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2008-06-20 1:38 PM
in reply to: #1475908

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Tanya - good luck!  If I'm online, I'll be sure to watch you on ironmanlive!  How exciting.  Hope that cold is better!

2008-06-23 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Tanya, I'm sure hoping these results are yours (the only Tanya in the participant list and from NV)


1919     16:37:33 AVERY, TANYA           INDIAN SPRING NV  USA     139/151 W35-39  2067  143 1947 1:48:35  2:52  10:41 142 1972 8:14:43  13.6   10:47 132 1753 6:12:49 14:14         


Major congrats to you!  Your hard work all paid off and you've definitely earned it.  I can't wait to hear all about it!!!

2008-06-23 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Great job on the Ironman Tanya
2008-06-23 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Way to go Tanya!!!! 
2008-06-23 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Awesome job, Tanya!!
2008-06-23 3:22 PM
in reply to: #1482933

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I did it! I still can't believe I am an Ironman! What a day! I will give the short story here, then I will write a race report over the next few days. Maybe I will even figure out how to add pictures!
The swim went very well, no panicking and no breastroke! My time was slow, but that just means I need to work on technique which I may do. The water wans't bad, I warmed up and wore a neoprene hood and booties so I started fairly warm. By the end of the second lap I started to feel cold, but not untolerable. The water was nice and still till the second lap, then it got a little choppy.
The bike started good and then about 20 miles in is the hills! For me, who trains on a flat highway, this was very challenging. 15 miles of the them. It was a beautiful area to ride in and the supoort was great. I knew I had 8 1/2 hrs to cut off so I had to cruise. I made the first loop in 4 hours, but was worried because the wind and kicked up and the weather started to change, thought it might storm. I figured I need that whole spare 1/2 hours for the second half without addition problems! I just kept going, and the clouds cleared and the wind was tolerable. The second time around felt hard, but I managed all the hills without walking! I passed several walking up them! Made the bike cut off with 13 minutes to spare! I could hardly walk when I got off and thought I must have been crazy to want to do this.
Started good on the run. First 10 miles I jogged, and walked the aid stations. This worked out well till I became very nauseated and just wasn'tmfeel good. The nest 4 miles I jogged and walked the aid stationsd and the hills. By mile 14 I started the math and decided the onlly goal was to finish, so rather than beat myself up further, I walked. Figure out if I could keep a 15 MPH pace I would make. I jugged a little just to make me feel like I wasn't cheating so bad, but walked most of it. By the time my stomach felt good enough, I hurt everywhere, so running just made it worse!

Now I am sore and exhausted, but happy to have done it! Just lying around resting today!

2008-06-23 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1484202

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Tanya, sounds like you had quite an adventure as all IMs are no doubt!

Enjoy your recovery!!  You've earned it for sure

P.S.  We'd all love to see some pictures!  You can do this a few different ways.

If you have them as files on your computer, just click the "Attach a file after posting" box in the message reply.

You can load them into your album.

If you have them hosted somewhere (here on BT in your album or elsewhere) you can put them right in the message.  You do need to be set up in your Control Panel to "Use rich edit box when composing messages".  Then you'll have a toolbar in your message reply that allows you to give the URL to the picture (it's the little icon between the anchor and the brush).

2008-06-23 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Wow Tanya, incredible. Great job on your IM!
2008-06-23 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Ironwoman Tanya!!  that is so incredible - inspiring!  WTG and stick with it!!!

 Can't wait for pics and the full RR!!!!!  

2008-06-23 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1353607

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I am SO impressed! Way to go!
2008-06-24 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1353607

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I've got a question/whine. I've got an injury that I can only describe as a "hip pointer". It's very sore along the top of my right iliac crest. It started hurting a little just after my race. I was doing OK until I did a long trail run last week. The uphills are OK, but the downhills are very painful. I didn't have any direct trauma, so I've pulled something. I can't figure out what. The joint itself is OK. Has anyone had this? How long did it take to heal? (I'm trying to be a good girl and not making it worse, but that's not easy.)

2008-06-24 9:46 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Syndi, when you run can you feel the IT band moving over the hip bone? I had that one time and it was extremely painful. There was actually a bit of a clicking sound and I believe the correct term is "Snapping Hip Syndrome".

Food for thought. Hope you get well soon.
2008-06-24 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Hey all -

 Sorry Syndi about your injury, must be so frustrating!

