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2009-05-08 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2139885

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Best of luck to you as you head out.  I can't wait to hear how everything goes!  Your training will carry you through, cold or no cold.  Trust in all the work you've done.

I did my first tri with a hideous head cold.  I was so mad at the timing and felt so betrayed by my body.  Prescription strength ibuprofen (800 mg) and pseudoephedrine got me through.  Once I got started I didn't even notice the symptoms, I was so caught up in the tri experience.


2009-05-08 8:27 PM
in reply to: #2139885

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I am *SO GLAD* this work week is over. Oof. Talk about brutal.

hippotude - 2009-05-08 7:12 PM
The nervous energy has really taking over today.  

Okay. First of is perfectly normal to feel nervous. Some nervousness on race day can actually be good. When it starts to get way too overwhelming, that's when it can hinder your performance. Trust me...I know. I used to get nervous to the point of tossing my breakfast before every race.

What I've found is that the worst part is the anticipation. Waiting for things to get going. Once you set up your transition area, don't dwell by your bike. Go and find a calm, relaxing place where you can just sit and find your "inner tri zen." Focus on your breathing. Don't even think about how far you have to go to reach the finish line...THINK ABOUT HOW FAR YOU'VE COME. Remind yourself of those first few days in the sport where running was frustrating and you couldn't swim 5 laps straight through to save your life. Think about how much better you are on this day than where you 2...3...4 weeks ago. Remind yourself that your triathlon journey started long've done the training and race day is your reward for weeks of kickin' and taking names with workouts.

Believe it or not, when I race, I race with a rubber band around my wrist. When I start to get stressed, I snap the rubber band on my wrist. It's basically to remind myself that this is just a race. It's not life or death. It's not curing cancer. It's just.a.race. That helps me get a little less freaked out over the whole ordeal. Because believe me...I have been where you are, and I can probably guarantee that I am a billion times more neurotic on race day than you could ever imagine.

I am so excited for you! You're going to have SO MUCH FUN. Seriously...Triathlons are easily the most fun I've ever had with my clothes on. Once you get going and moving, the nerves will subside and you'll find yourself in a zone all the way to the finish line!!

I can't wait to hear all about it!!
2009-05-08 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
So I'm blogging now (see sig line). Hopefully I'll be able to post updates and photos throughout the weekend if anyone's interested. Gotta do something with the nervous energy and downtime, huh?
2009-05-08 10:00 PM
in reply to: #2138837

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

roadrhino - 2009-05-08 9:18 AM
DenaRae - 2009-05-08 5:45 AM I ordered a Garmin 405 from REI this week.  

...speaking of Garmins...since I'll be switching to an Oly training program in about 3 weeks...and subsequently a marathon training program at the end of August, I'm definitely looking to get a Garmin since my runs will be substantially longer and more frequent. I know the consensus is that the 305 is a good choice. Is there anything else out there (newer models, etc.) that I should consider, or is the 305 pretty much the standard bearer?

As for bricks, especially for the first time, I wouldn't go all out for the entire duration. Take the last 5 minutes of your biking and spin at a higher cadence with less resistance. Then gradually build up to a comfortable pace on the run...but take it easy at first. You'll feel the spaghetti-leg syndrome! I've also used my bricks to pseudo-simulate transitions as well, since of course, transition is the 4th discipline. Laughing

I have the 305 (got it for Christmas this last year) and really like the information I get from it, both during training and after downloading.  It is big but I don't really notice it too much when I'm actually running.  When riding I put it on a mount.  It does more than I've used so far but it's wonderful.  My favorite use was during the duathlon where I set it up for multisport run/bike/run and it timed the events and the transitions separately and changed the display accordingly, ie. showed pace during the run and speed during the bike.  I wish I could use it for swimming though.  I don't plan on using this one in a race since I don't want it sitting unattended in the transition area during the swim.

My SIL just got a 405CX (her previous non-Garmin GPS was stolen out of her car) and she really likes it.  It's bigger than a regular sport watch but not as big as the 305.


