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2009-11-20 12:30 PM
in reply to: #2523861

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Nicole83 - 2009-11-20 12:01 PM Frrriiiddayyy!

I would like to go on record as saying it's astonishing to me how many of my burly male friends stayed up late last night to see New Moon at 12:01.

I will probably wait a week so that I don't have to deal with a crammed theater full of pubescent girls.

No big plans for the weekend.  The in laws are coming in and staying for the week for thanksgiving, so we'll probably spend a bunch of time with them.

Hi everyone!

Hey, who are you?  Hi, I am Trin2bfast...(Trin2bfast? Did your mother not like you? lol! (I'm a Tri-ath-lete!) Nice to meet ya!  What up stranger?  Quit frickin' working so much and come hang out with the cool kids!

Edited by Trin2bfast 2009-11-20 12:32 PM

2009-11-20 1:13 PM
in reply to: #2523917

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
I do not know who this alleged Nicole person is either.  The Nicole I know would not have made me do the interrogation of Kelli's new man solo.

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 12:30 PM
Nicole83 - 2009-11-20 12:01 PM Frrriiiddayyy!

I would like to go on record as saying it's astonishing to me how many of my burly male friends stayed up late last night to see New Moon at 12:01.

I will probably wait a week so that I don't have to deal with a crammed theater full of pubescent girls.

No big plans for the weekend.  The in laws are coming in and staying for the week for thanksgiving, so we'll probably spend a bunch of time with them.

Hi everyone!

Hey, who are you?  Hi, I am Trin2bfast...(Trin2bfast? Did your mother not like you? lol! (I'm a Tri-ath-lete!) Nice to meet ya!  What up stranger?  Quit frickin' working so much and come hang out with the cool kids!
2009-11-20 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2523861

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Are you new to the group?  Welcome!

In laws staying for a!  You are a brave girl!  I love my parents dearly, but I don't even think I could have them (or any visitors for that matter) stay with me for a week. 

Nicole83 - 2009-11-20 1:01 PM Frrriiiddayyy!

I would like to go on record as saying it's astonishing to me how many of my burly male friends stayed up late last night to see New Moon at 12:01.

I will probably wait a week so that I don't have to deal with a crammed theater full of pubescent girls.

No big plans for the weekend.  The in laws are coming in and staying for the week for thanksgiving, so we'll probably spend a bunch of time with them.

Hi everyone!
2009-11-20 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2523757

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
I dont get what you mean. (Said in his most angelic voice as possible)[

QUOTE]Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 11:11 AM Ohhh baby!  that's better than dirty pillow talk!  I knew there was a reason I liked you KD! When I say almost... it is a distant almost, but compared to ANY other burger in Houston... it seems to be the only one that will due.  Methinks I need to plan some trip out west... Vegas even, just so I can partake in some In & Out action!    I didn't mean it like that ladies! get your minds out of the gutter!  Gawd!
KelliD - 2009-11-20 10:55 AM On that spectrum of burgers, NOTHING is as good as In & Out!!  Nothing in my book is even a close second!  I'm not really a fast food person, but give a a double-double animal style and I'll chow down any day   Ahhh....what I wouldn't give for one of those right now....

I *really* want to see the Blind Side!  I'm such a sucker for movies like that.  But alas, I'm going to see New Moon tomorrow with some girlfriends, and then dinner/drinks.  Sunday I'm doing a 5k, which should be interesting to say the least.  Who knows, maybe my hiatus will put some speed in my legs.  Best part of this race is that it doesn't start until 11.30am, so I still get to sleep in

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 10:54 AM Happy Frickin' Friday MG!  What is on tap on for this Pre-Thanksgiving Day weekend?  Was suppose to hit the hockey game with my youngest this evening, but instead we are doing a burger night (5 guys hamburgers - almost In & Out quality) and then a movie...

No 'New Moon'.... just sayin'.   Probably The Blind Side.

Wife has a gaggle of girls coming over for a chatty cathy, drink & eat time.  So us boys had to hit the eject button on that one!  And NO real plans for Saturday or Sunday... some maybe things, but no definite plans!  Woooo Hoooooo!

2009-11-20 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2523760

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Damn do you need an Ovaltine Secret Decoder ring to goto a bar in Houston?

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 11:13 AM Y'all gonna try and hit up the HRTC HH at Cahill's? or another watering hole in mind?
2009-11-20 2:13 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
I will be forced to go see the New Moon movie. The twins read all the book and I figure if they can read a book that long I will take them. Just to help me out and man up the netflix arrived yesterday. Transformers, GI Joe and Star Trek. I also have 3 reviews I need to put up. This training stuff is getting in the way.

2009-11-20 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2524116

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Newtons1st - 2009-11-20 2:10 PM Damn do you need an Ovaltine Secret Decoder ring to goto a bar in Houston?

