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2009-04-01 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Mel- Is your ankle buggin' cause of the volunteer work this weekend when you were standing a lot?  Give us an update on how you are!

Tonight was my Tri Club meeting.  Did any of you see the NBC broadcast of this years race?  Well, the guest speaker tonight was Steve Moore---he was the very last swimmer to make the time cut-off at Kona....thanks to a volunteer pushing him over the timing mat!  (He did ultimatley finish the race, pacing over 175 racers on the bike and run).  NBC did a quick shot of him on the broadcast===swim exit and then the finish line.  His life has a few twists this past several years.  I am very happy he was able to complete Kona---helped him see the light and get his life back in order.

The meeting also helped scare me back into doing hill workouts. The first race of the year--a duatholon---is on a killer hill course.....ok, killer hill for the midwest.  Check out the elevation:

(make sure you check the elevation box on the right side with the Michellan man).

2009-04-01 9:55 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
well I decided to go running tonight as it was too nice outside to miss. I decided if my foot hurt too much I would just walk back. Well the first 30 seconds I was thinking " I shouldn't be running". I decided I would give it 5 - 10 minutes and if I didn't feel ok I would just head back. The more I ran and my muscles warmed up the bettter I felt. By the time I made it to the paths/trails my leg and foot was feeling ok.

However on the way back the bottom of my foot near my toes started to hurt. I never had pain there. By the time I got about 2 minutes from the finish I had to walk. I was almost limping while running. As soon as I started to walk the pain went away.

The of course since the pain in the back of my heel only hurts while standing and not moving when I got in the locker room and was showering and getting changed it started to hurt. But yet it diddn't hurt while I was running.

I am falling apart.

I am going to take tomorrow off as I don't really have time to work out tomorrow and I need to be off my foot.
2009-04-02 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Wow Mel - that's no good. Stretching and ice. Keep us posted.
2009-04-02 9:22 AM
in reply to: #2056196

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Mel- Try  running/rubbing a golf ball under your foot.  Last year, when I was increasing my mileage, I also had foot/achilles issues.  The golf ball (while it killed) really helped to break up some of the fascia(?) and loosen up the muscles.  Not sure if you know this--but the achilles, soleus and other calf muscles actually attach at the heel.  So it you work on stretching the bottom of the foot and loosening up the soleus/achilles, it may help with the heel.

I hope that helps.  Don't get discouraged.....remember, we are triathletes!  When when part of our body breaks down, work the other.....swim!

2009-04-03 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Mel-I hope the foot is feeling better after some rest. It is good it doesn't hurt to run, but probably still needs to rest.

So when I picked up my bike from the bike shop last night I started looking at new seats. First, I asked the guy if they had a way to measure me for a seat. He looked very puzzled (and probably thought I was a moron) so I figured they dont have that butt measuring thing you all talked about. Then he looked at my bike and told me a have a boys seat. Interesting, since thats the one that came with the bike, which I thought was a women's bike. No wonder its never been all that comfortable. So what seats do people have cause I think it will be my next purchase?

2009-04-03 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

P- Why do you need a new seat?  Does the one that came with the bike feel uncomfortable?  (Whether man or woman does not matter....whether it hurts does!)

The bike seat measurement tool is by Specialized.  You'll need to go to a shop that sells Specialized, or else the fitters/bike shop workers will look at you like you are crazy (they are just uniformed)

Ok- So not sure where you bought your bike, but if you really do need a seat....I suggest going to Machinery Row.  It looks to be the only multi-sport/cycle store in Madison that has good selection of bikes and triathlon equipment.  (601 Williamson Street).

Tell them you need a new seat....bring your bike in.  They should let you throw your bike on a trainer and test ride a few different seats.  (You may want to call them first to make sure it is ok---not too busy with other fitting appointments).  They should also allow you to buy the seat, then if any issues, return it/exchange it for another within a reasonable time period.  That being said, a lot of shops don't do this.

Take it from me, you can do lots of research on what people say are best seats, what manufacturers say, and try to buy direct/return from manufacturer, look on internet for best price. But it is better off to find a bike shop that has a good selection and just jump on and try.  You'll know within 10 seconds to 10 minutes whether a seat will work or not.  Then comes the next threshold...over 30 miles.  That's a whole new ball game!  Good luck!

Just for kicks....My bike seat history: Felt stock seat, Terry Butterfly, Trek cheapo, Profile Design Stryke, **Specialized Jett**, Adamo ISDM, Felt stock tri saddle, now back to Specialized Jett. 

