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2009-01-27 10:40 PM
in reply to: #1932056

New user
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I agree with what esc says about you being happy to be over your illness. I know when I don't get a chance to work out for a few days, that I'm so happy when I finally can that everything just seems easier!

We got some snow today and it's continuing tonight. Yuck. Anyone else have bad weather? I'm going to try to make it to the gym tomorrow before work. At least I'm pretty sure it won't be too crowded...

2009-01-28 7:39 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Nothing is sweeter than being able to do something that you weren't able to do at some point. It feels like progress AND you really appreciate the simple act of just doing the activity.

We are trapped in a cycle of grey, damp days here. Nothing exciting like winter weather. Just grey, cool mist and fog. It does a number on your psyche.

2009-01-28 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Good to see you back in action Todd and great run.  I'm sure it feels good to get on out and bust out a good workout after being down.


I just ordered some new tires for my bike - Michelin Pro 3.  If anyone needs some, they are on sale for $31.00 plus free shipping from the UK.  A couple people said they have seen them for twice the price everywhere else.  Here's the link:

I am going out for a run today.  Praying for no ITBS.  I got my roller and plan to use it before and after.  Back on the trainer tomorrow.  I started thinking about what may have caused the tendon behind my leg to hurt and I did make an adjustment to my seat to get me a little more forward in the aerobars.  Shortly after that was when it started hurting.  Bad move to adjust the seat after getting my bike fit.  I should have just shortened the stem.  I like to feel crunched up when in the bars, but tried to acheive it the wrong way.  That will teach me.

I swear, other than being sore the next day, I have had more small injuries from tri training than I have from playing hockey for the past 10 years.  It just goes to show that patience really is a virtue.  Unfortunately I have no patience!  Keep up the good work everyone.

2009-01-28 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1857070

Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Thanks Chris I had the exact same ones on top of my list of things to order friday. In my catalong they are 50. 00 plus shipping. I am always one for a deal. I haven't used this brand before and I really just liked the colors for my bike , Such a girl. Its all about the look of my bike. I might not be fast but like to look like maybe the bike could be . I am glad to know that others used this brand. Thanks for the info.
2009-01-28 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1933716

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

tri4mom - 2009-01-28 1:17 PM Thanks Chris I had the exact same ones on top of my list of things to order friday. In my catalong they are 50. 00 plus shipping. I am always one for a deal. I haven't used this brand before and I really just liked the colors for my bike , Such a girl. Its all about the look of my bike. I might not be fast but like to look like maybe the bike could be . I am glad to know that others used this brand. Thanks for the info.

No problem.  Glad I could help.  My total ended up being $61.17 for both.

2009-01-29 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Good morning everyone.

It looks to be a sunny day here. I now have an appointment with an ortho on Monday. I need to find out what is going on with my ankle as the RICE method isn't really making a difference once I try to run. I am hoping it is not a stress fracture, but I am preparing for that as a worse-case scenario. I'm trying to be positive and cling to where there is a will, there is a way. No sense in getting worked up about it when I'm not sure exactly what I'm dealing with yet.

Hope everyone else is staying injury-free and training consistently

2009-01-29 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1935184

New user
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
good luck with your appointment! i hope all goes well!
2009-01-29 4:02 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Hi Pam, just checking in to see how the appt. went.  Hope all is well!
2009-01-29 6:01 PM
in reply to: #1936050

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

nicoley81 - 2009-01-29 2:58 PM good luck with your appointment! i hope all goes well!

Same here, hope it went well!!

Last week I went pretty hard for me for 3 days in a row ... running biking running ... and I felt I was getting sore or strained ... but felt I could probably push though it ... but reading about others having nagging injuries that keep coming up ... I decided to wimp out and take it a little easy this week.

So far my longest run this week has only been 3 miles ... but I've been doing the Elliptical Trainer at the YMCA instead to try and still maintain some cardio fitness ... and squeeze in a short run afterwards just so my legs get some impact training and to also kinda guage where they are at.

I know you are supposed to ramp up for 3 weeks and then take 1 week easy as recovery ... but is it also okay to just alternate weeks, like 1 week hard, 1 week easy, etc ... or maybe 2 weeks hard, 1 easy ... or 1 hard week, 1 easy, 1 medium, back to hard, easy, medium, etc ... at least for a couple of months?

