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2009-04-27 7:46 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Shannon, sorry you didn't have a good run today, but it does sound like you had the odds stacked against you.   I do hope for you that it's not the start of something bad.  Hope it's not the swine flu!Surprised  Sorry, I couldn't resist!

I had an awesome run today.  It was beautiful here, about 85 degrees.  I only set out to run 3.5, but was feeling good so I stretched it to 4 miles.  I felt like I was flying.  I thought it felt like I had a good stride going (which is normally like 4 inches!).  I don't know, things just felt really good, but when I got back I stopped my watch and entered my time and distance and low and behold, it still came out to 13 minute miles Cry  Oh well, on a positive note, at least I'm kind of starting to enjoy it and it feels like it's getting a little easier.  I also lifted back and biceps at the gym tonight.

Planning swimming tomorrow and possibly a bike ride.  Happy training everyone!

2009-04-28 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

OK, I'm going to try to get caught up from the weekend. 

Maggie - congrats on your 5k!  Why is it that RD's always think it's a good idea to put hills at the end of a race?

Kami - congrats on your swim meet!  That's great that you PR'd your events and medalled in one. 

Patricia - congrats on your 5k PR this weekend also!

Mary Sue - great job on the swim and bike for your relay!  Sorry your sister is having knee problems - hope she's better soon.

XcaliburGirl - good luck with the business.  And I understand about everything hitting at once - happened to me this spring too.  It can seem overwhelming at times, but you'll get through it!

As for me - like I said before, I did get a PR in my 10k over the weekend (RR is up if you're interested) and it was a good race but a little tough.  It was already warm by the time the race started and we were dealing with some pretty strong winds also. 

I'm starting to get a little nervous about my tri this weekend.  The bike really worries me.  I'm hoping that since it's 2 loops I'll be OK once I get through the first loop.  At least that way I'll know what to expect on the second.  And now my DH has to work on Saturday (one of the many things about his job that ticked me off yesterdayFrown).  I was hoping to drive over to Columbia Saturday afternoon and have some time to review the bike course  - thinking that might calm me down about it a little before Sunday morning.  We'll still go over on Saturday but probably get there too late for me to be able to tell much about the course even if we drive it.  Doesn't really help with the stress level, ya know?

OK, I've rambled enough here, I need to try to get some work done.  Hope everyone has a good day!

2009-04-28 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2115251

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I think Google maps or the mapping feature on here will give you a good idea what to expect. Also it might help if you read the previous race reports (unless it is the first year).  They often give really detailed information from participants.

Even if you can't check it out or ride it you could get a pretty good idea.

Good luck,

2009-04-28 3:00 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Agree - google maps or will even show you elevation changes so you know when to expect the hills!
Mary Sue
2009-04-28 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I've seen an elevation map for the course and read some race reports from the past 2 years.  That's actually what's got me so nervous, lol.  Apparently one section of the course around mile 6 (and then again at around mile 13 since it's two loops) is nicknamed "the wall".  Not exactly confidence building for someone who doesn't really bike well.  I keep picturing myself trying to ride up the side of a mountainSmile.  If I can get there in time to drive the course, I think I'll feel a lot better about it - not quite so nervous once I see what I'll have to deal with on Sunday.
2009-04-28 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hey, ladies!  I'm just now getting caught back-up after the weekend and I just gotta say, I'm so impressed with all your all's committment.  Whether it was running those long miles in training, PRing in a race or getting on that bike after a while, you all are what this site is about and I'm so proud to be a part of your journeys.

I left messages for everyone who raced, either on your race thread or as an Inspire, so be on the lookout.

Megan, I actually don't use multivitamins or supplements, mostly because I've just never created the habit since Mom used to have me eat the Flinstones as a kid. 

I'm also in a challenge group, too, and they're awesome.  (I'm a proud member of the X-Men!)  I'm currently trying to think of a mini challenge we can do, probably starting next week, so stay tuned!

