BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-12-29 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2559403

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Ahhh...The Princess Bride.. I've been wondering what you were referring to. I'm a movie buff, I could recite all the lines of the Godfather and 3 dozen or so other films but The Princess Bride escaped me.

I enjoyed the swim videos, I think I'll spend some of my time on New Years day watching swim videos.

2009-12-29 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2581323

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Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

tinkerbeth - 2009-12-28 10:04 PM

fun group!  thanks for letting me crash for a bit

carry on

i agree with previous are welcome to crash our party anytime!!  unfortunately, you won't get any fame out of it....

2009-12-29 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2580996

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Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

"I have never used a Spinerval. I am odd I know, but I just close my eyes , put my head down and get lost in my Ipod. I use the music to guide me. When a great song comes on I use it as an interval.....then take a break .  If its a REALLY good song (Do you know your enemy by Greenday for example ) I may repeat it several times and THEN recover.Works for me.  I also torture my family by singing out of key whilst on the trainer. They roll their eyes and groan when they see me approach my bike!!"

That's not odd... I only bike while watching Grey's Anatomy dvd's.  McDreamy & McSteamy accompany all indoor bike rides.  By the time spring gets here, I'll just push rewind in my brain and be able to replay my favorite episodes on long rides.

Lisa L

Edited by lklarsen 2009-12-29 1:34 PM
2009-12-29 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2582423

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Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
lklarsen - 2009-12-29 1:33 PM
"I have never used a Spinerval. I am odd I know, but I just close my eyes , put my head down and get lost in my Ipod. I use the music to guide me. When a great song comes on I use it as an interval.....then take a break .  If its a REALLY good song (Do you know your enemy by Greenday for example ) I may repeat it several times and THEN recover.Works for me.  I also torture my family by singing out of key whilst on the trainer. They roll their eyes and groan when they see me approach my bike!!"

Lisa L

I do the same thing with my music, except I also have the TV on with close captioning. I belt out any number of songs and raps while on the trainer or dreadmill- I try my best to hold whatever notes I can and not puff out words to work on my breathing. It's probably pretty bad noise though- even the dog leaves the basement during one of my sessions.

And yeah - fast songs fast, slow songs big gear and hard. I am having fun with it, and use it as an excuse to  check out new music.
2009-12-29 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2581981

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Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
losta - 2009-12-29 10:48 AM Ahhh...The Princess Bride.. I've been wondering what you were referring to. I'm a movie buff, I could recite all the lines of the Godfather and 3 dozen or so other films but The Princess Bride escaped me. I enjoyed the swim videos, I think I'll spend some of my time on New Years day watching swim videos.

Lisa... we don't discuss business at the table....
2009-12-29 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2582459

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Lakeland, FL
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Got the results from my MRI yesterday - didnt really learn much!!  The Dr said due to the time between the injury and the MRI (6 weeks) that it was difficult to pinpoint the problem.  I had random bruising in the area for several weeks, and based on my explanation of the problem, he believes I experienced a minor muscle tear but apparently its healed.  I began slowly running again a few days ago as it is feeling much better, but is still uncomfortable.  He advised my to continue the slow recovery and gradually increase my distance and not work on speed for a while, and to stop if the pain returns.  We also went over 6-8 stretching exercises - most of which I am already doing.  I ice the area after each run and stretch 2-3 times a day. 
I'm glad its nothing serious and hope to be 100% in a few weeks. 

2009-12-29 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2583074

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the colony texas
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Mojo11 - 2009-12-29 8:05 PM Got the results from my MRI yesterday - didnt really learn much!!  The Dr said due to the time between the injury and the MRI (6 weeks) that it was difficult to pinpoint the problem.  I had random bruising in the area for several weeks, and based on my explanation of the problem, he believes I experienced a minor muscle tear but apparently its healed.  I began slowly running again a few days ago as it is feeling much better, but is still uncomfortable.  He advised my to continue the slow recovery and gradually increase my distance and not work on speed for a while, and to stop if the pain returns.  We also went over 6-8 stretching exercises - most of which I am already doing.  I ice the area after each run and stretch 2-3 times a day. 
I'm glad its nothing serious and hope to be 100% in a few weeks. 

 great news
2009-12-29 9:01 PM
in reply to: #2583074

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2009-12-29 10:16 PM
in reply to: #2583074

Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Mojo11 - 2009-12-29 9:05 PM Got the results from my MRI yesterday - didnt really learn much!!  The Dr said due to the time between the injury and the MRI (6 weeks) that it was difficult to pinpoint the problem.  I had random bruising in the area for several weeks, and based on my explanation of the problem, he believes I experienced a minor muscle tear but apparently its healed.  I began slowly running again a few days ago as it is feeling much better, but is still uncomfortable.  He advised my to continue the slow recovery and gradually increase my distance and not work on speed for a while, and to stop if the pain returns.  We also went over 6-8 stretching exercises - most of which I am already doing.  I ice the area after each run and stretch 2-3 times a day. 
I'm glad its nothing serious and hope to be 100% in a few weeks. 

