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2008-04-04 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1106642

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Small Town
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
My swim: Yesterday I did it, my first swim in almost 10 years.

I think my whole swim must have *looked* like fun/funny. I can't do 1 lap on a 25 yd pool! I was able to start to refind my groove in the water after 15ish minutes. Hopefully 8 weeks is enough time to prepare for 400 yds. I'm sure I can do it, but I'll be whipped crawling out of the water.

I forgot, I guess, that this group doesn't last forever. Was it supposed to end at the end of March? Who will be continuing to view these threads? Do we need to start a different group or will people still be checking in on us?

2008-04-05 2:20 AM
in reply to: #1106642

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

As far as I know, this thread will continue well into the Season!

So, keep posting your training and racing questions, as well as results and race reports!  We all support you and want to know how you did! 

2008-04-05 10:11 AM
in reply to: #1315462

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

JHagerman - 2008-04-04 8:03 AM My swim: Yesterday I did it, my first swim in almost 10 years. I think my whole swim must have *looked* like fun/funny. I can't do 1 lap on a 25 yd pool! I was able to start to refind my groove in the water after 15ish minutes. Hopefully 8 weeks is enough time to prepare for 400 yds. I'm sure I can do it, but I'll be whipped crawling out of the water. I forgot, I guess, that this group doesn't last forever. Was it supposed to end at the end of March? Who will be continuing to view these threads? Do we need to start a different group or will people still be checking in on us?

Keep at it, all of us have been there, with swimming stay consistant and everything will fall into place, the best tip I can give is to keep relaxed and loose when you swim, its hard to explain but it will save you a ton of energy!

2008-04-09 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Scott, That's an impressive graph of your swim improvement.

Jeremy, I feel for you. At least the life guard didn't jump in & try to save you. I was paired in a lane with a 68 year old woman for my 3rd Tri. I'm thinking her 2 minutes per hundred has to be pretty fast for her age group. JUST keep getting to the pool. It does get easier.
2008-04-10 4:11 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Petaluma, CA
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Thanks for the kind comments.

It's true, stay relaxed and just keep swimming day to day and lap by lap. The progress will come.

Today I swam my race distance as a complete set for the first time. It was 1700 yards and I completed it in 29:07. Average lap was 1:43. I had a faster first lap of 1:36 and a faster final lap of 1:40, but the middle 15 laps were within 3 seconds of each other. No rest breaks and no flipturns, just a quick touch and off again. I would have never thought I could make this kind of progress, so keep up the hard work Jeremy and you will get there.

On the other side, I haven't run in about 2 weeks. I don't want to push my knee, but I feel I need to get out for some shorter runs. Maybe my 5k loop tonight to see how things feel. My Dr appt is not until the 16th.

Keep it up everybody, the races are coming.
2008-04-16 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Small Town
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Ok, tonight is my first official swim lesson at the YMCA. They are having a 'Tri Swim Class' for all levels. If I'm too much of a beginner for this class I'll switch to the adult beginner swim class. But it sounds like there are only 2 or 3 people in the tri swim class anyway, so i could get a better deal here than I plan. I was also told that the beginner swim class is more like "hey, this is a pool, that's water... don't stay under too long."

wish me luck or something.

2008-04-17 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1106642

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Small Town
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Here is my entry to my training log after last nights swim class:

45m 650.00 yards 06m 55s /100 yards

9:00 PM

My first 'Tri Swimming' class at the YMCA. It went ok. It was more of a drill class.

"Let's start with a 200 yd warm up and then we'll do intervals" coach says.

Umm, yeah, so I can barely do 1 lap. So I did ok, I'm overall slow and sometimes need to stop at each end for a break. I'm having a hard time breathing so I get worn out quick.

But when we were told to do sprints to the end of the pool, break, then sprint back - I was the first to complete each and every sprint!

Hopefully I'll catch on quick and be able to do 500 yards without stopping.

I guess I hold my head up too high. So the coach could see my forehead and instructed me to be 'more flat'. I was also breathing after every 4 or 5 stokes instead of same side breathing every other stroke. I'm not sure if breathing sooner helped or not.

I also have a hard time swimming 'slow' So everytime I start I go hard or quickly find myself going hard. Obviously then I am not focusing on stroke or breathing enough to improve.

so this swim class may be good for increasing my endurance in the water, but I'm still not learning 'how to swim.'
2008-04-17 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1106642

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Petaluma, CA
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Good job on the class. Every little thing you notice or change will make a difference. Remember, it's all about form, not strength. Just keep swimming, you'll get it.

Keep up the hard work,

2008-04-18 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Hope everyone is having fun this weekend. I'm working all weekend 3pm to 3am.

