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2007-03-15 7:51 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

The weather has been fantastic!!  That combined with having a little more energy is making me really excited to get out and train. 

It's going to be in the 50s this weekend, but that will be perfect racing weather.  I'm doing an 8k on Saturday and a half-marathon on Sunday.  Should be a good weekend for me. 

2007-03-15 9:45 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Hey, what's with all this weather talk.  We were having great spring weather, lots of sun and slush, then yesterday we got another 4 inches of snow and the weather turned cold.  At least the end of the winter is near. 

Jen, good luck with your races this weekend.
2007-03-15 8:30 PM
in reply to: #723587

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

You will be the trailblazer for us. My season doesn't start until the end of May.

2007-03-15 8:57 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Good luck Jen!!!

My season starts with a duathlon with a friend (relay team) next month!  I can't wait!!! 

2007-03-15 9:01 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I am excited for the weekend!  I love the first race of the season - it's exciting to start out the season and have everything before you.  You guys will have your chance soon enough - it comes quickly.
2007-03-22 9:55 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Well, Jen got the season start with her races over the weekend, so I guess it's time to say: IT'S RACING TIME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My wife and I signed up for the Hospital Hill 5k/10k race in June.  We've got a playful wager to see who will cross the finish line first.  She's running the 5k, but said she doesn't plan to run the hills (the hills are literally 1/2 the race in the 5k), so she thinks her finishing time will be somewhere around 42:00 (she averages 12:00-13:00 mile pace).  I'm going to run the 10k, and I plan to finish sub 50:00 (8:00 pace would be a 49:00 finish).  I'm very sure she'll win, but it won't be by much, as I plan to do some more hill work than I did last year!  Cool

2007-03-25 10:33 PM
in reply to: #625443

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Wow good luck to everyone. The weather has changed and I finally got my bike out for a ride. Unfortunately I got caught with the darkness.... oh well.

Jen... How did the race go?

Robert, I can't wait to hear about the 10k. I plan on doing some this year (my first).
2007-03-26 9:20 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

My races were okay.  It was really cold and I am still pretty run down - my thyroid medication is starting to work, but I run out of energy pretty quickly.  My legs were numb for a good part of the half-marathon.  Still, I managed to finish and I was about a half an hour slower than my best time in the half.  Not great, but pretty good considering the circumstances.

I think it's so cool that you and your wife are going to race together!  My husband just started biking this weekend and it's so nice to be able to get out and do it together.  It's very motivating - there's always that little bit of competition to keep you going.   

2007-03-27 6:50 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Way to go on your races, Jen!!!

I'm pretty excited about the 10k, too.  Too bad I have to wait for 5 weeks!  Tongue out

2007-04-02 6:12 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Welcome to April!!  Are we going to post April goals in here and share our March results?  As for me, I made my March swim goal, but totally missed the bike and run goals.    I also got news from my doctor that I'm sidelined for a couple weeks until my leg completely heals, and even then, it's pretty much going to be like starting all over.    At least I can continue to swim (w/ a swim buoy so that I don't use my legs), and lift (upper body).  My goals for April look like this:

  1. 12,000 yards swimming
  2. heal up my leg and start rebuilding
Anyway, I hope this finds you doing well!! 
2007-04-03 5:48 AM
in reply to: #746322

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Well, I am back from the Big Island of Hawai'i and feeling great. I did ok on my March goals:

March 1-22 Goals
- Bike 45 miles (44.4 98.6%)
- Run 15 miles (8.55 57.0%)
- Swim 1500 yrds, 150 yards straight (300 20%) (75 yrds straight)

With my triathlon about 6 weeks away, here is a little breakdown on the goals and how I think I am doing for each of the three.

Bike: I mildly underestimated and just barely missed the goal (if you can count it that). I had some good rides, though, and feeling good about my bike. I think with a good April, I will be able to ramp up the final bit to be in decent position.

Run: I didn't get out enough. I had some really good runs and feel really positive about the run (mainly because my run route is far far more hilly than the actual route), but I need to get out 2 times a week to build the endurance past the 5k mark.

Swim: I only went once. Bad bad bad. I am going to try and remedy that in April. I am confident that I can do well on my swimming training, but I have had a hard time actually going.

April Goals
- Bike 70 miles (3 rides of over race distance - 12 miles)
- Run 15 miles (3 runs of over race distance - 3.1 miles)
- Swim 2000 yards ( 250 yards straight )

I am planning on really hitting the endurance in the upcoming weeks and then at the end of the month and first week of May, working on bricks and practicing transitions. How does that sound? My triathlon is 250 m swim, 12 mile bike, 5k.

2007-04-03 8:39 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Dave, I think you'll do great, just be sure to obey the 10% rule of volume increase.

I wonder if I could become a poster child for the 10% that I'm sidelined for 2 weeks...