2009-05-08 10:12 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

I'm trying to be positive but it's getting hard.  I'm feeling underprepared for this month's tri.  Life has just been throwing our family curves and messing with my training schedule.  I'll do the best I can though.

I'm so exhausted.  We've had two very long days with plenty of driving & flying & more driving and not enough sleep.  I'm hoping I can get a good nights sleep and feel better tomorrow.

Right now I'm in NM again.  A meeting with lawyers was scheduled for today and my Mom felt like she needed someone with her.  It has to do with some legal stuff related to my father's death last year.  And since it's Mothers' Day weekend I'm staying and letting her play with her grandson.  It's the good note to a rough day.

Good night to everyone!  Hope you get some good rest and have a great race or training this weekend.


2009-05-09 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hi all,

I did my first solo bike ride today.  I chose a bike trail so if I had trouble I could get help and packed my cell phone.  Good thing I did.

I started off with a tube change in the parking lot.  When I added air, the valve broke off.  Now I set off with a patch kit, but no extra tube.  No problem, I remember thinking.  My trail was beautiful, paralleling a river.  There were tons of wild flowers and a heavy scent of honeysuckle.  1/2way back, the front tire went flat.  I always wondered how I'd know I had a flat tire.  Yeah, it was pretty obvious, felt like I was going uphill when I wasn't.  I wondered how I'd know where the patch should go, but the slime made that obvious.  It's fluorescent green and stinks.  It also keeps patches from sticking.  About 6 people stopped to make sure I had what I needed and was okay.  The last guy gave me a tube when I told him I was calling for a ride, that my patches wouldn't hold.  My hero! 

All told I got just over an hour of riding done in almost 2 after 3 tire fixes.

From here on out, I travel with 2 regular tubes and my patch kit and to hell with those Slime tubes.  All the flats were due to tube failures (valve, split, patches not holding).

All in all, this was still a confidence booster and I got faster at changing flats with every repeat Undecided


2009-05-09 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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New user
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Friday I ran 22 minutes and felt OK. It was the first time using my knee strap and that worked well and my knee didn't feel as still during or after the run.  I just felt sore and stiff all over and I immediately got a runners cramp.  I worked through it and finished the run (my workout mix was a wonderful distraction) but I'm definitely taking my rest day today and doing my long bike tomorrow. My body is telling me to take it easy.  My hip is also feeling a bit tender.  I'm a little worried about it.  I've had bursitis before so I'm hoping it's not back.  Last time I had bursitis I didn't know what was wrong so I spent a few weeks trying to run or walk through it and I think that prolonged things.  It just started hurting on thursday so I've iced it and I also just got a foam roller so I used that as well.  I'm hoping the icing and the day off will fix the problem. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions for the hip pain?

this is what I was afraid of when I started training, I am very accident and injury prone so I'm hoping I can head problems off early before they get bad and sideline my training.  It's very frustrating though, I was to do this so badly, I just hate when my body gets in the way.  haha.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend and happy mothers day!

2009-05-09 2:14 PM
in reply to: #2140566

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
lovesreading - 2009-05-09 2:31 PM 

All told I got just over an hour of riding done in almost 2 after 3 tire fixes.

From here on out, I travel with 2 regular tubes and my patch kit and to hell with those Slime tubes.  All the flats were due to tube failures (valve, split, patches not holding).

All in all, this was still a confidence booster and I got faster at changing flats with every repeat Undecided


I watched a video this morning on how to change a flat (never have before). I always ride alone (nobody to ride with). Hearing about your ride makes me want to practice changing my tire this afternoon before my ride tomorrow.  At least I have tubes and tools for my bike.
2009-05-09 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
So I listened to the most recent Runner's Roundtable podcast this morning all about injury.  And it gave me a lot to think about.  I've been feeling so tired the past couple weeks, and it may be due to adding biking and swimming on top of my half marathon plan.  I think my body is trying to tell me something.  

I've looked over my training for the next 3 weeks and have adjusted it by taking out some of the running workouts.  I'm hoping this helps with my energy level, and my shin splint.  Coming to the race on the 31st tired and with a sore leg will not help anything.
2009-05-09 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Happy Saturday everyone!