Edited by LB22 2009-04-03 1:53 PM

2009-04-04 7:20 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I didn't know there was bike seat measuring either. When I got my bike last year they changed the seat for me and they said if I didn't like it they would change it for me. But it was ok.

I had actually brought the bike bike due to the seat thinking the seat was too small cause I wasn't sitting in the right position. Turns out all I had to do was move the seat back. I didn't know I could do that at the time. It solved everything.

I picked up my bike today from the shop. My aero bars are now installed. THey look great and they even put my bike computer at the end of the bars which I didn't think they would do. My bike is still sitting in my car at the moment as I didn't take it out. Maybe tomorrow I will muster up enough courage to try out the aero bars.
2009-04-04 7:26 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Congratulations!  Pictures?  Have fun trying out the aerobars.  Once I built my time up...30 seconds..2 minutes....10 minutes....I focused on working on being able to ride with 1 arm in the aero while shifting/braking/drinking with the other.  Once you get it down, you/ll love it. Plus, one a roadie, you now have 4 positions to ride in!

I need to decide if I am going to mount a computer on the new ride.  Right now, I am leaning against it.  Can't wait till it gets warm out to get out again.  We expect snow tomorrow......

2009-04-05 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
It was too nice of a day not to try out my aero bars. Plus bad weather is coming as of tonight. So I got out pants to try out the bike (I was ready to fall and wanted to cover up), the helmet, gloves which I could only find a Left hand from one pair and a right hand from another. That was sort of how I got dressed this morning. When I was changing after my shower at the gym I realized I took a L and a R shoe from differnent running shoes. Oh well.

The good news - I didn't fall. I almost did once but I didn't. The first time I got into aero position I was very shaky and I made the bike go all wobly but once I was in the position I was fine. Then I was thinking - I have to get out of it. But it was ok. I was able to get in and out really easily.

Now for the treaky part - turns. I had read in articles that balancing could be tricky when turning so that had me a bit scared. I tried doing my first wide turn still in aero position, but chickened out and put my hands back before I turned. Second turn I was determind to get it. and then just as I was starting the turn one of my hands switched to the handle bars. One handed turns that was as far as I got. that one hand kept on moving. But I think after a couple more times out I should I'll be fine on them. I think I made a good investment.

I only rode for 10 minutes as my hands were getting cold.

Here are some pics of my improved bike.

Edited by mellymedic 2009-04-05 4:53 PM






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2009-04-06 6:41 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Very nice! Let me know if the pop-up action is annoying when you are switching in/out of the bars.  I've always wondered.  In a sense, it is great cause you still can access that part of the handlebars.


2009-04-06 9:55 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
when I rode for the few minutes yesterday the pop up didn't bother me. they go down and up really easily.

Hard to believe that yesterday I rode my bike for the first time this year and tonight the ground is covered with snow. Argh!!!

I went to the pool tonight for a swim. I learnt that I can't count if my life depended on it. I attempted to do 5 x 200m. After about 100m of 150 mI started to question how many laps I had done and would have to stop and look at my watch to know. One time I did the full 200m thinking I still had another 50. One of them I did 300m. It was horrible. I did stop the set at 1000m though.

2009-04-07 6:49 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Hey all! I thought I posted yesterday, but apparently I was wrong.
Mel-The bike looks great! I hear ya on the snow. When will it be Spring already!

As for my bike seat, its never been horrible, but also isn't that great. I think I will wait and get out a few times this season and try to pin point the problems. Lynn-Thanks for the heads up on Machinery Row. I got my bike at Budget so thats mainly where I have been, but I work real close to Machinery Row and can get there easily.

Headed to swim tonight. Mel-I usually just count in tens because thats the only way I don't lose track.
2009-04-07 7:06 AM
in reply to: #2067551

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
peanut1981 - 2009-04-07 7:49 AM

Mel-I usually just count in tens because thats the only way I don't lose track.

but I only had to count to 8 which is less than 10.
2009-04-07 8:25 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

P- Don't think twice about going to a different shop for accesories, etc......they realize that we are all not well informed on the best multi-sport shops when we join the sport.  I am sure you will find MotorWorks friendly and helpful depite buying your bike at Budget. Afterall, they want to win you over for tune-ups, etc.

On the bike seat---if you can last 20 minutes, you are probably ok.  It will take 200-300 miles to break in a set to where you no longer have bike butt.

Mel- I can not count in the pool either!  I recently tried to use names (so to do 4 laps for a 100, I would count each lap as a letter of my name--l-y-n-n, thinking this would help. Nope!  And my watch that I use to swim with blitzed out last year.  At least I no longer count 1-2-3, breathe the entire time!!