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 11:13 AM Y'all gonna try and hit up the HRTC HH at Cahill's? or another watering hole in mind?

Houston Racing Triathlon Club Happy Hour  or "Where the cool kids hang out!"  If you would just migrate south a bit, you too could be a part of the "coolest kids in town gang".  The initiation is tough... it is so tough, that I can't even talk about it openly!
2009-11-20 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2524123

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Newtons1st - 2009-11-20 2:13 PM I will be forced to go see the New Moon movie. The twins read all the book and I figure if they can read a book that long I will take them. Just to help me out and man up the netflix arrived yesterday. Transformers, GI Joe and Star Trek. I also have 3 reviews I need to put up. This training stuff is getting in the way.

I caught Trans at the theater, Joe off of RedBox... will catch Trek soon too.  Likely next Thursday evening, when I am working and all of y'all are trippin' on your triptophan (the evil Turkey juice that puts ya to sleep.)
2009-11-20 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Okay Nicole... quit doing touch and gos on this thread... hit a page once with a brief HEY! Then she's off again!  Very Superhero-ish!  Where'd whoooo goooooo!    In-timi-da-tor *sung in the priceline commercial theme thingy* (I think)
2009-11-20 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2524155

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Justin's just too cool for the gang now that he's an Ironman, I think they have their own separate meetings now...

Good thing about this top secret meeting is we can walk there from my place so no worries about who's driving

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 2:30 PM
Newtons1st - 2009-11-20 2:10 PM Damn do you need an Ovaltine Secret Decoder ring to goto a bar in Houston?

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 11:13 AM Y'all gonna try and hit up the HRTC HH at Cahill's? or another watering hole in mind?

Houston Racing Triathlon Club Happy Hour  or "Where the cool kids hang out!"  If you would just migrate south a bit, you too could be a part of the "coolest kids in town gang".  The initiation is tough... it is so tough, that I can't even talk about it openly!
2009-11-20 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2524165

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Shhhhhh!  2B1ASK1!  "C'mon son, were going to Cahill's and get our drink on!  But don't tell your mama!  As far as she is concerned, we are at the movies!"

Oh yeah, and we could walk from my house too... It would just take 3 days, uphill, in the snow!!!

evondo - 2009-11-20 2:36 PM Justin's just too cool for the gang now that he's an Ironman, I think they have their own separate meetings now...

Good thing about this top secret meeting is we can walk there from my place so no worries about who's driving

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 2:30 PM
Newtons1st - 2009-11-20 2:10 PM Damn do you need an Ovaltine Secret Decoder ring to goto a bar in Houston?

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 11:13 AM Y'all gonna try and hit up the HRTC HH at Cahill's? or another watering hole in mind?

Houston Racing Triathlon Club Happy Hour  or "Where the cool kids hang out!"  If you would just migrate south a bit, you too could be a part of the "coolest kids in town gang".  The initiation is tough... it is so tough, that I can't even talk about it openly!

2009-11-20 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2524181

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Sounds like ya might want to drive it

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 2:42 PM Shhhhhh!  2B1ASK1!  "C'mon son, were going to Cahill's and get our drink on!  But don't tell your mama!  As far as she is concerned, we are at the movies!"

Oh yeah, and we could walk from my house too... It would just take 3 days, uphill, in the snow!!!

evondo - 2009-11-20 2:36 PM Justin's just too cool for the gang now that he's an Ironman, I think they have their own separate meetings now...

Good thing about this top secret meeting is we can walk there from my place so no worries about who's driving

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 2:30 PM
Newtons1st - 2009-11-20 2:10 PM Damn do you need an Ovaltine Secret Decoder ring to goto a bar in Houston?

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 11:13 AM Y'all gonna try and hit up the HRTC HH at Cahill's? or another watering hole in mind?

Houston Racing Triathlon Club Happy Hour  or "Where the cool kids hang out!"  If you would just migrate south a bit, you too could be a part of the "coolest kids in town gang".  The initiation is tough... it is so tough, that I can't even talk about it openly!
2009-11-20 4:17 PM
in reply to: #2524207

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Just got done with my last conference call for the weekend! What am I doing now you might ask? Enjoying a pre-happy hour Bud Light

evondo - 2009-11-20 2:52 PM Sounds like ya might want to drive it

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 2:42 PM Shhhhhh!  2B1ASK1!  "C'mon son, were going to Cahill's and get our drink on!  But don't tell your mama!  As far as she is concerned, we are at the movies!"

Oh yeah, and we could walk from my house too... It would just take 3 days, uphill, in the snow!!!

evondo - 2009-11-20 2:36 PM Justin's just too cool for the gang now that he's an Ironman, I think they have their own separate meetings now...

Good thing about this top secret meeting is we can walk there from my place so no worries about who's driving

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 2:30 PM
Newtons1st - 2009-11-20 2:10 PM Damn do you need an Ovaltine Secret Decoder ring to goto a bar in Houston?

