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2010-01-21 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
This is the track workout I did the other night.  I got it from one of the coach's in our tri-club.

800 easy
1x50 butt kicks
1x50 high knees
1x50 grapvine
1x50 skipping
2x50 strides

1x400 moderate pace, include 4 pickups during the 400.

Main set
2x400 @ Interval pace, 400 recovery interval
800 tempo pace
1x800 as Interval pace on the straights, walk/jog the curves


If you drop the warmup and cooldown that should put you around 30 min.  Have fun!

2010-01-22 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2627063

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
chichitao - 2010-01-21 2:28 PM Ok, I am posting this here b/c I want the pressure of everyone knowing my workout today in the hopes of helping me stick to it.  I am off work tomorrow so I have the tendency to get home (today) and then just decompress from the week and not feel like working out.  Gotta do it, so here goes...

Ride my bike to a local track, do a track/speed workout, then ride back. 

It is 4mi each way to the track so I'll use that as most of my warmup and cooldown.  Not sure the plan at the track yet.
Maybe easy 800, very hard 1x400, recover 200, hard 1x800, recover 200, very hard 1x400, easy 800? 

That is 2.25mi of running (1mi of sprints) and 8mi on the bike.  Can't run for too long as I don't want it to be dark by the time I have to ride home. 

Any thoughts or better ideas on that workout?  Don't want to go over 30min max at the track

It looks like you got your track workout done.  Good job!  How are things feeling this morning?
2010-01-22 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
I am having a hard time deciding between two Olympic Tris this summer.  The one I really want to do is the Philly Tri the end of June but it does not work into the family schedule.  Logan's birthday party will be that weekend and then we will head to the shore as soon as we are done cleaning from the party for 2 weeks.  Here are the links between the two...

I am pretty sure either date works into our plans for the summer.  If I do the first one, we will have to head up on Saturday and get a hotel for the night.  If I do the second one, it is about 30 minutes away so no need for a hotel.  The NJ one is a higher profile one from what I understand.  This is the first year they have split the sprint and oly over 2 days.  I read on race reports here that they started the sprint first and the oly people had about 2 hours from transition closing to starting their race.  That is kinda what I want to avoid.  Last year I was supposed to do the swim of the Philly SheRox Tri.  Swim was canceled and I did the first run of the duathlon.  Our wave started 2 1/2 hours after the first one did.  It pretty much sucked.  NJ tri should not be like that this year since they are on two different days.

With only having one sprint under my belt, would you recommend me doing the more low key one or the bigger one?
2010-01-22 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
The pros for the big one - finisher's medal, more people means more spectators means more energy

The pros for the smaller one - course is less crowded which should make the swim and bike easier.

This one is a toss up.  On one hand, I like the crowd energy during the run and I like finisher's medals.  On the other hand, a crowded swim and bike can be a pain in the butt.

I would probably go with the bigger one.
2010-01-22 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2628342

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Yeah, it went well.  Gonna attempt to do something like that once a week.  I think my body liked the change too b/c I dropped 2.5lbs! 

And Meggan, here are my 2 cents.  I prefer the smaller races...cheaper and less crowded.  The race is all about me and how well I do, so it doesn't matter to me whether it is high profile or not, I am going to race hard either way.  Plus, throw in the hotel stay and longer drive for the bigger race...just not my cup of tea (unless it is for something in Hawaii!).  I normally do one high profile race every year (b/c it is 20min from my house) but this year I am not going to do it.  Got tired of the crowds and they keep raising the prices ($130 for a sprint!).  I think you pay more for show than for substance. 

ps - plus on the smaller races I can generally place a little higher in the standings and that always helps with the confidence!

KenD - 2010-01-22 7:48 AM

It looks like you got your track workout done.  Good job!  How are things feeling this morning?
2010-01-22 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
What does everyone have planned for the weekend?

Me - Saturday long ride IF the weather holds on.  Then working around the house.
Sunday, group swim in the morning followed by setup up the track for pinewood derby car testing with the Cub Scouts.

2010-01-22 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2628723

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2010-01-22 7:56 AM What does everyone have planned for the weekend?

Me - Saturday long ride IF the weather holds on.  Then working around the house.
Sunday, group swim in the morning followed by setup up the track for pinewood derby car testing with the Cub Scouts.

Going to hit the trainer tonight and try out a spinerval dvd my husband picked up this week, and and a swim.

