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2009-01-18 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

My question for the day:


How do you pace yourself swimming in a race?  I find that I go out too fast, even though I tell myself, "slow... slow... slow..."  I guess I could check my watch at the end of my first few 25s to make sure I'm not going too fast.  How else do you guys do it?

2009-01-18 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1914980

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Keller Tx
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
sharse - 2009-01-18 1:35 PM

My question for the day:


How do you pace yourself swimming in a race?  I find that I go out too fast, even though I tell myself, "slow... slow... slow..."  I guess I could check my watch at the end of my first few 25s to make sure I'm not going too fast.  How else do you guys do it?

It depends on the distance.  A sprint should be as fast as you can hold for the WHOLE distance.  From there you go a little easier.  The only good measure of effort for me is breathing rate though.  Im sure others may say that the fellings in their arms or lats may be a telltale, but for me its all about breathing.

Just remember that the swim is first.  If you go too hard, you will pay for it

2009-01-18 7:18 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

I did a race with my tri group today and we did a reverse tri, so the swim was last.  I was fine 'saving myself' before the swim, but when I hopped in the pool I felt kinda cocky like I had plenty left, and I am a decent swimmer, but I think I went out too hard.  (And I've been sick, so that didn't help.

 I was just wondering if people just 'feel' the right pace, or do you have a more scientific approach?

2009-01-18 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1915366

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
sharse - 2009-01-18 7:18 PM

I did a race with my tri group today and we did a reverse tri, so the swim was last.  I was fine 'saving myself' before the swim, but when I hopped in the pool I felt kinda cocky like I had plenty left, and I am a decent swimmer, but I think I went out too hard.  (And I've been sick, so that didn't help.


That's cool that you have a group that you can practice with. But why would you want to do a reverse tri? Is there some training reason? Or is it more of just to do something different. Nice that you did one either way.

2009-01-18 7:50 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Congrats Lina and Kristen! Lina, you are now a triathlete - super huge congrats!!!

I had my marathon today. It started at 60+ degrees and went up from there. The heat about killed me. My first half was awesome, the splits were at or better then what I was hoping, Then after 14 the sun came out and I roasted. So, I didn't make my goal time, but I think I still PR-ed the course by 5 minutes (official results aren't out yet, but my watch said so, so I'm taking it) and most importantly, finished. I'm super bummed about not making my goal time even though I know realistically in the heat it was not possible.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!
2009-01-18 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Great job Erin!!  Sounds like we all had great weekends.  Is anyone else off tomorrow.  I have a long run tomorrow.  It's a pretty tough track run but I am looking forward to it. 

Is there something wrong with me??

2009-01-19 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Good morning all,

Great job on your marathon Erin, do you want to share your finish time with us? Sharse, nice race over the weekend. I think swimming after running and biking is a different animal than swimming first. I've never done it but don't have any idea where to start gauging what speed you should be swimming at.

I ran a 5k on Saturday. I put the highlights in my log with some pics but I'll recount it here. It was 4 degrees out and the race started on 6 inches of snow. Then we moved to a path that had been plowed several days before and was iced over. At about mile 1.5 I saw my buddy who had come to cheer me on and decided to stop and make a snow angel (pics in my log). Even with this time waster I was able to PR by several minutes. My last stand alone 5k was almost 2 years ago, also in the ice and snow. Do I know how to pick 'em or what?

Lift day for me today. I might do tomorrow's run as well.

I've hit a plateau with my weight. I'ts frustrating. I don't drink pop or alcohol, have cut my calories way down and work out like a fiend.  According to I'm averaging almost a 700 calorie/day deficit.  The calories should be melting away, right? They're not. So I picked up the "Paleo diet for athletes" I'll give it one month and see how it goes. I ate alot of ruffage yesterday and was really tired. On the flip side I slept better than I had in months last night. I'm aslo going to check out that Tosca Reno Cookbook-thanks for the recommendation Sharse.

ETA: 2682 cal eaten yesterday.

Edited by David tri's 2009-01-19 6:58 AM
2009-01-19 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

David...are you sure you are getting enough calories.  That is a very big deficit for someone as active as you are.  If your body does not feel like it i getting enough, i will hold on to everything as it fear that you are starving.  Upping your daily calories may actually be what you need to do.

