Other Resources Challenge Me! » They Who Shall Not be Named! Rss Feed  
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2007-11-12 5:28 AM
in reply to: #1047933

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-11 4:14 PM
HCS5QA - 2007-11-11 3:08 PM

-Girls: Thought of you the whole way, especially Dee's promise...... Oh Beth....LOL

Uh, yes...'long' would be correct...now we know Beth keeps her promises...



2007-11-12 5:38 AM
in reply to: #1048396

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

kns57 - 2007-11-11 8:26 PM We are on page 100. No implosion.

Heh...I guess it's not an auto-implosion.

The HAMMER (marmadaddy) must be taking a day off, or busy with much more important BT issues to worry about freezing this thread...

All hail THE HAMMER...he's allowed us another...what...9 pages...

Maybe if you gals send him a compendium of all the pics you've posted here, he may reconsider freezing this thread...

2007-11-12 5:41 AM
in reply to: #1048424

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

tnickerson - 2007-11-11 8:31 PM
D001 - 2007-11-11 9:29 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:27 PM Dee got the last post on page 99!
I WON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to Hector -- the ONLY person who bet on me! Of course, now we're on page 100. So we didn't freeze like TAN always does..... Go figure. Anyway.... I repeat --> I won! LOL
What did Hector win?

Well Hector already won......

2007-11-12 5:55 AM
in reply to: #1032449

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
Good morning Twisnibbins. I still can't get over last night marathon to 99 and beyond. And then look at what Hector, A, B & C did after the rest of us went to bed...Page 99. OM
2007-11-12 5:57 AM
in reply to: #1032449

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
2007-11-12 6:00 AM
in reply to: #1048522

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kns57 - 2007-11-11 8:59 PM

Kendra's Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 pound margarine softened
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons baking soda
4 cups flour
2 cups oatmeal
12 oz chocolate chips
1 1/2 cups sunflower seeds

Mix all together. Bake at 375 degreed for 15 minutes.


Now I don't have to worry about forgetting to post it.

I forgot to mention that you drop them by tablespoon size onto an ungreased baking sheet.

2007-11-12 6:12 AM
in reply to: #1032449

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
2007-11-12 6:25 AM
in reply to: #1048781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
You all are insane! Especially this:

lastcall2003 - 2007-11-12 12:29 AM

ok, so we are now on page 109

kind of symbolic - LOL

we had a total of 109 posts on our first thread - it brings a tear to my eye - (well, not really - lol)

2007-11-12 6:34 AM
in reply to: #1032449

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
Good morning all! Like I said, everyone here is insane. I left here at 89 pages last night and now we are at 109.

I'm not sure what will happen with me today. Last night my son was feeling sick. He is a miserable child when he is sick, he just cries, moans, complains. I'm hoping he is better this morning because I honestly think I would go insane (like post 20 pages!) if I had to stay home with him sick all day. So my day is completely dependent upon this child.

But if all goes as it should, I'll get a little running in this morning at school to help bump up my miles for my goal. Yesterday I had such a good run, it was so fun and relaxed. Beautiful outside, no out-of-breathness, no side stiches... just running.

Hope everyone has a great day! You'll know by how soon I post after this if I have to stay home with my child or not!

2007-11-12 6:42 AM
in reply to: #1048849

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Granvile, Ohio
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
wemoon - 2007-11-12 7:34 AM Good morning all! Like I said, everyone here is insane. I left here at 89 pages last night and now we are at 109. I'm not sure what will happen with me today. Last night my son was feeling sick. He is a miserable child when he is sick, he just cries, moans, complains. I'm hoping he is better this morning because I honestly think I would go insane (like post 20 pages!) if I had to stay home with him sick all day. So my day is completely dependent upon this child. But if all goes as it should, I'll get a little running in this morning at school to help bump up my miles for my goal. Yesterday I had such a good run, it was so fun and relaxed. Beautiful outside, no out-of-breathness, no side stiches... just running. Hope everyone has a great day! You'll know by how soon I post after this if I have to stay home with my child or not!

Good luck with your son today.  Hoping he wakes up feeling fine and not whinny, complainy.   Nice job on your run yesterday!  Hope you get another good one in today.
2007-11-12 6:43 AM
in reply to: #1048849

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
wemoon - 2007-11-12 6:34 AM

Good morning all! Like I said, everyone here is insane. I left here at 89 pages last night and now we are at 109.

I'm not sure what will happen with me today. Last night my son was feeling sick. He is a miserable child when he is sick, he just cries, moans, complains. I'm hoping he is better this morning because I honestly think I would go insane (like post 20 pages!) if I had to stay home with him sick all day. So my day is completely dependent upon this child.

But if all goes as it should, I'll get a little running in this morning at school to help bump up my miles for my goal. Yesterday I had such a good run, it was so fun and relaxed. Beautiful outside, no out-of-breathness, no side stiches... just running.

Hope everyone has a great day! You'll know by how soon I post after this if I have to stay home with my child or not!

It's a bummer when a child is sick. I hope that your son is okay today.

2007-11-12 6:44 AM
in reply to: #1032449

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Granvile, Ohio
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

Happy birthday Spokes!

Sure wasn't the same around here without you this weekend.  Hope you haven't fallen into taper madness.....

2007-11-12 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1032449

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
Try try again.