Nik and Tif I know you probably aren't online but I just wanted to wish you both good luck tomorrow. You'll do great!

Cheryl - thanks for the reminder that I need to have my husband show me how to change a flat before I venture out on my own on the bike.

Today was quite an adventure, the great debut of my bike Roxanne. I think I've mentioned before that biking is new to me. I've done a lot of spinning the last few years so I have a really good base and have the fitness for biking. But my technical bike riding skills are in their infancy since I can still count the number of times I've ridden a road bike in my life on my fingers. I was hoping to throw our bikes in the car and ride up north to a bike path in Marin county today for my "long" ride but my husband suggested (more demanded) that we ride there instead. This involves going from our house in San Francisco up a windy (hilly!) two lane coastal road to the Golden Gate Bridge, across the bridge, on another steep scary road into Sausalito before you even come near the bike path.

And we did it, we rode all the way to Tiburon! It was the most terrifying yet fun day I've had in a long time. It really was a "crash"course in riding a road bike, and by the end of the day I was totally comfortable clipping in and out of my pedals, dodging cars, other bikers and pedestrians (including hundreds of Girl Scouts who were at some event at the Golden Gate Bridge).

As everyone said I would, I did fall once. We were on a small bike path to get up to the bridge and I underestimated the pitch and wasn't in the right gear. I realized what was going to happen when I started losing steam and said "oh sh**, oh sh**, nooooo" and in slow motion tipped over backwards. I landed on my butt, then my back and finally the helmet but I jumped up right away and was fine. I'm going to have a bruise on my backside and I got some road rash on my shoulder blades but I was SO much calmer after the fall. I'm glad I have it out of the way, it wasn't nearly as bad as I envisioned.

It took us 5 hours (2:40 actual in the saddle time) to do 22 miles but we stopped for lunch and to take breaks. My poor husband was a trooper since I'm still scared to go more than ~18 mph at any given time and he can go quite a bit faster. He's a saint for coming along with me. It was such fun!

Edited by calimavs 2009-05-09 8:11 PM
2009-05-09 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Good evening, all.

Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes. Nik & I are excited about our "first time" tomorrow and maybe...just maybe... we're just a little anxious about the hilly terrain on the bike course that we just don't seem to have on the gulf coast! (Nothing compared to San Fran, however...but for us, it kinda feels like it!) But we are ready nonetheless. There are a few pics on the blog and should be several more to come, plus a race report, sometime tomorrow.

Have a great Sunday everyone! And to all the moms, Happy Mother's Day!!!

2009-05-09 10:59 PM
in reply to: #2141114

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Tif & Nik - Good luck!!  Love the blog, Tif. . . Can't wait for the pics & race report!

I *think* I'm going for a group bike ride with the tri club in the 'burbs tomorrow morning, but I haven't heard back from the lady who offered to give me a ride Surprised  So I'll just go to bed and give her a quick call in the morning to see what's up.  If it falls through, I guess I'll just bike on the lake path again. 

I'm going to a bike maintenance class care of the tri club next week, so I'll be learning the joys of fixing flat, etc as well!  Yikes, I'm hoping I won't need to use any of that info for my race next week!  At least, not until I've "practiced" during training.
2009-05-09 11:16 PM
in reply to: #2141027

