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2008-04-03 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1312884

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

I remember my first Tri sprint. I used the last part of the ride to stretch and then make yourself push thru the first mile on the run. It worked for me anyway?

For transitions I practiced making several five mile loops with the bike and one mile runs. Set out my bike and run stuff and practiced getting on and off. This did two things, got me organized and got me use to running after biking. In one workout you can get in 4 to 5 T1s and T2s


I am betting on the 1:35 time .......Cool



2008-04-03 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

First Big Ride: Looking for comments.

I hope to get in my first big ride this weekend. Undecided   4 hours or 56 miles. I stopped by and purchased a two bottle holder for the back of my bike seat. This will give me 4 bottles on the ride.  I will have one water, 3 gatoraids, 3 gels and 3 balance bars. Target 300 cal per hour. I know my sweat rate is ~ 1lb per hour.

The bike route is the HIM Taylorsville Lake and it is hilly. Target 15 mph and HR at 140's to 150's

We will see how it all works out. Yell .......


2008-04-05 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1137978

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Do you still have an opening in this group?
2008-04-05 9:43 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
yeah....we love new people

2008-04-05 9:51 PM
in reply to: #1318310

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Thanks. I ran a couple of 10k's when I was youger. I am now 38. I have a 1/2 Mary coming up in 3 weeks. I have a beginners Tri and a sprint tri coming up in a couple of months. I need lots of advice on swimming. I have just really started training for the tri. After 2 weeks 150 yards is all I can do non-stop in the pool.
2008-04-06 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1318331

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Welcome to the group BR. I started training for my first tri about 3 months ago and I was in the same situation as you are when it comes to the swim and I am now at 2000 yards non stop. It takes a while for me to get there but it has been worth it. Unfortunatly I have let my running and cycling fall by the wayside some and have not devoted as much time to it as I should have. If I could make one suggestion it would be find a swim training DVD/Video or someone who you know that is familiar with good swimming technique. When I started I had terrible form and was wasting a lot of energy getting from one end of the pool to the other. Now I am very relaxed in the pool and I have been told that my swim stroke and overall technique looks really good. I hust hope that all this swimming will carry over to my bike/run. I have to date shed 58# and I have 30-40 more to reach m y target weight of 180-190.

Well that is it for now, hope everyone else is doing well. Btw how did your long bike ride go the other day Greg? I am getting ready to go out for a long ride myself here in a few minutes, not even sure which way I am heading yet, going to just point the bike in a direction and "Forrest Gump" it, ride until I get tired, stop,eat,drink,ride some more and eventually head back home.

All be safe


Edited by firefighter5765 2008-04-06 9:04 AM

2008-04-06 4:20 PM
in reply to: #1318621

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

Thanks for the encouragement. I do have use of a trainer/swim coach for an hour a week, but it is a group training session. It's hard for him to help all 12 of us at one time. I am a certified scuba diver, but in scuba diving you really only use your legs/fins, so this distance swimming is all new to me.

I guess I am where you were a couple of months ago. I feel like I am wasting a lot of energy. Although I can run a 1/2 marathon I feel drained in the pool after 150 yards. I have to be able to swim 1000 yards by the end of May.

2008-04-06 5:11 PM
in reply to: #1319143

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Just got back from a 27 mile bike ride, got my butt kicked! I have been out of the saddle for a long time and it showed, not to mention I forgot to turn on my garmin until I was 2.5 miles into it. I thought it was going to warm up here in NC today and dressed for warm weather and it never did. I got leg cramps at mile 27 and called the SAG vehicle aka my wife :D There were a few other cyclists out today, all dress for warm weather, I guess we all watched the same weather report lol.

BRZ I wish I was able to run half a marathon, I'd trade a few yards in the pool for that. You will do fine with your swim, once you have that down, the rest will be easy, especially considering that you already have a strong running base. I have to spend less time in the pool and more time cycling and running now that the weather is starting to cooporate here in NC. I will go run tomorrow and take it easier than I did today, it's hard not to hammer when you are having fun and it's cold lol.

2008-04-06 7:04 PM
in reply to: #1319211

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
I couldn't run a 1/4 mile in December. Since then I have trained with a group. They have motivated me. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you train for 4 months. You will get there with your running. If you can swim that far then your cardio is in good shape. I've always thought the hardest part of running (besides the mental part) is the cardio. The distance will come.
2008-04-06 7:08 PM
in reply to: #1319435

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open


Do you have a race this weekend?

2008-04-07 6:27 AM
in reply to: #1318621

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open


The bike kicked my butt on Saturday and I still was able to recover. We did 56 miles in a very hilly area @ a 17 pace. It took 3h 17 m so I needed less cals than I planned for. I took in 1 Pbh, 1 GA and 1 balance bar before the ride. Needed only 3 GA, 2gels and 2 balance bars for the ride.

Sunday run really slow for recovery @ a 10 pace for 9 miles .... kept HR low at 135 to 140 rate,

I tried something new for me .... an ice bath (cold water and 10lb of ice) ... if you want something to test your mental toughness .... go for it ... my wife said she heard my %$#^&% from two rooms away ... it worked ...

BRZ (JT) welcome to the group, nice to have another Tri buddy on line .... Andrew is correct about getting in some good advice up front for the swim so you do not need to fix bad habbits. They are hard to fix. I did and it paid off big time... focus on form and find your balance in the water. I still remember the first time in the pool ... I could not even finish a 25 yrd swim. When I finally hit 10 mins I thought I was doing great.