2007-04-03 9:42 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

March went really well for me.  I managed to finish all of my goals:

Swim: 24,100m/24,000m (100.42%)
Bike: 59.95 miles/40 miles (149.875%)
Run: 41.34 miles/40 miles (103.35%)

For April, I'm really going to focus on getting my bike miles increased.  I have a lot of riding events in June and I need to get ready for them.  I'm trying to do the Veteran Elite challenge in April:

Swim: 15,000 yards
Bike: 300 miles
Run: 40 miles

It's not much more than I did in March, with the exception of the biking.  I'm a little nervous about that, but I think it can be done.  I've got a great biking group that's really active and my husband is really excited about riding, too.  I think that'll help motivate me to get out there and do something. 

Good luck with April training, everyone!!   Robert, I hope you heal well.  That sounds so incredibly painful. 

2007-04-03 3:55 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Jen, good luck with your cycling goals in April.  I am getting a *new* bike, finally.  I'm getting it from my sister, who got it from a guy when she was in college, who bought it brand new from the LBS.  It's a Cannondale, and that's about all I know, right now.  She's selling it to me for $100.  It's all aluminum and oddly, the shifters are on the down bar that connects to the cassette.  It's weird, but it looks cool, I think.  Anyway, I get that in about a month or so.
2007-04-03 8:56 PM
in reply to: #625443

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
April Goals...

I think I will try this one.

March's totals were:

BIKE: 176.7 miles
RUN: 28.47 miles
SWIM: 14,150 yards

I did manage to stick in other sports and exercises but now need to think out my training.

I would like to aim for this:

BIKE: 210 miles
RUN: 50 miles
SWIM: 16, 000

I think it sound lofty but then there were slow days and weeks. Now with the weather breaking I intend to get out in the evenings in addition to the mornings. My first race in Memorial Day weekend. So I have time. I am still looking for a June race. A conference interfered with the one I wanted to do in Virginia (Montclair). Next year maybe then.

Good luck to all!!!
2007-04-04 10:06 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Here was the progress of my March goals:






12,000 m

 12,650 m


60 miles

 30 miles


40 miles

 35.3 miles


I was close on my run goal, but kinda 'fell off the bike' with my bike goal.
I haven't set any goals for April yet, I'll post them when I figure them out. 

2007-04-04 11:51 AM
in reply to: #747678

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Yeah for new bikes!!  I've seen bikes with the shifters in that location before, but I've never used one, so I'm not sure how that works out.  I'd love to upgrade my bike, but I don't think that's going to happen any time soon.  I may have to settle with upgrading my wheel set and be content with that.   

jcdenton2000 - 2007-04-03 4:55 PM Jen, good luck with your cycling goals in April. I am getting a *new* bike, finally. I'm getting it from my sister, who got it from a guy when she was in college, who bought it brand new from the LBS. It's a Cannondale, and that's about all I know, right now. She's selling it to me for $100. It's all aluminum and oddly, the shifters are on the down bar that connects to the cassette. It's weird, but it looks cool, I think. Anyway, I get that in about a month or so.

2007-04-04 12:29 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Hey - in case you guys haven't dropped by COJ recently, our fealess leader is thinking about cutting her hair!!  She even posted a picture of her current long hair (cute, if I might add)!  We HAVE to stop her from this madness...unless you're a fan of short hair, then you're on your own.  :D
2007-04-04 1:47 PM
in reply to: #748814

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

You make it sound so sinister....    

jcdenton2000 - 2007-04-04 1:29 PM Hey - in case you guys haven't dropped by COJ recently, our fealess leader is thinking about cutting her hair!! She even posted a picture of her current long hair (cute, if I might add)! We HAVE to stop her from this madness...unless you're a fan of short hair, then you're on your own. :D

2007-04-04 1:50 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!


2007-04-04 2:14 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I saw the tread too.  I think it looks good long, but I also understand wanting a controlled change.  Jen have you had short hair before?  I ask because before I was allowed to make my own chioces, my mom made me have short hair, like for my entire childhood, so that is probably why I have long hair now.
P.S. By long hair I mean able to create a ponytail, not down to butt crack.

2007-04-04 2:18 PM
in reply to: #749087

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I go between having long hair and having short hair quite a lot. I get it cut short and then I grow it out. Once it's pretty long (about where it is in the picture), I end up cutting it short again. I have yet to find a length of hair I'm really happy with. I guess at least when it's long, I can do more with it, but I'm not very good about that. Maybe I should just shave it off.
2007-04-04 2:58 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I bet you don't have the guts to shave it off...
2007-04-04 3:01 PM
in reply to: #749181

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

How much do you want to bet? 

jcdenton2000 - 2007-04-04 3:58 PM I bet you don't have the guts to shave it off...

2007-04-04 3:01 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Hmmm, I think you're bluffing.  :D
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