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

calimavs - 2009-05-09 6:09 PM Happy Saturday everyone! Nik and Tif I know you probably aren't online but I just wanted to wish you both good luck tomorrow. You'll do great! Cheryl - thanks for the reminder that I need to have my husband show me how to change a flat before I venture out on my own on the bike. Today was quite an adventure, the great debut of my bike Roxanne. I think I've mentioned before that biking is new to me. I've done a lot of spinning the last few years so I have a really good base and have the fitness for biking. But my technical bike riding skills are in their infancy since I can still count the number of times I've ridden a road bike in my life on my fingers. I was hoping to throw our bikes in the car and ride up north to a bike path in Marin county today for my "long" ride but my husband suggested (more demanded) that we ride there instead. This involves going from our house in San Francisco up a windy (hilly!) two lane coastal road to the Golden Gate Bridge, across the bridge, on another steep scary road into Sausalito before you even come near the bike path. And we did it, we rode all the way to Tiburon! It was the most terrifying yet fun day I've had in a long time. It really was a "crash"course in riding a road bike, and by the end of the day I was totally comfortable clipping in and out of my pedals, dodging cars, other bikers and pedestrians (including hundreds of Girl Scouts who were at some event at the Golden Gate Bridge). As everyone said I would, I did fall once. We were on a small bike path to get up to the bridge and I underestimated the pitch and wasn't in the right gear. I realized what was going to happen when I started losing steam and said "oh sh**, oh sh**, nooooo" and in slow motion tipped over backwards. I landed on my butt, then my back and finally the helmet but I jumped up right away and was fine. I'm going to have a bruise on my backside and I got some road rash on my shoulder blades but I was SO much calmer after the fall. I'm glad I have it out of the way, it wasn't nearly as bad as I envisioned. It took us 5 hours (2:40 actual in the saddle time) to do 22 miles but we stopped for lunch and to take breaks. My poor husband was a trooper since I'm still scared to go more than ~18 mph at any given time and he can go quite a bit faster. He's a saint for coming along with me. It was such fun!

It's great that you got back up and continued on.  Congrats on an overall great ride!

2009-05-10 8:20 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Race report...(I also orgot to add in the report that I encountered a side stitch at the halfway point in the run. Luckily it subsided relatively quickly, but I was worried for a moment).

I'll check in with more tomorrow, but I am exhausted and calling it an early night.
2009-05-11 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2081113

Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Did my first sprint race of the season. You can look at my race report-Jerseyman. Kinda disappointed with results, but it is early in the season so I have room for improvement. I think I will be joining masters swim group at the Y. A bit nervous because I know I can't keep up but I am hoping for some understanding people in the group. If the masters group doesn't help, I am going to go for private swim lessons with a TI instructor. After the race I came home hoping to switch my Oly distance race to a sprint but both are sold out so I am not sure I would be able to switch. I am really gling to try and get in the water 4 times a week to see If I can improve. Swimming is hard because it is so technical and just cranking out more laps doesn't really make all that much of a difference.

Hope you all had a great training/race weekend!

2009-05-11 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2142713

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Rest day for me.

Congrats to Denise and Tiffany on their races this weekend!


2009-05-11 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Denise- congrats on your race as well

Tonight, I think I'll be foam rolling, followed by a lazy swim, and then a date with the steam room.  I had that 40-mile bike ride in the suburbs yesterday, and I thought it was pretty darn hilly!!  I'm not sore, but I feel like I should try to loosen up and take it easy for the next few days.

I compared yesterday's course to the Galena course, and the hills I saw yesterday were nothing compared to the ones I'm going to see on Saturday. . . So now I'm getting scared! Embarassed   I mapped out the elevation, and there are going to be some pretty steep hills (around 6%, up & down).  I guess worst comes to worst, I'll walk my bike up the super steep hills, and ride my brakes on the way down the descents Undecided
2009-05-11 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2081113

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Lara- Hang in there! Take care of yourself and your family & get plenty of rest. Take your tri as a treat to yourself and enjoy it.

Cheryl- Sorry about the frustrating tire troubles. Hopefully you've paid your dues with them and will have smooth rides from here on out!

Erin- Nice run on Friday. I've had some hip issues in the past myself. I worked through it with ice, stretching, rest and pool workouts. I just have to be consistent with it.

Dena- You have a good running base and have done some races recently, so I would think you'll be ok backing off on the run training. It will probably be more of a benefit to have fresh legs on the 31st.

Margot- Sounds like you had a beautiful and challenging ride on Saturday. I'm jealous that I don't have the challenging terrain and beautiful scenery to ride. And welcome to the world of clipless falls. Laughing You're well on your way to becoming a seasoned cyclist.

Denise- Congrats on your first tri of the season. You have a great plan in place to improve on the swim. Best wishes that it will be a benefit to you. Keep up the great work!