No rest for the weary today...1:10 track run and 45 easy spin.  I am looking forward to this run.  It is the same one we tried to do last week but started too late and it got too dark.  Goes something like this...

10 minute wu
6x800 in zone 3 with a rest between each the same time as it took to run the 800
10 minute cd

Then later a 45 spin.  Get to watch another Dexter episode.  Problem is, we are going to be finished with season 2 pretty soon and it may be awhile before season 3 is out on DVD.  Maybe we can find it on demand.

Have a great day everyone.  I am off work so it will be!


2009-01-19 8:38 AM
in reply to: #1915401

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

That's cool that you have a group that you can practice with. But why would you want to do a reverse tri? Is there some training reason? Or is it more of just to do something different. Nice that you did one either way.

We didn't want to get out of the pool then be all wet outside in sub-freezing temperatures!

2009-01-19 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1915891

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
dodgersmom - 2009-01-19 9:11 AM

David...are you sure you are getting enough calories.  That is a very big deficit for someone as active as you are.  If your body does not feel like it i getting enough, i will hold on to everything as it fear that you are starving.  Upping your daily calories may actually be what you need to do.


I was going to say the same thing!   Challenge your metabolism and it will keep up as active as you are!   And get rid of everything processed.  (I know... I sound like a broken record... sorry.   But it works!)

2009-01-19 12:52 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Run is done.  Hurt so good!  Now it is time for an easy spin!

2009-01-19 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1856442

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Thanks Erin. I am honored.

David - You cracked me up with the snow angel story. Would have to check out the pics now. LOL...

Didn't get the bike in yesterday. Took the day off and did some research on various events in the area instead.

Today, did a swim and a 35 min. slow pace run. I foot has been bothering me with the run, so decided to take it easy instead and follow the the plan exactly. The plan asks for a slower pace. But I am hoping this will help me reach longer distances. My stats came out yesterday, and apparently I seriously need to work on my run. I already knew I neded to work on swim anyways.

Can anyone recommend any breathing exercises for swimming? I am not a swimmer and just can't seem to be able to get this whole breathing thing down.


2009-01-20 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

I think I'm getting enough calories. I eat when I'm hungry and don't starve myself at all. Weight loss has always been hard for me. I'm cut my processed carbs starting the day before yesterday, we'll see how it goes. I'm only eating processed carbs just before, during and after workouts.

I had an awsome run yesterday. 6.84 miles in one hour on the tready. 8:46 MPM avg. I've never run that fast for that long before.

Swim today, Happy Inauguration Day all!

2009-01-20 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Morning, folks!

Congrats, Erin!!!

I am finally back on the wake-up-early train! Hit the trainer for a little ride at 5:30 this morning and feel great now. Hope to get a swim in later this afternoon.
2009-01-20 9:05 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Morning kids and happy Tuesday.

Back to work today.  3-day weekends rock but getting out of bed this morning was a challenge. 

We had such a great weekend workout wise.  Probably the most volume in a 3-day period we have had in months.  Great thing though, is that I feel really good.  No aches or pains to speak of. 

Swim tonight.  Why do I have such a hard time getting motivated to get to the pool?  Once I am there and swimming I feel good.  Tonight's swim is complicated with many different sets but I know the total distance is 3150.

Have a great day everyone.

2009-01-20 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

3150 - wow!   That's a long one. 

 Today I'm going to the doctor because I think my cold has turned into a sinus infection and I'm really tired of it.  I'm hoping they give me antibiotics to kill it once and for all.  The entire month of January has been a bit of a bust for me. 

2009-01-20 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1917641

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
David tri's - 2009-01-20 8:51 AM

II had an awsome run yesterday. 6.84 miles in one hour on the tready. 8:46 MPM avg. I've never run that fast for that long before.

David - WOW. Congratulations. That is an awesome speed to maintain for that long. Do you do any special strength training for that?