I hadn't heard of that tri suit site, Lisa, but that really looks great.  I prefer the two-piece tri suit for one reason and one reason only:  Much easier bathroom breaks!  Ha ha! 

Shannon, you're running is definitely going great.  I just see a little bit of time on the bike this year and no swim.  You could do the Sprint plan but just have your runs be longer.  My question at this point is where are you on your swimming and biking currently?  If you want to drop me a PM, we can talk about it in more detail if you'd like.  Sorry you had such a crappy run the other day.  Bleh! 

Vent all you'd like, Alicia.  You sure do have a lot on your plate.  Wow.  Here's to squeezing in those late night or early morning runs!

Janet, that's great that you've read race reports from years past, and I know how you feel like that only adds to the nervousness.    Yeah, if you get a chance to scope-out or even ride the bike course, that'll help.  Just a few more days away... 

2009-04-29 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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West Fargo
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hey Lora!

Thanks for checking in on me, and calling me out! I know my training log is not very colorful!!! Missing the bike, swim & strength shades! Don't worry about the PM, this forum is for keeping me on track and accountable! Thank you for the discretion if I had preferred though.

Here is my thought process (flawed without a doubt!)...

Being here in ND everything has been frozen or flooded, so the only pool I have access to is the local school, and they only have lap swim from 11:30 - 12:45. I'm at home full time with my youngest, but she has preschool MWF at noon. So that would allow me to drive over from her p.s. and get into the water by 12:15 giving me a half hour. But, with the half marathon coming, this is the time I've been using to get my runs in. My hubby is on an 8 week travel schedule and is gone out of town/state M-F. Locally, there aren't many sidewalks to have my kids ride bike while I run in the evenings, and I'm not taking them out on the main roads with me. With the HM next weekend, and then my husband being home until next fall, I figured I'd focus on the running for the upcoming race. Once that is past, it leaves me with 13 weeks until the tri. At this point, I can bike/run in the mornings, then swim in the afternoon. Once school is out, I can use a babysitter to watch the kids so that I can get in full swim time at that point (not just the half hour if I need more).

So there it is. Most likely it's my way of justifying the lack of other disciplines at this point, but quite honestly with their school & other activities, this just seems to work at this point in time.

As for training schedule, I'm looking at doing the 16 week Olympic swim focused training plan. That way I get 3 swims in weekly, still get my long runs in, and have 2 off days for recovery (and golf with the kids )

I'm also on my way out to buy new running shoes today. The ones I have now I've had for at least a year (if not longer). I'm wondering if that won't make a big difference on how my legs feel after these road runs. My muscles high in front by the shins are still a bit sore/hurting today. Plus, with all that's coming up, I think I deserve them!

I'll post after my run today. Scheduled is 5 miles. Hopefully the rain stops. currently it's 47 and rainy...... Yuck!
2009-04-29 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2114025

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
LadyNorth - 2009-04-27 7:42 PM

mekira - 2009-04-26 7:08 PM I posted a race report : It went ok, I got stomach cramps but PR'd anyway LOL : 32:19 I also went out to try out my 'maybe new' bike WOW what a difference with my mountain bike, I was flying and not even trying LOL I have a question though : my hands were hurting (palm). I figure I have to get use to the position and have to buy gloves? I also think I'm stretched out too much but I'm going to bring it to the bike shop tomorrow to get it checked out. I'm tired, I'm going to bed

Congratulations on your pr.

I took my new road bike out last week and it was great but I had the same problem with my hands.  I picked up some cycling gloves and they helped a lot - however today I was out for longer (over an hour) and my fingers got numb from bad circulation from my hands pressing down so hard.  I'm going to google around and see if I can find any advice and maybe Lora can help us out, also


I wore gloves on my next ride and it helped a lot. The guy at the LBS told me that we are not suppose to grip and press down on the handlebars. Our upper bodies should be very relaxed and we should use the core and back muscles to keep balanced on the bike..... something to think about!