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-20 11:13 AM Y'all gonna try and hit up the HRTC HH at Cahill's? or another watering hole in mind?

Houston Racing Triathlon Club Happy Hour  or "Where the cool kids hang out!"  If you would just migrate south a bit, you too could be a part of the "coolest kids in town gang".  The initiation is tough... it is so tough, that I can't even talk about it openly!
2009-11-23 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Merry Monday morning/mid-afternoon mentor group mates!  I hope the weekend was enjoyed by all. 

I did not get to see The Blind Side Friday, as it was sold out.  We went to the 7pm show, and got there about 6:30 only to find that Prairie View A&M Univ. Football team had two bus loads of players going to see the movie.  I was like, really?  For those not familiar, PV A&M is a predominately (almost all) black college about 50 or so miles outside of Houston... (10 or so miles west of where I live).  I was just surprised that 2 bus loads of grown men adorned in their purple & gold football attire were bussed in to see the movie.  Just seemed odd. 

Well, I played the role of 'bad parent' and took my almost 13 yr old (12/18/09) to see a rater R movie. Law Abiding Citizen, with Gerard Butler & Jamie Foxx.  I don't mind him seeing violence or hearing bad language... I draw the line at movies with certain grotesque violence scenes & sex scenes.  As it turns out, the movie was not bad at all... no sex, and only one kinda gross scene with a gun shot wound to the head.  Overall the movie was good, twisted plot, with a decent ending.

I seemed to have some great intentions to get to the gym or run or back on the bike, but I am easily distracted and easily convinced to forgo said activities.  I am giving myself this holiday week to get all the laziness (lack of real exercise in) and then refocus again on Saturday after Thanksgiving.  I think I have the wife on board for that plan as well, which should make it a little easier to not get side tracked.

I purchased the Triathlete's Training Bible 3rd Ed. on Saturday (EvD had spoken so highly of it's contents and I had read rave reviews, so now it is time to get my read on!)  I really want to break the 5hr mark on the 70.3 distance in 2010!  And this is a good start.
2009-11-23 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2526980

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
I know how that goes all to well!  Sorta sounds like the majority of this past month for me  

Weekend here was great!!  Saw New Moon on Saturday....not nearly as brutal as Twilight, but still cheesy.  And the amount of screaming teenage girls in the theater was insane!  It also made my gf's and I feel old.  Nothing a few pitchers of margaritas couldn't fix though

Also ran a 5k yesterday and managed a PR (by 12 seconds)!!  No if ands or buts, it was painful.  Not so much my legs.  They felt pretty great, actually.   It felt like there was an elephant parked on my chest.  Super fun race though!  Planning on another 5k (and maybe a new PR ) for Thanksgiving morning.

Trin2bfast - 2009-11-23 11:51 AM Merry Monday morning/mid-afternoon mentor group mates!  I hope the weekend was enjoyed by all. 

I did not get to see The Blind Side Friday, as it was sold out.  We went to the 7pm show, and got there about 6:30 only to find that Prairie View A&M Univ. Football team had two bus loads of players going to see the movie.  I was like, really?  For those not familiar, PV A&M is a predominately (almost all) black college about 50 or so miles outside of Houston... (10 or so miles west of where I live).  I was just surprised that 2 bus loads of grown men adorned in their purple & gold football attire were bussed in to see the movie.  Just seemed odd. 

Well, I played the role of 'bad parent' and took my almost 13 yr old (12/18/09) to see a rater R movie. Law Abiding Citizen, with Gerard Butler & Jamie Foxx.  I don't mind him seeing violence or hearing bad language... I draw the line at movies with certain grotesque violence scenes & sex scenes.  As it turns out, the movie was not bad at all... no sex, and only one kinda gross scene with a gun shot wound to the head.  Overall the movie was good, twisted plot, with a decent ending.

I seemed to have some great intentions to get to the gym or run or back on the bike, but I am easily distracted and easily convinced to forgo said activities.  I am giving myself this holiday week to get all the laziness (lack of real exercise in) and then refocus again on Saturday after Thanksgiving.  I think I have the wife on board for that plan as well, which should make it a little easier to not get side tracked.

I purchased the Triathlete's Training Bible 3rd Ed. on Saturday (EvD had spoken so highly of it's contents and I had read rave reviews, so now it is time to get my read on!)  I really want to break the 5hr mark on the 70.3 distance in 2010!  And this is a good start.
2009-11-23 2:26 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Kelli sweet deal on the pr. Way to make it hurt. Justin I do the same with my twins(12). R movies are ok as long as it just blood and violence. I am sure BvD is in mourning after a sad tiger lose. I had a pretty good weekend. Saturday we were going to a parade. I told the wife I was going to run before. She says to me " we go to much to do before for you to run now. Just run back from the parade." I am sure she was happy to say she left me there. But it Is just cool that she works with me. Ifinallt finish all the deals on getting a car for the wife. It is in IL and being shipped here. So now she has to me nice to me at least until it gets here. Taking the kids to the Stars game on Wednesday then going to see some HS football as my HS is in the playoffs.