Keep up the swimming Jeremy. Checked in my local Y. Nothing organized for Tri swimmers.
2008-04-23 11:55 PM
in reply to: #1348381

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Ditto to everyone else, good job Scott on the swim improvement!

I've gotten some good tips from Yanti but what kind of drills does everybody use when they swim? Up until recently I've just been doing straight laps which gets boring pretty fast, and I didn't really feel like I was improving. Do you guys have recs for equipment or a website that lists different drills and ways to break up the swim?
2008-04-24 8:00 AM
in reply to: #1358669

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Small Town
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
faeron - 2008-04-24 12:55 AM

Do you guys have recs for equipment or a website that lists different drills and ways to break up the swim?

Actually had an ok section for swimming drills:

2008-04-25 5:41 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Petaluma, CA
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Well, this weekend is "the" weekend. My first Oly is Sunday. I'm still a bit nervous but I am looking forward to finally getting a race in. The Doc confirmed I have an IT band issue and I have been off it for awhile now. He also gave me some meds to keep the inflamation down so it might not affect my run. We'll see. I will report back early next week and let everybody know how it went.

Thanks for the help these past months,

2008-04-25 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1358669

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Petaluma, CA
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
faeron - 2008-04-23 9:55 PM

Ditto to everyone else, good job Scott on the swim improvement!

I've gotten some good tips from Yanti but what kind of drills does everybody use when they swim? Up until recently I've just been doing straight laps which gets boring pretty fast, and I didn't really feel like I was improving. Do you guys have recs for equipment or a website that lists different drills and ways to break up the swim?

Thanks faeron,

Don pointed me to a good book that has swim workouts for Triathelets. If you look back a few pages in the thread you will find a link. The workout I switched to that helped me break up the boring laps goes as follows:

200 [swim any stroke] (all my laps are freestyle)
2x200 [50 swim, 100 kick, 50 swim]

Main Set
300, 200, 100 [moderate pace]
200, 100, 50 [negative split]
200, 100 [fast]
6x100 [pull] (I use paddles and a pull bouy)

100 [swim any stroke]

25-30 seconds rest between each set.

This works out to 2550 yards for me which I complete in about 45 minutes. This does not include the rests.

Hope this helps,

2008-04-28 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1106642

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
I usaully do the straight lap thing. Definately not the best way to get faster but at least I'm making it to the pool.

It's a little late to say good luck at the Oly but how did the race go for you.
2008-04-28 4:15 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

Hi gang! Sorry I haven't around nearly enough the last week or two. Been busy with transitioning back from biz travel into a home life, training, and racing.

Did my first race of the year this last Saturday. A sprint. Hurt like heck. Nice reminder, though, as to what redlining feels like.

I've got an HIM this weekend--hmm...back to back racing weekends...what moron planned that for me? Anyway, I'm a bit nervous...but then again I'm always nervous before a race--and always feel underprepared.

Re: swim sets. I used to only swim 500m sets. That's it--be it in multiples of 4, 5, 6, 8. Then, at the start of this season I began to realize the benefits of incorporating drills into the weekly regimen, and will now also incorporate some shorter/faster sets.

I'm beginning to realize its important to teach your body how to swim at different speeds and intensities. Much like in cycling or need to know what it feels like to sprint, climb a hill, recover....and do it all over again.

Faeron, here's a link to triathlete swim workouts "in a binder" (see #1 and #3).  Great for taking to the pool and following to break up the monotony. 

Edited by guncollector 2008-04-28 4:19 PM
2008-04-30 9:41 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Small Town
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Another Tri swim class:

Swam as the instructor said to. I felt better, but still frustrated that I'm not getting my breathing right.

I know we did, kick drills, pull drills,thumb/zipper drills, the fingertips skim the water drills, sprints and some other stuff...

I always, inadvertently, start going harder and faster half way through a lap, then get worn out.

2008-04-30 9:56 PM
in reply to: #1373954

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

JHagerman - 2008-04-30 7:41 PM Another Tri swim class: Swam as the instructor said to. I felt better, but still frustrated that I'm not getting my breathing right. I know we did, kick drills, pull drills,thumb/zipper drills, the fingertips skim the water drills, sprints and some other stuff... I always, inadvertently, start going harder and faster half way through a lap, then get worn out.


Keep at it.  Improvement in swimming isn't linear.  It's peaks and valleys, one-step back and two forwards, etc.

You will get better at it.   

2008-05-02 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Petaluma, CA
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Life has been a little busy since my race last Sunday, so I haven't had a chance to finish my race report. So, here is a quick rundown of how it went.