2009-05-11 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Regina, Sk
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I had a break though! I think.I was feeling pretty low about myself and work outs lately. I determined I have gone off the tracks with my running. My new found love of road biking has caused me to not run near enough. I also was feeling a little frustrated about my swimming. I can't go more then 2 or 3 lengths without gasping for air and having to stop. This brings us this AM. I wieghed myself and fully expected to have gained 5 lbs over the weekend (no excercise and lots of take out)... I gained 1 lb. So I jump on the bike (tomorrow is a run I promise) and head to the pool. At the pool I did some flutter board drills and found out if I focus on kicking my whole leg, I move through the water much easier (not sure if I'm faster but I don't struggle as much.) During my freestyle I started taking a breath every third stroke on each side instead of every 4th on one side. I found I have more air and staying power! I think I will try it evey second time to see if I can increase my distance between breaks. I always feel strong but I can not keep my breath for more then 75 m. I think I am slowly figuring this out. 10 weeks to go for my Sprint Tri so I better figure it out sooner then later. I probably could use a swim coach but it will have to wait for now.Thanks for listening folks.Cheers,AlanPS. BTW, I take heart from your posts as I can see we are all in a similar boat. Some good advise and it clarifies many of my questions and motivates me to try some things. I could go on about not having a spare tube ect but I will leave it for now.PSS. no snow this week yet. Last Friday we did have some flakes but they did not stay. Can you believe it? I am sick of the cold.
2009-05-11 12:48 PM
in reply to: #2140100

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
lghays - 2009-05-08 10:12 PM

I'm trying to be positive but it's getting hard.  I'm feeling underprepared for this month's tri.  Life has just been throwing our family curves and messing with my training schedule.  I'll do the best I can though.

I'm so exhausted.  We've had two very long days with plenty of driving & flying & more driving and not enough sleep.  I'm hoping I can get a good nights sleep and feel better tomorrow.

Right now I'm in NM again.  A meeting with lawyers was scheduled for today and my Mom felt like she needed someone with her.  It has to do with some legal stuff related to my father's death last year.  And since it's Mothers' Day weekend I'm staying and letting her play with her grandson.  It's the good note to a rough day.

Good night to everyone!  Hope you get some good rest and have a great race or training this weekend.


I know how it is to feel like you just can't catch a break and feel exhausted from life. Just remember that is is far better to be undertrained going into a race than it is to be overtrained. Do what you can, when you can and as hard as it may be, try not to dwell on what you're missing.

I hope you were at least able to have a good time with your mom!!
2009-05-11 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2140566

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
lovesreading - 2009-05-09 1:31 PM

Hi all,

I did my first solo bike ride today.  I chose a bike trail so if I had trouble I could get help and packed my cell phone.  Good thing I did.

I started off with a tube change in the parking lot.  When I added air, the valve broke off.  Now I set off with a patch kit, but no extra tube.  No problem, I remember thinking.  My trail was beautiful, paralleling a river.  There were tons of wild flowers and a heavy scent of honeysuckle.  1/2way back, the front tire went flat.  I always wondered how I'd know I had a flat tire.  Yeah, it was pretty obvious, felt like I was going uphill when I wasn't.  I wondered how I'd know where the patch should go, but the slime made that obvious.  It's fluorescent green and stinks.  It also keeps patches from sticking.  About 6 people stopped to make sure I had what I needed and was okay.  The last guy gave me a tube when I told him I was calling for a ride, that my patches wouldn't hold.  My hero! 

All told I got just over an hour of riding done in almost 2 after 3 tire fixes.

From here on out, I travel with 2 regular tubes and my patch kit and to hell with those Slime tubes.  All the flats were due to tube failures (valve, split, patches not holding).

All in all, this was still a confidence booster and I got faster at changing flats with every repeat Undecided


Better it happens during training than on race day, right!?!? And look on the bright got that much more experience with changing a tire...and that's something I think we all can use more practice on!! Sounds like the trail was beautiful!!

