/ best finish silver. He said his love is not running but HOCKEY...
His best mile is 3 min 50 seconds, he raced when the world record was broken and got 11th with a time of 3 min 52 seconds...tough competition.

How far was his weekly mileage when in his peak training? 100 miles per week, yearly avg was 85
His recovery days were slow runs 20+ miles
He would work out 2 - 3 times per day

Fartlets were done 3X per week, here the key was to hold each fartlet for a minimum of 2 min and max of 5 min. Below and above had negative affects. He rested (slow jog) the same amount of time he did the fartlet. Did this 5 - 6 miles, not including the warm-up stretching.
Intervals were were done at 100 to 130 percent of his 1 mile race pace and held betrween 20 seconds and 2 minutes..did the around 3 miles per session.

he did a lot of foot work training, walking over hurdles, running over rope squares, high leg kicks etc etc etc

he really believes in lots of core work, planks, reverse situps, situps, etc etc Loves plyometrics...

Really believes in stretching, but not static stretching but the moving stretching but not until you are warmed up.

Hope this gave ya'll a little insight.

BTW, it is 89% humidity today...
2013-05-30 7:49 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

We are so lucky to have our running store. The owner put on a seminar last night on how to race 1 mile. A little background on him, he is the Canadian World record holder of the mile, 4X NCAA national champ, been to the olympics 3 X w/ best finish silver. He said his love is not running but HOCKEY...
His best mile is 3 min 50 seconds, he raced when the world record was broken and got 11th with a time of 3 min 52 seconds...tough competition.

How far was his weekly mileage when in his peak training? 100 miles per week, yearly avg was 85
His recovery days were slow runs 20+ miles
He would work out 2 - 3 times per day

Fartlets were done 3X per week, here the key was to hold each fartlet for a minimum of 2 min and max of 5 min. Below and above had negative affects. He rested (slow jog) the same amount of time he did the fartlet. Did this 5 - 6 miles, not including the warm-up stretching.
Intervals were were done at 100 to 130 percent of his 1 mile race pace and held betrween 20 seconds and 2 minutes..did the around 3 miles per session.

he did a lot of foot work training, walking over hurdles, running over rope squares, high leg kicks etc etc etc

he really believes in lots of core work, planks, reverse situps, situps, etc etc Loves plyometrics...

Really believes in stretching, but not static stretching but the moving stretching but not until you are warmed up.

Hope this gave ya'll a little insight.

BTW, it is 89% humidity today...

Karl thanks for sharing the info from the seminar. I don't think I'll be running a 3 min 52 sec mile anytime soon but I think it is interesting to see how much work goes into being able to run that fast and to make the Olympics. I'm sure he did an incredible amount of training and work to get there. BTW you can keep your 98% humidity as well. We're suppose to be in the 90's the next 3 days but for fortunately for me it will be cooler where I am low 80's thankfully.
2013-05-30 7:51 AM
in reply to: jgerbodegrant

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by jgerbodegrant

Hey all....sorry, I'm the worst (what else is new?). My right eye is still showing double vision and the surgeon said to try my best not to push the time on the computer. I'm on the darn thing all day because of work, so I'm staying off at night. I miss you all. Please give me some slack, this is very frustrating to me. I'll do my best to catch up when I can.

Jonathan sorry to hear that you are still have some residual effects from the LASIK surgery. I hope your feeling better and that double vision goes away soon enough.

2013-05-30 8:45 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Jonathan, get well soon!!!!!
2013-05-30 9:24 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Jonathan - Get better and get off the computer, iPad, and smartphone!

Karl- Thanks for the recap on the running clinic. I think my best 1 mile run was 5:58 -- when I was 22 and had no idea that there was an entire culture dedicated to running, I just ran so that during snowboard season to build my lungs and stamina for backcountry hiking and riding with a predominantly male team. Looking back, I do wonder what kind of 1 mile time I could have done had I trained with the intention of setting a PR at the 1 mile.