I've really been trying to focus on weightlifting and losing weight past couple of weeks ... will get more into the bike as it warms up some ... keeping up with the swimming pretty good ... but the run seems to going 1 week pretty good mileage ... the next week low mileage ....


Edited by klowman 2009-01-29 6:03 PM
2009-01-29 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

I've only been running for about a year so I'm certainly no running expert, but something that worked for me was making smaller increases in my milage per week.  Rule of thumb is no more than 10% increase per week but there's no reason why you can't do less.  Maybe that will help you maintain a better consistency in your running.

2009-01-30 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I had my massage session. This guy is a neuro-muscular specialist and is also a runner. He gave me a glimmer of hope that my pain could be just soft tissue inflammation. Still going to the ortho on Monday for a bone scan to hopefully rule out a fracture. I am feeling much better today, but 5 days is a bit long of a recovery period from a long run, so I really need to find some sort of solution.

Kevin, I'm just gonna give you my opinion on the running thing. If you are healthy and you are not backing down your weekly miles because of pain, stick to the 3up, 1 down plan. Running is the trickiest and most dangerous sport (to me) to ramp up miles. If you are registered for this HIM, you really need a consistent running base BEFORE your HIM plan kicks into high gear. I think most plans top out with a 15 mile run as your longest. You do have time. Just throw in some short runs more frequently to get your body used to the pounding.

I would give my left ankle (ha ha) to be able to run consistently right now. If you are healthy, don't throw away this opportunity to build that running base for extra strength sessions. You don't know what the future holds and what you may have to juggle. If you don't have a solid base, you will have nothing to fall back on if you experience a set back in your training plan. Take it from someone who has been there way too many times.

Of course, if your are in pain or feel that something isn't quite right after a run, feel free to take the time to adequately recover.

2009-01-30 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Pam, glad to hear your feeling at least a little better.  Maybe the ortho will give you some really good news.

My mileage on my run is slowly creeping upward and am pretty much pain free and injury free (knock on wood).  I completed a 3.98 mile run yesterday in 49:25, not blazing speed but I had some slowdowns (trying not to get run over by the idiots on four wheels!)  My run felt really good, my cardio can handle the load much better than my legs can.  I am still having some trouble with calve cramps (tightening) and my arches cramping up after about 2.5 miles.  I feel like I could run much faster if I didn't cramp up so bad.  I am going to a massage therapist and going to try and find some other stretches to help me over come that.


2009-01-30 3:38 PM
in reply to: #1857070

Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I just got my new saddle looks sharp and as hard as h*ll . On the last bike tour this guy knocks my saddle as said it looks like a motor cycle seat. Thats pretty much all it took. I have been looking for that perfect seat. I am not sure there really is a perfect saddle but we see if it works out. It sure looks good though. Got to keep it fun!!
2009-01-30 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1937771

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Thanks for the info Pam!

I've not really had any pain yet, just plenty of soreness sometimes.  The reason I was going to do lots of weights was to see if that would kick-start my metabolism some and help me get back to losing weight.  I've stagnated and plateaued pretty badly on weight loss ...

I was off today and so was able to go out and run at 11:00 am this morning ... and guess what ... completed my first double-digit run today!

I ran jogged 10 miles today around Salem Lake.  I started out at a much slower pace, knowing ahead of time I was going to have to save my legs some ... but it probably didn't matter ... I bet I could have started at my regular pace ... cause just like MsfugitiveHunter, it's not my lungs that get tired on me ... it is my legs and feet.

I was practically moving the last 3 miles.  Usually I run about a 11:30 to 11:45 pace the first 4 miles or so ... then slow down to about 12 minute miles the last 3 ... today I started out running almost 13 minute miles ... but by the time I finished to 10 miles my overall average pace was 13:20 minutes per mile - it took me 2 hr 13 min 33 secs.

I am SOOO sore right now, my quads are really tight.  When I try to sit down I get half way down and then just fall the rest of the way into the seat.