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like great news. Be careful not to increase too fast when you start to feel better.

I got this  runners trigger point kit for Christmas which is great for massaging and stretching your leg muscles. It specifically works the soleus, quad, IT band, Psoas and piriformis. I have only used it a few times but I really like it and I think i will be using it regularly this year. You can do it while watching TV
2009-12-29 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
As I was running on the dreadfull dreadmill tonight ....I began thinking about this years totals and where I would like to be next year....and a few regrets on what I wish I had done more of this year.

I biked 1000 miles more this year than last year. I am pretty happy with that Especially because I had to take 6 weeks off due to an injury.
I wish I had focused more on strength training but will make more of an effort this year . Hmmmmmmmm a New Years resolution in the making.

How 'bout all of you???? How do you feel about your annual training totals...any goals for next year???

2009-12-29 10:55 PM
in reply to: #2583074

Mesa, Arizona
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
that is wonderful news!!! take it easy getting back into it. great way to start the new year!
Mojo11 - 2009-12-29 6:05 PM

Got the results from my MRI yesterday - didnt really learn much!!  The Dr said due to the time between the injury and the MRI (6 weeks) that it was difficult to pinpoint the problem.  I had random bruising in the area for several weeks, and based on my explanation of the problem, he believes I experienced a minor muscle tear but apparently its healed.  I began slowly running again a few days ago as it is feeling much better, but is still uncomfortable.  He advised my to continue the slow recovery and gradually increase my distance and not work on speed for a while, and to stop if the pain returns.  We also went over 6-8 stretching exercises - most of which I am already doing.  I ice the area after each run and stretch 2-3 times a day. 
I'm glad its nothing serious and hope to be 100% in a few weeks. 

2009-12-29 10:58 PM
in reply to: #2583277

Mesa, Arizona
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Last year, I really focused on biking and it did two things. Helped me lose weight and helped with my running. So, I want to continue focusing on my biking to lose that next 15 lbs. But I am starting to like running a lot!!!

mav - 2009-12-29 8:22 PM

As I was running on the dreadfull dreadmill tonight ....I began thinking about this years totals and where I would like to be next year....and a few regrets on what I wish I had done more of this year.

I biked 1000 miles more this year than last year. I am pretty happy with that Especially because I had to take 6 weeks off due to an injury.
I wish I had focused more on strength training but will make more of an effort this year . Hmmmmmmmm a New Years resolution in the making.

How 'bout all of you???? How do you feel about your annual training totals...any goals for next year???

2009-12-29 11:07 PM
in reply to: #2583277

Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

mav - 2009-12-29 9:22 PM As I was running on the dreadfull dreadmill tonight ....I began thinking about this years totals and where I would like to be next year....and a few regrets on what I wish I had done more of this year.

I biked 1000 miles more this year than last year. I am pretty happy with that Especially because I had to take 6 weeks off due to an injury.
I wish I had focused more on strength training but will make more of an effort this year . Hmmmmmmmm a New Years resolution in the making.

How 'bout all of you???? How do you feel about your annual training totals...any goals for next year???

My first goal to have a complete training year.  I haven't had one in 3 years.   A second goal would to stay healthy and out of the hospital. As far as SBR totals, I have no clue other than a lot more than the past 2 years.

2009-12-30 12:15 AM
in reply to: #2559403

British Columbia
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

Mike...that's good news. goals for 2010 is to be more consistent with my training.  Would also like to lose the 15 lbs that I gained in the past year.


2009-12-30 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2559403

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Great news Mike! As others have said take it easy and give it time....
2009-12-30 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2559403

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
As for 2009 totals......since I hurt my knee WAY BACK IN SEPTEMBER i am not happy with my run total obviously. But oh totals are cool.....and yeah I should have swam more but what the heck? Swimming is lame anyhow right??