Edited by gparris 2008-04-07 6:45 AM

2008-04-07 6:35 AM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: What is everyones next race?

Mike: April 21st: Boston Mary  

Greg: April 26th: Signed up for Mary but most likely will only do a 1/2. (BT coach advice)

Copy the list and add you name and race to the list, in order.

Edited by gparris 2008-04-07 6:47 AM
2008-04-07 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1319448

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Yes, I have my first 5K of the year. It is 41% accent, 33% decent and the rest is rolling to flat. I have ran it once a few weeks ago and it was fun, I just hope I don't have to dodge as many cars,truck,trains and planes this time as I think they are going to close the road down (or at least one lane ) for the event. I am going to use it to get an idea of approx what my 5K will be for my Tri in May.

ICE BATH! BBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! I bet everything felt good once you got out. Did you wife let you put your feet on her back LMAO

2008-04-07 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Mike: April 21st: Boston Mary

Greg: April 26th: Signed up for Mary but most likely will only do a 1/2. (BT coach advice)

Andrew: April 12th Starfish 5K, April 19th Marti Estates 5K,May 31st Godstock Triathlon (first one ever for me) then off until Sept 14th for the Angel's Race Triathlon.

Copy the list and add you name and race to the list, in order.

2008-04-07 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

Copy the list and add you name and race to the list, in order.  

Andrew: April 12th Starfish 5K, April 19th Marti Estates 5K,May 31st Godstock Triathlon (first one ever for me) then off until Sept 14th for the Angel's Race Triathlon.

Mike: April 21st: Boston Mary

Greg: April 26th: Signed up for Mary but most likely will only do a 1/2. (BT coach advice)

John (BlueRaiderZone): April 26: Country Music Half Marathon (Nashville). This will be my first 1/2 Mary.

Copy the list and add you name and race to the list, in order.

Edited by Blueraiderzone 2008-04-07 1:07 PM
2008-04-07 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Extreme Veteran
Kelowna, BC
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Copy the list and add your name and race to the list, in order.

Andrew: April 12th Starfish 5K, April 19th Marti Estates 5K,May 31st Godstock Triathlon (first one ever for me) then off until Sept 14th for the Angel's Race Triathlon.

Mike: April 21st: Boston Mary

Greg: April 26th: Signed up for Mary but most likely will only do a 1/2. (BT coach advice)

John (BlueRaiderZone): April 26: Country Music Half Marathon (Nashville). This will be my first 1/2 Mary.

Barb (Kelownagirl): June 8: Women's 5k, August 17: 1st Sprint Tri, Oct.12 half marathon (or 10K)
Some maybes: May 11: duathlon, May 27: Metric Century (for fun only), possibly some time trials this spring.

2008-04-07 9:38 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

I thought we were just listing our next event, sorry.

Copy the list and add your name and race to the list, in order.

Andrew: April 12th Starfish 5K, April 19th Marti Estates 5K,May 31st Godstock Triathlon (first one ever for me) then off until Sept 14th for the Angel's Race Triathlon.

Mike: April 21st: Boston Mary

Greg: April 26th: Signed up for Mary but most likely will only do a 1/2. (BT coach advice)

John (BlueRaiderZone): April 26: Country Music Half Marathon (Nashville). This will be my first 1/2 Mary. May 26: GJCC Beginners tri, June 7: Mach Tenn Sprint Tri

Barb (Kelownagirl): June 8: Women's 5k, August 17: 1st Sprint Tri, Oct.12 half marathon (or 10K)
Some maybes: May 11: duathlon, May 27: Metric Century (for fun only), possibly some time trials this spring.

2008-04-07 9:40 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Extreme Veteran
Kelowna, BC
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
You are probably are. I don't always read the details....
2008-04-09 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Managed to get a swim and a bike ride in today, did 800 in the pool and 13.13 on the road. Did the course for the May tri, lots of fun!
2008-04-09 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
you can join my yahoo group to get up date data from the course in boston. The link is on my blog.

2008-04-11 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Well only a few more hours until my first 5K of the year. Time to see if any of this training is paying off. I did manage to get out for a few minutes yesterday and get in a 3 mile ride before my chain broke and I had to call my wife for a ride home, she says she is going to start charging me if this keeps up lol. I got the bike to the shop and they replaced the pin that broke with a better one so maybe I will have better luck this time. From what the weatherman is saying we may be swimming most of the race tomorrow, looks like that swimming I did may come in handy. How is everyone else's training coming along?

2008-04-11 5:40 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
tapering for boston,

you guys and girls gonna track me?

2008-04-11 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
I just signed up Mike, I'll be there for you in spirit! Good Luck!
2008-04-12 9:58 AM
in reply to: #1332372

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Tapering for the Country Music 1/2 Marathon. Ran 5 miles, walked 2 (my knee started hurting a little).
2008-04-12 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Got the first 5K of the year out of the way, it was a wet run but it was a lot of fun. There was a light rain for almost the whole run and the wind was about 5-10 mph. There were about 278 runners/walkers and everyone seemed to have a good time. I think I have some good numbers to use so I can figure what my run will be in May. I do know that I will have to spend more time on the run and less in the pool or on the bike.

Edited by firefighter5765 2008-04-12 12:08 PM
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