For a few weeks in Nov and maybe early Dec I was getting about 17-25 mpw ... then backed off to 12-16 mpw the rest of Dec and so far in Jan averaging even a little less ... but I'm going to try and get back to 15-20 mpw soon ... and hopefully 20-25 mpw by the time I start the HIM plan on May 4th.

I also had the joy of going to the doctor and having an ingrown toenail on my right big toe removed late this afternoon (after my run) ... so now I actually have a pretty good excuse to take it easy the next day or two ... (actually this is why I went ahead and pushed it to 10 miles today cause I knew I probably wouldn't be running any again this weekend.)


Edited by klowman 2009-01-30 5:38 PM
2009-01-30 5:56 PM
in reply to: #1938286

New user
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
sounds like everyone is doing a nice job on running! i wish i could say the same. it's hard to get motivated in this cold weather. i've slowly been trying to push myself to run a little further each time and follow the 10% increase rule. sometimes i feel like i can run for hours and other days it's hard to push myself beyond 30 min. nice 10 mile run klowman! yesterday i ran 5 miles, but like you and msfugitive, my legs started to hurt and i couldn't go any further.

speaking of running...i'm getting ready to buy some new shoes. i'm planning to go to a store that can assess my gait, arch, etc and help me pick the right shoe. but, just wondering if anyone had any brands or styles that they particularly like?

hope everyone has a good weekend! i'll be out of town until next week. talk to you all then. :-)
2009-01-31 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I like Mizunos, but you have to go with what works best for you.

Got in a 30 mile ride today with a friend. We had a lot of wind. He spanked me out there today. Of course, I justified it by the fact that he was on his tri bike and I was on my roadie. By putting the hurt on me today, he is making me stronger Riding with someone is so much better than solo because they push you

2009-02-01 6:46 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Got in a 22 mile bike ride and 45 minutes of raquetball at the YMCA today.

Legs didn't feel near as bad as I thought they would after having ran a first-time 10 miles Friday.

The right big toe also is not hurting like I thought it would, was able to put on the bike shoes and tighten them up with no pain - I think I'm fully healed from that little procedure.


2009-02-02 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1938286

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
klowman - 2009-01-30 6:37 PM

Thanks for the info Pam!

I've not really had any pain yet, just plenty of soreness sometimes.  The reason I was going to do lots of weights was to see if that would kick-start my metabolism some and help me get back to losing weight.  I've stagnated and plateaued pretty badly on weight loss ...

I was off today and so was able to go out and run at 11:00 am this morning ... and guess what ... completed my first double-digit run today!

I ran jogged 10 miles today around Salem Lake.  I started out at a much slower pace, knowing ahead of time I was going to have to save my legs some ... but it probably didn't matter ... I bet I could have started at my regular pace ... cause just like MsfugitiveHunter, it's not my lungs that get tired on me ... it is my legs and feet.

I was practically moving the last 3 miles.  Usually I run about a 11:30 to 11:45 pace the first 4 miles or so ... then slow down to about 12 minute miles the last 3 ... today I started out running almost 13 minute miles ... but by the time I finished to 10 miles my overall average pace was 13:20 minutes per mile - it took me 2 hr 13 min 33 secs.

I am SOOO sore right now, my quads are really tight.  When I try to sit down I get half way down and then just fall the rest of the way into the seat.

For a few weeks in Nov and maybe early Dec I was getting about 17-25 mpw ... then backed off to 12-16 mpw the rest of Dec and so far in Jan averaging even a little less ... but I'm going to try and get back to 15-20 mpw soon ... and hopefully 20-25 mpw by the time I start the HIM plan on May 4th.

I also had the joy of going to the doctor and having an ingrown toenail on my right big toe removed late this afternoon (after my run) ... so now I actually have a pretty good excuse to take it easy the next day or two ... (actually this is why I went ahead and pushed it to 10 miles today cause I knew I probably wouldn't be running any again this weekend.)


Way to go Kevin!  That is awesome man!  10 miles is a great accomplishment.