Saturday, bootcamp in the morning, bike ride and possibly a swim and going to see if I can get in for a massage.

Sunday, doing a slow easy 10k with the my marathon clinic in the morning, I'm sure hills will be involved and swimming in the evening. 

Sunday I should be getting my bike fit done, it was supposed to happen on Saturday, but the guy doing it got the flu while out of town and asked if he could delay till Sunday,  says he will confirm with me tomorrow, since he doesn't want to pass on his flu to me or my family. He has a mobile fit service and comes to your house to do it, which saves me from having to drag two bikes around town, since we are going to determine which of the two bikes will be a better fit for me. I hope he can do it this weekend, I've really been looking forward to this!
2010-01-22 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Running tonight. 
Either hitting the trainer tomorrow or just a rest day.  Probably hitting the trainer to justify a few drinks at dinner tomorrow night!  Inlaws gave us a gift card for our anniversary last month.  They are going to watch the boys so we can go out.
Sunday...planning a run. 

Looks like a quiet weekend on the family front.
2010-01-22 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2628847

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Mrschach - 2010-01-22 8:45 AM Running tonight. 
Either hitting the trainer tomorrow or just a rest day.  Probably hitting the trainer to justify a few drinks at dinner tomorrow night!  Inlaws gave us a gift card for our anniversary last month.  They are going to watch the boys so we can go out.
Sunday...planning a run. 

Looks like a quiet weekend on the family front.

Date night, they are often too few and far between when you have young ones.  Enjoy your evening out!
2010-01-22 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2628415

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the colony texas
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2010-01-22 8:20 AM

This one is a toss up. 

I would probably go with the bigger one.

 I always vote for a hand tossed pizza, the larger the better 

carry on
2010-01-22 11:54 AM
in reply to: #2628723

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Louisville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
This weekend:
    -Saturday:  upper body weights and 3 mile run.
    -Sunday:  25 mile spin on the Rivendell.

We'll see how this works out.   I'm going to have to shake and bake to get it done with all the action around the house.  May try a little run tonight before date night with my wife.  We're having fondue! DANGER! DANGER!!!! 

2010-01-22 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2629006

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
bassandbike - 2010-01-22 11:54 AM This weekend:
    -Saturday:  upper body weights and 3 mile run.
    -Sunday:  25 mile spin on the Rivendell.

We'll see how this works out.   I'm going to have to shake and bake to get it done with all the action around the house.  May try a little run tonight before date night with my wife.  We're having fondue! DANGER! DANGER!!!! 

I love the fondue places.
2010-01-22 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2628970

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
corstan - 2010-01-22 11:36 AM
Mrschach - 2010-01-22 8:45 AM Running tonight. 
Either hitting the trainer tomorrow or just a rest day.  Probably hitting the trainer to justify a few drinks at dinner tomorrow night!  Inlaws gave us a gift card for our anniversary last month.  They are going to watch the boys so we can go out.
Sunday...planning a run. 

Looks like a quiet weekend on the family front.

Date night, they are often too few and far between when you have young ones.  Enjoy your evening out!

Yep, you are right!  Won't really happen until end of April/beginning of May now.  I made sure to mention that to his mom last night when I called and asked them to watch the boys.  My mother in law works for the IRS so she understands!
2010-01-22 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Not really sure yet what I am doing.  Spent all morning so far painting our bedroom...not close to being done yet.  We were supposed to do it together tomorrow, but I am trying to surprise my wife when she gets home from work.  So depending on how that goes and if we need a 2nd coat...I will be pretty busy.  Will play it by ear.  I want to do an easy run today and maybe a bike ride either Sat or Sun.  Or I take today off and do the run/bike the next 2 days.
2010-01-22 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2629510

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
chichitao - 2010-01-22 3:01 PM Not really sure yet what I am doing.  Spent all morning so far painting our bedroom...not close to being done yet.  We were supposed to do it together tomorrow, but I am trying to surprise my wife when she gets home from work.  So depending on how that goes and if we need a 2nd coat...I will be pretty busy.  Will play it by ear.  I want to do an easy run today and maybe a bike ride either Sat or Sun.  Or I take today off and do the run/bike the next 2 days.

I say take today off.  Painting is a workout in itself!!
2010-01-22 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2628982

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Gaarryy - 2010-01-22 9:40 AM
KenD - 2010-01-22 8:20 AM

This one is a toss up. 

I would probably go with the bigger one.