What was your best 1 mile time?

Quick question.. I rolled my right ankle 3x during Tough Mudder on 5/18.... it is still bothering me. There is still some swelling and tenderness just in front of the ankle bone (toward my toes). As long as I am moving forward, it does not bother me, meaning I can run, ride my bike, and swim. If I sit on the floor indian style, the pressure causes my ankle to hurt. I know - don't sit on the floor indian style. I am hoping the swelling and mild discomfort will dissipate on it's own. Do you think I have anything to be concerned about?

The last time I had a persistent problem like this due to a sport injury it turned out that I had separated my shoulder and had to take almost a year to rehab it. I think I have a high tolerance for pain, but my husband disagrees. Below is a picture that shows the swelling in comparison to the left ankle. Sorry if it doesn't read well, but I think it is pretty apparent.

(Jen foot.jpg)

Jen foot.jpg (23KB - 20 downloads)
2013-05-30 12:54 PM
in reply to: 0

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by jenbmosley  What was your best 1 mile time? 

The last time I ran a focused mile for time was about 1984/1985 in high school. I ran a 6:36 and then I collapsed in an asthmatic fit of coughing and weezing for several minutes. I'm glad I don't have the asthma issues any more but I wish I had those young muscles and knees now.

I did do a mile on a track last year at my daughter's school because I needed to pick her up but still wanted to get some kind of run in that day. I timed that at 7:11 for the run. I consider that as my personal best now.

I'm no help with the ankle, other than to say rest it, and I hope it heals soon.


Jonathan - Rest your eyes and get better soon!

Edited by JonnyVero 2013-05-30 12:55 PM
2013-05-30 1:48 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Jen, from what you describe there is no reason to suspect more than a simple sprain. (simple doesn't mean minor)
Straight ahead movements, like your tri training are good and should help reduce the swelling faster. Just don't run off-road until you feel completely healed. There will be increased instability in that ankle for at least a month or so possibly.

2013-05-30 1:52 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
I had my stress test yesterday. I had one 4 years ago at the same place about 6 months after my pulmonary embolism diagnosis. So they had the old results to compare to.
I went 4 minutes longer this time (that indicates an improvement in my fitness).

I haven't been given official results yet because the cardiologist will read the data and get that information back to my referring physician.

I did notice that after stopping, my HR came down and kept coming down to a level lower than my baseline. Before I began I was sitting around hanging out getting all hooked up to the electrodes and was seeing 80s. After the test when I sat down for a couple of minutes it came down to 58 before taking a few minutes to go back up to the 80s again. Wonder why the drop? Wonder if that is a symptom?
I doubt it's a heart defect though. It would be related to the autonomic or sympathetic nervous system I would guess. Or maybe that was normal.

If nothing is found to be off, then I suppose we just diagnose my issue as severe dehydration and move on.

2013-05-30 2:17 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by JeffYJen, from what you describe there is no reason to suspect more than a simple sprain. (simple doesn't mean minor)Straight ahead movements, like your tri training are good and should help reduce the swelling faster. Just don't run off-road until you feel completely healed. There will be increased instability in that ankle for at least a month or so possibly.
I agree with Jeff, "simple sprain"! I once had a dr tell me it could take up to 3-6 months for a sprain to fully heal. You may not feel much pain or discomfort but the swelling and such takes for ever! I sprained my ankle in January doing some silly snow running and felt "tingles" until mid-march! Didn't affect my running but more of an annoyance!
2013-05-30 3:04 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Jeff, let us know when you hear back from the dr.