2009-01-20 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Thanks for the congrats everyone I am still very sore, I'm hoping by tomorrow I will be able to walk normally again. David, I don't mind sharing my results. Last year was my first marathon, I ran in 4:45. My ultimate must-do goal was to beat that, but I really thought I could run a 4:30 this year. I was on track to meet or beat the 4:30 goal until mile 14/15 when the sun came out and it got hot. The sun killed me. Towards the end I was just hoping to finish under 4:40 so I'd still be in the 4:30s (funnly how the mind works at mile 25, huh?) and I *think* I finished in 4:39. The times on the official site don't really make sense (4:33), so I have to go by my watch. Hopefully the site will stabilize soon and I'll find out my real time. I'm just hoping it is in fact under 4:40.
2009-01-20 9:17 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Awesome job Erin.

Life got in the way of the swim tonight so I moved it to Saturday and lifted tonight.


2009-01-21 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1856442

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Great timing on the marathon Erin. Wow... It amazes me to see how you all can run so fast for so long. It reminds of that cartoon Foot in mouth where the gal runs around with a turbo charged shoe. Wink. LOL...

Yesterday, did 1 hour strength training with my trainer. And a short 5 miler on the trainer. My legs were way too sore for this. Also got instructions from my trainer for No Running for at least the next 2 weeks. My foot has been bothering me too much, and I need to just let it rest and not keep running on it. Yuck. So tonight's plan - swim and walk.

2009-01-21 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Listen to your trainer Lina.  It is too early in the year to risk an injury that may put you out when real race season starts!

Feeling crappy this morning.  I think it may just be dehydration as I woke up with a headache and my fingers are all puffy.  Just feeling overall blah.  I hate days like this when I just feel poopy.

I think I am needing a mental health day.  I used to one to roll my eyes at them, but I do think I need a day (not a national holiday when everyone is off) where I just sleep in and Steve and I can spend the day together.

I am, however, looking forward to our interval trainer ride tonight.  Actually, it is an interval plus as the actual interval ride is only 1:05 but we have 1:20 on the schedule so we will have an extra 15 minutes of pedaling to do.  Weird that I am looking forward to this.

Need to pound the water today and hope this headache goes away.

2009-01-21 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1918092

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
linawalton - 2009-01-20 12:17 PM
David tri's - 2009-01-20 8:51 AM

II had an awsome run yesterday. 6.84 miles in one hour on the tready. 8:46 MPM avg. I've never run that fast for that long before.

David - WOW. Congratulations. That is an awesome speed to maintain for that long. Do you do any special strength training for that?

I'm not quite sure what you mean. I do lift 2 or 3 times a week right now, lighter weight with more reps. I'm not looking to get big and bulky, though I wouldn't mind having arms that stand out in a tank top . Let me know exactly what you mean and I'll try to answer your question as best I can.

I had a crappy swim yesterday, the water was 88 degrees. I wanted to get in and do a couple of 1000's, but ended up just doing a 500 the seome 250's instead. It was gross to swim in water that warm.

Today I lifted. Had a great session, it time to move up weight on several exercises. the Paleo diet is going well too. I seems to have jumpstarted my weight loss again.

2009-01-21 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
I'm reading all your activities with envy.   I am now on antibiotics and can already begin to feel the effects, thankfully.  I expect to be a new woman in a few days.   Still trying to decide if I'm going to hit the gym today.  If I do I'll workout on the elliptical.   I still don't have enough in me to run, and my head is too full to swim, and I lifted two days ago and can STILL feel it in my glutes.
2009-01-21 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Hi all. well my day is not going as planned. I had planned to do my long run at lunch and then go to the master swim tonight. Well when I got to the locker room to change I found that I had packed 2 sets of shorts and no shirt. it's very fustrating. I have to swim tonight so there will be no day to make it up. I could push my run back to Thursday but then i will have no off day this week. I really don't want to do that if I don't have to.

I wonder if I can consider Monday my off day. I only did a 20 min run that day. I was suppose to swim that night but it was MLK day and they didn't have training that day. My swim schedule for the time being is pretty restricted by the masters schedule. I have a pool at the gym but the water is so disgusting the I dread having to do any training there.

Edited by x_caliber50 2009-01-21 1:37 PM
2009-01-21 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

I seem to have some bit of a tummy bug. I am highly irritated by this. No training for me today unless I stretch or something later tonight. I feel ocky.
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