 I always vote for a hand tossed pizza, the larger the better 

carry on


2010-01-22 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
FYI, Gaarryy is a local (to me) triathlete that I ride with on occasion.  He's mostly harmless.
2010-01-22 5:38 PM
in reply to: #2629618

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2010-01-22 3:50 PM FYI, Gaarryy is a local (to me) triathlete that I ride with on occasion.  He's mostly harmless.
  I see him on your inspires all the time!  That is cool that you have people close by.  I am going to an expo next weekend with the local tri club.
2010-01-22 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2629797

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Mrschach - 2010-01-22 5:38 PM
KenD - 2010-01-22 3:50 PM FYI, Gaarryy is a local (to me) triathlete that I ride with on occasion.  He's mostly harmless.
  I see him on your inspires all the time!  That is cool that you have people close by.  I am going to an expo next weekend with the local tri club.

The DFW area has a very active tri community.  We post rides/runs in the Texas forum here on BT almost every weekend in the spring/summer.  It's good to have others to ride with occasionally. 
2010-01-24 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut

Just finished up with my bike fit, took about 90 minutes, lots of measurements, checking angles and changes to stem. Decided to stick with my Scott.  I'm supposed to get out this week for some rides, preferably outside to try it out and we'll meet up again to tweak things once I've done that.  He has a saddle that he wants me to try out as well and we'll look at aero bars at a later date.

2010-01-25 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Good morning all!  I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Thoughts for the week:

1.  Core.  Our cores (as in the mid-section of our bodies) are a integral part of the type of exercise we do as triathletes.  When was the last time you did core exercises?  I know I've been deficient.  I stopped logging my core exercises last fall and just doing them.  I've gone from every day to every other day to almost non-existent now.  Time to start logging again.

2.  Volunteering.  How many have participated in a triathlon?  How many volunteers were there?  Volunteers are needed by the race directors to run the race.  If you haven't done a tri yet, volunteering is a good way to get race-day knowledge in the first person.  If you have done a tri, it's a good way to support your local race director and local tri-community.

2010-01-25 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2632715

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2010-01-25 7:48 AM Good morning all!  I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Thoughts for the week:

1.  Core.  Our cores (as in the mid-section of our bodies) are a integral part of the type of exercise we do as triathletes.  When was the last time you did core exercises?  I know I've been deficient.  I stopped logging my core exercises last fall and just doing them.  I've gone from every day to every other day to almost non-existent now.  Time to start logging again.

2.  Volunteering.  How many have participated in a triathlon?  How many volunteers were there?  Volunteers are needed by the race directors to run the race.  If you haven't done a tri yet, volunteering is a good way to get race-day knowledge in the first person.  If you have done a tri, it's a good way to support your local race director and local tri-community.

Get out of my mind!!!  I was thinking these two things this past weekend!
2010-01-25 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2632715

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2010-01-25 5:48 AM Good morning all!  I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Thoughts for the week:

1.  Core.  Our cores (as in the mid-section of our bodies) are a integral part of the type of exercise we do as triathletes.  When was the last time you did core exercises?  I know I've been deficient.  I stopped logging my core exercises last fall and just doing them.  I've gone from every day to every other day to almost non-existent now.  Time to start logging again.

2.  Volunteering.  How many have participated in a triathlon?  How many volunteers were there?  Volunteers are needed by the race directors to run the race.  If you haven't done a tri yet, volunteering is a good way to get race-day knowledge in the first person.  If you have done a tri, it's a good way to support your local race director and local tri-community.

I had a good weekend, though too short as usual. 

Core:  This is one area I am on top of, the bootcamp classes I teach emphasize core strength and I then I just like doing core strength.  My fall down area of neglect is usually upper body strength.  I do it, but could do more.

Volunteering: haven't volunteered at anything yet, but have been in contact with the IMC coordinator and will be going up in August for 4 days to volunteer.  I will have a look around locally as well to see if there is anything I am not participating in that I can volunteer for. 
2010-01-26 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Y'all are very quiet this week.  Does this mean you're training?  Or making a mess somewhere?
2010-01-26 11:07 AM
in reply to: #2635042

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2010-01-26 8:01 AM Y'all are very quiet this week.  Does this mean you're training?  Or making a mess somewhere?

I'm in training at work for the next 3 days...ugh!  Not the kind of training I prefer.  Have a tempo run tonight though, hopefully it goes better than last weeks.
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