Jen, ice, ice ice and keep it elevated for a few day and hopefully it will heal quicker. yes a sprain can be worse than a break as far as healing careful!
2013-05-30 3:27 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm definitely more at ease and it's just a bit of a nuisance. Looks like I won't be doing any crossfit... hahahahaaa
2013-05-30 5:22 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
So I was doing a swim workout at lunch, nothing too crazy with the race this weekend, I did 2x200WU, then 10x100@2:00 at sprint race pace. Then I started my cool down and on my first lap I went to push off the wall and felt like I twisted my left knee a little funny. I got a sudden panic thinking that i injured it. My mind immediately went to my meniscus that I've had problems with before. I stopped and got out of the pool, everything seemed ok but I started thinking that it wasn't. As the afternoon went on I'm not sure if I was imagining things or if its sore. I took some Advil and have iced it. It feels ok now and I'm starting to think I was just a little panic. I had planned a ride for tonight but I'm going to cancel it. I know that with meniscus tears it could take 24 hours or so for swelling to come out so I guess I will wait till tomorrow and see. If everything feels ok tomorrow night I may go for a easy 5k run to feel it out. Fingers crossed its all in my head.
2013-05-30 7:37 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Thanks for the info on washing my cloths, I never would have thought of this! Dina I was thinking if you are concerned about throwing your cycling shoes in the washer maybe you could just spray them with vinegar?
Jonathon I hope your eye heals soon.
Derek Iam crossing my fingers ......I am sure you'll be ok
Jen...put that foot up and ice it!

I started wearing Newtons last year, love them. I have wide feet and my feet would always falls asleep in other shoes no matter how loose I wore them, Newtons are wider through the toes and I haven't had a problem.

It was finally warm and humid here today, this is my favorite weather! I had a short run and it felt good not having to wear 3 layers and hats and gloves

Edited by Jo63 2013-05-30 7:39 PM

2013-05-30 8:02 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Jen I hope the ankle is feeling better soon, take care of it and all good advice by the group. The worse thing about sprains is they just tend to linger hopefully it gets better soon.

Derek I hope there is nothing serious with your knee, probably a good move to cut the swim session short and pass on the bike ride today. Hopefully it's nothing and you're back at it tomorrow.

The weather wasn't that bad today, definitely warmer than it has been but not unbearable. I was able to get to the pool and get in an hour and 2500m's and then took the bike out in the evening for 90 minutes, got 27 miles in and rode hard. I was going to do a bike/run brick but was too tired so I dropped the run. I'll do the bike/run brick tomorrow.
2013-05-30 11:59 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Questions for everyone:

1. I've been doing Jorge's trainer workout and I've noticed that when I go from upright to aero that my heartrate goes up about 5 beats... any of you experience this? Is this normal? Or could it be that I've been riding upright most of the time and so when I go aero, maybe those muscles aren't as in shape?

2. I can't remember if we've talked vitamins. A friend told me that I need to be taking a multi-vitamin. Thoughts? What brand do you guys take?

It's funny that some of you are talking about the heat... I'm in Texas and was just thinking earlier this week "Do I really want to train for an IM during the summer?"

2013-05-31 12:50 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
I wish I could catch up with everyone.  Things have been rough this week with the truck break down and puking munchkin.  I'm just barely hanging on.  Both of my guys have been super moody so I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies.  It seemed to appease the monsters a bit. Smile
2013-05-31 4:20 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by pistuo

Questions for everyone:

1. I've been doing Jorge's trainer workout and I've noticed that when I go from upright to aero that my heartrate goes up about 5 beats... any of you experience this? Is this normal? Or could it be that I've been riding upright most of the time and so when I go aero, maybe those muscles aren't as in shape?

2. I can't remember if we've talked vitamins. A friend told me that I need to be taking a multi-vitamin. Thoughts? What brand do you guys take?

It's funny that some of you are talking about the heat... I'm in Texas and was just thinking earlier this week "Do I really want to train for an IM during the summer?"

1. You could be taking in less oxygen due to your lungs being constrained a bit. Just a guess. But working more muscles could have something to do with it as we'll.

2. I don't usually as I try to eat pretty well, but if I'm traveling or I know I haven't been eating that great I will take one here and there.

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