2009-05-11 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2140581

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
erin.kelsey - 2009-05-09 2:00 PM

Friday I ran 22 minutes and felt OK. It was the first time using my knee strap and that worked well and my knee didn't feel as still during or after the run.  I just felt sore and stiff all over and I immediately got a runners cramp.  I worked through it and finished the run (my workout mix was a wonderful distraction) but I'm definitely taking my rest day today and doing my long bike tomorrow. My body is telling me to take it easy.  My hip is also feeling a bit tender.  I'm a little worried about it.  I've had bursitis before so I'm hoping it's not back.  Last time I had bursitis I didn't know what was wrong so I spent a few weeks trying to run or walk through it and I think that prolonged things.  It just started hurting on thursday so I've iced it and I also just got a foam roller so I used that as well.  I'm hoping the icing and the day off will fix the problem. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions for the hip pain?

this is what I was afraid of when I started training, I am very accident and injury prone so I'm hoping I can head problems off early before they get bad and sideline my training.  It's very frustrating though, I was to do this so badly, I just hate when my body gets in the way.  haha.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend and happy mothers day!


Oh darling...I hope you've been taking it easy. Injuries aren't anything to mess with, are there any sports/PT offices that offer free screenings in your area? You may want to have someone take a look at it if it continues to be a problem.

Keep with the ice and rest though.
2009-05-11 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2140615

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
DenaRae - 2009-05-09 2:37 PM

So I listened to the most recent Runner's Roundtable podcast this morning all about injury.  And it gave me a lot to think about.  I've been feeling so tired the past couple weeks, and it may be due to adding biking and swimming on top of my half marathon plan.  I think my body is trying to tell me something.  

I've looked over my training for the next 3 weeks and have adjusted it by taking out some of the running workouts.  I'm hoping this helps with my energy level, and my shin splint.  Coming to the race on the 31st tired and with a sore leg will not help anything.

Listen to your body, girl! This past week I had to shuffle and scratch some workouts because my body was screaming for more rest. It'll pay off in the long run.
2009-05-11 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Now that the first tri is in the books, I have 3 weeks to fill before the sprint-to-olympic training plan kicks I'm in the "What next?" phase... I'm trying to figure out how and what to schedule as far as workouts are concerned. I am going to be adding weight training for the oly program and I will start that in the next few days. I also probably need to do a swim test and determine my T-pace. The first swim on the next plan is a 2000...the longest swim I had on the previous plan was 1600! Fun stuff...but I am so ready for some longer training distances. I think the sprint plan I did was a little too conservative, especially on the swimming.
2009-05-11 1:11 PM
in reply to: #2143139

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
yogachic - 2009-05-11 10:19 AM

Denise- congrats on your race as well

Tonight, I think I'll be foam rolling, followed by a lazy swim, and then a date with the steam room.  I had that 40-mile bike ride in the suburbs yesterday, and I thought it was pretty darn hilly!!  I'm not sore, but I feel like I should try to loosen up and take it easy for the next few days.

I compared yesterday's course to the Galena course, and the hills I saw yesterday were nothing compared to the ones I'm going to see on Saturday. . . So now I'm getting scared! Embarassed   I mapped out the elevation, and there are going to be some pretty steep hills (around 6%, up & down).  I guess worst comes to worst, I'll walk my bike up the super steep hills, and ride my brakes on the way down the descents Undecided


Put the elevation chart away and don't look at it again. Seriously.

Trust me on this one. You're only going to get yourself worked up over it all this week. Been there. Done that. Don't make the mistake that I did last year by obsessing over every last hill you'll be climbing. When you let the course make you mental, you'll find you're more likely to allow yourself to "give in" on race day.

Just because the course is hilly or the water is cold or there is going to be a torrential downpour during the race doesn't mean you're not going to do it. Because you are. Because that's what triathletes do. We brave the elements...we brave the terrain...and we push ourselves to a level we may not have known existed.

Who cares if you have to walk a hill or two!? I did last year on the exact same course. And I wasn't the only one who did either. So you won't be the first...and I promise you won't be the last.

You're getting your hardest race course of the year done this weekend. Just think about how much stronger it will make you for Big Foot. Just focus on having fun and the rest will fall into place.
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