Swim: Should have been 1.5k (1680 yards) was probably closer to 1300 yards according to the BT route creater. My time was 25 minutes good for 107/159. I was actually happy with my swim. This was the first race I didn't use any other stroke besides freestyle. I stopped a few times after running into someone to get my bearings again and once to cough up a bunch of water. Looking back, I think I could have gone a bit harder. But when I got near my Garmin in T1, I think my HR was around 175, so maybe I couldn't have.

Bike: Was 24 miles, around 1:15 for an average speed of 18.8 accoeding to my Garmin. The bike felt good as well. I kept my cadence avaerage at 93rpm, but my HR was high here too. I took in water, Gatorade, and some Shot Blocks on the ride. I made up only 5 spots on the bike, but at least I didn't loose any. I saved that for the run.

Run: Garmin said 5.98 miles. It was HOT, high 80's. The car said it was 91 an hour after I finished. This run went OK. I ran the first 4 miles without stopping to walk. This was a first for me in a race, let alone an Oly. Mile 4-5 I had to walk a few times. I was running out of gas. Mile 5-6, even worse, but this was the longest I had raced and I was actually happy with how I was doing. I ended up finishing the run in exactly an hour.

Total time: 2:47
Finish: 119/159

I did beat my goal of finishing under 3 hours which I was happy about. I think if the swim was the correct distance I still would have finished under 3. This was a good first experience for me at an Oly distance and I think my next will be at Treasure Island in November. ( I have 3 sprints between now and then.)

Thanks for all the help along the way and I will let you know when the offical Race Report is up. Time to go work on my speed and endurance.

2008-05-02 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

Awesome work, Scott!  Way to go.  Nothing pushes you like racing, huh?

See you at Treasure Island.  I haven't decided on Sprint or Oly yet.  I can't possibly defend my third in AG finish at the '07 Treasure Island "Duathlon" (as a result of the oil spill) I'm thinking maybe go for the Oly. 

2008-05-02 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1378568

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Small Town
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Dang Way to be Scott!! Great job!
2008-05-05 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1315462

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Small Town
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
I had 3 planter warts removed from my left foot Friday afternoon. They were removed by laser because they were too bad for my family dr to remove 'in office.' He said they were the worst he's seen in a while. He gave me a script for Vicoden as he said I'd be sore for sure... Yeah, before I even got home I was in pain, It felt like I was standing on a nail. I found vicoden to be my friend.

The dr told me not to run for a week and that it may take upwards of 4 weeks to totally heal. My first ever tri is June 1st - 4 weeks away.

I hope that I'll be able to get back into running and overall training quickly. I'm not sure about being able to swim, and I'm not sure how biking will feel. The dr said that basically I can train based on pain tolerance...

Holy lot's of pain! Seriously, I still hurt. I can't walk or put hardly any pressure on my left foot. I'm kind of freaking out here. I'm visiting my family dr today for an appt for my daughter and I plan to talk to them about my foot. I"m not going to back out of my first tri! I'm almost regretting the removal, thinking I could have waited until after June 1st. But they were sore enough that my current runs were being affected. Anyway, I'm just freaking out because there's a lot of pain right now.

And as pain tolerance goes - Happy Cinco de Mayo!! It's margarita night with the other firefighter families in East Lansing!

2008-05-05 12:00 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Jeremy, get well soon.  Hang in there, buddy!
2008-05-05 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

Hey Gang!

I just wanted to bring you folks up-to-date on my early season.  Two races in two weeks--a sprint last weekend (Race Report: Moraga Treeline Sprint) and an half-iron this past Saturday (Race Report: Napa Valley Vintage Half-Iron).

The sprint race was just a tune-up, and the him was my first "tester".  I have to say I went in with a little trepidation because while my volume's been ok, my schedule hadn't permitted me get in many long bricks up to this point.

But, everything went okay.  Sprint finish in FOP (OA 28/229, 11/49 AG).  HIM finish in MOP (OA 100/251, 23/42 AG).  These were probably the best results I could've hoped for.

Anyway, I've got an eye now on IMKY, and just got an extra dose of motivation (aka "pain" to train harder. 

2008-05-05 7:02 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Nice job on the races. Scott & Ron.

Jeremy. Bummer about the plantar warts at least it is early in the season.

Did my 1st track workout in 20 years today. Have to see how I feel tomorrow.
2008-05-13 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1106642

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Small Town
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Ok, so my foot is still pretty sore. I had a hard time putting my shoe on this morning (it was my first attempt since the surgery).

So I have the Relay for Life this Friday and Saturday, then my first Triathlon June 1st. I'm stubborn, so I will do both events, but I'm a bit upset that I'm still down.

I know it's early in the year, but I only planned on 2 tri's this year due to my lack of experience and $.

I was just getting caught up on my mileage goal for the year, then this.
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