2009-04-29 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Well I'm pretty sure I'm buying the bike. It's so fast!!! Had it fitted last night at the LBS and it's fits me There are things I could change on the long run to make even better for me. I bought some white tape for the handle bars hehe Now I have to negociate the price. I don't want to spend more than $1000 for it. I have a 1500$ budget and I already bought a helmet for me and my daughter (she inherited the mountain bike) and I'm buying a wet suit for my swim AND I need shoes and pedals for the bike. So my budget is going down right now LOL

My training has been going GREAT. (I was afraid to say it, don't want to jinx myself) Last night I did a run AND a swim back to back. Today I'm so hungry LOL The coach MADE us do flip turns on one of the 200m repeats. That was interesting LOL I'm going to try to incorporate more flip turns in my training (like one every 50m).

I'm doing 2 challenges for the month of May : The peach challenge were you have to get your calendar to turn a peach color (when you do some kind of activity that day) for the whole month and the girls vs. boys swim challenge where my goal is to swim at least twice a week.

Happy training
2009-04-29 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hi!  I'm doing a quick drive-by post.  Work has been really insane this week and home is just as crazy.  I promise I'll catch up on the posts and everyone's race reports soon.  I may not be posting, but I'm thinking of all of you!
2009-04-29 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I just want to ditto the bad run this week, Shannon - Mine yesterday was horrible!  My lunch felt like it was sitting on the top of my stomache - and I had eaten 5 hours before!!  And hadn't had anything since....!  I went to a supplier yesterday and got to climb around an engine on a truck (it was fun! Tongue out)  But didn't have my normal snack routing and fluid intake...I'm wondering whether not having as much fluid going through my system ended up not digesting my lunch!?!?   I'm still very low on the running spectrum - both pace and distance...but I know I just gotta keep at it and trying!  So yesterday I wasn't able to do the 20 minutes non-stop as I had planned, but I did it in 2 instead I ended up walking...I realized I hadn't actually walked the 3.2 miles/5K distance in a I did!  I know my tri is a long way away, but I guess I'm realizing that the "worst" thing that could happen is that I don't have fast times...and that I end up walking part of the run.  But still!  I think most people would be impressed by the completion - and I'd be a part of the 1%!!!
Before the tri, however, I have 2 5K's planned - one at end of May and one beg. June - - so I think my training schedule right now is that I do bike once a week and swim once a week - and then run the others...I'm really not doing a good job of following my training schedule to the "T" though...I think I will try to do 2 days on, rest a day, 2 days on, rest a day...

Sunny, warm days are coming....then I can complain about it being hot! Cool

2009-04-29 12:48 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hey All!
Just checking in!
I am soo glad to be back to Normal swim workouts, we got almost 3000 yrds in last night and felt so good when I was done :0) We are starting to focus on distance stuff for all the open water swims during the summer. I've got a 1 miler coming up the end of May. I'm still trying to deceide on wet suit or not.

I tried to do a brick today bike/run, but since I had to do them inside and the only working upright bike was taken I did a reverse brick. 20min run 25 min bike which felt really good and I really got my HR up talking to a friend on the bike.

2009-04-29 3:36 PM
in reply to: #2118071

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
mekira - 2009-04-29 9:53 AM  

  I wore gloves on my next ride and it helped a lot. The guy at the LBS told me that we are not suppose to grip and press down on the handlebars. Our upper bodies should be very relaxed and we should use the core and back muscles to keep balanced on the bike..... something to think about!

Yup - I think your LBS guy is right - Thanks for posting this.

I found this in another forum and it says the same thing basically
I got my first drop-bar equipped bike (alu frame, carbon fork) last year and it was quite a learning experience for me. I don't know what kind of shape you're in, but it does help to build up your core and arm strength if you can. When I started riding I would ride with stiff arms because I couldn't support my upper body with bent arms. Now that I can relax my arms a bit, the bike feels less twitchy and there is less stress on my hands and wrists.