2009-11-23 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2527523

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Yes, I am wearing all black today.  Just not the way I want to lose. 

Sounds like you have a fun filled week planned Todd!  Congrats on the new vehicle!

Sorry to hear the movie was sold out Justin.  I am debating on reading the book before I watch the movie.  Books always seem to be better!

Newtons1st - 2009-11-23 2:26 PM Kelli sweet deal on the pr. Way to make it hurt. Justin I do the same with my twins(12). R movies are ok as long as it just blood and violence. I am sure BvD is in mourning after a sad tiger lose. I had a pretty good weekend. Saturday we were going to a parade. I told the wife I was going to run before. She says to me " we go to much to do before for you to run now. Just run back from the parade." I am sure she was happy to say she left me there. But it Is just cool that she works with me. Ifinallt finish all the deals on getting a car for the wife. It is in IL and being shipped here. So now she has to me nice to me at least until it gets here. Taking the kids to the Stars game on Wednesday then going to see some HS football as my HS is in the playoffs.
2009-11-25 7:17 AM
in reply to: #2527786

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Happy nearly on vacation day everyone! I hope everyone has a great and relaxing holiday ahead.  Betsy and I are headed to FL tomorrow to visit my family for nearly a week. 

Today I was starting to put together my 2010 race schedule and I have a proposal for you TX folks, of course if our fellow NY and FL residents want to travel that'd be sweet too!

Race is on Saturday, drink and float the river after the race and perhaps camp out on the Guadalupe Sat night...
2009-11-25 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Like Eric said - have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!  I thank God for all the blessings in my life.  Enjoy the time with family and friends and eat lots of turkey! 
2009-11-25 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2530647

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
That sounds pretty awesome. Its a horrible weekend for me though but I will see if I can get this in. Thats a twins weekend for me and I wont be taking the kids to float again. I was so thinking of something like this last weekend. Floating the river and finding a race. I so wish this was in July or August.

Eric we still have to race on the river. We will start 200m apart. You swim up stream and me down. Plus I get a 2 minute head start.

evondo - 2009-11-25 7:17 AM Happy nearly on vacation day everyone! I hope everyone has a great and relaxing holiday ahead.  Betsy and I are headed to FL tomorrow to visit my family for nearly a week. 

Today I was starting to put together my 2010 race schedule and I have a proposal for you TX folks, of course if our fellow NY and FL residents want to travel that'd be sweet too!

Race is on Saturday, drink and float the river after the race and perhaps camp out on the Guadalupe Sat night...
2009-11-25 8:51 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Happy Turkey Day Everyone!!!

2009-11-25 2:57 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Okay first off, sorry I have been neglecting you all.  It's a crazy time right now.  But I still heart you and stalk you as often as possible.

Secondly, everyone have a happy and safe thanksgiving!

2009-11-26 1:35 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Happy thanksgiving everyone! Hope everyone has a really great day and enjoys the greatest holiday of the year! Unfortunately I won't be chowing down on turkey, stuffing and ours this year...I had to have my appendix taken out earlier this evening. Surgery went fine, and aside from being a little sore I'm ok. I'm pretty much on a liquid diet until Saturday...awesome that I have an excuse to drink loads of milkshakes but sucks bc I'm starving. Also needless to say there's going to be no swimming, biking, running, yoga, pilates for about 3 weeks! This pretty much kills any planned races for the remainder of the year and a February half marathon, but I know I any worry about it. Anyway, I'm ok and should be able to go home tomorrow.
2009-11-26 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL


2009-11-26 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2532101

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
KelliD - 2009-11-26 1:35 AM Happy thanksgiving everyone! Hope everyone has a really great day and enjoys the greatest holiday of the year! Unfortunately I won't be chowing down on turkey, stuffing and ours this year...I had to have my appendix taken out earlier this evening. Surgery went fine, and aside from being a little sore I'm ok. I'm pretty much on a liquid diet until Saturday...awesome that I have an excuse to drink loads of milkshakes but sucks bc I'm starving. Also needless to say there's going to be no swimming, biking, running, yoga, pilates for about 3 weeks! This pretty much kills any planned races for the remainder of the year and a February half marathon, but I know I any worry about it. Anyway, I'm ok and should be able to go home tomorrow.

Wow, Kelli!  Best wishes for a speedy recovery!  You didn't need that stinkin' appendix anyway ~ I am sure it was just slowin' ya down!    Enjoy the shakes as best ya can!  Just take it easy and you'll be back in the saddle in no time!
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