2010 goals?? Main one is to get this knee scoped and  get back to a decent run volume. I am actually thinking about 2010 as more of a prep for 2011....lots of base building. Cause in 2011 I wanna do the FULL MONTY!! As in IMLP. Gulp.

2009-12-30 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2581324

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

Thanks for doing the youtube search.  I'm always forgetting that they have a wealth of information, not just silly stuff.  I have some work to do.  My form with my arms is way off. 

Unfortunately, I crashed hard snowboarding yesterday.  Messed up a landing off of the big gap trying to keep up with all of the teenagers yesterday.  I have a about a 4 inch crack in my helmet that went through the styrafoam liner.  Back side is quite a bit swollen and I have a head ache.  I hope to be back training by Saturday. 

Mike, glad to hear you are in the clear and can run again. 

I'll have to get back with everyone on my training goals. 


Gaarryy - 2009-12-28 11:05 PM
aquagirl - 2009-12-28 8:18 PM
Gaarryy - 2009-12-28 9:05 PM
gojogo - 2009-12-27 7:37 PM Hi all,

I've been to the pool a couple of times and worked on flip turns.  I still feel like I'm turning sideways, but I feel faster.  I took 5 seconds off of my 50's consistently.  That drop it from 50 sec. to 45 sec. 


 I do that sometimes,  turning sideways that is.  Even though I'm pretty good at flip turns I don't always do them while swimming, usually it's to help count laps on longer sets,  Is your tuck when you flip a tight one or stretched out?  or you might be starting your turn so you are doing the crawl not the backstroke too early.

One thing that when I'm timing myself for laps is to really streamline off the turns, Hands clamped on top of each other, arms squeezed tightly against the head, chin tucked, get a really good push off the wall, and you shouldn't be coming up until the color on the lane lines has changed.

I started out kind of turning sideways and am trying to fix it. I think my flips are a mess......and I think what i need is someone IN the water with me to help me out. Anyone feel like coming up to Canada for a visit???? 

 bacon is usually a good bribe to get help,,, just saying 

instead just check out some of these

If you have someone local to watch you,, have them also watch some of the you tube clips.  As strange as it sounds some times someone that doesn't know anything is a good help after they have watched the correct technique, they have no predisposed notion of what it should look like, except the correct way

Edited by gojogo 2009-12-30 8:58 AM
2009-12-30 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2583716

the colony texas
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
gojogo - 2009-12-30 8:53 AM Gary,

Thanks for doing the youtube search.  I'm always forgetting that they have a wealth of information, not just silly stuff.  I have some work to do.  My form with my arms is way off. 

Unfortunately, I crashed hard snowboarding yesterday.  Messed up a landing off of the big gap trying to keep up with all of the teenagers yesterday.  I have a about a 4 inch crack in my helmet that went through the styrafoam liner.  Back side is quite a bit swollen and I have a head ache.  I hope to be back training by Saturday. 


Ouch ,,, get better,, I used to snowboard a lot when I was living up north, this was when helmets were just coming out and no one would ever be caught wearing one anyway..  needless to say I've had three concussions from snowboarding. I still remember the one, coming too on the ground  in the half pipe of a snowpark area, My girlfriend had the time to walk over to me, wait a sec or three to think what she was going to say when I woke up.   "did you notice that everyone here is half your age?,  Your in the hot tub for the rest of the weekend mister"

2009 started good for me up until around April/June.

I'd like 2010 to be like 2008 total wise, since it broke down to close to 50% biking 25% run 25 % swim.    I think that's the best mix for tri's.  Lots of swim, bike, and enough running so your body remembers how to run but isn't injured from running to much

2009-12-30 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2559403

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Kelly!! So sorry to hear about your crash! Sure you are OK???
2009-12-30 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2583277

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2009-12-30 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2583716

Subject: ...
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2009-12-30 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2559403

Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Thanks for the tip on goswim videos.  I'm just trying to learn an open turn and I found step by step instruction videos on youtube.  Awesome!  One step at a time, maybe I can stop resting at each end of the pool!

Lisa L
2009-12-30 4:17 PM
in reply to: #2583902

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Bopper - 2009-12-30 10:49 AM

mav - 2009-12-29 11:22 PM As I was running on the dreadfull dreadmill tonight ....I began thinking about this years totals and where I would like to be next year....and a few regrets on what I wish I had done more of this year.