2009-04-29 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Got in the water today for the first time in two years (rotator cuff problems).    We've been traveling so I have really only just started training.  I did do my swim and walk today.  It felt good.  I have some experience swimming and doing some pretty long bike rides but don't run and never have.  Since I'm only doing a mini-tri I could walk the distance required.  I'm not quite sure what I'll do for that.



2009-04-29 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hey Lora,
I was just checking out your log, what is RPE?
2009-04-29 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I think RPE is "rate of percieved exertion"

ran 5 miles outside today and it felt great.  That's the farthest I've ever gone at once.  I was dreading it all day, but as soon as I got going I enjoyed it.  I always do, why can't I realize that?

Swam last night and planning to tomorrow too.  I'm trying to get all my work outs in during the week.  I'm flying to San Fran Sat and won't be back until Thur.  The hotel I'm staying at has a jogging trail and probably has a small pool that I could at least try to practice some breathing or something.

2009-04-29 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hey, Shannon.  You know what?  I think that plan sounds solid to me.  If you think you can start the beginning phases of training the Oly calls for, go for it.  As with any of these plans, you can tweak them (some) to fit your schedule.  You just have to be sure you're not sacrificing important training sessions.

Way to bike shop, Patricia!  If $500 can get you a better bike (difference between $1,000 and $1,500 budget), I would spend the money on the bike.  You can always save-up for the upgrades and accessories later.  If that $500 doesn't get you too much of a better bike, then meh!  Pass.

Debbie, hope some sanity comes back to your life soon.

Ya'll, the GREAT thing about crappy runs (I know, shut up, lady! ) is that you can appreciate the awesome ones.  At least that's how I choose to look at it.  Just experience it, log it, analyze it, learn from it and keep on keepin' on...

Kami, that one mile OWS sounds like fun!  I'm considering one myself!  Oh, RPE stands for Rate of Perceived Exertion.  It's a 1-10 scale where one is hardly any effort at all and 10 is will fall over any minute effort.

Sue, kudos for getting in the water after such a long time away.  One step closer...!

Thanks for sharing that Denise!  So true!

Time to press play on my DVR for LOST.  Ya'll have a great night!
2009-04-29 11:29 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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West Fargo
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Got new shoes, WHAT a DIFFERENCE! Whew! My feet felt like they were just getting snuggled in! Wow! Now I need to brag a bit (or else it shows how slow I am....). It was pouring rain here, so I went to an indoor track up at the high school. Took my two kids with me (bought the shoes while kids were in school). Those two blew me away! Rylyn (my 6 year old son) ran 1.5 miles solid, and lapped me! Seriously. Jaedyn (my 4 year old daughter) ran 1.25 at my pace. I made them stop because I was afraid that they'd either get sick, or else they'd be up all night with sore legs. Unbelieveable!!! Next time I'm going to just let them run until they want to stop. Rylyn ended up running another half mile at the end of mine, and Jaedyn ran another .25. I think I'm going to be taking them with me from now on when I run in the gym. They had a ball! I got my 5 miles in within an hour. I am still coughing up a lung, so I ended up walking one minute at the completion of each mile to catch my breath. Overall I'm pleased considering my run Monday. I almost didn't go, I'm so glad I did. Did I mention how nice the new shoes are????
2009-04-30 6:27 AM
in reply to: #2119629

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
maggiewvu - 2009-04-29 9:17 PM I think RPE is "rate of percieved exertion"

ran 5 miles outside today and it felt great.  That's the farthest I've ever gone at once.  I was dreading it all day, but as soon as I got going I enjoyed it.  I always do, why can't I realize that?

Swam last night and planning to tomorrow too.  I'm trying to get all my work outs in during the week.  I'm flying to San Fran Sat and won't be back until Thur.  The hotel I'm staying at has a jogging trail and probably has a small pool that I could at least try to practice some breathing or something.