Question for you veterans... what color goggles are best for OWS'ing in the lake? 

Also, not that it's going to matter that much for me regarding transition time, but does anyone use those laces which don't have to be tied?  If so I would love a review of pros/cons.


2008-06-24 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I bought some speed laces but I've never used them... literally brand new in the box. I just pre-tie my shoes to the right comfort level, then pull them off like a teenager... without undoing the laces. Then in T2 I have my pre-tied shoes and a shoe horn. Works great for me.

As for goggles, all mine are smoke colored so I'm curious what everyone else says. But definitely get those anti-fog drops.
2008-06-24 7:34 PM
in reply to: #1487770

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

my goggles are just clear, but it sure would have been nice to have something darker when swimming into the sun.

I use yankz laces and love them.  In transition, they are a big time saver.  Only time I prefer to tie my shoes is if I have a trail run or hilly run of some kind.  I use Yankz for any distance.  Trick is to get the tension right - not too tight or too loose for your liking.

2008-06-24 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

I tried the speed laces once.  They are fine, but I made the mistake of trimming the ends before going running with them.  Turned out they needed to be loosened, and after that  I had problems with having enough length and fraying.  Now I just use regular laces, which I keep loose enough so I just slip the shoes on and off.

My goggles have kind of an iridescent mirror coating.  Seems to work fine for OWS, but I haven't tried anything else.

2008-06-26 12:59 PM
in reply to: #1353607

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
How are you Sacramento and central valley peeps doing? The air up here is opaque. You can smell and taste the smoke. It must be worse for you guys. Are you exercising? I only made it 1/2 hour on my bike yesterday before the smoke made me sick.
2008-06-26 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1492268

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
smoky down here in the bay area too.  lungs are bothering me a bit (I have asthma) and my eyes a bit too.  Not great air quality for workouts.
2008-06-26 3:05 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

No smoke on the central coast, but I've been down for a few days because of food poisoning.  Not a recommended weight loss program.  I'm feeling ok today, nausea is gone and I can eat somewhat normally, so I may try to squeeze in a run tonight.  Then it's 10 days off, which will be filled with good times & debauchery in San Diego, and then camping!  Of course I still need to train for my oly on 7/19, but that will be happening on the trails and MTB.  Swimming.... well, um, let's just hope I remember how to swim on race day. 

2008-06-27 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Sounds like a fun vacation Robin.  Hope you have a great time!

 Anyone racing this weekend?

2008-06-28 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Just checking in. Still on vacation. Have been sick since the IM, had a stomach bug now a cold. Might try to run a little tonight, seems like I am worse in the mornings. Need to get moving soon!
I have used the speed laces and like them for short distances, but never bother to change them when I get new shoes. I am so slow a few seconds tying shoes doesn't really matter!
Hip pain I would be thinking IT band. Usually at the first sign of hip pain I change shoes- good indication I have waited to long!
I am working on my race report and getting some pictures online. Will let you know when its up.

2008-06-30 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Finally posted my race report. Pretty long and dry. No pictures because I am drving and keep loosing the connection so I couldn't load them. Decided to just post the report.
2008-06-30 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
It's the end of June already (wow...time flies).  How did you do on your June goals?  What do you have planned for July?
2008-06-30 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Tanya, great reading your RR. Here's the link for everyone's convenience...

Goals for June were to continue bike volume at 400mi, focus on swim, start re-building run base. My swim is getting better after joining the masters program and my run is slowly improving.

For July, continue bike volume but mix in some interval work. Focus on run since SF marathon is early Aug. Maintain swim 2-3x/week. Basically July/Aug I need to ramp up my training volume.

Decided for my July oly tri to concentrate on the swim/bike and just hang on for the run. Its a B-race for me to see how far along my swim/bike is coming. My run I know will eventually come back around.
2008-06-30 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
My goals for June were to start training for a half marathon and Olympic distance triathlon and to do:
Swim- 17 hours
Bike- 10 hours
Run- 10 hours

I did start training for these distances. I also met (and surpassed) the goals I set for my training volume.

My goals for July are to continue to get ready for the Olympic distance triathlon, and the half marathon (and maybe even do an Oly). I also want to work a lot on my biking. I am terrible at bicycling and really need to improve!

Edited by amyro1234 2008-06-30 5:31 PM
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