I biked 1000 miles more this year than last year. I am pretty happy with that Especially because I had to take 6 weeks off due to an injury.
I wish I had focused more on strength training but will make more of an effort this year . Hmmmmmmmm a New Years resolution in the making.

How 'bout all of you???? How do you feel about your annual training totals...any goals for next year???

at the moment... I'd take dreadful dreadmill ANY DAY over the comfy couch. I feel like I'm getting fat and lazy (cause I am)...and really would like to run again.

My totals this year are sadly lacking over last years... I was hoping to hit 6000km on the road... but that just didn't happen with the last 3 months off. I was hoping to increase my mileage running as well... but no running since August put a damper on that as well. The only thing that's improved/increased is my swimming. I noticed a month ago, that I'd already reached my yardage(meterage?) totals from last year in less time... and some of that time swimming was OWS at the lake... so no idea of distance (just rough guess).

As for 2010...heal the achilles tendon. Bike lots. Improve swimming. Run? when I can. My big goal for this coming year is to do Tour For Kids again ( This time finish the entire four days (800km) feeling strong... and not bail out one day, like last time (only did 100km second day instead of 190km). This year, I may have two of my sons along volunteering as well (#2 for sure, #1 if he's not working).

As for triathlon goals for this year. I will do one if I'm feeling up to it... but nothing over an Oly from now on. I would entertain the possibility of doing the bike leg of any tri if some one is looking for a Relay team. Have bike will travel.

Have a safe and Happy New year EVERYONE!

That Tour  looks awesome Kevin! I was hoping to try and talk you into doing the Rideau lakes cycle tour with me next year........whatcha think???? 
2009-12-30 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
I didn't track my mileage in 2009 just time. I am quite happy with the progress I have made in the last 7.5 months since I got off the couch.

Here are my thoughts for the new year:

Stepping up my tri training, I'll be getting a tri coach and I'm going to start logging my mileage as well as my time (only did time this year).

I am going to try to eat cleaner and log my food intake.

Get to 100 lbs lost (I think I'm about halfway there now, new ironman body composition scale on the way) by April 12 which is the 1 year anniversary of me getting off the couch in 2009 but it may be more than I can handle by that date but if I can do it by June 12 that is a more likely scenario.
2009-12-30 4:33 PM
in reply to: #2583716

Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

Take care of the head Kelly.  Glad to hear you are OK.  Take time to get back to it.  Hate to sound like a mom but concussions are nothing to mess with.  Make sure all is well with your head before. 

gojogo - 2009-12-30 7:53 AM Gary,

Thanks for doing the youtube search.  I'm always forgetting that they have a wealth of information, not just silly stuff.  I have some work to do.  My form with my arms is way off. 

Unfortunately, I crashed hard snowboarding yesterday.  Messed up a landing off of the big gap trying to keep up with all of the teenagers yesterday.  I have a about a 4 inch crack in my helmet that went through the styrafoam liner.  Back side is quite a bit swollen and I have a head ache.  I hope to be back training by Saturday. 

Mike, glad to hear you are in the clear and can run again. 

I'll have to get back with everyone on my training goals. 


Gaarryy - 2009-12-28 11:05 PM
aquagirl - 2009-12-28 8:18 PM
Gaarryy - 2009-12-28 9:05 PM
gojogo - 2009-12-27 7:37 PM Hi all,

I've been to the pool a couple of times and worked on flip turns.  I still feel like I'm turning sideways, but I feel faster.  I took 5 seconds off of my 50's consistently.  That drop it from 50 sec. to 45 sec. 


 I do that sometimes,  turning sideways that is.  Even though I'm pretty good at flip turns I don't always do them while swimming, usually it's to help count laps on longer sets,  Is your tuck when you flip a tight one or stretched out?  or you might be starting your turn so you are doing the crawl not the backstroke too early.

One thing that when I'm timing myself for laps is to really streamline off the turns, Hands clamped on top of each other, arms squeezed tightly against the head, chin tucked, get a really good push off the wall, and you shouldn't be coming up until the color on the lane lines has changed.

I started out kind of turning sideways and am trying to fix it. I think my flips are a mess......and I think what i need is someone IN the water with me to help me out. Anyone feel like coming up to Canada for a visit???? 

 bacon is usually a good bribe to get help,,, just saying 

instead just check out some of these

If you have someone local to watch you,, have them also watch some of the you tube clips.  As strange as it sounds some times someone that doesn't know anything is a good help after they have watched the correct technique, they have no predisposed notion of what it should look like, except the correct way

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