Glad to be reading about some swims on your schedule, especially with your crazy traveling.
2009-04-30 6:30 AM
in reply to: #2119968

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
sleeping_butterflies - 2009-04-30 12:29 AM Got new shoes, WHAT a DIFFERENCE! Whew! My feet felt like they were just getting snuggled in! Wow! Now I need to brag a bit (or else it shows how slow I am....). It was pouring rain here, so I went to an indoor track up at the high school. Took my two kids with me (bought the shoes while kids were in school). Those two blew me away! Rylyn (my 6 year old son) ran 1.5 miles solid, and lapped me! Seriously. Jaedyn (my 4 year old daughter) ran 1.25 at my pace. I made them stop because I was afraid that they'd either get sick, or else they'd be up all night with sore legs. Unbelieveable!!! Next time I'm going to just let them run until they want to stop. Rylyn ended up running another half mile at the end of mine, and Jaedyn ran another .25. I think I'm going to be taking them with me from now on when I run in the gym. They had a ball! I got my 5 miles in within an hour. I am still coughing up a lung, so I ended up walking one minute at the completion of each mile to catch my breath. Overall I'm pleased considering my run Monday. I almost didn't go, I'm so glad I did. Did I mention how nice the new shoes are????

Glad the new shoes are working out.  Those younguns' of yours are amazing.  Way to get in that mileage, especially considering you almost didn't go.  Great job, Shannon!
2009-04-30 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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West Fargo
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Whoohoo!!!! The SCALE MOVED! I'm just really excited! Last time I did all my training a couple years ago, my weight NEVER changed. I'm officially 5 pounds lighter than I was 3 weeks ago!!!! That's big for me! Just thought I'd share in the excitement!

2009-04-30 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Congrats on the 5 pounds!  I don't always pay attention to the scale...but the feeling when clothes start to be loser is one of the best feelings in the world!!!!!!!!! Laughing
2009-04-30 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Shannon - you've got some quick little ones!  I always love when I get new shoes - so soft and comfy.  Unfortunately I don't get them as often as I should.  They can get expensive and the DH doesn't quite understand why I need to have 3-4 pairs of shoes at all times (some are for long runs, some for cross-training, etcSmile). 

Sleeping_butterflies - congrats on the weight loss! 

Well ladies, it's 3 days until my first tri and I feel like I'm getting sickFrown.  I've got an irritable stomach, extreme fatigue (even though I've slept good the last 2 nights) and just feel like I have no energy to do anything.  I'm hoping the stomach issues are just early nerves and not a bug I picked up somewhere.  I don't think the fatigue is from overtraining since the only thing I've done this week is one short run and and easy swim.  I skipped the bike ride I was intending to do last night because I felt like I could hardly stay awake.  I'm thinking about taking tomorrow off work and just resting up as much as possible tomorrow and Saturday.  I don't think taking a couple days off at this point will hurt my performance on Sunday (it's not like I was going to win or anythingTongue out), but the extra rest might actually help. 

2009-04-30 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Shannon - Congrats on the 5 pounds!!!!

Maggie - Good job on the 5 miles run.... I'm the same, I dread running and then I'm happy I did it!

Janet - Maybe it's just nerves? I know I get stomach issues when I'm nervous.

Last night, my body was soooo tired. I went to my track workout anyway. It wasn't the best training but I'm happy I went and got through it. Running is my least favorite of the 3 sports. I find it so hard and I'm so slow!! (well compared the other people in the club) Seems I'm not really making progress. I did make a lot of progress since i first started but now I find I've reached a 'plateau' with my running.

What's your favorite and least favorite of the 3 sports?

When I first started, I loved running and hated swimming (hadn't biked yet). As I got better in the water swimming became my favorite. Now I love biking (I think the new bike helps ), swimming is in second and running is third. I'm sure it will change at one point depending how hard the training is hehe

2009-04-30 11:56 AM
in reply to: #2120432

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Favorite: Swimming - I just love being in the water!
Least Favorite: Running - I REALLY don't like it...but I also can't run very far (yet)

Also, another q...what's your favorite way to relax?  (Although it seems like some of you all don't!! Tongue out)  Mine is definitely to watch a movie or TV...I like it a bit much though...Undecided
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