Ok ladies, I did not getup and run this am.  I was wide awake, even woke before my alarm went off at 5:15.  Just the thought in running in 33F/0C was not going to happen.  So the 5th time in 2 weeks, I hit snooze and felt worse an hour later.  Maybe Thursday will be my first morning workout! 

2009-04-07 8:30 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
lynn - if you were up you should have gone running
2009-04-07 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
you right

2009-04-07 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
It's the weather that's making the snooze so attractive....I have the alarm way on the other side of the room so I have to get up to shut it when I get up the dogs get up and then there is NO way to go back to bed. lol
2009-04-07 9:43 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

LOL. On my drive back from swim practice, I was thinking I should give Mel my phone number so she could call me a push me out of bed 

Gotta get going. I will try again tomorrow.  If I bail because of coldness, I will (try to) force myself to ride the bike trainer indoors.  (I feel I need to make up the missed workout).



2009-04-08 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2069719

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nearby the city of brotherly love
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Tamio - 2009-04-07 8:40 PM It's the weather that's making the snooze so attractive....I have the alarm way on the other side of the room so I have to get up to shut it when I get up the dogs get up and then there is NO way to go back to bed. lol

Funny--I have my alarm across the room for that same reason!
2009-04-10 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2069882

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
LB22 - 2009-04-07 10:43 PM

LOL. On my drive back from swim practice, I was thinking I should give Mel my phone number so she could call me a push me out of bed 

Gotta get going. I will try again tomorrow.  If I bail because of coldness, I will (try to) force myself to ride the bike trainer indoors.  (I feel I need to make up the missed workout).



WOAH!!! I never said I was a morning person. Have you seen the times of most of my workouts. Night Time.

I'll give you the push in the the night before.
2009-04-10 8:28 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
so tomorrow is a big day for me.

I have a 5km race in the morning. A bit iffy about it cause the bottom of my heel is still bothering me a bit. I have been trying to stay off of it but it is still nagging me. I also swam 2500m today so hopefully I'll get a good night sleep tonight and be well rested for tomorrow.

After the race, I am going wetsuit shopping. I am not sure if I am going to get any but I want to try on for size. If I find an amazing deal I'll buy it but I think I am going to get one off of ebay. Any helpful hints on buying a wetsuit? All I know is that I'll be doing a lot of pulling and prodding to get one on.

Last year I used a sports type wetsuit that I had bought 10 years earlier when I used to teach swimming lessons. By the end of the season I realized the wetsuit was slowing me down more than helping me out. So I finally decided to take the plunge and buy a proper wetsuit without breaking my bank.

2009-04-10 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
how sad, we are now archived.

The Winter/Spring 2009 mentor program has officially ended. What next?

The group can disband (thank your mentor!).
The group can still post to keep in touch even if your mentor has left.
You will probably get archived though you can still see and post in your threads if this is your preferred method of communication.

Edited by mellymedic 2009-04-10 8:35 PM
2009-04-13 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Ladies....I am sore. I am tired. I am in need of a massage.  But tomorrow I have client meetings then swim practice.  How do real heavy tired muscles balance in the water?
2009-04-13 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Lynn did we have the same workouts cause my legs are exhausted.

I can tell you from previous experience that swimming with sore and tired legs is hard. It is like attaching a weight to your legs. I plan on swimming tomorrow night and it might end of being a lot of pull since I don't know how my legs will be.
2009-05-24 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2082332

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Funny, the one thing I can always do with tired legs is swim. Guess I barely kick and avoid most of the kick drills Yesterday I biked 30 miles of hills by myself in 80 degree midday sun. Blew through 2 water bottles and stopped at a place to get a third fill up. I was groaning audibly up the last couple of "bunny hills". The kids wanted to go to our local swim pool that opened, so I printed my swim workout and away we went. I'll admit, my feet dangled in the icy water for quite some time before I jumped in. It was cold. More like open swim cold than pool cold. It was meters too instead of yards. I thought about shaving some of the sets off, to compensate for the meters, but I started to feel pretty good and polished them off. I didn't have a stopwatch and the pool didn't have the clock out.

Today I paid the price and took it easy. I helped my daughter clear a garden in our backyard. Took a catnap between gardening tasks. Will be meeting a friend for a run tomorrow morning, bright and early at 7am. So need to keep to one glass of therapy wine tonight. May squeeze in some strength.

Tri training would be easy if I could have a daily nap.

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