For you Spokes.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
2007-11-12 6:53 AM
in reply to: #1048831

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Granvile, Ohio
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
sparco - 2007-11-12 6:41 AM

tnickerson - 2007-11-11 8:31 PM
D001 - 2007-11-11 9:29 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:27 PM Dee got the last post on page 99!
I WON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to Hector -- the ONLY person who bet on me! Of course, now we're on page 100. So we didn't freeze like TAN always does..... Go figure. Anyway.... I repeat --> I won! LOL
What did Hector win?

Well Hector already won......

Mornin Sal!  Did you miss us yesterday?
2007-11-12 7:09 AM
in reply to: #1048859

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

Morning all!

Sadly I will be in a meeting ALL morning so will not be able to chat

I will catch you all later - not sure if it will be here or on the new old thread, but either way, have a great day!

2007-11-12 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1048824

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
sparco - 2007-11-12 5:28 AM
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-11 4:14 PM
HCS5QA - 2007-11-11 3:08 PM

-Girls: Thought of you the whole way, especially Dee's promise...... Oh Beth....LOL

Uh, yes...'long' would be correct...now we know Beth keeps her promises...




does that mean you wouldn't have guessed they belong to a 5' 3 1/2" 46 year old mother of 3?


2007-11-12 7:11 AM
in reply to: #1048849

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

wemoon - 2007-11-12 6:34 AM Good morning all! Like I said, everyone here is insane. I left here at 89 pages last night and now we are at 109. I'm not sure what will happen with me today. Last night my son was feeling sick. He is a miserable child when he is sick, he just cries, moans, complains. I'm hoping he is better this morning because I honestly think I would go insane (like post 20 pages!) if I had to stay home with him sick all day. So my day is completely dependent upon this child. But if all goes as it should, I'll get a little running in this morning at school to help bump up my miles for my goal. Yesterday I had such a good run, it was so fun and relaxed. Beautiful outside, no out-of-breathness, no side stiches... just running. Hope everyone has a great day! You'll know by how soon I post after this if I have to stay home with my child or not!

Hope he's feeling better!

2007-11-12 7:13 AM
in reply to: #1048868

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
Good morning! We didn't implode! I have to get ready for work, but I'll be back sometime this afternoon to catch up on the 5 pages I missed overnight. Have a fantabulous day, everyone.

2007-11-12 7:14 AM
in reply to: #1048874

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

Happy Birthday Scott!


2007-11-12 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1048878

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-12 6:14 AM

Happy Birthday Scott!


Yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Scott!!! 

2007-11-12 7:47 AM
in reply to: #1048849

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

Great job on your run, Jeni!

Sounds like your endurance is building.

Hope your little one is feeling better.

2007-11-12 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1047650

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
wemoon - 2007-11-11 7:36 AM
sparco - 2007-11-10 10:33 PM

Hey Dee...here's my training from the 1st to the 11th...I've got a rest day tomorrow...I'll be off-line all day tomorrow...have friends up from Mankato...

Have a great rest of the weekend folks...

bi.jpg picture by salparco

I live just north of Mankato! I am curious who your friends are cause if they're cool, I might want them as friends LOL

Hey Jeni!  My family lived in North Mankato (Northridge) for about 2 1/2 years.  We loved it there, but job opportunities brought us up to the Twin Cities...

No triathletes...yet.  But I've got a few of them committed to doing the sprint tri in Lake Crystal (southwest of Mankato) in June...

Let's see...any of these names sound familiar...Cragun, McMillan, Picha, Harff, Gregor, Morrow?

2007-11-12 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1048849

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

wemoon - 2007-11-12 6:34 AM Good morning all! Like I said, everyone here is insane. I left here at 89 pages last night and now we are at 109. I'm not sure what will happen with me today. Last night my son was feeling sick. He is a miserable child when he is sick, he just cries, moans, complains. I'm hoping he is better this morning because I honestly think I would go insane (like post 20 pages!) if I had to stay home with him sick all day. So my day is completely dependent upon this child. But if all goes as it should, I'll get a little running in this morning at school to help bump up my miles for my goal. Yesterday I had such a good run, it was so fun and relaxed. Beautiful outside, no out-of-breathness, no side stiches... just running. Hope everyone has a great day! You'll know by how soon I post after this if I have to stay home with my child or not!

Jeni, hope your son is feeling better soon!

2007-11-12 8:49 AM
in reply to: #1048859

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
tnickerson - 2007-11-12 6:53 AM
sparco - 2007-11-12 6:41 AM

tnickerson - 2007-11-11 8:31 PM
D001 - 2007-11-11 9:29 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:27 PM Dee got the last post on page 99!
I WON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to Hector -- the ONLY person who bet on me! Of course, now we're on page 100. So we didn't freeze like TAN always does..... Go figure. Anyway.... I repeat --> I won! LOL
What did Hector win?

Well Hector already won......

Mornin Sal!  Did you miss us yesterday?

Uh...confession...not as much as I usually do?   (Gasp!!!  Blasphemy!!!)  Had a busy weekend...8 mile run and volunteered for Armfuls of Love on Saturday morning (holiday gift program for low-income families).  They needed someone who could do interviews in Spanish.  Church on Sunday morning, then 5 families up from Mankato on Sunday afternoon/evening...

I did think about Hector's race, if Beth would follow through, and breaking through the magic page 100 though...

2007-11-12 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1048715

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-12 12:48 AM

All I can say is Hector is one LUCKY MAN

all alone on page 100 something with three tri hotties!

A, B, and C

hey - where's D?

I'm hereeeeeeeeee!

Of course, I'm at work, so if anyone asks.... I'm not REALLY here. LOL

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