2009-02-02 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

I have a piece of advice for everyone who doesn't have a trainer ~ GET ONE!  I have not ridden outside since before Christmas (because I am a wimp) but have been on my Kurt Kinetic trainer for some good rides.  I went out today and rode 18 miles and did not even get tired.  What a great workout.  I was worried I would fatigue very quickly but it did not happen.  I could have gone for 30 -35 miles easily today.  Unfortunately I got a late start and have to deal with school traffic the later I go.  I even threw on my running shoes and did a quick mile and was not even tired.  GET  A TRAINER!  If you want a deal, go here:

Check out the "Angry Badger Deal" - it is the Kurt Kinetic Road Machine.  I got it, shipping and all for $257.00.

2009-02-02 2:39 PM
in reply to: #1938305

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

nicoley81 - 2009-01-30 6:56 PM sounds like everyone is doing a nice job on running! i wish i could say the same. it's hard to get motivated in this cold weather. i've slowly been trying to push myself to run a little further each time and follow the 10% increase rule. sometimes i feel like i can run for hours and other days it's hard to push myself beyond 30 min. nice 10 mile run klowman! yesterday i ran 5 miles, but like you and msfugitive, my legs started to hurt and i couldn't go any further. speaking of running...i'm getting ready to buy some new shoes. i'm planning to go to a store that can assess my gait, arch, etc and help me pick the right shoe. but, just wondering if anyone had any brands or styles that they particularly like? hope everyone has a good weekend! i'll be out of town until next week. talk to you all then. :-)

I was fitted for the Brooks Adrenaline 8 and the Mizuno's.  I got the Brooks because they have a little more cushion for distance training, but plan to get the Mizuno's for my races.  They are super light weight.

2009-02-02 5:52 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Yay! I needed some happy news. Good bikes and runs, everyone. I feel like I have opened a can of worms. I was hoping to get a bone scan to see whether or not I have a srtess fracture. The ortho instead popped x-rays Stress fractures rarely show up on x-ray and of course, mine were clear. So tomorrow it's off to the hospital for an MRI. Yippee. Then I will see the ortho on Wednesday, if he gets out of surgery in time for my appt. The half mary is Saturday. I'm going to Charleston. It would be nice to know if I can run it before I leave on Friday.

Edited by barqhead 2009-02-02 5:52 PM

2009-02-02 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1942103

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

barqhead - 2009-02-02 6:52 PM Yay! I needed some happy news. Good bikes and runs, everyone. I feel like I have opened a can of worms. I was hoping to get a bone scan to see whether or not I have a srtess fracture. The ortho instead popped x-rays Stress fractures rarely show up on x-ray and of course, mine were clear. So tomorrow it's off to the hospital for an MRI. Yippee. Then I will see the ortho on Wednesday, if he gets out of surgery in time for my appt. The half mary is Saturday. I'm going to Charleston. It would be nice to know if I can run it before I leave on Friday.

My fingers are crossed for some good news from you tomorrow.

2009-02-02 10:49 PM
in reply to: #1942305

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-02-02 8:56 PM

barqhead - 2009-02-02 6:52 PM Yay! I needed some happy news. Good bikes and runs, everyone. I feel like I have opened a can of worms. I was hoping to get a bone scan to see whether or not I have a srtess fracture. The ortho instead popped x-rays Stress fractures rarely show up on x-ray and of course, mine were clear. So tomorrow it's off to the hospital for an MRI. Yippee. Then I will see the ortho on Wednesday, if he gets out of surgery in time for my appt. The half mary is Saturday. I'm going to Charleston. It would be nice to know if I can run it before I leave on Friday.

My fingers are crossed for some good news from you tomorrow.

x100 on that one!!

2009-02-02 11:38 PM
in reply to: #1857070

Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I will keep my fingers crossed for you Pam ! Jeep guy I am glad to here about the trainer and the out door ride. This is my first winter working on mine . I won't be able to get out and ride untill april and we will still have snow on the ground. Its good to know one really can keep a good bike fitness working on a trainer. I have really been focusing on some some good workouts on the trainer and trying to get a 3 day swim in but the run has been kinda slacking . I am not to worried for I know it my strengh and I can easily pick up my fitness in that area with a little time. Trainning has been going great. It is my down week so things will be pretty light. Good luck Pam at your Apt. I hope things turn out for you!
2009-02-03 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Good luck Pam, I know it's frustrating!  Maybe you will get some goods news!  We have you in our prayers.
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